Wednesday, March 07, 2018

Blind Item #1

An interesting piece of news was dropped during the Oscars.  That disgraced A- list director and his entire network of shady friends must really be sweating that announcement, about some devastating information to be exposed in the next couple months.


  1. I wonder if this has to do with Blind Item #40 - Oscars - Himmmm

    1. Anonymous6:38 AM

      Yeah but is Joel S considered the a list? He doesn’t get asked to do the prestige pics anymore. I think he’s exclusively TV now.

      More likely Bryan Singer. The context of his X Men films are pretty disturbing in light of ....

    2. Hope so!!!!@normal. That would be great!

  2. Singer. Is it ironic that the Academy was handing out an Oscar to a NAMBLA movie (so woke)? WTF was that all about? I'm supposed to feel all warm inside about a film that glorifies under age man o boy ass pumping? Because it's set in Italy and it's all artistic and shit?

    1. Get a life, homophobe. Where was your outrage been over any of the myriad movies showing a highschool age girl being sexually active with an older man?

      Oh yeah, nonexistent. Your agenda is trasnparent.

    2. Agenda?? Homophobe?? Get the fuck outta here with that bs. I’m not going to support that pedo movie and I didn’t support a hetero pedo movie like American beauty years ago. Unlike your anything goes attitude, I still have standards and morals

    3. So did you all have the same outrage for “Dirty Dancing?” Because the characters of Baby and Johnny were 17 and 24-the same ages as the characters from “Call Me By Your Name.” Where we’re all the pedo claims for that movie?

    4. Word. The 17 to 24 old age thing is not unheard of straight or gay. What fake outrage. That's a huge difference to American Beauty, he could have been her father.

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. Singer Spielie, Shumie, Geffie, and crew!! Please!!! Yippie!

  5. It never goes anywhere. So frustrating.

  6. Finally. Take them DOWN.

  7. +1 @Jimbonius
    I'll believe it when I see it.

  8. @Jimbonius - Unfortunately I think you're right. Cosby's havin a pudding pop rgt now.

  9. After a few months could some people check the age of consent in Italy. And most people in western civilization have their first sexual experience around 16/17.
    So this movie doesn't exaggerate anything or encourage anything.

    1. Agnieszka, ignore the trolls (they've been throwing every racial/religious slur known to mankind, but the ONE crime they're against is the one that can damage a person's life if accused EVEN if it's not true/turns out to be a false accusation).

      Someone here has been very resentful of James Ivory (apparently this is someone who's been wanting to work with Thomas Hiddleston to do a Shakespeare film in 3D and really, really wants him for a big role in it). So this James Ivory guy just one an for CMBYN (apparently in Hollywood that means you can make anything you want—so the Shakespeare project will probably happen now).

      Hiddleston has some serious haters out there. There's a blog on Tumblr where an anon's been posting on and on about his lack of projects, and also said "James Ivory NAME-DROPS" Tom too much (like, I don't think someone like Ivory needs to namedrop him).

      I don't want to make a "bigger picture" BI about rampant sexual abuse about one actor's hater/troll, but the troll is totally riding on this big issue's coat-tails for their own agenda and making it about them. AND dragging people like James Ivory into it just because he's going to be working with actor they're jealous of.

  10. Er, so what was the new dropped during the Oscars?

  11. Did somebody say "network"?


  12. @AgnieskaB. Age of consent in Italy is 14 with a close age exception in law i.e. Both parties are close in age like 14 and 13 there would be no justification in pursuing a legal case.
    Most kids in Europe are regularly banging by 14-15 with it being the most promiscuous today with the rise of internet enabled devices. I'm 52 and my first was aged 13 and I was regularly sexually active at 14 ( UK)
    With regards to older men preying on children then the age of consent rules. If the person is old enough to consent they are not considered a child in this respect. If the child is under age and the other partner much older there is an absolute no defence rule regarding the defence of " I didn't know, she/he told me they were 16 and they look it". Most of Europe don't accept that as a legal defence in statutory rape cases ( which is a distinct charge different to the charge of rape. Statutory rape is used when the younger party is willing but deemed legally unable to consent.)

    1. Enty should do a 'your turn' on when people lost thier virginity and how old the partner was...i lost mine at 16 and partner was 21...all my friends had older bfs and i was one of the last ones to lose definitely wasnt rape and this guy was not a pedophile...i thought all the guys my own age were retarded and they were...I dont think I am scarred by this particular incident.

    2. Well kikibunny Times have changed and in California, your Bf would be charged. It's no longer cool. It was common in my era and rules changed for prom. Girls used to bring their marine noyfriends and in the 90s they were barred. Singer likes very young boys allegedly and is a predator.

  13. Anonymous7:21 AM

    Agreed @ Agnieska B. Within the context of the story, the relationship is not problematic. I think the only reason people got creeped out by it (besides some level of homophobia) is that they picked Armie Hammer to play the 22-year-old. Great actor, but the man looked way too old. If they had picked an actor who was still in his 20s (and looked the part), it would've looked less weird.

  14. Y'all really try your damnedest to normalize creepy shit, you latter day Polanski apologists.

  15. Announcement sounds like it was publicly made.

  16. Well, another accuser came forward via the Open Secret twitter account, but on Monday. A White House petition was filed:

  17. Why all the people doubting Enty and saying I'll believe it when I see it!
    No kidding you'll believe it when you see it, that's how EVERYTHING works. lol
    Singer is going to pay, there's no doubt. Schneider too. I suspect they will take their own life first, but however it works to get them out of society, great.
    It will happen.
    Sometimes I wonder if people just think you can magically catch the bad guy immediately just because of accusations. There's a process, people

  18. Anonymous7:46 AM

    IIRC, it was implied in the Schneider blind that we have to wait for Sumner Redstone to pass away in order for him to finally be outed. But he's on his deathbed (allegedly) so it may happen sooner than later.

  19. I keep hearing here on CDan how these big arrests,reveals,charges are always going to come down on the Pedos . But it never happens. Apparently money does fix everything.

  20. @Geeljire, we're at a strange intersection of permissiveness and prudishness right now, as the moral pendulum starts to swing back the other way. People are ready to condemn an adult man for dating a 17-year-old girl even if it's perfectly legal; but because of political correctness, they'll defend homosexual relationships involving 14-year-old boys with "everyone's doing it." It's an awkward time, with lots of gaslighting (much of it self-inflicted) to make it all hold together.

    1. Who’s defending gay relationships with 14 year olds? Nobody in this thread. Your bias is showing there hun.

  21. @Vessimede Barstool- No shit on the pedo themed films. I never ceases to amaze what passes as "entertainment" who green lights this shit.....oh yeah. Other degenerates.

  22. And elsewhere, Facebook insists that the poll on letting adults ask kids for nude pics was a "mistake."

  23. Im honestly going to celebrate the minute he is taken down

  24. I just want to say in regards to the CMBYN drama- I'm pretty sensitive about pedo shit depicted in movies but CMBYN really didn't set off any alarm bells. his age is barely even mentioned in the movie and they should have just made him 18 or 19 but it's not at all a movie that encourages predation.

    1. The loudest criticism often comes from people who haven’t seen the film.

    2. Anonymous5:48 PM

      That would be my only criticism...just make the guy 18 so you don’t have to deal with people who don’t understand that age of consent laws vary by state and country

  25. Isn't death in venice considered a classic and hasn't it basically got the same plot?

    1. And lolita. Which is a pedophiles tract, in essence which is why Kubrick adored it *cough* . As far as different cultural norms in Europe, woohoo I can't agree enough that teen sexuality is looked at much much differently in England, France, italy etc. Many parents don't bat one eyelid when their 17 year old daughter dates a 22 year old man. But as the world changes and is more aware of power imbalances in these types of relationships, European parents are seeing things differently, I think. Also remember the age of being legally to drink is younger than 21 in all European countries. Alcohol plus young people , I think we all know what tends to happen. That being said, I'm sick of pedos throwing out the fact that the legal age of consent in Japan is 13. It's 13 because the Japanese are acknowledging that teens may want to ingage in sexual activity with EACH OTHER with people around their own ages and to avoid the same scenario that has happened in America where several 18 year old boys have been labelled sex offenders for life for having sex with their 16 or 17 year old girlfriends because the parents of the girls get pissed and have the boy arrested. The lower age of consent is not for YOU mr western pedophile to take repeated unnecessary business trips to Asia looking for underage sex with young girls. Or for YOU mr western preacher to work "ending " sex trafficking in Asia when it's just a front to have sex with the desperate girls you are 'helping" , as enty has written about multiple times. Let's make that important distinction.

  26. @rosie I don't doubt enty, just frustrated at how long it takes. Schneider/Singer has been 'known' for years, and since it's been 'known' they've likely gone on to wreck more lives. That's all I'm saying. Same for the rest of the scummers. I hope they all topple in a giant pile so they can be burned together.

  27. I'm 99.9999% this blind is referencing this Open Secret interview that was teased on twitter by exec producer Gabr Hoffman:

    "A big free interview on Hollywood abuse and Bryan Singer's network will be coming from #AnOpenSecret in the next couple months."

  28. "An interesting piece of news was dropped during the Oscars..."

    ... and that piece of news was what?

  29. +1 John Doe, you definitely got it.

  30. I'll believe this blind when I see it unfold public.

    Bryan Singer, Geffen & the ped0 community (thats cozy w/the LAPD, btw) have always eluded justice. I really am never moved by these blinds. They always keep coming from Enty and ZERO THINGS HAPPEN.

    Like I said, I want to believe it but yea, even the scandals like Franco and Spacey have been underreported by how deep this goes. Its disheartening, to say the least.

    I'll believe it when it happens. If Geffen & Schneider & Singer & Co. all go down, then I'll think justice can prevail. Otherwise, same ol same old, Geffen cutting checks to end lives for decades and nothing happens. Nothing. Ped0s protect one another at any cost, bc protecting the others means protecting themselves.

  31. also I hope Singer burns before the queen movie (Bohemian Rhapsody) comes out. I will never look at Rami Malek the same way again after signing on for that movie knowing full well Bryan Singer was directing. Does his agent and publicist say, hell, it doesnt matter - just do it for the role! Malek, did you even bother googling this ped0 director before you decided to work with him? Sorry, Im mad, bc I thought Rami Malek was one of the good ones. Now I just can't even imagine what would make someone say yes to Bryan Singer after all thats gone down. And especially since he has sexually assaulted allegedly MANY men in London while he stays there. which is where they filmed the movie.

    f em all

  32. @beebop I'm with ya' *+++++1million!!!

  33. Thanks @John Doe & Brayson87.

  34. ... and I'll never respect the receptionist at the Weinstein companies for cashing her paycheck knowing full well that Harvey is a pig...

    That bitch and her children should all starve And be thrown out on the streets to live in the gutter. I will NEVER be able to look at any receptionist the same EVER again!!!

  35. This comment has been removed by the author.

  36. @pricksongs Not all predators are creepy monsters. They often normalize the relationship by being friends or cool hang out buddies, while they seduce the younger person.

    The hypocrisy is that the same forces in media that threw a fit and almost destroyed that Milo Yianniopolis guy for stating that when he was 14 he had a consensual relationship with an adult male and wasn't scarred by it, are the ones fawning over this movie. They said that Milo Y. was condoning and romanticizing pedos, but this movie is a-ok?

    The self-righteous hypocrisy of the media is what is annoying.

    1. You know why they are ok with this movie? Because the movie doesn’t involve a 14 year old, like milo’s statement about his beliefs. It involves a 17 year old.

  37. "People are ready to condemn an adult man for dating a 17-year-old girl even if it's perfectly legal"

    No, it's the opposite. Right-wingers like you are fine with grown men like Jerry Seinfeld dating 17-year-old girls, but grown men who like teen boys are the devil to you. Why do you think Kevin Spacey is out of work but Dustin Hoffman and James Franco aren't? Man, when did this site get invaded by Republicans?

    1. @Gwili Andre... THANK YOU. Well said. 👏🏻

      This used to be a relatively nonpartisan site... just really smart people bouncing ideas and sources off of each other to solve complicated puzzles. Now the trolls are out in full force and we’re all being divided, yet again, in what is supposed to be a safe space. Just hypocrisy everywhere, fanning the flames. But their timing is very telling, so I try not to take it too seriously. There’s a reason they’re here and not with “like-minded” people over at Info Wars.

  38. I often feel that Americans live in La La Land tbh. Age of consent in my home country is 14 and legal drinking age is 16 (for the 'hard' stuff you have to be 18, though). I don't know about the mindset of kids today, but when I was a teenager (early 2000s) you were considered a weirdo if you were over 16 and still a virgin. I only had sex in my twenties and always felt like such a looser before 'it' finally happened.

    This peer pressure about sex is awful, and I'm sure that it leads many people to have sex too early. But I don't think that raising the age of consent would solve that problem. Teenagers are are dumb, shallow, cruel and competitive, and they don't care about rules. That's just the way it is, always has been and always will be.

    As for exploitation of teenagers by adults, there are laws to prevent that. If I remember correctly, 14-year-olds shouldn't have sex with someone over 16 and people over 14, but under 17 shouldn't have sex with someone over 21 or something like that.

    But I'd say that people have a relaxed attitude towards age gaps compared to Americans. When I was 16 or 17, one of my classmates had a 23-year-old boyfriend. Nobody thought it was a big deal. Her parents let her go on vacation with him and everything. When a friend of my sister's dated a 40-year-old guy at 19, though, I was pretty creeped out. No idea if her parents approved of it.

  39. She's wonderful, isn't she? Never forget what the Queen of Hollywood said about one of their own pedophiles:

  40. i don't find call me by your name disturbing on the surface level, because yeah, it is creepy when 20somethings date/fuck teenagers, it's definitely messed up and weird. but that DOES happen in real life. so, without having seen the movie or read the book myself, i feel like it shouldn't be seen as inherently negative to depict that kind of thing in a movie UNLESS it makes it seem aspirational or glorifies it. i wouldn't be surprised if this movie did though, it looks really artsy and beautiful and movies like that tend to make everything in them seem like the coolest and most sophisticated thing ever

  41. I wish I knew what 'the next couple months' equals, cause jesus, it could be December 30th. these blinds try to get hopes up.


    what about it being released before the 2018 midterms?

    I just feel hopeless about it all.

  42. I saw that Regency Pictures was a co-production for A Time to Kill
    and also the recent Queen film coming up Bohemian Rhapsody

    are Bryan Singer / Joel Schumacher / Kevin Spacey have any longterm connections...or productions with them?

    I just noticed how often their emblem comes up w/all of it...any feedback is good

  43. "There’s a reason they’re here and not with “like-minded” people over at Info Wars."

    They've been given instructions from their Russian bosses to invade the comments section of every American website to try and influence opinion in a conservative direction. Or who knows, maybe it's some Russian trolls themselves, lol. They've become pretty good at impersonating American Republicans. This is an even greater danger than paid ads on social media.

  44. Ugh, can we stop with the predator apologies please? It's not the fact that the young kid is 17. If he was dating another 17 year old - whatever. Normal. But trying to make a grown ass man seducing a teenager romantic because of artz? Please, just stop.

    Anyway, I still don't get how Singer's pedo ass isn't behind bars yet.

  45. It's interesting to see that people on this site with different backgrounds, both with good intentions are jumping at eachother's throat because of their different beliefs of what is right or wrong. It's like watching a democrat - republican debate, or an argument about which athlete is the greater and why. No middle ground, no cold headed arguments, no respect for eachother.

    I'm right - you are wrong, I have morals - you don't, my law is good yours is shit. I'm waiting for someone to bring up religions or guns, that would be even funnier. And again, most people here probably has good intentions.


  46. we've heard this before, over and over and over.

    I'll believe it when it happens,

    'it' being Bryan Singer, Geffen et al. ACTUALLY, publicly, going down for explicit crimes, not charges that are a blip in the media spotlight, then somehow disappear.

  47. also if whatever dirt thats trully bad and will STICK, it better come out before that stupid bohemian rhapsody moviein december. I am angry its even still being released. freddie mercury would be disappointed
