Friday, March 30, 2018

Blind Item #2

This former state politician turned national news maker is on pins and needles right now because the way the press are digging into one particular story, they might discover that on a certain trip he and his female staffer shared one hotel room. The staffer is single, but our former politician is married.


  1. Maybe when he was getting some work done.

  2. Anonymous6:51 AM

    I think it’s either New York or California. Is Willie Brown a national news maker? There are rumors about him and Kamala

  3. Tricia, don’t think the Mooch was in state politics.

    1. Yeah he wasn’t... Not the Mooch..

  4. Never mind. Says former can’t be cuomo

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. Scott Pruitt, under scrutiny for taking questionable trips on the public dime.

  7. My money is on Psycho Joe Scarborough the intern murdering news caster.

  8. @Normal-"I think it’s either New York or California. Is Willie Brown a national news maker? There are rumors about him and Kamala"

    I could tell a blind involving Willie Brown and a pedo whorehouse in SF that later was shut down. That guy has so many skeletons. It is a well known fact Kamala was banging him BITD.

  9. Who was the Governor of Missouri that stepped down & was accused of blackmailing his mistress? That guy?

  10. Yes it is Scott Pruitt. From the Daily Beast:

    "Environmental Protection Agency Administrator
    Scott Pruitt paid only $50 a night to lease a
    room owned by the wife of an energy lobbyist,
    according to documents reviewed by Bloomberg News."

  11. @m

    Scott Pruitt does make sense. Former Oklahoma Attorney General, now head of the EPA. Lots of questions about his expenses at the department.

  12. Pruitt doesn't make sense. Unless the article above is the wrong reference point. Says the staffer was single.

  13. @Heather - The staffer is someone on his staff, not him. You can't be your own staffer.

  14. This comment has been removed by the author.

  15. Chris Christie. LOL

  16. Marco Rubio? In the news a lot because of the shooting in Parkland..

  17. Somehow, some way, Someone will make this about trump and Hilary. Thank you, Enty

  18. @Rosie-EXACTLY. Even though it says STATE not A+ politician
    @JL-my god I would hate to think anyone is sleeping with his FUPA

  19. My husband was in federal law enforcement in OK when Pruitt was AG; says he ran that department like shit. That’s all I got.

  20. There’s a lot of former state politicians lately.

  21. oh yeah, definitely scott pruitt. when i read about this assistant going on the trip, i figured there was more to the story.

  22. Rick Santorum because he's a self-righteous hypocrite and a former US Senator with a big mouth.

  23. Oh god, I hope it's Chris Christie. I hate that guy.

  24. This comment has been removed by the author.

  25. Scott Pruitt is NOT a law maker. He served in the TRUMP administration.
    I'm going with Joe Scarborough, he is a former Congressman from Florida. Has a SHADY past record too. He's been telling STORMY Daniels attorney to shut up. I wonder why?

  26. @starrchild851 The blind says nothing about a "law maker". It says "news maker".

  27. D'Amato? He was in the news last week because his wife is divorcing him.

  28. Please, please, please let this be about Roy Moore. Couldn't happen to a nicer guy.....

  29. "Scott Pruitt is NOT a law maker"

    Except when he was a state senator in Oklahoma then elected AG of Okla after, that is.

  30. Please let this be Pruitt! I saw on ABC that weird story about officers having to break through two doors b/c he was “unresponsive”. He claimed he was just taking a nap....sure he was, sure.he.was. What’s up with the whole need for a secure telephone line? I wonder how much he made from lobbyists and/or taxpayers, while serving in public office in Oklahoma?

  31. @OKC Teacher

    Pruitt broke the federal and state laws by not releasing his emails for the time he was AG in Oklahoma. Unless it's pressed in court, we aren't going to get any easy access to them.

    In DC he is staying in an energy executive's apartment. Any other administration would be flogged for something like that.

    It sounds like Pruitt was on some heavy duty opiates when the firemen busted down that door (or buying time to get the mistress safely out the window.)

    The guns are coming for Pruitt because 1) he's incompetent even for the purposes of the energy companies 2) Oklahoma is undergoing a big political change if it you teachers can keep up the momentum. A new Dem governor or AG could release everything they have on Pruitt 3) He's being floated as a replacement for Sessions who Donny dearly wants to fire. If Pruitt were appointed, Donny could buy time before confirmation by applying emergency conditions, letting Pruitt sit there as AG long enough to fire Mueller or cripple his investigation.

    I'm so sorry you in Oklahoma had to deal with a jackass like Pruitt for too long.

  32. Sounds like Jason Chaffetz who abruptly resigned and took a job with Fox News. Scandal was speculated because he left mid term with no plausable reason. He would have likely been touched by unrelated investigation which could have revealed his secret. And considering he is a good Mormon from Utah,he'd want to keep this from tarnishing his image.

  33. @Kristi

    Thanks for the heads up on Chaffetz.

    There is a whole lot of suspicion surrounding Chaffetz. Word is that he, like Nunes, is leaking all the intel from the Congressional investigations to Trump, who in turn gives it to Vlad.

    There is one particular memo (crap, have to look that up again) that is directly attached to Chaffetz.

    Remember when he disappeared for 3 weeks for "foot surgery"? Then he came back and gave in his resignation effective immediately? Then he said he might run for governor?

    Chaffetz is going to keep popping up.

    1. Chaffetz leaked the Comey memo re: reopened investigation on Clinton just weeks before the election. Yes, I remember the mysterious foot surgery 😂. Once a MOC resigns from office, all ethics investigations must stop and findings can not be released. Don't know if he was under investigation, but if so, could explain the sudden resignation versus the original annoumcent of serving out his term. Also kinda explains resignations of Frank's and Ferenholt who both were being investigated.

  34. One theory is that the FBI questioned Chaffetz for those weeks he was gone having "foot surgery" and he signed a plea where he agreed to resign immediately .

    Ferenholt was saddled with sexual harassment claims, for which it was just released that $600K + of our tax money was used to settle. I think that is why he resigned suddenly.

    Franks is the strangest of all. I can't get a handle on it at all, with the surrogacy claims and the hostile workplace claims. There MUST be more to Franks than we are seeing so far.



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