Monday, March 05, 2018

Blind Item #36 - Oscars

This A- list mostly television actor from a hit cable show who is an Emmy winner won the award for strangest behavior last night, At an after party he was convinced people were following him. He accused multiple people of recording conversations. He acted as if someone was going to kidnap him any second. The paranoia level was on super high.


  1. Replies
    1. That's really immersing yourself in a role.

    2. I ever saw the show (ducks), but I have heard he is all into all sorts of stuff

  2. Why would someone steal Frances McDormand's Oscar? It wont be worth any money cuz the Academy can get her a new one. I hope it wasn't engraved yet.

  3. So were people following him or recording his conversations?

    How do you know?

    HOW DO YOU KNOW??????

  4. Did someone spend too much time indulging at Blind Item 33's table?

  5. It was engraved, but she got it back, and he was arrested.

    1. @gator - Thanks!

    2. I am watching Inside Edition now.

      1. Jodie Foster had an accident while skiing, hence the crutches.

      2. As for McDormand's Award, the thief has a habit of taking various awards & pretending he won so he can hobnob with celebs & take pics.

      3. As for the racist blind, they just showed a clip of Jane Fonda kissing a black man on the lips. Looked like Morgan Freeman from behind. Having said that, that does not mean she is not racist.

    3. The racist blind sounded like it could have been a Jew hater. I still think it’s JF.

  6. How exactly do you lose your Oscar? Seriously. Was she drunk? High? Grabbing Ryan Seacrest's manbits?

  7. Crystal Meth is a bad motherfucker. You can pay the dentist to stop your teeth rotting in your mouth but the paranoid delusions and hallucinations are a bitch. Lay off the pipe Peter, it won't end well.

  8. Peter Dinklage. GOT hit show, Emmy winner, was in Three Billboards so would have been prominent at the parties.

    He and his wife are both kind of hippies so he may have just smoked too much weed.

  9. DILLIGAFF?? If I were interested in Oscars shit, I would’ve WATCHED. 😒😒

  10. I hope it's too much substances and not something more serious like deep mental illness.

  11. By all accounts Frances goes like a Alabama Hot Rod. Yes on the outside a disgusting, rusty, ugly mess but under the hood there's a finely tuned V8 just ready to purr like a tiger when poked. Some lucky, lucky young buck(s) got to ride that Frances chassis after she'd burned through a bucket of coke (girls gotta celebrate). Can you blame her for getting absent minded when she's being spit roasted by the bus boys? I think not.

  12. this isnt Rami Malek - he wasnt at any Oscar event.

    tho there are a few events where his pupils were so dilated, it was scary. I wonder what type of pills he takes. he seems to have serious anxiety issues, and also self-conscious vibes (unfortunate, as I find his face oddly beautiful). too bad :( he seems like a total sweetheart. I remember the blind the crew of Robot said it was like night & day from season 2 where apparently he had a hardcore pill problem I guess affecting the length of shoots. and yet, there in july a few months after that blind saying he was doing better, he was popping pills at a nightclub panel.

    I hope he's doing better. After the Bryan Singer / Bohemian Rhapsody fiasco, well, Im sure everybody is a bit traumatized lol HOWEVER HOW THE HELL DID HE JUSTIFY SIGNING UP W/BRYAN SINGER IN THE FIRST PLACE? he seems a bit clueless, he was buddy buddy with casey affleck at the SAG awards last year like he didnt even have a clue.

  13. It's not paranoia if they're really out to get you.

    Although at events like this these days, I'd assume there's always someone recording everything, so no point in being distressed about it.

    1. +1

      If you think you're being recorded then just watch what you say, FFS.

  14. @tricia

    lol ME NEITHER! its way too dark & Fight Clubby for me (plus...I saw a clip and couldnt help but think the writing was...a bit pretentious lol). but rami seems sweet, tho I'd be curious to know what the pills are. so far, I just know its pills and alcohol and chainsmoking for rami lol

  15. @tricia

    waaaait ahhhh! "all sorts of stuff"


    while Ive never watched anything he's been in except The Master, I find him a bit fascinating (maybe its just his face). spill the tea if its more than pills!

    1. I don’t have anything horrible to say(and he does seem sweet and soft spoken). Just that he may be on adderall.... and weed makes one paranoid(anyway no other things)....He definitely seems malnourished 😰

  16. @TW,Jane adopted an African American girl. I'm pretty sure the remark was meant for an attractive Jewish woman ,likely Gal Gadot.

  17. @Guesser and Karen DC - thanks

    The Israelites lived in Egypt for over 400 years. Jesus, Mary, and Joseph lived in Egypt for a time. What does she think Jews look like?

    Does she know most African men have tested positive for carrying a gene that identifies them as belonging to the tribe of Levi?

    As if racists check their facts...

  18. Thia: Ever held an Oscar? They're heavy! You would not want to just carry one around all evening. She set it on a table and turned her back for a minute, and some doofus tried to steal it. I don't think it's foolish for an Oscar-winner at a high-security Oscar party to assume her award was safe.

  19. Mr. Robot is my favorite show, but it's dark. Not fight clubby at all. It's a dystopian story, of our making, with a few twists.
    Ok not Rami (I heard he dabbles a bit) but mostly he suffers from panic disorders. Anywho, new guess.. Adam Scott? Kidding. Love him in PLL.
    I got nothing.

  20. @Tricia13

    lol oh man, adderall - you think he would need something sedating since he seems like he has tons of ticks & can be quite twitchy.
    But THE WEED!!!!!! The only reason when you said that it reminded me of reading this incredulous bit once and thinking.....he's straight up lying, and he's not even doing a good job at it.

    "You know, I don’t smoke pot, and I did one time. Well, not one time, but I got really messed up off of that one time, because I kind of had some really crazy hallucinations, and felt like my mind was really being compromised. This was over the course of, uh, few days. [Laughs.] So I never wanted to feel that again."

    LOL that.

  21. @Nubian

    I definitely respect Robot as a show, it seems more smart and oriignal than the other stuff out there!
    Ugh, I didnt know may have a panic disorder....maybe he's taking downers (one that makes you calm, Im assuming, which he would need). poor guy. I remember reading his dad died in 2011. he does NOT look 37 years old. crazy.

  22. @toobis

    OOOOO i think you may have it! donald glover

  23. I'm throwing my hat in with the Donald Glover guess.

  24. Could be Chapelle

  25. everyone is saying it's meth or coke or whatever... honestly sounds like a good pot cookie/edible and an infrequent smoker to me. or someone who hasn't touched weed in a long time thinking they can still hang exactly like they used to. plus those cali dispensary edibles are strong these days.

  26. btw i love weed myself and i'm not suggesting it's hallucinogenic, but edibles are a totally different high especially to someone who's not used to it, and i have a lot of friends who had REALLY REALLY bad times when trying edibles with stories that arent totally unlike this one...

    but hey, i could be wrong, it wouldn't be the first time

  27. It would be kinda funny if it were Rami Malek tho b/c Elliot is TOTALLY like that
