Wednesday, March 14, 2018

Blind Item #1

A night of partying does not a relationship make, but this former tweener turned adult singer who is seemingly a blind once every couple weeks is still trying to find the right guy. A guy who doesn't care she likes women more than men and a guy who also has great drugs. Oh, and he has to be a celebrity who will get her picture in the tabloids a lot. She found the right guy in this foreign born singer except he rarely goes out which means not very many tabloid photos and just a bunch of leaked stories.


  1. It’s not Selena cos she’s a BI nearly every day

  2. Did Yoda compose this?

  3. Demi Lovato & Zayn Malik

  4. Mems got it. Zayns just started following her on Twitter

  5. but guys Demi is sober now ok?
    for the 19846949809235th time

  6. A lot of women like other women more than they like men. they don't often love them more tho

    1. @Rosie, could you expound? This is the most intriguing statement I've ever heard. Sounds like essay material

  7. Not Bella Thorne? DM had her being crazy at her bfs concert last weekend

  8. Zayn Malik? 60% of Pakistanis in the UK marry their first cousin, leading to widespread congenital abnormalities and a 15 point drop in average IQ. Zayn Malik is a legitimate retard poor thing. Is Demi changing his diapers and laughing when he farts in the bath?

    1. Anonymous8:11 AM

      Wow. Now the kite runner totally makes sense.

    2. Where were you when Syed and Christian were gay on "Eastenders?"

    3. @Geelijire They were so gay.

  9. Demi is just trying to find Mr Right, a cuck drug dealer celebrity who loves the camera, is that too much to ask?

    What did they do to you at the House of M, Demi?

  10. Zayn is a bag of bones. Other than the drugs,,why?? Have they ever been seen together or just follow each Other? Following does not mean anything

  11. @Vessimede, it will be hilarious to see the UK in 60yrs. They seem to have adopted the strategy of surrender from their French brothers-in-arms. Serves them right after that crap they pulled in 1814.

  12. @Vessimede - that's quite the most skull shatteringly stupid comment i've ever read on this site in years. What kind of deformed swamp came up with that nugget? yup, zayn has found another lady loving lady who will let him get high in peace.

    1. I thought it was avant garde

    2. It is longtimereader . They marry cousins not siblings and it's all throughout the ME. Lots of health problems in the populations.


  13. "Did Yoda compose this?" God damn it Trish, now I can't help but read it in Yoda voiceover.

  14. Oh man, Vessie. I just can't.

    Other than to ask what portion of the other 40% marry their siblings? :-|

  15. I was reflexively going to scream islamaphobia but googling shows me this is true. Ugh. And the poor kids are being born with severe disabilities? Btw why is marrying your cousin legal in the U.K. And parts of America? What the hell. Some parts of culture like women being subservient to men (Christians, this is you too) female genital mutilation , child brides and whatever this cousin crap is needs to go. Is it because they fear their culture will be destroyed/assimilated? Is it to keep wealth status? Knowing what we know medically this should be outlawed.

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. In Islam, you can only marry your cousin from your mom side not from your dad side or your dad’d sister side because if it’s dad bother side, it’s like your own sister and it’s haram because in Islam, the blood the transmission of origins/blood is from the dad side. Whatever ... Like a guy can’t marry his cousin whose dad is his dad’s brother. He can marry his cousin from the aunt. And that being authorized by religion, madhabs and Hadiths doesn’t mean it’s a must to do. But it depends on traditions. But people don’t realize that there’s a line between tradition and religion; especially in Muslim countries, the line is thin and everything is now mixed.
      So, what I’ve seen on social medias, following Desi’s pages (People from south Asia countries), it’s really kind of a norm to marry your cousins. 😳😳 Maybe not everyone but a majority does it. And those instagram pages make memes about it. So that’s not all Muslim countries that do that and it’s not an obligation. It is allowed with certain rules but mixed with tradition and customs, some communities make it seems like it’s the thing to do smh. Sorry for my English 😊

  16. I was under the impression Demi Lovato was lusting after Henry Cavill? What happened there?

  17. Sd aunite - i'm currently in a house full off people of pakistani origin, drinking beer, smoking weed, eating spicy wings and watching barcelona trash chelsea. Stop talking utter bollocks.

    1. Longtimereader. I live in San Diego with the 2nd largest Iraqi community and it is very true.

  18. Demi, I think, is trying to stay clean. Plus she was just papped with her actor-ex. Could it be another singer?

  19. As someone of Middle Eastern decent I can confirm that in some families this is an acceptable practice, while in others it is not. From what I know, whether you are cousins paternally or maternally is relevant and a blood test is mandatory before the priest will agree to it. I was raised catholic, so this is cultural not religious.
    I can not speak for people from Pakistan (which btw is in Asia,not the Middle East)

  20. Yolanda was just posting vids of zaynie singing the other day with #proudmom lol then a few days later him and Gigi announced breakup

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