Friday, March 16, 2018

Blind Item #1

There is more to it than just being Team one person or another after a split. There is also the fact that this C list celebrity has also hooked up with the now ex of our favorite former tweener turned adult singer/actress/drug addict. That was the final straw in the friendship for the actress/singer.


  1. Francia Taisa(her friend)

  2. Girls are so catty lol

    1. Everybody's sisters until they all bang you and then they most definitely aren't!
      Female competition is intense!
      I don't involve myself in those situations NY longer and I'm a much happy person.
      No 4 wives for me.

  3. Bitch gave her a kidney... she’s really throwing that away for justin bieber. God can Selena get any more pathetic than she already is?

  4. Holy sh!t Demi Lovato is celebrating 6 years of sobriety from drugs and alcohol, what an achievement ;)

    1. This almost coincides with her Eric Andre New Year's Eve appearance.
      It means she's totally nuts sober. Or lying.

    2. Hopefully she is.. though Enty hintsbitherwise I think?

  5. I dont think this has to do with Francia Raisa. I think because selena unfollowed Petra Collins on instagram who is now dating justin theroux, people thought it was because selena is team Jen. But the real reason why she unfollowed Petra is because she hooked up with bieber which of course isn’t cool with selena which is why their friendship is over

    1. @Gossipjunkie. Petra is not attractive and could not understand what Theroux sees in her! She must be very talented. I can't see the Biebs stooping that low. Looks like she is 40 something..

    2. I just googled who she was.. wow shes umm interesting!! Reminds me of the scary lady head from Return to Oz.... nightmare worthy!

  6. Wow. The Biebster's taste in women has slid badly. Drugs are bad.

    1. What Taste ? Someone remembers Chantel Jeffries? Haha

  7. I swear if it wasn't for Selena, Demi, Justin, Teen Moms and Rita Ora, there would hardly be any blinds on here!

    1. Or foreign born actors, singers, athletes, and so on.
      On that note, if it were Beiber, wouldn’t foreign born term be added into the blind..???

  8. >Holy sh!t Demi Lovato is celebrating 6 years of sobriety from drugs and alcohol, what an achievement ;)<

    Cocaine doesn't count as a drug in LA, it's basically a food group at this point.

  9. New rumors are swirling that Selena's longtime friend Petra Collins is hooking up with Justin Theroux. Selena is close with Jennifer Aniston. I'm guessing Enty is implying that Petra Collins has hooked up with Bieber as well.

  10. @Barstool +1

    There are stories about famous drug abusers who go on talk shows to proclaim how sober they are, then the minute they're off the air they go backstage and get soused/high. The late Dana Plato was like that.

    Don't be surprised if our sober young star has a public relapse in order to steal the spotlight from some other young woman.

  11. I remember seeing a play (I think by Eric Bogosian, who did Drinking in America) where a musician goes on an interview show and talks about how happy is about "getting clean". Problem is, he's obviously stoned to the eyeballs all the while. Whenever I see a celebrity doing the same thing it reminds me of that scene.

  12. This is Selena and the woman that Justin Theroux is supposed to be banging.

  13. The Coreys were supposedly sober as well publicly, but definitely not privately.
    Quite sad, actually.

  14. Falling off the wagon is problematic for most people and can effect the status of relationship, job and living situation...AA gives out coins to mark time many people do you think lie and accept the coin? Its not funny, but it is.

  15. it's amazing to me whenever there is torrid triangle like this that one party survives. wouldn't you dump them both? the girlfriend -and- the boyfriend. the betrayal is beyond any sort of resurrection , and least it would be for me.
    Justin best be grateful he is rich. he comes off as rather insufferable and frankly he hasn't aged well . his total lack of charm can't save that face and he really seems like he would be really awful in bed. like really really super awful in bed

  16. Ugly chicks like Petra will always choose the hookup over the female friend, because the hookup better feeds their major insecurities over being ugly. Chipmunk cheeks should know that.



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