Thursday, March 08, 2018

Blind Item #2

This diminutive A+/A list mostly movie actor is the front runner to portray the lead in a new superhero movie. The thing is though, the script calls for the superhero to be killed. The actor wants no part of that and says if he is playing the role, that part of the script needs to be changed. 


  1. Is Tom Cruise diminutive? Rumor of him playing Green Lantern

  2. Tom Cruise, Green Lantern. F that noise, bring in someone to play John Stewart.

  3. Tom Cruise needs to not even waste his time on WB comic book movies because it is clear that none of those idiots has any idea how to make a great movie without Chris Nolan. He needs to focus on making more MI movies.

    1. Anonymous7:10 AM

      Disagree. TDKR was ludicrous. All the hard work to establish plausibility with the first two was erased with the last one. He’s not infallible. He found the right balance with The Dark Knight though. The camera work and photography on TDK was astoundingly excellent.

    2. Was still well received by critics.

  4. Peter Dinklage as Puck? (Marvel Universe)

  5. Tom's 5ft4. He's also like old as fuck. He had is man boobs out a couple years back, everyone projectile vomited. No one wants to see old man man boobs. So does a dude hitting 60 really think he's got a long future playing a fucking superhero? Of course he should be killed off, pass the lantern to someone younger. That dude who plays Deadpool is available, hear he also loves it up the ass, so him and Tom have a lot in common.

    1. only 54 or so. He is not 65 or 70. he has not aged well and needs a personal trainer. Being a certain age does not equate projectile vomiting if you can mnaintain your physique and wear sunscreen. I prefer 40ish men myself and TC is to obsessed with Miscavige Inc to work on himself.

  6. It's me, the only man alive who doesn't give a shit about superheroes.
    Go plow a field. Or something.
    How about beekeeping?

    1. You give a lot of shit, Geeljire. I know because you give a LOT of shit about people who are more successful and famous than you.

    2. I like "Tick"....

  7. Green Lantern eh. DC needs to learn that heroes with too much bland God-like power don't appeal anymore. You wind up spending half the movie explaining why they can't just use their extreme and uninteresting power to solve all the problems. At least Ant-Man's power was fun because of all the visuals and possibilities. A bunch of green light constructs looks like so much cheap CGI.

  8. It can't be Tom Cruise. The clue states "mostly movie" and Tom Cruise doesn't do television. Tom Cruise is all movie, baby.

  9. When is Tom Cruise (who is 56) supposed to do Green Lantern because there's also this

  10. Tommy needs a reality check, he is too old for the parts he is interested in now. More surgery and fillers are not the answer, time for age appropriate roles

  11. Green Lantern--will never be a hit movie, a joke

    Captain Marvel/Shazam will fail, no matter how they treat/approach it.

    Aquaman will be a big, costly fail

    If they couldn't make a Superman/Batman team-up work (should have been amazing-so much potential but it sucked), there is no hope for DC on the big screen...

    1. I’ll hold out hope captain marvel will be good judging the quality of guardians of the galaxy and dr strange were obscure superhero’s and were both fun good movies. It’s marvel so it will probably be good. The dc stuff looks meh

  12. that is some ego to think that the script should be changed because they don’t want to die in it.

  13. He's not 5'4..5'6-5'8. Knew him, professionally.

  14. YES! Someone kill Tom Cruise. Not Movie Tom Cruise, Real Tom Cruise.

  15. Diminutive actor - Al Pacino ("Scarface")
    Superhero - She-Hulk

  16. So, not Dinklage?

    I suck at this game...

  17. Cruise is not A+/A, he's permanent A+, and he's known for carrying franchises so why make him die? I was thinking of Dinklage too, still weird that they'd let their hero die like that anyway.

  18. He had to know that Rumplestiltskin ended that way.

  19. More Superheros should be killed.

  20. Superhero movies are the gangrenous, syphilitic denizens of the cinema.
    Robert Mitchum would kick all of their asses, after smmoking reefer.

    1. It’s better than watching the turds that were nominated for best picture. A bunch of overrated drivel to me. At least my son and I are entertained by superhero movies.

  21. I think Tom Cruise can be classified as permanent A list movie actor.

  22. Isn't the 'mostly' movie actor probably enough to prove that it isn't Cruise?

    1. Never bring facts to a CDaN Guessing Party.

  23. @Geeljire

    No you are not. Super Hero movies are insipid and loud. Who needs them?

    1. Of course you would hate superhero movies. Just another reason to laugh at your posts!

  24. The Rock - Black Adam

  25. Why kill a super hero? They only exist to franchise.

  26. I agree with everyone who said more superheroes need to die. I also think it's foolish,if it is Tom Cruise, to balk at idea. he should embrace the role ,play it as if it's last time character will be played (and it is?) make everyone fall in love with the journey and curse it when he dies. he won't ever be compared to anyone else who plays it afterward and he's old enough and successful enough to not rely on sequel for sustenance and if his character is beloved enough it may just endear him to the public who I feel rather loathes him, a lot

    not sure why every movie made has to have wondrous fairytale ending where everything just magically works out and ends with sunlight cascading off sea. why not, kill em all™

    I think I never embraced any sort of dc or marvel movie franchise because of Spiderman. I watched that movie (not Toby Keith the other Toby) I watched that movie and thought it was fantastic but the minute they introduced love interest it wrecked it for me and turned me off to all themovies afterward. I did watch a couple Batmans that were good but never swept up into other stuff. I think it would be great to have a well told likeable character laid out in a movie who is offed and horrifies the masses. but it doesn't much happen because it's all about the sequel or the spinoff instead of sinking it all into a glorious one and immaculately done

  27. filmfanb, if you consider the Rock diminutive who do you put in the huge category?

  28. Leave Tom Cruise alone. He’s s very handsome robot.

  29. Daniel Radcliffe / Spiderman

  30. The Green Lantern film being developed at Warner Bros is "Green Lantern Corps." There are multiple Lanterns in it. Cruise is most likely being offered one film where his team moves on without him.

  31. Cruise is 5'5/5'6". I know because I auditioned a guy who was his camera stand in on three films. You have to be the exact same height to set lights/camera angles.

  32. Sounds like Cruise would play Hal Jordan, who would die in the film to make room for John Stewart (or please please please, Guy Gardner) to take over for the rest of the franchise. Not really a bad idea there.
