Monday, March 05, 2018

Blind Item #20 - Oscars - Himmmm

This (A+ list mostly movie actress who is an Academy Award winner/nominee) approached this (married A list mostly movie director) during the ceremony, backstage.  She seemed a little "off", but was very pleasant.  Without any small talk, she was almost hovering over him, gently stroking his arm.  She said she really wants to work with him, and would be MORE THAN HAPPY to meet with him anytime…anywhere, to discuss it.  She's just such a big fan of his work she said, and knows that "working under (him)" would be a experience for them both.  "I'm fearless in my acting, and there is NOTHING I won't try.  Nothing", she said softly.  After clearing his throat, the director said that his next project was very similar to one she's already done and so she'd likely not want to repeat it. (Which is total b.s. but thought it would deter her).  Contrary, she said. "I could do that in my sleep.  You're welcome to watch me sleep if you want." She laughed, and asked him to please call or message her – not her agent.  He said he'd think about it, excused himself quickly, and tried not to explode laughing.  She's subtle.  Real subtle.


  1. Anonymous11:31 AM


  2. JLaw & Judd Apatow

  3. Pathetically desperate JLaw.

  4. #sheknew (what she was doing).

  5. I have a part for her, but only if it's Shelley Duvall.

  6. Anonymous11:34 AM

    Maybe it’s just a #metoo sting operation

  7. For fun, Jane Fonda.

  8. I'm choosing to believe the director was del Toro, but only because JLaw being clueless enough to vamp at him makes me laugh.

  9. You know my favorite part of the X-Men films, aside from being directed by a brutally violent tribal pedophile, is that the Marvel Cinematic Universe crosses over with the Holocaust Cinematic Universe in the character of Magneto, portrayed by another pedophile.
    So if I were to cast a tangent here
    If for the past 20 years it's '24' and 'Homeland' and 'Generation Kill' and "when will moderate Muslims condemn this violence" (generally perpetrated by the Mossad anyway)
    Then for the next 20 years "when will moderate Jews condemn this pedophilia?"
    It's not like the Vatican is planning to any time soon.
    Maybe a new, fresh, nonpredatory beginning for Hollywood.

    1. "whoa there Geeljire, you're sounding a bit 'anti!'"
      When Sumner Redstone and Dan Schneider are subjects of the same blind I will consider any and all factors including participation in networks. Any networks.

    2. @Geeljire

      Actually, XMen isn’t technically part of the MCU. I kinda doubt you care about that because you’re obviously a clumsy troll looking for any button to push, but what the heck.


      Not MCU:
      Spider Man movies prior to Homecoming
      Fox’s entire X-Men franchise
      All Fantastic Four movies
      Hulk movies and TV prior to 2008
      1986’s Howard the Duck

    3. I have no idea what you're talking about. Nothing I said was trolling, it's 100% true, and you shouldn't be so hasty to redefine truth telling as trolling. What do you find so threatening about what I said that you feel compelled to silence me with charges of "trolling?"
      Totally sincere, I haven't time for the irony children.

    4. @Geeljire I called you a troll because of your near universal use of unnecessarily incendiary and (generally regarded as) offensive language in your posts. Trolling really has less to do with facts and more to do posting style and the intent to upset others.

      Quite sincerely, your posts read as if you browsed a manual on “triggering snowflakes” somewhere and made it your style book because you’re looking for attention.

      Loathe as I am to give you that attention again, here we go: show me where pointing out your very troll like posting tendencies here silenced you (clearly it didn’t, because here you are) or redefined anything but your incorrect usage of the name of a film franchise to refer to movies not in that franchise.

      My reply addresses only the incorrect inclusion of XMen as part of the “Marvel Cinematic Universe” (also known as MCU) in the “Marvel Cinematic Universe meets the Holocaust Cinematic Universe” part of your post.*

      Simply: The Xmen franchise is not part of the Marvel Cinematic Universe.

      *My choice to address only that topic and no others has no bearing on my beliefs, feelings, sentiments, understanding, or sympathies regarding any other part of your post.

    5. @Han Niam. You'd seriously be better off ignoring the trolls and skipping their posts.

      These trolls started appearing after a commenter criticised a thirsty D-Lister I like to call "Salty Salieri", and he tends to get EXTRA SALTY after these glam events (such as the Oscars). You should've seen the blatantly racist crap Ddonna spewed after the Grammy's (the trolls sore spot).

      Exclusion Rider:

      1. Geeljire (sounds like Xpensive Hobutt's bitterness—and it's personal)
      2. Vessimede Barstool (curiously since he arrived, Ddonna Tarttty started behaving sane)
      3. xyzxyz33 (I think previously 346NYC) and Raspy, James, Cadmium77, J

      I've noticed that they're extra mean toward actors/actresses that fans like to ship with Cumberbatch (last victim was Lupita on Himmmm's racism BI). I even saw at one point one uncharacteristically defended Hiddleston (usually they bash him) in a closeted blind because you know what happens when you let people think Loki's gay? Yup: They ship him with Sherlock. Don't even get my stated on what these trolls say about Martin Freeman.

      I thought they came from the same "troll farm" (like they were hired) but it sounds personal and I suddenly remember around the time Enty posted that "Your Turn" about stalkers, the trolling stopped for about 24 hours (this was around Valentine'a day) and I heard that the person in question had a busy day at the BBC (? Not really 100% sure what the date of that was or if it's just a coincidence). Makes me wonder (maybe not, not sure of the filming date).

    6. Oh and I should add that when the trolls got racist after the Glammy's, it was against Beyoncé (who's name was used as an example for PROPER MUSICIAN FAME in "Doctor Strange"). Says a LOT.

    7. @Scandi i know, I know, dont feed the trolls! But apparently, I can’t resist with some kinds of objective factual errors. It’s a compulsion.

      I noticed an uptick in apparent trolls lately but I thought they just arrived to spoil a party they thought was too liberal. Never even connected Hobutt or ddonna* to the new crop.

      I’m not much of a Cumberbatch fan, so I never noticed that connection. I just assumed they all came from 4-Chan looking for snowflakes to trigger in a slow news day psyop or something.

      *But then she stopped responding to me at all after I took the time to explain Satanism and point out Satanists tend to be kinda button-pushy in my experience, but otherwise good and often atheist peeps. I assumed she was just that paranoid about Satanism.

    8. Wait the guy who played magneto is a pedophile?

  10. This comment has been removed by the author.

  11. @one eyed bob. Lmao.

  12. Kidman
    she seemed off and a little pushy/drunk on the red carpet
    she's known to sleep around

    Del Toro for the director

    1. Hate to say it bit "fearless in my work" sounds like Kidman.

    2. She somehow got herself a rep as being "so shy" yet the director of Killing of a sacred deer said she emailed him over and over asking him if he had any roles for her. I think the "shyness" thing is bs and she just ignores anyone who can't help her and turns on the pushiness for those who can

  13. Sorry but I don't see JLaw being that desperate, especially since she said she is taking a year off from acting. On top of that I don't care what director you are, if JLaw is coming onto you, you don't totally dismiss her. This blind is not JLaw and I would put good money on it.

  14. I'll guess Jordan Peele for the director.
    Whi else would have been backstage other than him and Guillermo?

  15. But...I thought JLaw was taking a year off for "political activism"??? (*Sarcasm intensifies*)

    1. Who wants to drink at the Soros trough?
      Me! Me!
      Can we rule out Tarantino because the story would have had a different conclusion?

  16. Oh Eva Marie Saint, you little minx.

  17. "I don't care what director you are, if JLaw is coming onto you, you don't totally dismiss her" - because decent husbands don't exist?

  18. Anonymous11:51 AM

    For fun, Moreno!

  19. Jlaw using that poon to try and get what she wants. That is empowerment, not locking down the puss and holdimg yer breath until the world changes for ya.

  20. She said, "I could phone that in while I'm on the toilet. You're welcome to watch me on the toilet while we talk on the phone if you want."

  21. Who is the better actress: Jlaw, or JLaw"s butthole?

    1. Prolly JLaw. The butthole is hard wired and works off instincts.

    2. I am TRYING to lurk. You keep making my face hurt. Stop it.

    3. I'm more a fan of her spincter..

  22. "Working under him." Is that what they're calling it now, in the all new post-Weinstein era?

    Every public appearance and statement in recent weeks that I've seen, she seems to be "off". I think she's coming off the rails.

    1. If by “now” you mean the past 75 years or so, then yes.

  23. This is why J-Ho's MeToo stuff is total bullshit. She's an active participant in the whole game.

  24. Of course it's JLaw. There isn't a thirstier whore in all of Hollywood. She's displaying classic imprinting behavior, all those years letting Harvey fist her gaping asshole and use her as a cum dumpster have left their mark. Pavlovian response, someone mentions a part and she starts drooling and wondering who's dick she has to suck for it.

  25. JLaw has just had two outright flops and one big budget underperformer. She better be getting thirsty.

  26. There's a part in it for the butthole!

  27. GDT isn’t married anymore so not him. Peele seems like a solid guess

  28. They were all in love with diarrhea
    They were drinking from a butthole
    That was pouring like an avalanche
    Coming out of JLaw

  29. Kidman and Spielberg? He's doing a remake of West Side Story. Kidman fits because she's done a musical (Moulin Rouge).


  30. Nicole Kidman, especially the 'towering over him' part. I believe she is five foot ten or eleven?

    Lawrence - 'mostly movies' doesn't fit, unless she's done TV that I'm not aware of

  31. I'll say Dunaway and Del Toro for Cathy and Cindy, the Mommie Dearest sequel that he's working on.

  32. Maybe it’s just a #metoo sting operation.

    LOL that was funny.

  33. Jennifer Lawrence with Chris Nolan for this movie about a former porn actress becoming lawyer(according to Himmm).The similar movie would be Joy

  34. its jlaw remember the blind says he lied about a similar project as hers.

    its del toro - after 3 misses she needs something secure and big to maintain her profile. she cant risk doing these possible oscar things right now.

  35. JLaw, for sure, and Guillermo Del Toro.

  36. Anyone else notic how McDormand forgot to hug/acknowledge JLaw when she arrived on stage? JLaw reached for McDormand twice to close the deal to no avail. Shade?

    1. Anonymous1:19 PM

      I just happened to see a replay on the news of Frances walking up onstage and her face was *blank* when JLaw was speaking to her. Just total blank page.

  37. The photo of Jennifer Lawrence climbing over chairs with a drink in a dress. She really has no class.

  38. Blogger Unknown said...
    The photo of Jennifer Lawrence climbing over chairs with a drink in a dress. She really has no class.

    12:44 PM

    this is what enty meant when he said 'off' she was slightly drunk lol. so obviously jlaw.

  39. Anonymous1:00 PM

    I'm so sick of Jennifer Lawrence. She's not that attractive. She can't act. Just go away, already. If she didn't have boobs nobody would pay attention to her.

    I was glad to see Frances win, however, she's deserved it for years, she's such a good actress, I love her work.

  40. JLaw is A+ star but I can't imagine her saying all this stuff to anyone,so I guess this is about Kidman ???

  41. Who is Judd Apatow? I am serious, I don't know much about the new Hollywood players. Thanks in advance.

  42. I’m guessing jlaw/jpeele because he seems happily married and would find humor (and maybe disgust) in such a ridiculously brash and shameless act.

  43. I'm with @Sal. Seems like JLAW might say this to the winner of best director. Maybe she was half joking, but I can picture her doing it.

  44. Hey it's not like it hasn't worked in the past. A dog will keep begging at the table if people keep giving it scraps.

  45. Han. you are +100000 on target as usual. Keep hitting 'em out of the park.

    And trolls who need to make a point out of qualifying their rants with a religious, racial, gender-based, orientation-based, or ethnicity-based tag can go jump in front of a speeding train.

    1. Are you actually apologizing for pedophiles here, because it sure looks like it.

    2. @Do Tell

      Thanks for that. I try to avoid feeding trolls, but apparently I can’t let a simple miscategorization of superhero films go. :D

      And @Geeljire Clearly, being called a troll didn’t silence you a bit Good on you. Now, calling a complete stranger* a pedophile, that’s either undeniably offensive and inflammatory trolling, extraordinary lack of reading comprehension, deliberate character assasination, mind-boggling paranoia, truly impressive lack of any social skills whatsoever,** or incredible stupidity.

      *Who: a) pointed out your tendency to choose inflammatory and/or generally regarded offensive language using the common internet slang of “troll” to refer to the above and b) posted entirely to address the incorrect usage of one film franchise to refer to another.
      **Which is sad, but understandable if it’s a condition, and I’ll try not to hold it against you if that’s the case.

    3. @Geeljire So am I. So I’ll stand by what I said and keep that in mind when reading your posts.

  46. So, quick question. Since the #metoo movement has come into being, is there some kind of unwritten law that any actress or actor that ever slept with anyone to get a part should be shunned and insulted like we are in high school?

    How many people in power have offered roles that required sex in order to play them? It was wrong of anyone to ask that of a performer as a condition of employment. Being mad at the people who tried to succeed in a broken system is kind of f-ed up, too.

    How many of our most cherished hollywood actors, in the past and in current day, have been able to work with kind, conscious, fair, and reasonable people that in no way tried to use them sexually? Based on the studio owners and producers reputations, apparently precious damn few.

    It sucks that people have had to choose between self-respect and winning a role, but being mad at the men and women that took that deal keeps people stuck in the same stagnant energy that keeps healing just out of reach.

    It's early days still, but the end goal should be leaving ALL OF THE SHIT behind, and getting into the craft and creativity with our highest and best energy. Not just being snarky and shitty about what happened when. Those people are victims of the same system -- just the flipside of the same coin.

    1. @Orgonite Rocks - JLaw sent her nudes to Weinstein. Meryl & Oprah "allegedly" sent women to him like lambs to the slaughter. Kate Winslet is coming across as shady. There is a photo of Rita Ora and Oprah sitting. Oprah & Weinstein are talking while Ora looks terrified. Those are the people we are mad at.

    2. I don’t disagree with you, @Orgonite Rocks.
      Women who insist on a middle school purity test for other women are causing a needless divide and will be left behind, still stamping their feetsies, when the smoke clears.
      Yes, i’m looking at you, McGowan.

  47. @jl. Yes I noticed that immediately. It was a purpose shun. I wouldn’t put this past Jlaw but sounds like Kidman, she seems more the arm rubbing, talk softly type to me. I thought it may be a younger or newer director too.

  48. @T. W.

    Apatow is a director who makes all those forever lost boy movies like The Hangover, Knocked Up and 40 Year Old Virgin. He appeals to audiences who accept that all men are lovable goofball adolescents forever and ever, while women shriek at them forever and ever.

    He also produced the embarrassing series Girls on HBO, which is alleged to be his wife's response to his lovable lost boy movies.

    Ugh. Neither can write for shit but they play very well on this society's expectations.

    Back to the blind - not only because I'm a fan (yeah really! uh-huh) this doesn't seem like JLaw to me (quiet you people!) She is already in a new movie next year plus the XMen thing. Yes, she needs to go away for a while and come back a little...more stable. But this BI sounds to me like someone more articulate than JLaw to be honest. Was Kate Beckinsale there?

  49. @plot - Thank you!!

    Why didn't the man tell the woman he supports the Me Too Movement and then walk away? Me Too is going to go nowhere because of women like this.

  50. Maybe?

  51. Anonymous5:37 PM

    This is JLaw and a Himmmm blind about one of the Himmmms himmmmself. One of them is a writer/director, remember the second crazy night story? And if it is who it seems to be....he had a reason to be there, if you get my drift.

    Eithercthat, or the A lister is Nolan or Peele.

  52. Oddly I thought Ashley Judd.....

  53. 'I love your work' implies that they have a body of work. Peele doesn't have that, Get Out first film.

    JLaw and PTA (Paul Thomas Anderson)

    PTA was there with Maya Rudolph his wife.

  54. Yep I say JLaw and Apataw or Maya's husband

  55. This comment has been removed by the author.

  56. I envisioned this like a movie and everything naturally flowed out of jlaws mouth lmao this is so her. But people who said Kidman sleeps around...please spill the beans I never heard this and I love her and Keith!!??

  57. Paul and Maya aren't married. 🙂

  58. Don't Paul and Maya have a mess of kids?

  59. @Sara

    good point! PTA & Maya just romantic partners since 2001

    hmmmmmmmmm. Christopher Nolan? why would he be backstage..? Guillermo isnt married. Peele doesnt have a 'body of work'. and JLaw and Spielberg have already planned to collaborate in the future, its on her imdb 'Its What I Do' based on a memoir by a female war photographer.

  60. actresS: AmAnda Seyfriend similar project: Lovelace
    Director: Nolan project:

  61. Kidman and Peele

  62. JLaw can work "under me" ANYDAY.

  63. It's JLaw. In no sane universe can she have two Oscars and Amy Adams have none.
    Plus, JLaw's plays her cards well, falling down at the Oscars (twice) which obviously gets people talking about her, acting doe-eyed to gain sympathy from people who like women acting like damsels. This year the tacky chair hopping was her antic.
    And let's not forget the FMTO plunge neckline photo op.
    Going on hiatus, my butt. She's not getting work. Just one movie in the pipeline per her IMDB.



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