Thursday, March 01, 2018

Blind Item #3

This closeted A+ list singer has a new crush and wants this female foreign born A- list singer to go on tour with her in hopes something could happen between the two.


  1. Replies
    1. Anonymous7:17 AM

      Susan Boyle?

    2. Camilla Cabello

    3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. I’m gonna say Tay Tay and Jessie J, she’s rumoured to be lesbian. Or Sia.

  3. Anonymous7:25 AM

    Whoever manages this blog on a day to day basis is a dishonest piece of shit. You take public info (tweets, tabloid stories) and put your own BS spin on it. This is about Swift and Cabello. How do I know that? Because:

    Is Camila Cabello Going on Tour With Taylor Swift? See the Tweet Raising Eyebrows

    That's the entire basis of this "blind". You have no f-ing clue why CC might open for TS. Don't act like your sources tell you that TS "hopes something could happen between the two". You're just winging it.

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. You might want to read the disclaimer. In the meantime, I'll be over here suffering the embarrassment for you. Good fucking grief.

    3. Leave Brittany alone!!! Wahhhhhhh

  4. @Normal - I love the random guesses in general, but Susan Boyle really got me this time. Dying. :'(

  5. Jessie J and Tay Tay? OMFG! Them two scissoring would be like rubbing two damp sticks together to try to make a fire.

  6. Get a grip,@John the Savage. Enty has always done this, and Taylor does at least seem to crush on young ,hot females.

  7. Isn't Celine Dion doing a tour this year????
    Just sayin'

  8. Celine Dion and Adele!

  9. John has gotten really emotional about Tay Tay being a muff diver. I also get emotional about this, all those incredible Aryan genes going to waste. if Tay Tay is a Nazi, and I'm not saying she is, but if she is then maybe she'll hook up with Skarsgard and start a new master race. A new super gay master race.

  10. Anonymous7:35 AM

    This dipshit has posted several blinds because of emails I sent him, and since I know what those blinds are actually based on, I know that he lies in every single one of those blinds.

  11. Anonymous7:36 AM

    Swift may well be a carpet muncher, but this blind is part public info, part guesswork.

  12. @Tuesdi I immediately thought Celine, but I don't know who the foreign born is.
    There have been rumors swirling around Celine FOREVAH

  13. Anonymous7:44 AM

    Enty doesn't post most of these blinds, Guesser. It's a moron employee.

    1. I have a tampon in my purse if you need one.

    2. Hahahahaha @Jen S for the win!

      John, did you apply to work for Enty and did he turn you down? It seems you are harboring some ill will. Maybe call TMZ for some girl talk sesh.

    3. You're ruining my fucking buzz john.

  14. Vessimend - Them two scissoring would be like rubbing two damp sticks together to try to make a fire. - I almost spit my coffee out! lol

  15. +1 on Susan Boyle. LOLZ.

  16. Celine is a good guess.

  17. That doesn't sound like her Style, seduction has never been the issue.

  18. Get over it Johnny, no one cares.

  19. It's not Celine Dion! No one cares about Celine's dried up, cobweb infested old virgine. Ent's code for Tay Tay is A+ in the closet, so its Tay Tay OK K?

  20. If this is Taylor and Cabello and based of recent blinds and articles, we can conclude that Tay Tay decided to be female Leo and ditch them at 25 year mark for younger model :)

  21. One of them is Taylor, for sure

  22. @John, most of the longtime readers are aware, most of these Taylor hookups are fan fiction,but I think Taylor likes the winking gossip stories.

  23. I kind of wish there was more focus on the shitty things people do in hollywood- abuse, money laundering, exploiting people, and less on outing people. I kind of don't care who is gay or not and the idea that it is a scandel just plays into the bigots.

  24. In the future, celebrities will simply clone themselves then marry the clone, eschewing any pretense of not being narcissists. But forget the marriage part for a second and just imagine say a thousand generations of any of the Kardashians.

  25. Jon the savage. There is a caveat on this blog that basically says most of the stuff here is bullshit. There's a reason for that. And that reason is legal. Getting angry over it is weird. Getting angry over a twobit entertainer is even weirder. I hope you aren't crying.

  26. @JenS....I will throw in some MIdol.

  27. It's weird being Camila because she and Taylor are "friends" Taylor does not need to invite to tour, just an invitation to a dinner would be enough?

  28. @MeAgain,don't forget chocolate!

  29. Did eugenics ever really go away?

  30. So she wants to get back with Harry Styles?

  31. @John the Savage- eat a damn snickers

  32. Taylor Swift and Dua Lipa?

  33. Swift is pals with cabello and she will be support on her stadium tour, camila being another closet case. Meanwhile charli xcx is also rumoured to be doing some dates. Swift was seen a day or so ago with longterm g.f kloss on holiday in california.

  34. I'd pay five bucks to watch those two roll around naked in a blow-up pool full of used motor oil.

  35. Thanks for the humor everyone, woke up late (flu) and the comments are hysterical today.

  36. No way does T. Swift cross business with pleasure, that's not how she rolls. Besides, didn't she just take an anniversary trip to Big Sur with Karlie Kloss?

  37. @John the Savage,

    No shit? Really?

  38. tho apparently swift and karlie were in big sur recently and went through a lot of trouble to not be seen together

  39. Taylor Swift just announced the opening acts of her tour: Camila Cabello and Charlie xcx

  40. I don't think Camila is gay so probs Taylor and Charli XCX.

  41. Most of these blinds are part public info and part guesswork. You just have to put the pieces together, so I don't know why you're getting so angry lol.

  42. I keep seeing complaints about Enty outing people. Enty doesn't out anyone. This is a blind item. No names were used. We, the readers, guess who we think it is but Enty doesn't tell us if we're right. Enty does not reveal these kinds of blinds unless the person comes out on their own.

  43. It’s Camila and Taylor. They’re both gay and in the closet.

  44. Swifties have descended upon the site.

  45. Taylor Swift is pretty clever about (probably) being a lesbian but not really confirming it, and (possibly) being a nationalist and saying nothing about it.

  46. I firmly believe tater tot sends these blinds in herself then sits back on her velvet couch with a glass of wine, her woman at her side , and laughs loudly.

  47. Like there will be a tour of empty stadiums?

  48. Totally worth reading for the Susan Boyle guess. LOL!!

  49. Camilla is a confused gay. She lost her virginity to a guy, now she's got a beard (thanks to Taylor advice). She dated Lauren for a while till she f up. I'd be surprise if Tay and Cam get together, but yes Karlie and Taylor were in Big Sur for a bit. Due to Karlie Kloss contract with Josh K, if I were Tay, I'd be finding me a new girl and hopefully (if she's gay) it would be Charlie XCX. Like Taylor say, "I can make the bad guys good for the weekend" how about "I can make the straight girls gay for the weekend" ik lame af.
