Tuesday, March 20, 2018

Blind Item #3

This permanent A+ list director is looking to cast children in an upcoming huge movie even though there have never been any children in any version of the basis for that movie at any time. 


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plot said...

"2 competing lists divided by party is ANECDOTAL"

Well, except for it being lists of REAL charged and convicted pedophiles, which would be the opposite of anecdotal evidence, you mean.

I know, churches poisoning children all over Africa and routing blonde Russian girls through to the USA with Haitian passports - much more realistic ...yes, that's sarcasm.

plot said...


Another plural pronoun for a singular condition?

Schneiderisnext said...

"Two competing lists" is ANECDOTAL evidence re: your claim that Pedophilia dominates one party over another"

Copying and pasting a partisan list you found does not = proof. It's anecdotal until you analyze the data against the convictions on the other side. You have 1/2 an argument here

You need to take the next step and actually compare the data. You're equating raw data with a conclusive study

If this is so obvious, why has no social study, criminology study, or psychology profile ever found correlation between political ideology and pedophilia?

You're claiming It's a slam dunk. Where is the data?

plot said...

"Copying and pasting a partisan list you found does not = proof."

What? Do you doubt the entire justice system now? Did you not see, on that list, how many confessed?

Jesus dude.

Schneiderisnext said...


I do doubt the entire Justice System.

The same justice system that has allowed systemic pedophilia in Hollywood, DC, International Business, and Charities.

Not a study. Totally one-sided. Incomplete. A list of Republican pedophiles doesn't bolster your claim that the problem is unique to the party.

If the data is so obvious, I find it surprising that somebody smarter than @plot hasn't researched it. @plot just takes a list and jumps to a conclusion

So do you have any studies? Or are you going to keep spamming your Facebook group list?

Schneiderisnext said...

200 here we come. Ready to be on the front page for a ~ month @plot?

Get ready for more scrutiny.

plot said...

" A list of Republican pedophiles doesn't bolster your claim that the problem is unique to the party."

Yet it entirely bolsters my claim that law enforcement and our judicial system DOES prevail and IS interested in catching and convicting pedophiles - unlike your deliciously cynical claims of Woe is MEEEEE, no one cares but MEEEEE.

If you want to collect the data on convicted Dem child sexual abusers, be my guest. I've done my part.

Schneiderisnext said...


You Keep conceding points @plot.

"Our judicial system does prevail and is interested in catching and convicting pedophiles"

You left out punishing.

It's like catch and release.

Look up the DuPont baby rapist. Look up Arthur C Clarke's son, the California Child PORN King.

Does the crime fit the time?

Or if you have enough money, regardless of party, can you buy your freedom?

Never have I said nobody cares but me. This whole site is filled with like-minded posters (way to throw out another shit straw man).

We just want to stop the abuse. We want the justice system to improve. Not be complacent.

And thanks for agreeing your "evidence" doesn't bolster your claim that it's a Republican dominated problem.

It's both parties. I hope someday you can look past your blind allegiance to a 150+ year old party.

plot said...

"You left out punishing"

No I didn't. Look at the list again.

"This whole site is filled with like-minded posters"

Yet they leave you here alone.

Schneiderisnext said...

Yes highlights of justice from your list:

"Republican Congressman Donald “Buz” Lukens was found guilty of having sex with a female minor and sentenced to ONE MONTH in jail."

Republican City Councilman Fred C. Smeltzer, Jr. pleaded no contest to raping a 15 year-old girl and served 6 MONTHS in prison.

Republican activist Parker J. Bena pleaded guilty to possession of child pornography on his home computer and was sentenced to 30 MONTHS in federal prison and fined $18,000.

Republican Speaker of the House Dennis Hastert was indicted on federal charges of structuring bank withdrawals after prosecutors alleged Hastert had molested at least four boys as young as 14 and attempted to compensate his victims and subsequently conceal the transactions. Hastert eventually admitted that he sexually abused the boys whom he had coached decades earlier, and was sentenced to FIFTEEN MONTHS in prison."





Schneiderisnext said...


"Republican Congressman Donald “Buz” Lukens was found guilty of having sex with a female minor and sentenced to ONE MONTH in jail."

@plot's proof that the judicial system isn't broken

Did you even read your list before posting it @Plot?

YeahYouKnowThatsRight said...

I'm guessing that @plot is a liberal. LMAO

Spielberg needs to be skinned alive and roasted.

Schneiderisnext said...

@plot I'm not advocating the death penalty here...But I am saying we need to isolate abusers so they can't keep abusing.

Not a slap on the wrist.

plot said...

So you choose the worse examples there, which is your right, of course, but I'm confused. Are you willing to fight for longer sentencing guidelines? Is that your beef?

Then why are you not heartened by the fact that Larry Nassar was sentenced to 125 years just a couple months ago? Is that not progress?

How about Jerry Sandusky's 30-60 years? Is that not progress? Is that not evidence that our justice system is working?

If you do a little research, you will find that sentences for child abuses are increasing, all over the Western hemisphere and Australia, sometimes including mandatory guidelines. Cases are being tried across international boundaries now, through the concerted efforts of politicians and lawyers who volunteered their time. Are you mocking them as ineffectual? Or does that not make you a little less deliciously cynical about the progress being made by LE and Judicial systems to address your only issue?

Or are you still dreaming of a dictator who will make it all go away with the thrust of a knife and internment camps?

Rosie riveter said...

Plot, Schneiderisnext does NOT stand alone, there are many of us united in this. Many don't want to start with you because it's utterly futile. You try to confuse and divide, spin circles, deflect.
It's been nauseating. And now, after the last couple of days of reading these, I'm hoping many of us see clearer who you are, what you are about.
Enough with your political agenda.


Keep up the great work @Schneiderisnext and @Geeljire!

plot said...


Are you saying your agenda isn't political? Would you like me to go through your posts to prove otherwise?

If you can't address my question about why Pizza Toppings and fantasy basements are more relevant to catching pedophiles than actual lists of people caught by law enforcement, I don't know what else to say. It's really not that complicated.

Schneiderisnext said...

@plot dances so beautifully. He can't stick to a single point. Each post is an adjusted statement and he abandons them as quickly as they are pointed out.

Yes. I am relieved that Nassar and Sandusky got long sentences. But i can't ignore the 1000s of other cases that go lightly punished.

Especially when THE MAJORITY of your list were convicted without serving ANY PRISON TIME


ZERO. READ things before you CopyPasta @plot

Schneiderisnext said...

"do a little research, you will find that sentences for child abuses are increasing, all over the Western hemisphere and Australia, sometimes including mandatory guidelines. Cases are being tried across international boundaries now, through the concerted efforts of politicians and lawyers who volunteered their time. Are you mocking them as ineffectual?"

I'M NOT MOCKING. THEY ARE INEFFECTUAL Because even if I accept your claim. (Which is just that unless you can provide some EVIDENCE). THE BIG FISH STILL CAN BUY IMMUNITY

Schneiderisnext said...

You've still ignored my GROSS examples of Arthur Clarke and DuPont

Here's some info if you are unaware

"Though Robert H. Richards IV was convicted of rape, the wealthy heir to the du Pont family fortune was spared prison by a Delaware court in 2009 because he would "not fare well" behind bars, according to court documents CNN obtained Tuesday.

Richards is a great-grandson of the chemical magnate Irenee du Pont.
He received an eight-year prison sentence in 2009 for raping his toddler daughter, but the sentencing order signed by a Delaware judge said "defendant will not fare well" in prison and the eight years were suspended."


Schneiderisnext said...

@Rosie <3 thanks for seeing through this.

More people are aware of your game @Plot

But keep digging that hole. You're really having a positive effect here. In spite your best efforts.

Roman Holiday said...

Wow, shit just got real!!

Mary Lamb said...

@Schneiderisnext said:
"This whole site is filled with like-minded posters"

@Plot said:
"Yet they leave you here alone."

Schneiberisnext is doing a stellar job all by his/herself.
I applaud her patience. As for myself, you bore the living shit out of me.

@Plot said:
I don't know what else to say.

If only that were the case. When you are backed into a corner you do one of two things. Deflect your ass off or call names like stupid and lazy as if you were an immature child. Sometimes a combination of both.

I reiterate what @rosie riveter said above, you really have outed yourself as a complete joke.
All you need is one person to bring up Pizzagate or anything remotely referring to the Clintons or the Democratic party and you're all over a thread like flies on shit. I wouldn't doubt that you have multiple sockpuppets to do just that so you can bombard any given subject with your political agenda.
You live for it. Funny how you suggested that I didn't have anything better to do with my time, a while back, when this is all you have.
You are a very arrogant, manipulating, jealous, needy and insufferable person.
I would say, "get your head out of your ass", but you'll never understand that both parties, hell, many governments all over the freaking world, are guilty of what we're talking about here.
CHILD RAPE. Yes, institutionalized child rape.

You can bullshit all you want but Schneiderisnext never said she/he wants to live within a dictatorship. That's you trying to cover for your assinine comments with subterfuge. And so on and so on.
Lots of people reading here, @Plot. Time to find another place that won't block your insipid posts. You've shown who you really are and it ain't pretty.

*Note to all: Plot is unwell. I get it. But still, it's comments are headache inducing.

*Note to the person who said that Plot must be a LIBERAL. Not all of us are insane. And, not all of us maintain that the democratic party is all it should be. However, ANYONE would be better than what we've got in office.

Roman Holiday said...

++ 1000 @ mary lamb!

plot said...

" But i can't ignore the 1000s of other cases that go lightly punished. "

Could you imagine that many of those cases were sentenced to everything the courts could allow, given that the victims could not or would not testify?

That is the TOP reason why child abusers get away with it - the victims will not testify. NOW, only this year, have victims received such overwhelming support from the public, and even so, it is excruciating to testify, absolutely horrible and most victims (especially male victims) simply aren't up to it.

Did you ever fucking consider that?

"You've still ignored my GROSS examples of Arthur Clarke and DuPont"

What words to you want to force me to say? It was fucked up mostly because under our capitalist system the rich are immune from any consequences for their actions. Do you imagine this only happens when the rich rape children???? Do you think that is all the rich get away with???? More fool you.


Oh and you are? Sitting on your computer all day hacking away at Church and Pizza Topping conspiracies? YOU are going to get justice for anyone? Why aren't you out volunteering with victims of abuse or on suicide hotlines rather than being here?

Our judicial system does a hell of a lot more than you do! It is the only way we have to protect and seek justice for victims. Nattering away on CDAN certainly ain't gonna do it. Why aren't you helping to sit with and escort poor abuse victims to help them make it through their trials (biker gangs do it, why not you?)

Who is the real hypocrite here?

Schneiderisnext said...

@roman holiday

Yes it did. We aren't complacent anymore. We are aware.

Pedophiles you will be caught, exposed, and helped.

Because that's what we want. The end of institutional abuse. It isn't a system where abusers pop up spontaneously. It's intergenerational and personal. Abusers create abusers.

And that's what we have to remember. The most despicable abuseres were first abused. We will be graceful but firm.

Apologists (@plot) you will be mercilessly critiqued. The system always has room for improvement. Stop arguing for the status quo @plot

Peace and love.


Only when the majority clamors will the tides change.

And the tides are changing. We are uniting against division. WE ARE WORKING TOGETHER TO END ABUSE



Schneiderisnext said...

@plot I am filled with so much joy every time you post :) I wish you healing.

Exactly victims are afraid to testify because the system is rigged against them. There is widespread corruption. Institutionalized so it supersedes party lines. And only through increased public awareness (of the CORRUPTION) will it ever be fixed.

Yes the rich get away with a lot. But you are the only one defending the status quo. Why is that? If the system is broken, why won't you critique it?

"Why aren't you out volunteering with victims of abuse or on suicide hotlines rather than being here?"

Dude. You are so desperate now.

I'mUsing my voice and free speech to fight for the oppressed. You're using your voice to silence dissent and maintain the status quo

Who is the real hypocrite?

plot said...

@mary lamb

Feel free to ignore me, and yes, Schneider DID say he would live in a dictatorship.

"The system always has room for improvement. "

Which you are doing nothing to improve.

" victims are afraid to testify because the system is rigged against them."

Or they are traumatized and wounded.

"you are the only one defending the status quo."

What would that status quo be?

I certainly don't prefer a dictatorship.

"I'mUsing my voice and free speech to fight for the oppressed."

On a gossip message board? Aren't you the brave one.

Schneiderisnext said...


You have a way with words.

Thank your for not supporting me but supporting justice. We all share the same ideals. Ending abuse, regardless of who is doing it. Regardless of government, affiliation, or party.

I find @plot headache inducing too. But he/she actually serves a greater purpose. False claims only highlight the truth. As long as we consistently challenge them.

Keep it up @ plot. Thank you for helping us spread awareness of BIPARTISAN, INSTITUTIONALIZED CHILD RAPE

Schneiderisnext said...

"Frankly. I'd rather be under RUSSIAN DICTATOR as long as CHILDREN aren't raped by the political elite and their protectorate"

A VERY conditiona statement. Yet @plot again misquotes

You are failing @plot. How about you stop lying.

Unknown said...

DuPont's case enrages me still. It was reported that it wasn't just his daughter he assaulted, but his son as well. But you know the saying, "money talks and bullshit walks." That waste of oxygen was treated as a precious snowflake. I grew up with the adage of "don't do the crime if you can't do the time." Welp, once big dollars are involved, that adage only applies to the peasants.


On the subject of partisan pedos:

The last administration had a very strong tie to the media; we see with the DNC Wikileaks that several news media people hobknobed and dined with DNC elites. People like Rachel Maddow get paid 30k a day just to keep shouting "Russia!" rather than report fact. Not sure if you're aware, @ Plot, of Operation Mockingbird, but it basically turns news people into CIA puppets, to spew propaganda, mis-and-disinformation to keep the populace ignorant and complacent. The DNC was last in power through the White House. We see them trying to keep their power, using the Media as a shield, and social media as their sword. THey don't report on their own team, that way when some other (conservative) news reports on it, it can then be spun as a partisan attack and to be dismissed. It's why DeBlasio's assistant didn't get much press time, despite being arrested for child porn featuring 6 month old infants. Or Raymond Liddy, Deputy AG of California, busted on child porn-- hardly any press. Given how the media told America HRC had a 98% chance to win... well, we know the information they provide is less than reliable.

Please understand that the alphabet agencies use children to blackmail people of note; it's how they control them. Commonly referred to "Brownstone Ops"... that house in New Orleans, Epstien's PedoSkull island, The Standard Hotel... those are places for gathering such blackmail. Politician getting uppity? Deep State (as defined by those who'd be responsible for the continuous running of the USA should shit hit the fan and the chain of command reduced to rubble) has leverage to keep them in line. That nugget of information is what I attribute to Jeffrey Epstein getting a slap on the wrist despite 33 victims-- his operations were needed and he couldn't run them from prison (plus all the $$$$ helped, too)...

My favorite factoid about the Clintons? (If it's about individuals and not a group, it's not partisan!) That they invited a court documented human trafficker, Ghislaine Maxwell (Epstein bestie and underage recruiter) to Chelsea's wedding. That they socialize with people who gave death threats to girls who didn't want to be molested or raped says a lot about their sense (or lack) of characters. https://imgoat.com/uploads/6657d5ff90/95947.png

Schneiderisnext said...

"I said I'd rather live in a dictatorship IF KIDS AREN'T ABUSED

Obviously I don't want to live in a dictatorship.

But your worst case scenario of "russians taking over america" doesn't really matter. Pedophiles and Abusers already rule the USA."

AGAIN, I've repeatedly clarified, yet @plot lies about what I've said.

Please stop lying @plot

plot said...

Again, you show little understanding of dictatorships and their effect on real people in real countries (not fantasy basements.)

Unacknowledged by you is that abuse and human trafficking are a side effect of the kind of stress and instability of dictators. Why are you playing these games and imagining that you would have an either/or choice? This is REAL, this is not a game. You either want to end abuse or you want to fiddle with things you do not understand.

"But your worst case scenario of "russians taking over america" doesn't really matter"

Again, you are playing games. Where have I said that? The worst case scenario is that we all die, dude. Why would you imagine anything different?

"Pedophiles and Abusers already rule the USA.""

Which you can prove with fantasy basements and pizza toppings? And your fantasy church?

Oh for fuck's sake.

Schneiderisnext said...

Thank you @Rosie for the love and support we are healing. It hurts, but that's the first step when confronting pain....Regardless of the source

@Plot. See you are the outlier. Meditate on that.

plot said...

Again Schneider, what are you doing for the abused other than posting nonsense on a gossip message board?

plot said...

"See you are the outlier"

Oh my, I've lost a popularity contest amongst the babbling crazies on a gossip site. Whatever shall I do!

Clearly, I don't care.

plot said...

Again Schneider, what are you doing for the victims of abuse other than building fantasy churches on a gossip site?

Schneiderisnext said...


"Unacknowledged by you is that abuse and human trafficking are a side effect of the kind of stress and instability of dictators"

No, they are a side effect of corruption. Regardless of governmental structures.

Monarchs RAPE. Democrats RAPE. Republicans RAPE. DictAtors RAPE.


@plot stop isolating the problem. It's widespread. Your willful ignorance and blindness to the ubiquity FURTHERS ABUSE.

plot said...

Again Schneider, what are you doing for the victims of abuse other than building fantasy churches on a gossip site?

plot said...

Again Schneider, what are you doing for rape victims other than playing with yourself on a gossip board?

Schneiderisnext said...

@plot" The worst case scenario is we all die"

Which is why I asked if you believe in life after death @plot?

And you refused to answer because It's "personal"

Those of us who aren't fatalists. Believe in life after death. It helps us stick to a moral code and not fall victim to the traps of pragmatism.

Still refuse to answer?

plot said...

Again Schneider, how are you helping the real victims of abuse, not winning a popularity contest on a tiny little gossip board?

plot said...

What are you doing for the weak, the disadvantaged, the abused and terrorized of the world, Schneider?

plot said...

So you don't care about the abused or the victimized, only about your own salvation? Nice. so brave

plot said...

So the victims of abuse are only your stepping stones to salvation? Very nice.

Schneiderisnext said...

@plot "On a gossip message board? Aren't you the brave one"

@plot "Again Schneider, what are you doing for rape victims other than playing with yourself on a gossip board?"

"Again Schneider, what are you doing for the victims of abuse other than building fantasy churches on a gossip site?"

"Again Schneider, how are you helping the real victims of abuse, not winning a popularity contest on a tiny little gossip board?"

Yet you keep posting too...

Do you want to go public @plot? Defend your positions from your real-life indentity?

I'm more than willing to. You expose your identity. So will I.

Schneiderisnext said...

A real life debate?

Who wants it? Live stream maybe?

It seems @plot doesn't want to hide behind a username anymore.

Guesser said...

@plot,@schniederisnext,George Nader has apparently fled the country, to UAE. He had been proven to be a convicted child molester. Czech Republic? I believe, 2003? Take off your gloves,retreat to neutral corners,and think about the fact that this guy is swimming with President Clinton, meeting with Trump,and has numerous friends in high places, has for years. Go for three hundred,I will see if I have popcorn.

Schneiderisnext said...

@guesser <3 spray that lighter fluid on the fire!

Mary Lamb said...

Would you shut the fuck up about dictatorships, alread?!
I came back to point out how @Schneider was simply amplifying her/his abhorrence for pedophiles. Hell, I'd spend the rest of my life in jail, in a dictatorial country, if I could stop the abuse.
I know that you're fully aware of it, too. You're just going on about it because it's something you can TRY to latch onto and TRY to sway anyone just coming in on the conversation, if you can call it that. YOU ARE GODDAMN PATHETIC.

You have no idea what any of us are doing to help victims of sexual abuse.
What are YOU doing, eh? I suspect you're too busy shooting your mouth off about poor Hilary to be worried about the REAL victims in these blinds. They are, as far as you're concerned, inconsequential or at the very, very least secondary to what you really care about - hearing yourself speak.

Of course, I can skip your comments and I do, mostly, but when I do happen upon your idiocy it's like a train wreck. That, and I enjoy Schneider's thoughtful comments immensely and you seem to latch onto her/his comments like a barnacle, for optimum exposure, obviously.

plot said...

Nader didn't just meet with Trump. He served him in the White Pride House and funnelled 100s of millions of dollars into the bank accounts of Trump's cronies.

Yes, he's back in the UAE but Mueller as called him back to answer more questions next week. Nader is cooperating. That, along with the porn stars suing him, and the noose tightening around the necks of the Kushners, is why Trump is especially rabid this week.

plot said...

You have no idea what any of us are doing to help victims of sexual abuse"

I'm guessing none of you is working the hotlines but I could be wrong.

"What are YOU doing, eh?"

Why do you care? I'm not one of you cool kids.

plot said...

So what are you doing to help victimized people, Schneider?

Schneiderisnext said...

It's always a compliment when the trolls target you.

Thanks again @Marylamb. <3, love, peace, and understanding

Truth always prevails

plot said...

The truth being you only care about victims of abuse when it conveniences you and/or assures your salvation?

Have I got that right?

Schneiderisnext said...


Do you want to go public @plot? Defend your positions from your real-life indentity?

I'm more than willing to. You expose your identity. So will I.

plot said...

I'm just asking questions based on your own concerns and preoccupations.

You've exposed quite enough for that.

Mary Lamb said...

@Plot said:
"Why do you care?

I don't. As a matter of fact, it was rhetorical. I'm simply showing you how stupid your question is, when asking others.

I'm not one of you cool kids.

Oh FFS. Now I've seen everything. Are you actually looking for pity?
What the hell is wrong with you?!

Schneiderisnext said...

@plot Nader didn't just serve Bill Clinton, he partied shirtless with him in punta cana AFTER THE CHILD MOLESTATION CONVICTION


Personally, I avoid partying with pedophiles. I also don't put my arm around them.



Schneiderisnext said...

@plot complains about my anonymity but has refused TWICE to debate publicly.

What are you doing @plot?

Schneiderisnext said...

Unless @plot has no shame, this blind will probably reach 300 comments @guesser

Mary Lamb said...

Anytime. Love and Peace to you too. :)

@Plot is baiting you to bring this back to it's favorite subject:
partisanship - AKA @Plot. Invariably redundant, no?

Guesser said...

@plot,Nader works for the UAE,not the White House. UAE was one of the biggest contributors to The Clinton Foundation. Clinton continued to associate with him after Trump became President, vacationing like close friends. The Clinton's invited Epstein's ex and close associate to Chelsea's wedding. They knew of Epstein's conviction, and they should have known about Nader. Good Night,see you at 300.

plot said...

"I'm simply showing you how stupid your question is"

And failed.

"Are you actually looking for pity? "

Not accustomed to irony?

plot said...

"Nader didn't just serve Bill Clinton"

In what capacity did he serve Clinton, specifically?

"he partied shirtless with him in punta cana AFTER THE CHILD MOLESTATION CONVICTION"

Why do you imagine things like that? Does it get you off?

"I avoid partying with pedophiles."

Yet you discuss them day and night, almost like you can't quit them. Are they attractive to you for some reason? Or is it just their victims, who you don't want to help especially, but seem obsessed with.

plot said...

"Nader works for the UAE"

And funnelled hundreds of millions to Donny and his friends, right? And was personally involved in setting up back channels for Donny and Vlad, right? You leave out so much we know for your fantasies.

"UAE was one of the biggest contributors to The Clinton Foundation. "

Unless you can connect Nader to those contributions (more than a stroll on the beach is needed) you've got bupkis.

plot said...

"Unless @plot has no shame"

I'd say the one using abuse victims to secure his place in heaven is the one without shame here.

Guesser said...

@plot,the shirtless pictures of Clinton, Nader and Tony Podesta are out there. And better to hang with someone for contributions than the other possibility. Caution to anyone looking at the photos, have eyewash handy. And @plot,I will believe it when I see him back in the US, if he is facing any charges,he likely will stay put.

plot said...


"he shirtless pictures of Clinton, Nader and Tony Podesta are out there"

As unappealing as that image is, it isn't proof of pedophilia. However, we now have definite proof that Nader facilitated the raising of hundreds of millions for Trump from the UAE (a side note - foreign funds cannot be used in US elections.) This is one angle to the investigation against Trump that is very serious, especially since Trump is threatening Qatar for denying a loan to Kushner for his failing real estate ventures and enlisting the UAE to apply pressure.

"I will believe it when I see him back in the US, if he is facing any charges,he likely will stay put."

I get your skepticism but there are no charges pending that are publicly known (though there are a mountain of sealed indictments on the Rocket Docket in Northern VA.) Nader has been back and forth from UAE and USA a few times now since he started cooperating in January (after being pulled in after landing in Dulles with no one noticing at all. Damn Mueller is GOOD.)

We'll have to be patient and see (oh the agony of this shit!)

Guesser said...

@plot,if no possible charges are pending,why would he cooperate in the first place? They must have thought it was possible he would leave as well. I never suggested Clinton was a pedo, although he has plenty of friends who are and continues to be friends with."We now have definite proof..." Apparently those you dislike are not allowed due process. A side note,most,if not all the commentators you personally attack have stated or implied they or someone close to them is a sexual abuse victim. The obsession comes from wanting justice for others,because they can't get it for themselves. If the people "out there" didn't care about what is on this site,why was it always under attack? Yes, a lot here is crap,but that was always the deal here. A lot of people know something, but don't know where to use their voice.

Schneiderisnext said...

"Nader didn't just serve Bill Clinton"

@plot "In what capacity did he serve Clinton, specifically?"

"Nader ran the magazine Middle East Insight in the 1990s, with Democrat Rep. Nick Rahall paying tribute to him in 1996, the Times reports.

Nader also attempted to arrange an Israel-Syria peace deal during the Clinton administration, the newspaper reported.

“In the 1990s, George was a very effective under-the-radar operator in the peace process,” former U.S. ambassador to Israel Martin S. Indyk told the Times. “Then, he disappeared.”

The paper added that Nader “effectively vanished from the capital’s policy scene, and his magazine ceased publication in 2002.”

Schneiderisnext said...

Nader has been involved in at least 4 presidential administrations.

After his first conviction in 1985

After his second conviction on 2003

The Pedophile has been involved in American politics for over two decades.

But it's only an issue for @plot when TRUMP is involved

Schneiderisnext said...

@plot do you remember saying this? Because you're caught in another contradiction

"Oh! I see, when the purveyor of child porn is connected to Clinton, through pizza parlors, that is valid gossip.

But when we have in front of us, only exposed yesterday, that a close Donny advisor was BUSTED for child porn, no cheese pizza about it, that is not worthy gossip."

Why did Bill and Tony Podesta party shirtless with a convicted Pedophile?


A photo from 2017 of Clinton with his arm around George Nader.


Schneiderisnext said...

"Nader partied shirtless with Clinton in punta cana AFTER THE CHILD MOLESTATION CONVICTION"

@Plot: Why do you imagine things like that? Does it get you off?"

@Plot is lying. We've already discussed the existence of this photo in this blind



No it doesn't get me off. But lately, exposing you as a SHITTY LIAR kinda does.

plot said...


",if no possible charges are pending,why would he cooperate in the first place?"

We'll have to wait and see (and deal with our frustrations at the gradual pace of this investigation in other ways. It happens when it happens and Mueller is actually racing if one looks back at the timeline.)

You might not be claiming Clinton is a pedo, but you are making that assertion about a lot of people in his sphere without proper backing.

" Apparently those you dislike are not allowed due process."

Excuse me???? Nader is the only one I've accused of being a pedo because there is proof. What else do you mean by that statement? That I'm following the investigations (there are more than one) into the Trump family and friends? Well, okay, guilty. There is plenty of fodder there.

"A side note,most,if not all the commentators you personally attack have stated or implied they or someone close to them is a sexual abuse victim"

One can claim anything on the internet, right? For the record, I've watched a lot of predatory people online insinuate themselves into groups using horrible stories. I'm not claiming this is the case of this group on CDAN, but I find it very curious they choose to congregate here and spread an agenda while claiming to be tracking down pedos...which they are not. Covering oneself with the excuse of childhood abuse to promote political and social fictions is going on a lot right now.

" If the people "out there" didn't care about what is on this site,why was it always under attack?"

When is it ever under attack? When it changed formats? Yeah, that was a rebellious time around here. When are you thinking of?

"A lot of people know something, but don't know where to use their voice."

Facebook and more anonymous forums like Reddit have oodles of victims forums. Why not go there?

plot said...


Nothing you posted connects Clintons with Nader, sorry. It's all your own insinuations.

"But it's only an issue for @plot when TRUMP is involved"

Or my interest is piqued because Nader is playing a role, RIGHT THIS SECOND, in this administration that set up some squalid little deals using him. Do you want this guy, this predator, caught? Do you care what his capacity is RIGHT THIS MOMENT and what our Judicial System discovers?

No? Just shirtless guys on the beach for you, from 20 years ago?

"Why did Bill and Tony Podesta party shirtless with a convicted Pedophile?"

I don't know. I don't think you know either except you sure looooove your attachment to pedophiles.

"No it doesn't get me off."

Somehow it does, since you are moving from fact to your own fictions to keep feeding the obsession.

What are you doing for victims again?

Makeupbylizz said...

Just read it. Whoa!

Makeupbylizz said...

Wasn’t there a BI about Heather O in the last few months?

Schneiderisnext said...

"@plot: Nothing you posted connects Clintons with Nader, sorry. It's all your own insinuations."

Your lies are obvious and shameful.

A photo from Last year with Clinton putting his arm around George Nader isn't a connection? Are

From 2017 not 20 years ago you LIAR.


2017..again! LAST YEAR

The NYT reporting that Nader worked with the Clinton administration in the 90's isn't a connection?

Yes I want Nader caught. YES I WANT TRUMP EXPOSED. But we have to look at both sides fairly. And admit both created the lawless situation where pedos serve 20+ years in Presidential administrations of BOTH PARTIES.



plot said...

"where pedos serve 20+ years in Presidential administrations of BOTH PARTIES."

Talk about fictions...

"The NYT reporting that Nader worked with the Clinton administration in the 90's isn't a connection?"

More than 20 years old, I guess so. What did he do there?

Schneiderisnext said...

You are lying! @plot

George Nader served Reagan, Bush 1, Clinton, and now trump!

4 parties. Want a link? Or "is google not working

The photo of them partying in the Dominican Republic is from 2017.

Last year.

You lie. Why?

He tried to broker a peace deal between Iran and israel

Mary Lamb said...

Schneiderisnext said:
"he partied shirtless with him in punta cana AFTER THE CHILD MOLESTATION CONVICTION"

PLOT said:
"Why do you imagine things like that?"
"Does it get you off?"
Yet you discuss them day and night, almost like you can't quit them. Are they attractive to you for some reason? Or is it just their victims, who you don't want to help especially, but seem obsessed with."

This is the most disgusting thing I've read.

PLOT, you are the most vile, loathsome person I've ever had the displeasure to encounter. You not only have no boundaries but you also have no soul.

AND THEN, when you are proven WRONG and a fraud, yet again, you counter furthering your accusation...

Sneiderisnext said:
"No it doesn't get me off."

PLOT said:
"Somehow it does, since you are moving from fact to your own fictions to keep feeding the obsession.

You are certifiably insane.
I hope you are in an institution.
You do realize that accusing someone of 'getting off' on child molestation is totally fucked, don't you?
You don't care. You're just evil.

You suggest that posters who have experienced child abuse go elsewhere? How about you take your filthy ass over to somewhere where they want to hear your PARTISAN bullshit, over and over again.
I get it, they don't want you either.

Unknown said...

I'm pretty sure Plot is a shill. A deliberate distraction to keep people from digging further, getting them caught up in its rhetoric. This conclusion is reached by the blatant ignoring of facts (oh, mysterious basement!) to suit its narrative... AKA PLOT. Gotta keep correcting the record, amiright?

Nasser and Sandusky got big sentences because it appeases the masses--and throws attention onto the sacrificial lambs and allows the rest of the accomplices/enablers/clients to scurry into the dark like the cockroaches they are. The WHOLE USA Gymnastics board resigned in the wake of Nasser's conviction. They knew. One can't abuse that many people without flags or higher ups being made aware well beforehand.

Schneiderisnext, Guesser, Rosie, Mary Lamb, Geeljire: I love reading your guy's points. Thank you for making my popcorn worthwhile.

Mary Lamb said...

@Mandi Rei Serra
Whatever PLOT's motives, a distraction she surely is. You may very well be correct. And, with that...

Back to Spielberg...

Spielberg and Geffen have adjoining properties in East Hampton.
I mention this because it was a long time ago that I first searched Spielberg's properties (probably a year or two and not relative to these accusations) and when I did, I found that he had at least three on the East End, not far from each other. I can only find two now.
The one missing was very curious. It was a large plot, probably 3 acres or so, with nothing on it but a long, flat building, one story high and at least 50 feet long. This was not a temporary building trailer and no sight of development.
I figured it may be some sort of underground shelter, as in a disaster refuge. It makes me wonder why I can't find it anymore.

Schneiderisnext said...

You are all wonderful people. Keep singing with your beautiful voices. The song is growing louder and stronger every day.

I wish you healing @plot.

plot said...

" you also have no soul."

LOL! Yep, keep thinking you have god like powers there.

Imagining your flight to heaven on the wings of victims...

"A deliberate distraction to keep people from digging further,"

Digging further into what? Imaging a language of pizza toppings isn't "digging".

"Nasser and Sandusky got big sentences because it appeases the masses"

OH, is that it??? Or were there extremely brave victims willing to take a stand, to fight both in the courts and in the media?

Aren't you the bravest little fighter yet! Telling victims they don't matter, just like their abusers did! FU.

plot said...

"You do realize that accusing someone of 'getting off' on child molestation is totally fucked, don't you?"

Then you don't know the first thing about the sexual victimization of children.

Or, rather, you do.

Guesser said...

@makeupbylizz,if you mean heather O'Rourke, yes, and it gave details regarding possible abuse on both the movie and also a TV show she guest starred on. Another actress from that show seems to be the source. One thing people say about her death,even if the abuse wasn't the cause of her illness,it doesn't mean it didn't happen. @plot,times up. Trying to claim the photos were 20 years old,that didn't work. Trying to get your Greek choir to come to your defense didn't work,because most don't agree with the idea that someone interested in bringing theses cases to light is somehow getting off on it.Most won't stoop so low.

plot said...

"Trying to get your Greek choir to come to your defense didn't work"

What are you talking about? Greek choir? Are you talking about the choirs in the plays of the Greek golden age? And me? WTF?

",because most don't agree with the idea that someone interested in bringing theses cases to light is somehow getting off on it"

Who is most? I don't think most people here are even interested in abuse or victims at all, frankly. OTOH, there is something very twisted going on here with the ebullience in this very complicated fantasy where they are catching the bad guys! In Libya! In South Africa! In Government! Something is pushing away the real cases and conditions of sexual abuse for a really bad script of international intrigue.

But when someone talks about religion being their guide, while talking about vindicating abuse (somehow, it's never really apparent) alarms go off for me. This is not an unknown paradigm.

Mary Lamb said...

PLOT said: I don't think most people here are even interested in abuse or victims at all, frankly.

No, it's you that constantly veers from the subject of a blind, just like this one, to inject your political agenda. No one else is doing that except for you.

PLOT said: But when someone talks about religion being their guide, while talking about vindicating abuse (somehow, it's never really apparent) alarms go off for me.

Are you referring to my assertion that you have no soul? You don't need to believe in any god to have a soul. I'm an atheist.

PLOT said: Then you don't know the first thing about the sexual victimization of children.

Maybe it's you who "gets off" on sexual abuse and that's why you turn every single one of these blinds into your pathetic, personal political forum.
Let me point out, once again, that YOU are the only one focusing on, ad nauseam, political party lines instead of the subject at hand.
No one else gives a flying fuck who these bastards vote for.

Schneiderisnext said...

@Plot "What are you talking about? Greek choir? Are you talking about the choirs in the plays of the Greek golden age? And me? WTF?"

Have you ever heard of a Metaphor? Your misunderstanding/literalism is perhaps the weakest tactic you employ

@Plot But when someone talks about religion being their guide, while talking about vindicating abuse (somehow, it's never really apparent) alarms go off for me. This is not an unknown paradigm.

Because you've failed to distract us with partisan political debates. Now you try to push partisan religious fights.

I agree with @Marylamb, you might not have a soul @plot

Unknown said...

Plot didn't deny being a shill and knows not of what it speaks. That's more than fucking evident.

Aren't you the bravest little fighter yet! Telling victims they don't matter, just like their abusers did! FU.

Where did I say that? Oh wait, I didn't. I said those who enable abuse crawl away like cockroaches and aren't held accountable. Those who are caught are treated as sacrificial lambs to provide cover for those who participate/enable abuse. That is the gist of what I said, and if your reading comprehension sucks so terribly, you should reconsider debating people. This level of dumbfuckery shouldn't be inflicted upon the masses.

I find it pretty fucked up that you're telling a childhood victim of sexual abuse that she doesn't care about victims of sexual abuse as she advocates for more acknowledgement of a topic that most people find distasteful enough to ignore. I've been advocating for kids since 2006 with my volunteering with Perverted Justice (the To Catch A Predator people), so kindly shove your opinion up your ass. And while you're digging in your back 40, pull your head out, making sure to clear the sphincter, so you can get a deep breath of fresh air and finally get the shit out of your eyes. Maybe that'll help you read better. My dear, you really need to slow down and process things a bit more carefully before making an absolute ass of yourself. PS-- do research. It helps. Because you soooo very obviously spout shit without fact to back it up.

Ahem. That said, for now on I won't feed the troll.

Mary Lamb said...

I applaud you, Mandi Rei Serra, both for your candor and your dedication to helping other victims. Thank you. :)

Mary Lamb said...

I should have said *survivors. Wishing you peace. :)

plot said...

"Those who are caught are treated as sacrificial lambs to provide cover for those who participate/enable abuse"

Again, you ignore the victims and the battles they fought to bring men like Nassar and Sandusky to justice.

No, for you it's only this big mysterious network that allowed them to be sacrificed.

Sorry, chica, that is disenfranchising the victims and projecting the opinion that pedophiles want - that the victims are not important, no one will believe them.

There are extremely brave people who have testified and told their stories to the media who deserve better than to be told nothing they did mattered - it was a higher power at work that put Nassar and Sandusky behind bars.

Again, FU.

plot said...

"you might not have a soul @plot"

Knowing the mind of god seems to be your forte, doesn't it.

Unknown said...

Plot, I know very well the hurdles survivors go through to get "justice" but let's face it, the system is skewed against them. Many survivors don't go to trial for the simple fact that it's retraumatizing and that the Defense will take every cheap shot it can to deflect all responsibility onto the innocent, rather than holding the guilty accountable for their crimes.

Ever hear of Marc Dutroux? He's the Belgian version of Pizzagate. He went down, but those who used his 'services' never faced justice. https://steemit.com/pizzagate/@mandireiserra/belgium-s-own-pizzagate-marc-dutroux

THAT is what I want to change. More people would come forward if they knew they'd be believed.

Plot, you are welcome to your opinions despite the lack of factual basis. It won't stop me from advocating for sex victims or giving them my ear. It won't stop me from holding a spotlight on shady corners so the cockroaches have less places to hide, so they can be stomped out of existence just that much quicker. Your mindset, fucked as it is, just reinforces the notion that education about institutional abuse is more than needed: at this point it's required. https://steemit.com/crime/@mandireiserra/rape-and-pillage-american-government-s-acceptance-of-human-trafficking

If holding ALL accountable who raped and/or help enable abuse is a bad thing, then I'm bad. Terrible, even. You know, for making sure all who participated (even passively) in abusing people are held accountable in a court of law. If wanting to end that sort of shit makes me a "victim hater", well, it says a lot more about you than it does me. https://steemit.com/steemnews/@mandireiserra/child-sex-bill-in-georgia-town-has-groups-showing-their-true-colors-catholic-church-and-boy-scouts-both-oppose-law-that-would

I suggest reading up on the following topics (I know you won't, Plot, but I figured I'd be polite and at least offer leads so you can catch up and be on the same page) before engaging me in conversation again.

- Op Flicker: 5k+ Pentagon workers caught with child porn on work computers. Few investigated, none arrested. Anderson Cooper covered it once, then silence. http://ireport.cnn.com/docs/DOC-1184433

- Nancy Schafer killed for exposing corruption in the foster system. https://steemit.com/ghaitofpizza/@mandireiserra/former-senator-nancy-schaefer-and-her-husband-were-found-dead-in-their-home-nancy-was-actively-exposing-corruption-within-the-department-of-family-and-child-services-by-srayzie

- Monica Peterson killed for looking into human trafficking in Haiti. https://steemit.com/ghaitofpizza/@mandireiserra/voat-backup-breaking-mother-of-monica-petersen-says-she-does-not-believe-her-daughter-committed-suicide-washington-post-is-covering-this-up-by-rutkdn

- The wife of Marine Corps Coronal reveals shady things about Deep State in 10 hour interview. She's religious, and there's religious overtones, but that doesn't diminish the information she lays out. https://steemit.com/informationwar/@mandireiserra/the-interview-every-american-should-watch

- US Gov admitted to brainwashing. This plays into the MKUltra stuff, which involves sexual sadism against children. https://steemit.com/infomationwar/@mandireiserra/highlights-from-the-cia-circa-1977

- "Cheese Pizza" code used on craigslist to find a woman into child porn. https://steemit.com/pizzagate/@mandireiserra/well-there-goes-that-argument-new-jersey-corrections-officer-arrested-for-craigslist-posts-about-child-porn-referred-to-as

And finally, Jigglypuff. Because why not meme facts? https://steemit-production-imageproxy-upload.s3.amazonaws.com/DQmY26PsQRdfuB7ijPyA5PPEDe4dG8ZgoxpeaBXmShMMGRk

Oh, and FU? Not even with a ten-foot pole in a ten ply condom. You are a despicable person and I hope you get help. It's hard to be stigmatized, I know, but hey, help is out there if you ask for it.

plot said...

"Plot, I know very well the hurdles survivors go through to get "justice" but let's face it, the system is skewed against them. Many survivors don't go to trial for the simple fact that it's retraumatizing and that the Defense will take every cheap shot it can to deflect all responsibility onto the innocent, rather than holding the guilty accountable for their crimes."

Yes, that is the long and the short of it.

It has nothing to do with a BIg Network that decides which abusers are sacrificed to the courts and which aren't. It is all about whether victims can be supported and stand up in court. What are you doing to help victims reach that end? To be strong enough to make it through their trials? Anything? Nothing? Or is investigating bullshit on the Internet, crap fed to you on delicious Outrage! sites, more your thing

You can say the system is skewed but that isn't right either. PLENTY of innocent people have spent time in prison for false accusations, particularly accusations launched in the 80s and early 90s. We have to protect ALL people in our system, and not build witchhunts so people like YOU can play with themselves to their little conspiracy theories.

As for the rest of your bullshit, you once again prove that your interest is not in supporting victims but in reading up on delicious theories. And that is why I say FU, again, because this is all about you gratifying yourself.

Lastly, yeah, I happen to know something about the Belgian justice system and Dutroux. Do you know how cases are built in that country? Do you know how Dutroux tried to fuck with their criminal justice system for attention and self importance? I would guess not.

And a final FU because any victim who comes into your atmosphere is going to be severely let down and only used to fill your fantasies.

Schneiderisnext said...


Your words are hollow, for all to see.

@mandirei "I've been advocating for kids since 2006 with my volunteering with Perverted Justice (the To Catch A Predator people)"

To which @plot ignores and dumbly repeats:

@Plot "What are you doing to help victims reach that end? To be strong enough to make it through their trials? Anything? Nothing? Or is investigating bullshit on the Internet, crap fed to you on delicious Outrage! sites, more your thing"

@MandiReiSerra is the real child advocate and volunteer. @PLOT WHAT ARE YOU DOING? just commenting here?

@Mandy Rei Serra also is also a far more prolific blogger, journalist, and researcher than @PLOT. Anyone can look at her depth and breadth of work here:


COMPARE THAT WITH @PLOT'S 11 pithy blogger posts.


@Plot is a sad, sad person. Purely based on the rage and despair present in their posts.

Schneiderisnext said...

Thank you for continuing to advocate for the improvement of the justice system @mary lamb and @mandi rei serra

There is always corruption to be rooted out and systems to be refined.

Only @plot is advocating for a failed status quo.

Hopefully they will see how RETARDED that mindset is.

Rosie riveter said...

Plot! Good grief! For being so smart you're being stupid.
Look at what people say. You're not even reading these but yet you respond? At least READ THEM. You'll see what people Are saying, and see that they're answering your gd questions.

plot said...


I did read what Mandi posted and all I see is an effort to mentally stimulate herself with conspiracy theories. I reallyreallyreally hope that is not the shit she is feeding to victims of abuse and rape. They don't need it. They need compassion, patience and the strength to stand with them...not some exegesis on Craigslist vernacular and MKUltra.

Do you think the USA gymnasts who were abused need to go down the rabbit hole of any of that crap Mandi recommends? Seriously?

Schneiderisnext said...

Seems to me the multi-year cover-up of a doctor abusing US gymnasts is a [Gasp]


Seems to me Penn State university knowingly employing a pedophile for years....[shit]...

Its a conspiracy

Savile being openly joked about for years in British media....(goddamn it)

Another conspiracy.

People knew. And they kept it quiet. They to protect the abusers.

And nobody is encouraging anyone to tell victims more stories of abuse dickhead. Another shit strawmen.

However the rest of society...Those ignorant of abuse need to see the societal skeletons in the closet. So we can stop future victims.

And we have to talk about the network SURROUNDING people like Savile so we can FINALLY hold the Pedos & ENABLERS responsible.


Schneiderisnext said...

*They CONSPIRED to protect the abusers

plot said...

Oh yeah your little network investigations are helping these kids sooooo much -


And these kids


Or these



You are not helping most children who experience sexual abuse because the perpetrators aren't a part of your big international sex rings. The perps are their fathers or fathers of their friends or uncles or friends of their parents or ministers or teachers or mothers or siblings or next door neighbors or doctors or leaders of youth groups...THAT is who sexually abuses the majority of children, not fucking strangers in some sex ring, but PEOPLE KNOWN TO THE CHILDREN.

But that doesn't matter to you. You'd rather having thrilling fantasies of massive sex rings and some fucking Church.

Schneiderisnext said...

The existence of small-scale personalized instances of abuse doesn't refute the existence of systemic networks of abusers.

So do politicians, business people, charity workers. Pedophiles aren't limited to certain professions. They do trend towards them.

Most sex abuse isn't networked, but that doesn't disprove the existence of historical networks

Savile, Dutroux, The Finders, The Family, relocated Catholic Priests.

Those are historical examples of networked pedophilic sex rings.

Not a fantasy. Reality. History.

Guesser said...

@Schneiderisnext,of course,you are right,but @plot is now limited to insults and revealing herself to be guilty of what she accuses others. I said I would be here for three hundred,so here we are. Good luck,but beware of falling too far down the rabbit hole. I planned a response to @plot,even wrote it,but it seems pointless at this time. I will check in for anything new,though.

Unknown said...

"Oh noes, there's transcripts and interviews and evidence. It's a CONSPIRACY!"

plot said...


No, but if you think your best efforts for victims is to wander around in the fuzzy 4chan world filling in every space with pedophiles you are doing NOTHING for the victims of abuse. In fact, you are performing them a severe disservice.


Ok, fine. There are networks (though I would disagree with some of your choices there.) Do you think by imagining you are uncovering any of them on a gossip site helps victims? Why is what you are doing a solution?

It isn't. The only solution I can see, that would benefit the overwhelming number of abuse victims (who are silent sufferers of abuse by people known to them) and destroy your networks, is to make a radical change of morality in this world, a morality that might be connected to the basics of Capitalism itself and many religions.

Basically, we have to break the fundamental promise of both Capitalism and religion that people can own other people, that what a man owns he is free to do what he pleases, and a man essentially owns his family. A man can be dirt poor, but he still owns his family (and can sell and trade them if need be, treat them as he wishes.) Ending the treating of children as a commodity requires we break the fundamentals of our system, that we end the slavery upon which our entire system is built.

If you can end one network, and I can work for the creation of selfhood in victims that was stolen from them by their rapists and abusers, that doesn't end the entire societal ethos of exploitation of anything that seems weaker than oneself. What is required is a profound change in this country over what is sacred and outside the bounds of our capitalistic paradigm.

Maybe you've experienced this, I don't know. Have you seen the commercials that deliberately sexualize kids? Yeah, they make me ill but it attracts the eye. Are we willing to take a stand and say that shouldn't happen? Are we willing to tell the parents making money off those commercials that they can't anymore? How is that going to fly under our current Greed is Good, Profit is King form of social mores? Do you see how deeply this change will have to delve?

[I have to be fair here and say that the sexualizing of children and teenagers in commercials has sort of diminished over the last 5-10 years. It was much much worse during the 90s and 2000s, though it still occurs.]

Maybe the kids who protested yesterday will continue to fight for their rights to stay alive over people who own ARs. Maybe they will change our society in profound ways so that children aren't treated like statistics and commodities. I don't know. I hope so, dim light in the corner and all that.

Schneiderisnext said...


It will take a profound moral change.

But you sound like a defeatist by claiming that the problem is too deeply entrenched.

Yes kids are sexualized, yes greed runs the world. But more people than ever are aware of systemic inequality.

The weak are abused by the powerful. Some people call it Darwinism, others call it the fallen state of man.

The weaker you are societally-the less power you have-the more prone you are to be taken advantage of.

Kids are the weakest. Mentally disabled kids are even bigger targets.

But how are we going to change the status quo without a burgeoning change of consciousness? How do we change minds unless we spread repressed information and ideas?

I'm all for positive efforts and energy. But awareness is the first step. And for some reason you consistently reject studies and evidence that confirm CRIME NETWORKS

Anonymous commenters can crowd-source AND SHARE INFORMATION in ways the world HAS NEVER EXPERIENCED. The paradigm is shifting.

The internet is the new printing press.

Just as the translation of the bible into the common tongue, challenged the Church's authority. Uncensored online speech is challenging institutionalized paradigms and structures. Secrecy is harder to maintain.

So you can say we aren't helping victims. But we certainly aren't aiding the Networks. More Exposure = Less Immunity

Speaking Truth is an Evolutionary act.

Schneiderisnext said...

"Have you seen the commercials that deliberately sexualize kids...Are we willing to take a stand and say that shouldn't happen? Are we willing to tell the parents making money off those commercials that they can't anymore?


that's what we are advocating. Taking steps in the right direction. Even though the problem is more deeply rooted than just hollywood.

If stars are demanding inclusion/diversity riders, we can't lobby and fight against child exploitation/sexualization? Frankly I think all kid actors are violating child labor laws. Let's just enforce the existing laws. No more kids on tv/in movies/in advertisements.

Replace em with cgi. Boom. No more exploited kids.

Schneiderisnext said...

"A man can be dirt poor, but he still owns his family (and can sell and trade them if need be, treat them as he wishes.) Ending the treating of children as a commodity requires we break the fundamentals of our system, that we end the slavery upon which our entire system is built."

So destroy the family unit and we'll magically end exploitation?

Look up foster care statistics. You're more likely to be raped and abused in the custody of the state than in the custody of your parents.

I agree that familial abuse also happens, but targeting men/patriarchy, won't end abuse either. Especially when we don't live in an anarchist utopia and the State has the Monopoly on Violence. The STATE is the biggest source of institutional/legalized abuse

You may think that the "emancipation" of children is the solution, but that actually is a tactic of Pedophile Academics. If kids are free to make their own decisions, they can "consent" to sex.

There isn't an easy solution. But free speech is the only thing leading us to universal truths.

Schneiderisnext said...

"Maybe the kids who protested yesterday will continue to fight for their rights to stay alive over people who own ARs."

Ah yes. The Kids Marching On... Who I'm sure paid for their own flights to DC, hotel accomodations, food, and coordinated tshirts....

OR perhaps they are also being exploited...By the MEDIA, POLITICIANS ACTIVIST GROUPS, and ADULTS.

...Who rather coldly and calculedly are using kids as commodities in a political debate

why do you have faith in these children to change the world, but not yourself?

Embrace your own power @plot. Stop waiting for others to change your world

Mary Lamb said...

But, but, but how will I be able to whack off, you know, tickle my genitalia, if we were to abolish (the supposed non-existent institutionalized network) of sexual child abuse.
Just because Plot took her meds today will not delete her disgusting filth.
She's projecting and it's disturbing as hell.

Kate said...

STOP FALLING FOR TIMES UP ITS NOT REAL!! They're not really trying ti take down these pigs, if they were he'd be outed right now and more ppl would be supporting Corey Feldman who at least TRIES to speak up. Heck they had an entire movie free to watch on YouTube called Open Secret and NO ONE acknowledged it. These ppl including the women are NOT trying to really change the industry.

Unknown said...

Anonymous commenters can crowd-source AND SHARE INFORMATION in ways the world HAS NEVER EXPERIENCED. The paradigm is shifting.

THIS x1000.

In the 1980's, the White House Call Boy Scandal rocked the newspapers (for a brief moment before all copies were bought to prevent the spread of information) ; and even Tom Brokaw 'reported' on it. He reports that boys were brought to the White House at midnight. Those who used their "services" were busted for using credit cards to pay for it. How weird, right? Law enforcement didn't go after those trafficking the boys from the midwest (Boys Town, Franklin cover up territory) and pimping them out to DC elites. (video of Brokaw's "report" https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-b0auTDcJHI )

If one was around in the 80's, they may recall Ollie North getting shit upon for his role in the Iran Contras, where the sale of coke went to fund the contras. Well, the credit union in Franklin Nebraska was the bank chosen to launder the money. The man running the bank was the one who also trafficked those boys. When kids being trafficked and abused in Franklin tried to speak out, the media smeared them, the police gave 'em shit (because the police chief himself, allegedly helped himself to underage victims) and the courts penalized them for coming forward.

They didn't have social media back then. They could throttle information through printed news and those who gave news reports on air. But now, the internet makes that nigh upon impossible, which is why I think the net neutrality issue is damn important: it could throttle information once again.

Do you know how many sealed indictments there are at a federal level right now? THOUSANDS, where the norm is generally in the low hundreds. Might I suggest taking a look at the Justice Department's news release page because I found some douchebags in my area who got the book thrown at them, but wasn't on my local news. Combine that with the executive orders Trump has approved, the fact that over 800 CEOs/Founders/President of various big businesses have resigned or retired since Sept 2017, and it suggests that something big is in the works behind the scenes, probably RICO related.



List of CEOs that've resigned since 9/17 : https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1B-95giwldeKgsd0nYiw_sEaSf4kGNLZgEIvEhL2mVAw/edit#gid=0

I think the thing with getting behind Corey Feldman is that he may have been paid off to not name certain folk; that doesn't nullify his experiences, but it may play a part in keeping abusers safe. If he could, he should have named his abusers without all the drama of saying he was going to name his abusers after he gets XXX donations, ya know what I mean? But he was absolutely correct in his Barbra Walter's interview: Hollywood is creep central (for the west coast; DC is creep central for the east coast, imho) and I hope he has a good support system in place for when he does finally name all those names. Got no doubt there'll be backlash.

plot said...

"Frankly I think all kid actors are violating child labor laws. Let's just enforce the existing laws. No more kids on tv/in movies/in advertisements. "

On this, we are in complete agreement. How it should be accomplished I'm not sure. Is the public savvy enough to connect their need for cute kids on TV shows to their exploitation? Will enough victims form something like class action suits against a whole network like Nickelodeon or studio like Disney? I spend a lot of time thinking about how, legally, we can extend the child exploitation statutes into the film and TV industries. How would it cover movies like Kids?

"Ah yes. The Kids Marching On... Who I'm sure paid for their own flights to DC, hotel accomodations, food, and coordinated tshirts...."

What the ever-loving FUCK does that have to do with anything????

Oh, you believe that Clooney and Soros paid for 800K to show up in DC, plus the thousands of sympathy protests worldwide?

Screw you. This is where we part ways. Again, you would rather polish your delicious conspiracy theories than help anyone, which yes I consider a kind of masterbation.

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