Blind Item #1
This daytime talk show host is still boozing it up during her show and combining it with whatever medication she has swallowed that day. It makes for a very unpredictable reaction and interaction with guests and crew.
Posted by
ent lawyer
6:30 AM
Labels: blind item
Wendy Williams
ReplyDeleteAt this point, I just feel sorry for her. Butchered her face and body and constantly wasted.
ReplyDeleteI think her demons got the best of her... insecurity and substance abuse(because she was sober for many years I believe?)
DeleteAddiction is such hell.
ReplyDeleteHaha she tried to bring up Tom Arnold and Roseanne got her! Too funny
ReplyDeleteShe also asked some whack and hyper personal questions to Tatum ONeal and Tatum called her crazy(she apologized for that though)
DeleteWendy is a media veteran. Why is she falling apart the height of her success?
ReplyDeleteShe seems better to me since her break. Hard to believe she is drinking in combination with no thyroid and menopause. That would knock you down. But menopause is a difficult time--especially if the facade of your marriage is crumbling, allegedly. The only thing I notice is she is more aggressive because she's trying to compete with Jerry O'Connell who sermed hyped up every day. He brought energy but it was annoying. Plus the amount of paid product promotion and probably paid celebrity endorsement she is doing is off the charts now, which is turning me way off. It's like a money grab for retirement.
DeleteWendy, ever since she fainted in that Lady Liberty costume... I always took that as some sort of main stream media scripted subliminal message about America falling. The way her eyes bugged out was pretty unnatural, people think she's been "re-programmed". Either way, she also obvy relapsed.
ReplyDeleteShe really thought 3 weeks of rehab would be enough?
ReplyDeleteMenopause, thyroid and demise of charade marriage would break anyone down. Then all that plastic surgery... not good. Its rough and should appreciate her fans and stellar income
ReplyDelete@E Rose said...Wendy, ever since she fainted in that Lady Liberty costume... I always took that as some sort of main stream media scripted subliminal message about America falling.
ReplyDelete>> YES. That's exactly what I thought at the time. And now she's paying for her treason, perhaps?
Fuck this piece of trash Wendy Williams. She deserves to go down in flames. She had no problem blasting Method Man's wife's health issues all over the radio even though it wasn't her business and he and his family wanted to keep it private. She also spread a rumor that he was screwing his wife's doctor while all this was going on. All to make a buck and try to make herself look good. Straight from Method Man himself:
ReplyDeleteKarma is a bitch and so are you, Wendy, you terrible excuse for a human.
ReplyDeleteWow - The REAL Wendy O Williams.
ReplyDeleteI saw the Plasmatics live once and it was great.
@Sd Auntie - Any one of things at a time is enough to make the strongest woman a mess, especially when put under a microscope. And I speak from experience on all of them, excluding the thyroid. Oy. Life is just kinda hard sometimes.
ReplyDeleteHer thyroid issues are real. You can google pics of her before she was diagnosed and boy were her eyes bulging out of their sockets ( a real and very obvious symptom). Incase anyone's eyes are increasingly bulgy and you don't know what's happening lol.
ReplyDeleteI once had a coworker with a glass eye and I never knew which eye to look at. I was so happy when he retired
ReplyDeleteHe felt the same I’m sure... about you.
DeleteLMAO! 👍
DeleteI will put this blind in the blind category of Not Really Blinds and Too Obvious to even post a guess But we won't get Sued if a Blind.
ReplyDeleteWow - The REAL Wendy O Williams.
ReplyDeleteI saw the Plasmatics live once and it was great.
@MichigamMama59 I met her at my job (ER nurse in CT) several times before her death. I recognized her but she denied who she was. Completely changed person from Plasmatics persona.