Sunday, March 11, 2018

Blind Item #2

Counting down to the next woman that comes forward on this A list almost television show. There are several who said the streaming company ignored their claims or dismissed them because the show is such a hit show for the company.


  1. Hi Mr. Hedge, I see you're invisible on Sunday. Maybe you went to The Church? Netflix and Stranger Things?

    1. The Church has a lot of money!
      Are they funding them, in part or whole?

    2. @sandybrook has it and then some.

      I read that article too. The headline is facile. I would have used “hostile work environment” rather than “verbal abuse,” as it’s more accurate.

  2. Who keeps funding these streaming services?

  3. Stranger Things:

  4. One day, "Spielbergian" will be an adjective like "Kafkaesque."
    Not in a good way.

  5. "Verbal abuse" is something what happened in thousands of companies all over the world each day. but most of us don't need media attention and publicity. The USA needs really serious wake-up nowadays.

  6. Sports managers and coaches verbally abuse their players, umpires and referees on a daily basis. And so do the brass in the military, especially Marine Boot Camp.

    1. I hear that. Infantry school was even worse.

  7. This is weak, I also saw the story yesterday.

    "OOohhh my boss yelled at me, here I am half-naked on Instagram !"

    I'm the last person in the world to defend H'wood producers but this is just crap.

  8. What if it's more than verbal abuse?

  9. I agree with most people. There is sometimes verbal abuse in the workplace. At times it is warranted and at other times not. Until I know the details, I just assume this is a case of people who do not get along. So far I see nothing wrong here.

  10. Verbal abuse? If that's a thing now, I fear for the legal profession.

  11. And what if it's more than verbal abuse?

  12. @Geelijire my thoughts exactly

  13. So lemme get this straight...because verbal abuse happens in other professions, women in the acting biz should just stfu about it?

  14. Some of the ire here regarding "verbal abuse" could be because the average working joe has to put up with it on a daily basis to just take care of their family. All while not making the kind of dough anyone on a TV show makes, and if they complained, they would lose their job and no one would care. Just sayin...

    1. Maybe it depends on the state you live in. It’s actually illegal here in California. Workers have a right to a non hostile workplace in CA.

      That doesn’t mean everyone has the means or courage to report it and follow up. But it is something that can be expensive for the company in a court of law.

  15. Anonymous11:08 AM

    Amazon Transparent

  16. This sounds like a limited hangout. Leak out something that's true but only a mild part of the story, which people will shrug at. Then hope that it satisfies curiosity and you can cover up the rest, or if the rest comes out, it won't get as much attention.

  17. @ Zenny - I think what some posters are saying is that the actors in question are trying to latch their caboose onto the #metoo train.

  18. Stranger Things sucks. Not a fan at all. I had to struggle to complete the first season.

  19. Greatest football manager in history alex ferguson was notorious for the 'hairdryer' where he would literally shout and scream right in the face of a poorly performing player for several minutes. It got results.

  20. "Verbal abuse"? What the fuck?

    Have I been verbally abused during any job I had? Fuck yes!
    Did I deserve it? Yeah probably, most of the time.
    Did it bother me after an hour or two sulking? No.N Never once, I had a living to make and bills to pay.

    Fucking cry baby media wankers. Welcome to earth.

  21. Lol and the Duffer bros just came out with apologies in hand.

  22. Let's tie it all together with Bono running a charity accused of a hostile work environment in third world countries. No way this won't be a blind tomorrow. :-p

  23. Yawn, the daily anti-Netflix continues. They don't offer you work or something?

  24. Orange is the new black

  25. Waaaaaa I've been verbally abused by my boss! I have to tweet about it, do an Instagram photo shoot and then hide inside my safe space! Waaaaaaa.

  26. you people are so willfully stupid sometimes

    if you DESERVED IT then it's not verbal abuse

    obviously we aren't talking about discipline

    if you honestly have no threshold for how you should be treated as a human being just because you happen to be working for a paycheck then i feel genuinely sorry for you. no human being should have to put up with actual verbal abuse -- yes it exists -- in a professional setting. ever.

  27. now whether the stranger things story is true or not... who knows
