Wednesday, March 28, 2018

Blind Item #2

This one named singer and her rapper boyfriend got into an argument with another couple because they thought the other couple stole their coke. The other couple insisted they didn't even use coke and the singer and rapper became more aggressive to the point it was getting scary before the one named singer finally found the coke in the bottom of her beach bag. No apology though.


  1. Rule #1: Mind your cocaine. (From what I hear) it's expensive.

    Rule #2: If you lose your cocaine, it's most likely YOUR FAULT!
    So, don't yell at others about your missing coke while you look in the last place you remember having it.
    (People will then know you're a coke head.)

    Enough said!


  2. She probably forgot she hid it there to keep it safe. Also anyone who steals your coke is never going to admit it. You just have to walk back to the vending machine and buy another one.

  3. She seems pleasant.

  4. @Brayson87, ha! I might as well stop reading for the day; I'm not gonna laugh any better than that one.

  5. @Cail, glad to help. But seriously coke abuse can be a real issue. I didn't realize I had a problem until my dentist told me the carbonation was killing my tooth enamel.

  6. Coke heads are such charmers.

  7. I wonder who the other couplet was...?

  8. A poetic pair perhaps?

  9. I found three bags of cocaine, each about a year after I lost it (in my purse/old coat/bag).

    Ooops, but yeah this happens.

  10. Money can't buy class

  11. @Brayson "the carbonation was killing my tooth enamel" - that there is solid gold. Ha.
