Wednesday, March 28, 2018

Blind Item #1

Desperate for more funds, this former child/teen actor who was mostly in movies is resorting to cheap publicity stunts to try and raise more money from what he hopes is a gullible public. Those vacations aren't going to pay for themselves. 


  1. Anonymous6:41 AM

    Corey Feldman seemingly stabbed last night and is asking for 100,000 on gofundme

    1. Yes! Faking a stabbing so ppl will feel bad for him and donate to his ‘security’ fund. You and your security don’t notice three guys walking up to your car and th police say there are no lacerations ..

  2. Feldman in DM having been "stabbed"

  3. Sure, Jan.

  4. way he can get away with this if the police are investigating it.

  5. There was a time, until a few years ago, when I actually felt for the guy and might have been willing to help him start a new life. After the recent events in the last year, I am at peace when I say that he's on his own.

  6. Corey Feldman.. alleges he was stabbed.

    No doubt he is a victim of the monsters but he is also quite the bullshit artist it seems.

  7. He has his security detail, a stable of coked up whores, a vanity rock band where I assume he pays the musicians who tour and record with him, a nice house and an expensive drug habit. Goonies residuals only go so far so how's he paying for all that? That motherfucker isn't ever going to give up who was raping him and his friends when he was a kid, like never.

  8. Trying to make it look like the bad guys really are out to get him, so we need to give him money ASAP to make his movie so he can say who they are, and only THEN will he finally be safe in this wretched world.

    Corey...the world can see that this logic could only come from a drug-addled brain. Anyone who's taking your bait is equally impaired.

  9. He said he was stabbed with "something". Perhaps it was a head of lettuce?

  10. Seems weird to be vaping in the hospital bed.

  11. Oh Corey, with his background don't know what to say. In reality he'll only be safe when he speaks the truth. Once the cat is out of the bag there won't be any point to reprisals as they would only make him look more credible. But then the hush money stops flowing.

  12. Uh I thought sheen put a hit on him allegedly.u never know. If I were him, no Mullhallon drive....sorry.

  13. Either that or he needed a new script for opiate pain meds. Rich addicts will get elective surgery just for the meds. Doubt he's an addict? Hes got his vape pen in his hand in a hospital bed.

  14. Sheen has nothing to lose if he is in rapid decline as enty hinted at

  15. +1 makeupbylizz, you beat me to it.

  16. A few weeks ago you said no one would believe him when he said things..and you’re right. Seems fishy but I do hope it wasn’t an actual threat. I mean, if he ends up dead from another attack later then we all will filll pretty stupid.. ��

  17. Why am I not surprised he vapes

  18. Omg haha it's in the DM. nice picture sitting up in bed with a thermometer sticking out his mouth like a giant goddam toddler. Bitch please. If it was really a hired guy he'd of killed you. SMDH
    Actually now I think of it, that might of worked out better. Someone should Gofundthat

  19. If he immediately went to social media to talk about it then he needs to show a pic of his would or bandage or something to prove it.

  20. America's police get a lot of criticism, but when it comes to scams/hoaxes like this, they have a pretty good record of figuring them out quickly.

  21. I am confused. Corey says he has been silenced his whole life, yet he refuses to give names when asked point blank.

    Corey, why not give a live press conference & tell the names? That way when you get suicided the public will know who did it.


    Probably a type of kubaton was used

  23. I actually came here this morning looking for the Corey Feldman blind. Unreal. It was really awkward even reading that whole mess this morning. What a joke.

    BTW-don't hate on us vapers! It's the only thing that's kept me from going back to my nasty cigarette habit, so at least I'm blowin out vanilla custard scented harmless (yes harmless) vapor instead of stinky disgusting smoke.

    And YES-vaped in the hospital with pneumonia!

  24. Feldman has long past reached his expiration date, sadly. His pedo benefactors will no doubt, if they haven't already, realize that his drug addled antics and unpredictability are far more of a liability and source of unwanted/unneeded attention at this point, even if he doesn't "spill the beans", that far outweighs whatever usefulness his continued existence may have once presented to them. Wouldn't be surprised if we hear of a fatal OD in his future from a hot dose. All just idle speculation on my part.

  25. people might be more willing to listen to Corey if he didn't type like a tween on AOL instant messenger

  26. Back in the early 90's, I had a friend who was a production assisstant ask if I might be able to drive Corey and his band to a gig in Phoenix. Even back then, I thought "That guy is still around?"
    I said no, but I wonder now how it would have gone.....

    1. In 95 he performed in phx...well, a suburb, he did a “performance” at Dobson High School during a basketball game. Got me a front row seat, in all my gothy regalia to see the spectacle. It was surreal and sad. He is STILL a surreal and sad spectacle unfortunately.

  27. "Corey was in Tarzana when 3 men allegedly attacked him by opening his car door and one of them purportedly jabbed him in the stomach with an unknown item...LAPD indicated there were no puncture wounds evident."

  28. The real sad part of this is that he 'Knows" things and has not come forward. Now, after all his shenanigans - who would believe him?

  29. If something did happen to Corey, they should look for needle marks. I hate to think someone injected him with Tiger Blood.

  30. Anonymous8:01 AM

    As soon as I saw this story and his plea for money for security purposes, I rolled my eyes and moved on. What a sad story his life has become.

  31. @Ice, there are two types of vapers. Group One treats them like cigarettes, they try to use them away from people or at least discretely exhale the vapor away from people's faces. Group Two are jerks who blow giant clouds of vapor around groups of people or in crowded indoor places. I doubt Group Two even fully inhales most of their vapor. There's always somebody that has to ruin things for everyone else.

  32. Oh to be The horrified parents of whatever ‘angel’
    is on his arm

  33. @Brayson - I'm definitely in the Group 1 category for sure! LOL!

    One more thing about Corey - if you are going to fake your own stabbing, at least have the balls to actually stab yourself! Fake Stabbing 101.

  34. @Barbara RiceHand, if Feldman is ever murdered, the press will spin it as suicide (probably overdose) or some kind of random mugging, so we will be suspicious, but we still won't know for sure whether to feel bad.

  35. Who actually bought that BULL story? If anyone wanted him dead, he would be dead by now. A sad Sad human, thats what he is.

  36. @iceangel. Like in the movie scream where they had to commit to stabbing each other in the stomach.. funny.

  37. He is too deep in his lies and trying g desperately to stay there. I don't think he'll ever tell the truth. They either have video on him or receipts for payoffs, all he will do is hint and do these stunts for attention.

  38. @Makeupbylizz

    That must have been the one! I would have been going to a high school? Oh my.

    (In Sept '95 I moved to Maryland to work for Cover Girl, so I knew it must have been before that.)

  39. @Ice, It's also ridiculous when people break out saxophone sized contraptions, like oh dude, just go outside and have a cigarette, it's demeaning to all vapers.
    The funny thing is that if Corey had just worn a little Kevlar it would have explained the no lacerations and looked like a real hit.

    1. E-cigs are unobtrusive and accomplish the same thing.
      I’ve used both.

    2. You turds make me want a cigarette. This site clearly isn't good for my health. I love it

  40. My thinking is that he'll claim someone tried to inject him with a syringe and that's why there's no big gash.

  41. Well let's see if the police arrest Corey for filing a false claims and wasting their time.

  42. i need to get up earlier and read the paper - ya'll are good!

  43. @Sher my first thought was also hypodermic when I read the article this morning.

    Just saying, but if I was someone with cash and connections and I wanted to discredit a former child actor, I’d get someone to hook them up with as much of their “weakness” as they could consume to ensure they looked thoroughly unstable and then let them continue indulging.

    Top up every few years with a hugely bizarre attack or gaslight campaign, and never worry again.

    Suiciding only necessary if the target sobers up enough or girds loins thoroughly enough to actively pursue legal cooperation before the Statute of Limitations runs out.

    To sum up: he’s paranoid, nuts, very questionably contributing to the culture he was victimized by, cringey weird, and not the brightest bulb. But I do tend to believe the core of what he’s saying.

  44. Never has a blind been more obvious.

    Corey corey corey

  45. Feldman is a stupid, drug addled wanker.

  46. He has changed his story now and, as Sher predicted, claims he was injected with a syringe:

  47. The thing is, doctors can identify an injection site. They do it all the time in drug death autopsies.

  48. All I know is that he alleges it happened near the intersection of Reseda and Ventura Blvd. and that is high traffic area with lots of businesses. So there is either security camera footage from the gas station or one of the other businesses close by, or there is no evidence of an attack on camera.

  49. I feel bad for him. He’s unstable. Unfortunately, this makes it harder for people to believe him or anyone else about real abuses from their pasts.

  50. @So Outrageous
    "security camera footage"

    Oh, I do hope someone goes and gets images for his entire trip down the street. IF he was actually on that street at that time. Who knows? But if he was there and at the intersection, then there's a very good chance it is all on tape somewhere. Possibly multiple angles.

    I actually nailed a woman for fraud who backed into the front of my car in a shopping center exit. She spoke english til the police got there. Then she pretended not to understand me. She and her 3 middle age women passengers all made injury claims the next day. I was 5 months pregnant and soooo angry.

    Well, I went to the sunglass store next to where it happened and they had 2 cameras that captured the whole thing. My insurance guy still talks about it.

  51. I'll make another prediction..... that if we do see a tape, it will show a stupid 'road rage' incident like you'd see with teenage wannabe thugs posturing with some bad boy threats about getting cut off on the freeway. And it will likely be Corey's car that pushed it to an altercation of some kind. The authors of the 'murder plot' will be in high school and have no clue who that crazy asshole in the next car was. They probably did punch him and run.

  52. Anonymous11:13 AM

    Stabbed? Sure, Jan. 🙄
    There are people who believe his schtick. Stop funding this fraud, for gods sake!

  53. I'm 2 for 2 in my predictions!
    I did wonder why Corey's door would be unlocked while driving. Now I know it's because his 'security' guy pressed unlock to get out. Dumb dumb dumb.

    "Feldman's attorney told People magazine: 'It was on Ventura Boulevard, it's kind of a place where people cruise. I think it was an ego thing. They got into a staring contest with the security guard. It was road rage.

    'At the light, one of the guys got out of the car and the security guard, instead of just taking off, stupidly got out of the car and engaged with them.

    'While he was distracted, one of the [alleged attackers] circled around and opened the door and caught Corey by surprise and attacked him with a sharp object.'



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