Saturday, March 10, 2018

Blind Item #4 - Scatter Like The Wind - Mr. Hedge

The disgraced A list Director has recently fled to the Middle East.  The Producer has recently fled to Europe.  The Agent has recently fled to Mexico. 

Some of the Director's low level underlings remain in the country, for now, trying to tie up loose ends, and hide potential evidence.  


  1. Anonymous8:47 AM

    You're daily Singer blind.

    Weinstein the prdoucer, Tyler Grasham the agent.


  2. Anonymous8:48 AM


  3. Speaking of "scattering" things around, looks like Amber Heard has her evil hooks in another sucker. ....Sean Penn. Latest: these two are hooking up.

    She should have a danger sign on her forehead with skull and crossbones. Every man this woman touches seems to disintegrate into a sea of drugs, alcohol and bankruptcy.

    Although, he's just as evil and disgusting, so maybe these two can just wipe each other out.

    1. Penn is seasoned. He will chew her up and spit her out.

    2. Couldn’t agree more! Amber is an amateur compared to the diseased leather face that is Sean Peen

    3. Anonymous7:18 PM

      Oh lord. This will not end well.

    4. This comment has been removed by the author.

    5. If Penn could survive Madonna, he can for sure handle this rank amateur.

  4. "As previously mentioned, Bryan Singer kept a relatively low profile for most of December and all of January, but he appears to be partying in Dubai as shown in his recent social media posts. "

  5. Where is InterPol when you need them????

  6. Can someone please explain the "Mr Hedge" in these blinds? Is he the source of the blinds?

    1. @GreenTea Yes, he’s another of Enty’s nicknames sources (see also the Himmmms and Mr X, and apparently there was a Herrrr once too). Based on Twitter research, he seems to be believed to be a guy called Habe Goffman, if you switch the caps round.

  7. Singer, Goddard, Gresham

    1. Cocksucker Weinstein is 4 miles from me in Scottsdale. Can i start a go fund me page?. I am a libby who shoots well.

  8. Mr Hedge and Enty: Sounds like some big news long hinted at back here on CBS (and maybe Les Moonves) breaking soon.

    Love the blinds with corporate angles. Seems like lots of blurring between media, H'wood, business, stock market riches. What I'd really like to know more about is Bezos. He has to have some skeletons. And no one is better at keeping all the plates in the air (helps that he has some real businesses - just not as valuable as many believe).

  9. In the meantime, Geffen just had a fabulous party .....getting tired of waiting!!!!

  10. Singer will continue his shenanigans in Europe. France age of consent 15 so thats too old. My guess is Eastern Europe where there are lots of Jacuzzis and govt officials who can be bribed! Mothers keep your,sons locked up! Mr Evil has arrived allegedly

  11. @Green Tea

    The consensus is that Mr Hedge is one Gabe Hoffman who is using these blinds in unusual ways. Gabe is a hedge fund manager (ping the asshole meter) of healthcare stocks (ping number two) who produced a movie called Open Secrets which isn't really very good, though full of big SCANDAL against those he perceives as enemies of himself and society.

    He is friends with a lot of the Reich Wing "journalists" like Alex Jones and others over at InfoWars, who promote ideas like the Sandy Hook parents of massacred children are participating in a government conspiracy's hard to tell what InfoWars imagines their reasoning is really.

    Rumor is he produces these blinds as a way of manipulating stock in entities like Netflix which he would like to short, since he is paying hugely every month to continue the insurance on these short sales.

    Who knows, but Mr Hedge has his favorite subjects here which don't quite add up.

    1. @plot

      Thanks for replying. I am a regular reader, but must have missed the Hoffman part, so I didn't understand how all of the blinds were connected.

    2. @plot Thanks for summing it up. I had a feeling I was missing something hinky about these Mr. Hedge blinds, but I’ve been too foggy lately to pull it all together.

  12. His take on NetFlix has been measured. He explained the accounting and how it differs from most companies in the industry.

    If you think he's saying something false to hit a stock, say it in the blind.

  13. For the less cynical, Mr Hedge is probably Gabe Hoffman, hedge fund manager and producer of An Open Secret. A well done documentary using lots of facts and some guilt by association about Hollywood pedophilia. Probably went on Infowars because nobody else in the entertainment industry would promote An Open Secret. He looked uncomfortable around Alex Jones. There was a tweet from his Twitter saying there was some big news going to be released soon.

  14. Why would Hollywood pedophiles be against a movie exposing them?

  15. Adrian

    A question was asked. I responded.

    His take on Netflix is weird. Who are these mega-rich investors he keeps throwing around? Hedge funds? Individuals? And why would they buy in when Netflix stock is at an all time high? That is not what smart investors do. They wait for lows. They sell when stocks are high.

    Now, if Hedge is insinuating that individual owners of Netflix are manipulating the stock in order to sell it high themselves (like Enron and AIG sort of and WorldCom) he hasn't made that claim from what I can tell.

    He is claiming squishy accounting, different from other Hollywood squishy accounting. Others here have commented, with good examples, that of course Netflix is going to have a different accounting model than the Hollywood studios because it's very different model from the studios.

    So is Hedge making something out of nothing for his own benefit? Stay tuned....because that's the best blind of all in many ways.

    1. Who’s paying you to say these things about Mr. Hoffman?

    2. @Unknown:

      Nobody, I’m pretty sure. @plot does @plot’s thing free and clear, or that’s the way it looks to me as a reader based on style, documentation, varied citations, consistent point of view and willingness to take down stupid comments without advancing any apparent agenda.

  16. I wouldn't call Open Secret a well done documentary. It was titillating if that is your thing, but not very good journalism. It was on par with most InfoWars stories.

  17. Something is going to happen regardless of Mr. Hedge.
    Some commenters know what it is.
    Some commenters who don't know what it is are probably days or hours away from figuring out what it is.
    The rest of you who really think Hedge can manifest his own reality better start praying for his munificence.

    1. Munificence, thanks, i had to look that one up. Im gonna use it today.

    2. For some, Blow Job Day is a celebration of munificence.

  18. It might be good that Singer is in Eastern Europe - there are bad dudes over there who would sooner put a bullet between a pedo's eyes than take his dirty hush money. Here's to him rolling the dice and coming up snake eyes!

  19. "Rumor is he produces these blinds as a way of manipulating stock in entities like Netflix which he would like to short, since he is paying hugely every month to continue the insurance on these short sales."

    Does the Crazy Days and Nights gossip blog really have that much readership / influence?

  20. He brought to light factual occurrences that most people never heard of, and the fact that guys keep getting jobs working with kids and teens, and had a molester out himself on camera. Sounds well done to me.

  21. Virtually everyone my age I saw on Nickelodeon as a kid was raped.
    "You guys are making a big fuss of nothing!"
    Macaulay Culkin. Home Alone. Raped.
    "It was a poor quality documentary couched in its inherent shock value."

    1. You can agree with the need to expose pedophiles and widespread corruption while still finding a documentary doing so poorly done @geeljire.

      For example, I want to see Scio taken DOWN because of the terrible human toll it takes (including well-documented rape, abuse, and molestation of children). However, some of the documentaries about it are done very well while others, with the same information and agenda, are so-so or done so badly it’s a chore to finish them.

      Not everything needs to be read between the lines, and making serious assumptions about total strangers is pretty uncivilized.

  22. @ Plot

    The accounting at NetFlix can be both blessed by accountants and flawed/inadequate. And that is an argument I think he is making. Ultimately, accounting is meant to match revenues with expenses. Sometimes we all get it wrong - for a time. But the beauty of the cash flow statement is that it never lies (excepting outright fraud). And they have negative operating cash flow which requires that they fund operating activities with debt. It takes a real salesman and/or a great business model (and more likely both) to do that.

    Only time will tell if Hedge is correct. Is he shorting Netflix? Ask him. The market can be wrong longer than you have time/money. I wouldn't do it even if I thought it was a sham.

    BTW - I worked at GE (GE capital) in late 1990s in Finance and Accounting) for a couple years. Never, ever did a meet a bigger bunch of earnings managers employing shady accounting. Don't believe Ken Langone (on CNBC a few days ago): GE are paying now for the terrible acts of the 1990's under Jack Welch and Gary Wendt and Dennis Dammerman. And their crappy acccounting no doubt continued under Immelt. And then Immelt made terrible acquisitions with terrible timing. Everything happening now at GE reflects bad accounting and bad business decisions. Point is, sometimes the sins can take years to come out. I am sure they knew they were having issues, but hoped the economy or growth or another acqusition could bail them out. When fundamental problems finally come out in a flood and everyone acts Shocked! Shocked! It has happened at GE and investors finally now get it. This is a company that had 40+ analysts following it at one time (liek Netflix now)

    Netflix has negative operating cash flow and growing debt against a $150B market cap. It's unusual and IMO a problem. People can leave their service tomorrow. They are not locked in. They don't own most of their content and what they do own isn't so good (as he points out). There are some obvious issues here. But on Wall Street things often work...until they don't.

    1. Ah, but they do own most of their original content-In perpetuity- at least as of the last year or two.

  23. @Geeljire

    "The rest of you who really think Hedge can manifest his own reality better start praying for his munificence."

    WTF??? Do you think Hedge is god or something? Holy shit!

    "Does the Crazy Days and Nights gossip blog really have that much readership / influence?"

    Yeah there's the rub. I think CDAN would like that kind of influence, the sort of influence that can blackmail celebrities for kind treatment here, sure. That has been the money maker for yellow journalists since William Randolph Hearst.

    All I know is that after Donny announced his candidacy, CDAN changed and started attracting InfoWars wackos. Whether that was by design for spreading a certain narrative (for cash?) or used for clickbait, it's difficult to tell right now.

    As far as stock manipulation, little sparks cause great fires. Internet rumors are a completely new twist which sites like 4chan are inclined to fiddle with to varying degrees of success. The explosion and regular implosion of Bitcoin is one such example. Like I said, wait and see of Hedge's rumors are picked up elsewhere or if it makes people ask questions.

    1. I think "Infowars wackos" is a strawman used to silence criticism of the powerful in this context and I would ask you to act in good faith and refrain from doing so, that you instead let people's thoughts stand on their own merits.
      "Ignore them they're crazy" is not that.

  24. Why would Singer flee to the Middle East? Of all places.....

  25. @Adrian Zmed

    Thank-you for that well written explanation. It will be noted and saved for future reference especially for the history of GE.

    Yes, I'm aware of the horrible decisions made in the 90s to insure future arrears and debt. My experience is mainly real estate based, when sound mortgage practices disappeared into largely fictional investment opportunities. It took until 2008 for that to hit us. It resembles very much these new tax breaks designed not to bankrupt the country until 2025.

    Sure, there are issues with Netflix which I don't understand myself. But I don't think the Netflix model is going anywhere nor will people be cutting off their service anytime soon. What real competition does Netflix have? Hulu and Amazon are trying, but they aren't willing to take the risks (perhaps wisely) that Netflix does.

    I think the service has deteriorated, personally. Shows have disappeared and so have foreign offerings I used to love. So many foreign shows are manipulated and truncated by Netflix to hold the show owners hostage for less money (look up Casa de Papel.)

    We'll see of the decision by Netflix not to expand its subscriber base through offering more content produced by others was a mistake, that their original content (crappy as it is) pulls the millennial heart strings enough to become a staple of their viewing diet. One aspect of securing a dedicated audience has been ignored by Netflix - a stable, workable and instantaneous interface (or skin) that would make all other services feel old clunky and difficult. People are attracted to "feel" in their technology and Netflix is changing too often with inferior additions.

    Yes, we'll have to wait and see.

  26. @Geeljire

    If the foo shits...

    1. SB/CTR/Hasbara/etc. posters are very easy to spot.

    2. @Geeljire Can we ask you to refrain from the paid posters straw man in exchange for refraining from the citation of Infowars? :)

      Asking for a neighbor.

    3. Nah man because you Team DNC sickos are at odds with reality
      I have never watched Infowars and I have strangers on a website telling me I do and that hasbara and Shareblue don't exist and we shouldn't worry about Geffen and Singer fucking kids because of Donnie Moscow's Russian troll farms stealing the elections from a mass murderer and her pedophile campaign manager.
      Do you realize how out of touch and deranged you've become in the echo chamber? Ever? Does it bother you?

    4. @Geeljire Considering that you got almost everything incorrect about me after complaining about people making incorrect assumptions about you and then asked ME if I realize how deranged people become inside an info chamber, I’m not going to dignify that part with an answer.

      I have yet to see anyone on this site say we shouldn’t worry about Geffen or Singer OR child victims.

      There’s more than two “teams” here, and most of us are free agents. Including you, I expect.

      I’m still waiting for you to take in that making sweeping assumptions about strangers is generally recognized as gauche. (And it diminishes your credibility. Seriously, as a debate tactic, making negative personal assumptions about your opponent is satisfying in the moment but only hurts you in the long run.)

  27. Couldn't some of hedges blinds be about Newsweek and their parent company/problem ibs instead of netflix?


  29. calling it now, plot is a spook

    "Donny Moscow," GTFOH

  30. Some of Hedge's blinds are about Newsweek. Hoffman is a conservative and doesn't like that Newsweek has printed stories about Trump's sexual misconduct, which is ironic. The director in the middle east is Bryan Singer, Producer in Europe is Gary Goddard. Don't know who the agent refers to. According to An Open Secret's twitter something else is about to come out about Singer. Last time they promoted something like this it was underwhelming. No real smoking gun. Hoping its different this time, but it probably won't be.

  31. Other favorite targets of shorting by Mr Hoffman are: bitcoin and Tesla (Elon Musk). I agree with him on bitcoin. While Tesla is kind of ridiculous, the reusable rocket thing they just pulled off is really great in the long run.

  32. Bryan Singer for director and Gresham for agent that are ped0s. is the producer Goddard? maybe?


    hey enty, what ever happened to the don henley thing coming up before the midterms???????

  33. a response open secret's twitter account had to a user who has been trying to defend bryan singer and rip em apart:

    "You're gonna be famous when this interview is released for free to the world, tight as a tick with Bryan Singer, Gary Goddard, Tyler Grasham, and many others. Hanging out all the time with all those teens being fed drugs and alcohol."

    Maybe they're going to drop a free interview with all the victims?

    Not sure...but the comment made my eyebrows raise.


  34. "Nobody defames you. A brave young man tells his story. We know everything. You were around Bryan Singer, Gary Goddard, Tyler Grasham, and all kinds of wrongdoing in 2014-2015. Pretty soon millions of people will know your name too. Sleep well knowing what is coming soon."

    "If you had half a brain, you'd delete your twitter and flee the country, like your buddies Bryan Singer, Gary Goddard, and Tyler Grasham all have."

    "3 of your inner circle has fled the country. Bryan Singer to the Middle East. Tyler Grasham to Mexico. Gary Goddard to London. You were all part of what is being exposed next. make sure your passport is current. Better still would be a visa to a non-extradition country."

    "You're nervously awaiting those law enforcement interviews that you know are coming. It's obvious. So obvious."

    "same empty Twitter lies you keep alluding to, but all that supposed evidence you keep lying about - it never shows up. Better sell some of those collectibles and hire a good attorney for when law enforcement comes knocking on your door. You can thank me for the heads up later."

    "Why hasn't Bryan bought you a plane ticket to join him in fleeing the country for the Middle East? Left you behind to hold the bag. Always doing Bryan Singers dirty work till the end. At least you're loyal. Stupid. But loyal. I'll give you that."

    from open secret twitter account....

  35. All those twits are written in the same spittle-flecking rage as Alex Jones.

    I'll take my cues from LE and legitimate news sources, thanks, not a friend of InfoWars.

    1. Just a few weeks ago I had no idea what people meant when they came on here and accused others of being paid or shills or whatever the hell you call it.
      But now I am positive that plot is paid to throw people off when they are close to something.
      Or INCREDIBLY stupid.
      This and the other blind about the informant (mr.hedge)are great examples. The idiotic guess of nadar, and people eat it up. Soon y'all gonna realize it's a shit sundae

  36. I think "plot" is just trolling.Gabe and Greg Schneider( one of Bryan Singers loyal friends) have been having it out on Twitter. I believe "plot" comments might be related to that perhaps.

  37. Our resident shills seem more unhinged than usual. I guess their job is getting considerably more stressful now that people are waking up and smelling the BS. I predict heart attacks by the time the high-profile arrests start and the damning videos are leaked. Might want to start looking for new jobs now for your own health and sanity.

  38. Love watching the trolls lose their shit and get outed and disgraced over and over now on CDAN. Noticing many of them leave the fray after a single cheap shot or endorsement of propagandistic fraud and obvious misdirection. If Hedge is Hoffman like the rabid loons claim, more power to him!

    Didn't Michael Jackson flee to the Middle East, too, like Singer?

  39. You are welcome Han, :)

    You might want to look at Adrian Zmed's response to me above as well. He lays out beautifully the fuller point that Hedge could be suggesting, though not very well.

  40. @plot and @Adrian that does make things more clear.

    Though I recall that Amazon’s entire (so far very successful) operating strategy involves operating in the red far more than having a positive cash flow.

    I’m no form of economist or finance person, so I don’t have a complete understanding of it, but it appears to be working when I’ve been reading articles about how doomed Amazon is since it was only two years old.

    And look at them now.

    I do regard their success with SOME suspicion because of those facts we do know. But there seems to be something companies like Netflix and Amazon have figured out that is illogical from a traditional business model understanding.

  41. What do you think Penn was doing in Haiti- heavy time there- and his buddies the Clintons? Only a few billion of aid $ missing and who knows how many faceless kids.... Wake up.

    1. How many Haitian kids, plot?
      How many Haitian kids, AngryLiberal?
      How many Haitian kids, Han Niam?
      How many disappeared?
      For what purposes?
      Who did it?
      The 'Lolita Express?'
      What did Epstein and Clinton mean by that?

      How many raped and enslaved in Libya?

      You want to sit around on the internet and tell people who have seen it first hand it didn't happen. Good luck commiting to the most vile of losing teams. Won't end well.

    2. @Geeljire WTF are you even on about today? I haven’t said one word about any of those subjects.

      Human trafficking, ESPECIALLY involving children is a vile crime against humanity, not a political punchline to use against people you think are peddling disinformation. It’s a real problem that does not need any sensationalism or political agenda to make it sound more horrible than it is. It IS as horrible as it can possibly get.

      Now, the reason NOBODY has the answers to your disingenuous questions is that the same destabilizing forces that make populations more vulnerable to trafficking (war and natural disasters being the big two) are able to do so because they make the population almost impossible to track, and that makes the population easy to “disappear.” But I suspect you already know that and don’t want real answers anyway. You want us to go away and shut up.

      Not happening. You ask me a question, you get the most authoritative answers I can provide.

      Since those numbers and answers you ask about have not been released, I’ll give you some answers we do have illustrating the extreme vulnerability of women and children in Haiti and the rest of the world right now.

      Haiti has NO law against domestic violence and only a very recent and very weak law against rape. That means human traffickers already know they can get away with a lot more there.

      But wait! It gets worse!

      Between 175-200k Haitians, many of them women and children, are still displaced by the recent hurricanes. This makes them even more especially attractive targets for the kind of evil scum who prey on them and lead to their disappearances and disproportionate deaths. Human trafficking organizations love vulnerable populations like Haiti.

      And Haitians are far from alone.

      Globally, best estimates show just under 1/3 of human trafficking victims are children, but in Africa and the Caribbean, that rises to 2/3. That’s a LOT. Most of those children are girls being sold for sex slavery or marriage. Again, it’s easier in a destabilized region that doesn’t value the lives of women or “nobody” children.

      And that adds up to somewhere around 10,000 children trafficked every year. (And something in the neighborhood of 20,000 women)

      Even worse? That number represents only those reported and recorded. Not all get reported, and not all countries bother to keep records.

      But wait! It gets worse! Like the infomercial from hell!

      There are still over 20 countries in this world that don’t even meet the bare minimum international standards for criminalizing and combatting human trafficking and rescuing victims. They are:
      Central African Republic
      China (PRC)
      Congo, Democratic Republic of
      Congo, Republic of
      Equatorial Guinea
      Korea, North
      South Sudan

      There are so many more numbers I could give you, but this is getting so depressing, I think I’ve put enough into one post for the night.

      To sum up: Where there are vulnerable children (and men and women), there are buyers for them.

      And where there are buyers, there are networks to supply the demand.

      It’s monstrous, and until even the most vulnerable populations are looked after, counted, and avenged in all nations, and average people understand this is a local issue as well as a global issue, this battle is going to continue.

      Here’s the bare minimum you need to understand to actually do something about human trafficking:

      Slurring others on the internet is easy. Educating yourself and doing something about it is harder, but much more worthwhile.

    3. And if you are ONLY focusing on human trafficking that supports your political agenda or makes someone you dislike look bad, you are part of the problem.

  42. This comment has been removed by the author.

  43. +1 Count and other regarding Penn being seasoned. You guys have a point. Something sinister about Heard though, so maybe they'll cancel each other out.

  44. I guess those questions are rhetorical since none of us, including you, can answer any of them.

    1. DON'T: Tackle the hard questions
      DO: Make excuses for pedophiles and compose paeans to the corporate benevolence of Netflix

  45. It takes an especially vile person to deny atrocities committed against children. How some of you can read Plot's garbage and applaud is beyond me

  46. @Geeljire, you're the one who's deranged.

    First of all, you didn't reply when Han said that no one here said we "shouldn't worry" about Geffen or Singer. You didn't reply because you know that was a straight up lie, the kind that you and your fellow conservatives are prone to, especially with Russia's encouragement.

    Second, intelligent people are capable of focusing on both the crimes committed against children and the crimes being committed by the people in the White House. If you think (not saying you've said this, but if you do) that we shouldn't worry about Trump utilizing Russia's help in spreading propaganda to influence the election -- then I have one word for you and your like-minded folks -- TRAITOR.

    It is a serious charge and it should be taken seriously. Instead of trying to derail Mueller's investigation (which has already yielded many indictments and guilty pleas, Republicans should be trying to ensure it reaches its full conclusion. But they aren't, because they care more about protecting a corrupt president who can help them stay in power than they do about protecting this country.

    Again -- TRAITORS.

    1. I'm not a conservative but you might be schizophrenic.
      You either do not understand what is going on or are paid to post things like this. Possibly both. None are good.
      I hope your condition improves!

  47. There are two types of people pushing "muh Russia" garbage.

    There are well-meaning fools.

    And there are spooks peddling disinformation.

    For the first group, and those unaware of the situation, read this article:

  48. @rosie

    Where have I denied crimes, horrible crimes, against children?

    I'm denying the narrative of many here as flawed, that is all. The narrative pushed by Open Secrets is largely flawed. I wish it wasn't but it is. Maybe everyone needs to work a little harder at this rather than being so emotional?

  49. @Han

    One aspect of Amazon and Netflix that makes a lot of investors furious is that they refuse to do any quarterly projections. I have admired that since those projections have cheapened product and led to mass layoffs just to keep stockholders incrementally happier. Amazon was very clear, from the beginning, that all earnings were going back into the company. Netflix I'm not so sure about.

    You are right, this is either some very new way of building companies or both are in peril ultimately.

    1. @plot I know, right? Your last sentence is what keeps me interested in the whole Netflix and Amazon thing.

      Are they crazy like a fox or just the latest scam business model? Some combo of both?

  50. I see hope for the blog, as people are getting wiser to Peter Daou and the shill posse

  51. I don't think Gabe Hoffman is THAT in tune with Infowars. It looks to me that he takes what he can get with the limited options. As long as the word gets out to a major audience is all that really matters in the end. He looked a bit uncomfortable there, and he even said on Revenge of the Cis that he had to separate the "performance art". Alex Jones is also good friends with Charlie Sheen and mentioned it in his appearance. Now THAT must have been awkward.

    I found nothing wrong with the movie. Its very "entry level" when dealing with this sort of issues...despite the fact that not many people really talk about it, so its really isn't saying much. More people really need to know about Marc Collins Rector and what happened in DEN. More people need to know about how these child molesters operate. And more people should know some of the big names who invested into that company which exposes some of the scope.

    I don't believe Gabe Hoffman has some ill intent. Absolutely not. But I don't like his smugness regarding the political side about it. I just care about the children being hurt, not some right wing victimization.

    But as good as the film is, I think another part of why no one wants to touch it is the exposing of huge names. I can see why some people wouldn't want to touch a movie that makes claims on Singer, Huffington, Geffen and all these big moguls. Those are big names, but they haven't been caught (yet). But its still an allegation that can smell trouble for any production studio. Then you have Randal Kleiser who might actually be innocent(its unclear).

  52. Anonymous5:23 PM

    These blinds are like a Rorschach test for commentators.

  53. @Darth, seriously? Your response is an article from "Tabletmag"? What the hell is that?

    LOL, try harder.

    Any conservative can make up their own crackpot website to try to spread lies and misinformation. We've seen countless ones launch recently, from "Daily Wire" to "Your News Wire." It's hilarious you and your fellow fools have put complete faith in websites that just pop up. Pretty gullible, aren't you?

    I'll take an argument from a publication that has been around and trusted for decades, thanks. You can take your Tabletmag and shove it.

  54. Hey I just saw THE OBAMAS might have a Netflix show, so yeah, about this funding?
    I wonder what affiliations we'd find if some of these doxxers were doxxed.
    Why CDAN readers would try to expose sources is beyond me...

    Same people who do it suspiciously don't want you discussing Spielberg, Geffen, and Singer raping boys with cover from Milchan and the Mossad. Why?

    1. @Geeljire Would my or @plot’s rabid defense of Netflix be the part where we called their business model really weird or the part where we pondered whether Netflix and Amazon are onto something or headed for spectacular flame outs?

      Do you even read, bro?

  55. The new conservative crackpot tactic: accusing anyone who brings up Russia of being "spooks" or being paid to attack Trump. Projection at its finest.

    It's okay, it won't work. Those of us who are on the side of Mueller (and U.S. patriots) will win.

  56. @Geeljire

    It's not those you insult who come off looking deranged here.


    Interesting POV, thanks for sharing it. Open Secret, to me, pushed it's narrative too far and built connections on very little evidence. Yes, Hoffman was right about many things but his building of larger influences was more ego than actuality. I know he thinks he has important information to share. But he isn't a real investigator nor is he the arbiter of final conclusions.

    Serious charges demand serious investigations, not innuendo, not supposition, not foregone conclusions. The investigation itself has to be above reproach or one is running the risk of being a witch hunt.

    1. This is the most delightfully desperate rearguard action I have ever seen, one that seems to indicate that in actuality, yes, you too, @plot, know which way the wind is blowing and yes, you too know it's faaar too late for this!
      Alhamdulilah ar rahman ar rahiim

  57. I knew Geeljire needed his meds. Nurse!

  58. @plot
    Just to clarify, I do honestly believe Geffen, Huntington and Singer are guilty as fuck. But Hoffman really likes to blame the media or other producers for not accepting his documentary because they themselves are pedophiles. While that also happens, I believe the accusations are part of the reasons a lot of studios are hesitant on touching it, regardless on how right or wrong it is.

    As for Randal Kleiser, thats a bit of a mixed bag. Kleiser tried to sue the doc for putting his image and implying he was a part of the abuse. Hoffman instead put his name all over as much as he can, and put the association to DEN on him. Gabe Hoffman appears to not have any information of him prior before the doc. The child actor in the movie Kleiser worked on WAS in the doc, but he was harmed by Rector. Its unsure if he was even in the other parties, but considering he worked with both Egan, I don't know if he even asked him or not. On the other hand, he was a big director working for DEN. And its really unclear how much of DEN was a legit business. But it still looks bad. But I do think if anyone has a questionable allegation its probably Kleiser. And maybe some of the other actors who worked on DEN's shows and movies (Like Seann William Scott)

  59. Han Niam, that post of yours about trafficking is wonderful. Thanks for the link, too.

    1. Thanks, @plot. I don’t know where the hell I found the spoons for it, but I’m glad I did.

    2. I should add that one of the more depressing numbers I forgot to put in that post is that of the 136 nations who are allegedly on board fighting human trafficking, 10% of them don’t even bother to investigate at all.

      And of the 90% who investigate, 11% of those don’t convict anyone.

      That’s appalling.

  60. It's one of those all or nothing situations. Every country has to be on board or the enforcement of human trafficking laws becomes impossible. It's shocking how many countries depend on it one way or another, countries one might even call advanced. Human slavery is one of the worst aspects of capitalistic greed. Too many, even in this country, take it as a given for producing all the shit we buy.

  61. Jesus Christ guys its already confirmed to by Bryan Singer already

    1. @SimplyMasonZero

      Yeah, that part isn’t in any dispute from anyone, I don’t think.

      But wow did this post pick up a lot of offensive ad hominem attacks by and against CDAN posters.

  62. does anyone Realise that some of the comments on this post are from Bryan Singers minions? Pretty pathetic. People are getting scared. Who is going to go down next? Calling Himmmm

  63. @gauloise, no, it doesn't have that kind of influence. But if you've been reading here for more than a few months, you know that the big blinds (true or not) tie together in a web of loose connections between certain influential people in media, entertainment, and politics. If you're of an ideological persuasion such that defending those people is very important to you, you'll have an incentive to be creative in discrediting those blinds.

  64. @"Truth"sayer

    Tablet is THE prestige Jewish publication.

    Your anti-Semitism is noted.

    As is your proclivity for tossing anti-Semitic slurs instead of, you know, actually RTFA

  65. @Cail

    Let's not forget that these are Blind Items, not journalism. I've found more information in the comments sections than the blinds themselves, which are often so lurid it beggars belief. That's why I hang out here.

    But loose connections between the blinds are not evidence of anything. That is often a mind game playing on the need of the human brain to tie up everything in a neat little bow. The real situations behind child trafficking and modern slavery are far more messy and overwhelmingly depressing. That doesn't begin or end with Singer and Geffen or pizza toppings.

  66. @Darth, give me a break.

    I'd never heard of Tablet Mag before, hence my flippant response to it. I probably should've done more digging on its background, but my criticism had ABSOLUTELY NOTHING to do with the fact that it is a Jewish publication. I was merely responding to the fact that the article you sent was filled with conservative conspiracy theories and hysteria (which can appear in both Jewish and non-Jewish publications).

    "As is your proclivity for tossing anti-Semitic slurs instead of, you know, actually RTFA:

    My WHAT? I have NEVER said anything anti-Semitic on here. I am the most progressive, non-prejudiced person you can imagine, whether it's regard to race, religion, sexual orientation, or otherwise. If I have said anything anti-Semitic I invite you to post a link to any such comments in your response. BUT YOU WON'T, BECAUSE THERE AREN'T ANY!!!

    Typical conservative, making up lies to try and tar their enemies. That constant lying is going to be the undoing of your corrupt President. There's nothing you can do to stop it.

  67. God damn it. @Darth made me finally find the CDAN character limit.

    I don’t NEED these “write 5000+ words on the difference between top Jewish News sites and a conservative editorial on a moderately-sized Jewish entertainment site” moments in my Sunday mornings!

  68. @Darth

    "Your anti-Semitism is noted."

    By whom? Oh! Did you catch Vlad blaming da ebil Joos for hacking the US election databases in 2016? Yeah, aint that a stitch? That is what I'd call anti-Semitism, how about you?

  69. @plot it is messy, and more complicated than simplistic labels. Slavery, Violence, Abuse, Pedophilia, and Blackmail, are widely and systemically entrenched in our society and institutions.

    But your belief in the Democrats being the only force of good in the US is another leap of logic that creates a simplistic Hero/Villian narrative. That's your brain tying things up in your version of a neat little bow.

    Similarly, shutting people down because their proposed theory isn't extensive enough, doesn't negate the connections they've noted

    Some of these blinds obviously are related. That isn't to say they're all true. But like you said. Nothing on this blog is journalism, nor is ANY of the conjecture here "evidence"

    This is all smoke. Collectively we are trying to find the evidence. Yes it's depressing, but those of us trying to identify the network(s), are the ones offering theories and refinements. It doesn't begin or end with Singer and Geffen, but they're involved and powerful. Obviously other powerful people are complicit. Not a tight little bow, competing factions working together or blackmailing each other. There is no honor among thieves.

    You've once again created a STRAW Man by tenuously tying Hoffman to Infowars because of a single interview. Therefore everything he says and does is discredited.

    Then you attack him because he's shorting Netflix. Another strawman.

    When pushed by @simplyMasonZero, you're response is very revealing

    "Interesting POV, thanks for sharing it. Open Secret, to me, pushed it's narrative too far and built connections on very little evidence. Yes, Hoffman was right about many things but his building of larger influences was MORE EGO than actuality. I know he thinks he has important information to share. But HE ISN'T A REAL INVESTIGATOR. NOR IS HE THE ARBITER OF FINAL CONCLUSIONS

    By that standard, neither are you. Also "Real Investigator"? How elitist.

  70. "But your belief in the Democrats being the only force of good in the US i"

    AAAAND this is why I can't take you or your pseudo investigations seriously.

    I've never shown or said such a thing.

  71. @Plot yes you have.

    "We're going to have to agree to disagree there Schneider. There is no equivalence between the Dem and GOP tendency for corruption. I find it especially harmful to the country as a whole to equate anything about the Dems to the GOP. There is only one party that is seeking to end everything that is good about this country, everything that works, everything meant to benefit the citizens. The GOP has been bent on destruction since 1980 and has now elected the man who can do it."

    This sounds like WWE to me dude. This is dumb action movie good guy/bad guy

    Your conspiracy is that the GOP is uniquely evil, and the Dems are somehow immune to the same type of corruption

  72. @Han, wow! That's some seriously impressive research. I feel sorry for anyone who tries to call you out, because you back up what you say with receipts.

    @Darth -- based on his extensive analysis, I call B.S. on your claim. Stop peddling fake news, like the rest of your conservative brethren. Trump has already done it enough in one weekend, claiming his approval rating is close to 50% (HAHAHA).

    You conservatives just can't stop lying, but liars always get caught. Didn't your parents teach you that?

    1. Thanks, @Truthsayer. I grew up in a family that loved heated (and baited) political debate while calling out any thought that couldn’t be sufficiently backed up and explained.

      So. My MO as an adult is essentially “put up or shut up and let’s get this over with” in regards to authoritative receipts when I can’t resist replying any longer.

      The occasional appreciative comment makes the hours I spend on this stuff much more bearable.

  73. @Schneiderisnext -- you misinterpreted plot, who never said that "Democrats are the only force for good." There are individual people with principles in both parties. plot is just acknowledging the obvious -- that the GOP party as a whole more willfully embraces corruption than Dems. And that is because the GOP fights more to benefit corporations than people. They even said "corporations are people too"! And we all know that corporations place profits above all else. Thus, the party that is more beholden to corporations is more likely to be corrupt.

    If that's not true, then tell me why:

    -- The GOP refuses to acknowledge climate change and invest in green technologies, even though coal is dying and more jobs will come from clean sources in the future (thus benefiting consumers)? Why? Because the GOP is in the pocket of the coal industry.

    --The GOP was adamantly against the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau, even the whole purpose of the bureau was to protect consumers against the kinds of abuses that left many people financially destroyed during the economic downturn? Why? Because the GOP is in the pocket of the financial services industry.

    --The GOP has tried so hard to gut Obamacare, even though independent research shows that it will lower healthcare costs in the long-term? Why? Because the GOP cares more about the profits of all those greedy businesses than it cares about people dying unneccessarily..

    If you can show me evidence that the Democratic party has fought for efforts that benefit corporations at the expense of consumers -- ie., the people who voted for them (rather than just made large donations) -- I would LOVE to see it. Really.

  74. @Schneiderisnext

    "Your conspiracy is that the GOP is uniquely evil,"


    " the Dems are somehow immune to the same type of corruption"

    Nope, I never said anything about Dem immunity, but your attempt at whataboutism AGAIN, is noted.

    If you like breathing clean air and drinking clean water, if you like workplace safety laws and family leave, if you want health insurance to actually cover you when you get ill, if you like the FDA and would grant them further powers to test our food and drugs...

    Then the Dems are for you and the GOP is not. That's all I'm saying.

  75. Wow! Prior to these big blinds involving political figures, the consensus on this site was that an Open Secret was beneficial in that it helped to expose abuse and provoked a much-needed discussion around it. For @plot to attack and defend it is contrary to the readership and the purpose of the site. I think that is all we need to know about plot's views. Not suprised its alt, Han Niam, also writes long-winded responses that find the character limit.
    Thank you @Schneiderisnext for your reasoned responses.
    "I've never shown or said such a thing" does demonstrate the disingenuous nature of plot's comments. Schneider's summary of this insincerity is correct: "Your conspiracy is that the GOP is uniquely evil, and the Dems are somehow immune to the same type of corruption."

    1. Oh for god’s sake, @El Naro. All my posts have in common with @plot’s are length and a left of center point of view.

      Grow up, and stop seeing sock puppets lurking under the bed.

      Is it that impossible for you to believe there could be more than one person who disagrees with your baited politics and is capable of a detailed and researched reply? Or are you just trying (poorly) to discredit me as a sock puppet because you can’t or are too lazy to refute my research?

    2. “the consensus on this site was that an Open Secret was beneficial in that it helped to expose abuse and provoked a much-needed discussion around it.”

      Again, saying a documentary could have been made BETTER, does not negate the consensus that it provokes a much needed discussion.

      In fact, I made that point earlier on this blind, which you either forgot, hope everyone else forgot, or just didn’t bother to read.

  76. Iceman, his Twin brother and all the kids that worked on xmen should come out. I haven't seen them working in Hollywood. Idk who wrote the story about what Singer did to them but it's so many more kids than this and who's gonna flip on Magneto???

    1. Singer is something else though. posting those IG pics. What an ass but he knows he won't be touched gov't everyone's to corrupt and he has to many secrets that has to be kept I'm sure.

    2. @MJ we’re still waiting to see who will drop the dime and who is within the statute of limitations and willing to come forward. (With enough evidence was to get the world, and ideally a judge, to believe).

      It’s depressing that people like Singer and Schneider have gotten away with this for so long. It feels like we MIGHT be approaching a tipping point, but until that actually happens, I’m not counting on it, especially not now that Singer has skipped the country and is flaunting his nice vacation so openly.

  77. @El Naro

    "the consensus on this site was that an Open Secret was beneficial in that it helped to expose abuse and provoked a much-needed discussion around it. For @plot to attack and defend it is contrary to the readership and the purpose of the site."

    The consensus does not control anonymous message boards. I'm really sorry if I rained on your parade here (no joke.) The flaw lies in the tenuous connections made by posters here between all kinds of things, as though child sexual abuse has one head that needs to be lobbed off and all is well. That mistaken thinking is painful to watch, honestly.

    When these message boards ignore a child pornographer in the Trump administration, George Nader, to focus on pizza toppings, something very wrong is going on here.

  78. @Plot "The flaw lies in the tenuous connections made by posters here between all kinds of things, as though child sexual abuse has ONE HEAD THAT NEEDS TO BE LOBBED OFF and all is well. That mistaken thinking is painful to watch, honestly."

    Yet, you fall victim to and push the exact same FALLACY.

    @Plot ""Your conspiracy is that the GOP is uniquely evil,"


    " the Dems are somehow immune to the same type of corruption"

    Nope, I never said anything about Dem immunity, but your attempt at whataboutism AGAIN, is noted.

    If you like breathing clean air and drinking clean water, if you like workplace safety laws and family leave, if you want health insurance to actually cover you when you get ill, if you like the FDA and would grant them further powers to test our food and drugs...

    Then the Dems are for you and the GOP is not. That's all I'm saying.""

    You believe the Modern GOP is the root of all evil and needs to be LOBBED OFF to save the country.

    Your doublethink is blatant. Believe in your Lord and Savior the Demochrists all you want, but most of us are waking up to the political myths and memes programmed into us.

    Both parties warmonger, resource extract, and defend powerful donors over constituents. Both sides play you like a fiddle saying they "protect your rights" but do they actually?

    Dems didn't give us free healthcare. No single payer solution. But it was advertised as such, instead they mandated you buy insurance. Such freedom. From MASSIVE INSURANCE COMPANIES (a blatant case of DEMS defending corporate interests @TruthSayer), who lobbied for and wrote the legislation. Legislation that "we have to pass the bill so that you can find out what is in it" (Nancy Pelosi, Dem)

    Not to mention I do believe the AFORDABLE CARE ACT was based on a certain MORMON Republican governor's legislation....

    Both parties are wolf in sheep's clothing. Both are members of various secretive groups, orgs, and societies. Both sides are playing you.

    Yes GOP is more openly corporatist in their PROPOGANDA. The Dem's talk a good game, but once elected, they do what it takes to get re-elected (suckle @ the corporate teat)

    So the solution is to choose not to play. Reject simplistic political labels. Listen to your neighbors, speak your mind, and act according to your principles. Build new solutions outside of the LEFT and RIGHT.

    That's the beauty of these anonymous comment blogs. We are all evolving away from old models. The internet and free discourse is like the printing press. The Truth will set us free-er. And we are working together to find it.

    WE are the solution. Don't put your trust in institutions. Embrace your agency.

    We are all stronger than we know.

  79. "You believe the Modern GOP is the root of all evil"

    I have NEVER written this! Why do you keep imagining thoughts I do not have? Why be so dramatic?

    The tendency towards hyperbole and drama underscores your whole position, mate.

    Finally answer the question - Do you like breathing clean air? Do you like drinking clean water? Do you believe both are a public resource or a private commodity? Do you believe that information and public education should be free?

    If you answer yes to any of that, the GOP is NOT equal to the Dems...which is why I think you refuse to answer.

  80. @Schneiderisnext,

    Dems never promised "free healthcare." They promised a system that would lower healthcare costs over time. (Do you guys ever stop exaggerating/lying?) And studies have shown that Obamacare has been doing just that (although with ongoing Republican efforts to sabotage it, who knows how much longer that will last).

    As for the mandate, do you understand how insurance works? The only way costs can be lowered for everybody is if everybody contributes in some way. It's much cheaper in the long run for people to pay a certain amount per month than to face catastrophic costs in the case of an emergency. It's just common sense (but of course, it's easier for you to just ignorantly scream "WHERE'S OUR FREEDOM!").

    I said before that I agreed with you that corporations still have influence on both parties. But as you said yourself, they have a much stronger hold on the Republican party. That's why that certain MORMON Republican governor whose legislation Obamacare was based on vociferously attacked Obamacare during his presidential campaign. Couldn't upset the donors, could he?

    If there's anything I've learned in life, much of it involves going with the lesser of two evils. That's why people who complained about Hillary's faults should've been aware of the much greater dangers posed by Donald Trump -- who is screwing over his base as we speak by deregulating every industry in sight so corporations can get away with creating unsafe work conditions, lying to them about financial issues, you name it. That's why his cabinet is stocked with Goldman Sachs people. He's not draining the swamp, he's filling it higher than it ever was before.

    The solution is not to disengage from the political process completely like some helpless coward. That's what corrupt politicians want us to do (which is why Republicans are trying so hard to make it harder for people to vote). The solution is to go with the least of all evils and put pressure on them to do the right thing. If you care about the world and the future, it's the only choice.

  81. @plot, O please, we're botb guilty of hyperbole, but okay we'll just stick with "uniquely evil".

    This is the problem. You have more choices than just R or D.

    I'm saying Don't play the dualism game @truthsayer. I never said disengage. I'm encouraging people to engage in ways that aren't the status quo.

    Vote third Party. Write in a vote. The lesser of two evils is again a simplistic dualism that traps people in the way things always have been.

    Recognize that politics is interpersonal, not just top-down. Talk with people, try to find commonalities so we can work together. Stop seeking division. Try to find things you agree on and build each other up.

    Recognize that the first past the post structure makes this dualism systemic. Only by actively looking outside of these 100+ year-old rotten corpses, are we ever going to heal or make progress.

    I'm never choosing evil @truthsayer. There is always a good choice. It's usually the hardest/and least self-serving. I guess that makes me a coward huh?

  82. @Schneiderisnext

    "we're botb guilty of hyperbole"

    But only one of us deliberately lies about the other to buttress his arguments.



    My perception is based on continued foreign intervention, resource extraction, and wealth disparity.

    Dems and Republicans have different strategies to convince people to elect them. But when they are in office, both continue the War Machine. They serve the same master.

    I don't want a copy/paste policy points distinction. That's propogandized, PR polished talking points. It's meaningless unless you can show historical examples of these philosophies being effectively implemented.

    I want you to tell me what you perceive to be positive policy changes, laws, or stances that the Democratic party singlehandedly spearheaded/implemented since the 80's

    I'm not disagreeing that the two parties purport to have different values, but from an operational perspective, they function almost identically


    "That's propogandized, PR polished talking points. It's meaningless"

    And that is gross laziness, and evidence of confirmation bias, for you to reject any source you judge as impure.

    "they function almost identically"

    Well, unless one likes breathing clean air, drinking clean water, public schooling, public services, public resources like national parks...

    1. @schneiderisnext:

      You haven't even provided any sources for me to consider, let alone apply my own biases/judgement.

      What I'm rejecting is unsupported statements.

      Please point me to an example not an ideal

      "clean water, public schooling, public services, public resources like national parks"

      =Ideals/things to preserve/maintain/common values

      Yes I value these things but You're claiming they are uniquely provided and fought for by Democrats (since the 80's-your time frame)

      I just want you to support your claim with a noteworthy historical success that was solely Democrat responsible.


      "clean water, public schooling, public services, public resources like national parks"

      All of these are domestic issues. You seem to have conceded that both parties behave the same way when it comes to the War Machine, Resource Extraction, and Income inequality.

    2. Hyperbole, I'm not misquoting you perhaps I'm mischaracterizing you, but its really my honest opinion.

      Your tendency to take sides instead of remaining open/continual refusal to look outside of Red vs Blue makes you seem very partisan

      A lot of us here are non-partisan and you try to force us to defend/take a side.

      You're the one supporting the status quo. My team vs your team.

  84. @plot

    Not to mention, accusing me of lying, while falsely claiming I'm not answering your questions?

    MmmmmmMmMmmmmm such lovely delicious irony.

  85. @Schneiderisnext, voting third party just doesn't make sense in today's highly polarized environment. It may make you feel a good from a philosophical perspective, but the likelihood of Independents winning (at least at the Presidential level) is minimal.

    There are people who voted for Jill Stein and Gary Johnson in 2016 right now who are out in the streets protesting Trump. They should go back inside because their votes combined would've been enough to put Hillary over the top. They may not like Hillary, but as I said previously, life is often about choosing between the lesser of two evils, and their choice to go with candidates who had no chance of winning left them with the greater of their two evils in charge. Not very smart.

  86. @Truthsayer: "@Schneiderisnext, voting third party just doesn't make sense in today's highly polarized environment. It may make you feel a good from a philosophical perspective, but the likelihood of Independents winning (at least at the Presidential level) is minimal"

    No, it makes you vote out of fear and hatred, not your own interests. Which is why fear is constantly pushed by each party claiming the other is "destroying everything good in America". It's a call to emotion that keeps people afraid.


    That's the polarized environment that we have to fight, not double down on our differences.

    The reason we have this two party system is the Dem's and Republicans collude to keep out other parties or ideas.

    Both unquestioningly support the military industrial complex.

    What happened to the Anti-war dems? Neither party is a party of peace

  87. "Not to mention, accusing me of lying"

    Which you did, deliberately, by putting words in my mouth I never said or wrote. It's called a Straw Man fallacy where you invent a fake person to argue with to avoid the salient issue.

    Case in point-

    "You seem to have conceded that both parties behave the same way when it comes to the War Machine, Resource Extraction, and Income inequality"

    I have conceded nothing, particularly since you haven't constructed a solid point to argue for. THIS is an example of you lying because you can't answer a simple question -

    Do you like breathing clean air, drinking clean water, having access to free information and education, having protected workers rights, safety standards...

    If your answer to any of the above is "yes" then you are admitting that there is a fairly substantial difference between Republicans and Democrats.

    So, which is it?

  88. @Plot do you know what the word concede means?

    CONCEDE (verb)

    1. Admit defeat

    2. Yield, acquiesce


    I posted a response. You saw it, and only responded to part of it.

    In a debate. That is a conceded point. Debate parlance "dropped argument".

    Not only that, I respond, and you ignore me. Then you force me to have the same tired argument. So I repost my responses AGAIN to what you've ignored.

  89. Then you accuse me of "LYING" a second time.

    @Plot "Which you did, deliberately, by putting words in my mouth I never said or wrote. It's called a Straw Man fallacy where you invent a fake person to argue with to avoid the salient issue."

    Fuck you @plot. I normally try to keep things civil. But now You're attacking my character.

    "Putting words in your mouth" = misquoting. I never did that. Apparently I over-exaggerated HOW EVIL you think the GOP is. (Somewhere between "uniquely evil" but how dare @schneiderisnext for construing that as "the root of all evil")

  90. Then you accuse me of lying a third time. Somehow my response to a question you posed (and then ignored-so I reposted it) is a LIE???


    "You seem to have conceded that both parties behave the same way when it comes to the War Machine, Resource Extraction, and Income inequality"

    I have conceded nothing, particularly since you haven't constructed a solid point to argue for. THIS is an example of you lying because you can't answer a simple question -

    Do you like breathing clean air, drinking clean water, having access to free information and education, having protected workers rights, safety standards...

    If your answer to any of the above is "yes" then you are admitting that there is a fairly substantial difference between Republicans and Democrats.

    So, which is it?"

  91. Yet I've already answered this repetitive WATER/RIGHTS question.....

    Then I reposted my answer

    "@Plot You haven't even provided any sources for me to consider, let alone apply my own biases/judgement.

    What I'm rejecting is unsupported statements.

    Please point me to an example not an ideal

    "clean water, public schooling, public services, public resources like national parks"

    =Ideals/things to preserve/maintain/common values

    Yes I value these things but You're claiming they are uniquely provided and fought for by Democrats (since the 80's-your time frame)

    I just want you to support your claim with a noteworthy historical success that was solely Democrat responsible.


    "clean water, public schooling, public services, public resources like national parks"

    All of these are domestic issues. You seem to have conceded that both parties behave the same way when it comes to the War Machine, Resource Extraction, and Income inequality."

  92. @Plot stop accusing people of lying, and engage us like fellow human beings.

    Especially don't accuse people of lying when they directly answer your question

    Even if we are dun dun dun evil Russian trolls sent by " DONNY MOSCOW"

    (and you think I'm the dramatic one?)

  93. "Fuck you @plot. I normally try to keep things civil."

    Not honest however.

    "engage us like fellow human beings. "

    I have by not lying about what you've said.

  94. "Even if we are dun dun dun evil Russian trolls sent by " DONNY MOSCOW""

    Point in fact right there! Where have I ever, ONCE, implied or suggested this? This is how you lie about me. Do you get it yet?

    This is exactly how one lies when one doesn't want to answer a simple question -

    Do you want clean air to breathe? Clean water to drink? Free access to information and schooling?

  95. I've answered the question countless times.

    "What I'm rejecting is unsupported statements.

    Please point me to an example not an ideal

    "clean water, public schooling, public services, public resources like national parks"

    =Ideals/things to preserve/maintain/common values

    YES I VALUE THESE THINGS but You're claiming they are uniquely provided and fought for by Democrats (since the 80's-your time frame)

    I just want you to support your claim with a noteworthy historical success that was solely Democrat responsible."

    Re: "russian trolls" I'm being facetious and referencing the oft slung slur present in these boards.

    I never said you accused me of this. The only thing I put "quotation marks" around was your tired, dramatic meme: "Donny Moscow"

    I've asked you to clarify your statement 4 times. You keep dodging.

    Other people are noticing as seen on many of the new threads.

    I'm done with this thread.

    Catch you next time.
