Friday, March 23, 2018

Blind Item #15

This married former A++ list politician that everyone on earth knows is having an affair with a staffer of his who used to be a production assistant on a morning news show. The woman, does not actually appear to do any work, but is listed as a staffer. 


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  2. lol....either choice wouldn't really be a shocker would it? @Tricia13

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  3. Joe Scarborough

    She should be very careful. Joe has a habit of leaving assistants lying around.

  4. Wait it does say former-So Clinton I think?

  5. This should be a fun thread.

    1. Anonymous1:59 PM

      @Dena +1 Here come the battling conspiracy theorists

  6. Is that really worthy of a blind whoever it is (and especially if it's Skeevy Bill)?

  7. It's not Trump, it says FORMER politician.

  8. Former A++ list - I instantly think of Obama, but while he's a former politician, I would consider him to be still A++ list.

    1. Obama likes boys.

    2. And it doesn’t say “foreign born”!

    3. Obama isn't foreign born, jackass.

    4. But he is closeted 😉

    5. How do ppl know he's closeted.. any BI receipts to show??? ✌

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  10. The word here is "former." I say Clinton. Either one. :)

  11. Lol, Dena.

    I'm going with Clinton. He has one mistress in upstate New York. "Allegedly".

  12. Gotta be Trump, now that Hopie is gone. I read "former A++" to mean that his A++ status is tarnished, not that he's no longer in office.

  13. is it former politician or former A++ list?

    heather nauert is a staffer who used to work on Fox and Friends, but as an on-camera talent.

    katie price maybe, if we're looking at this admin?

  14. Wait... Doesn't necessarily mean it's a US politician.. Is it Tony Blair?

  15. Just because nobody said him yet Bush his daughter could get him access to a morning news show staffer just as Chelsea could with Billy boy. (But actuality I don't think it's him. )

  16. Bill Clinton sounds like a sleaze that would do that

  17. The Clinton and Gore guesses fit a little better as they are both former A++ and former politicians. Both seem to have lost their shine a bit.

    @Audie - it could, but it doesn't say "foreign born".

  18. It says "former A++ list politician". If the writer meant it as it reads, it means that the person is or was a politician and was but is no longer A++ list. The politician is not identified as a man or a woman.

    It's not the case that Trump was once an A++ list politician but is no longer A++ list. He is still A++ list, no matter how you feel about him, so it's not Trump.

    If it's Obama, then we would have to explain why he is no longer A++ list. Maybe that's accurate due simply to the fact that he is no longer President. But the affair is with a woman, which makes me doubt that it's Obama.

    I would say that both Clintons are no longer A++ listers, and both of them would be having sex with a woman. So it could be either of them.

    It could be George W Bush, but somehow I doubt it.

    It's probably one of the Clintons. I would guess it's Bill.

  19. Thia is correct to mention Gore as a possibility. I can't rule him out entirely.

  20. And maybe we can't rule out Kerry or Biden, either.

    So we need more clues, or evidence. I'll stay tuned...

  21. Anonymous12:40 PM

    Please get over your TDS. This is Bill Clinton. Daily mail is running interference for him “one way open marriage”
    Come to think of it that looks like under the bus, thrown.

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  23. Anonymous12:42 PM

    tony Blair

  24. The only reasonable person here is Jimmy Carter. ;)

  25. @Audie - I thought Gore and Tipper were divorced as well, but not according to Google.

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  27. According to wikipedia, Al and Tipper separated in 2010 but aren't divorced yet.

    Does everyone know who Kerry is? I mean worldwide?

    I still consider Biden A++, but that could be because of the adorable Biden memes.

    And they way I read this blind, it's definitely male. "This married former A++ list politician that everyone on earth knows is having an affair with a staffer of his ..."

  28. If this is Bill Clinton, is this even a blind???? C'mon. :)

  29. Anonymous12:46 PM

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    1. @mercyprosperity: What did he do in the bathroom?

    2. I guess it depends on what your definition of "do" is

  30. Dalai Lama having a daliance (?)

  31. Neither Trump nor Obama are former A++, Clinton too easy,how about Joe Biden,because of the shock value?

  32. What we know:
    A++, married, male, not currently in office. Appears to be committed to wife and is likely currently working somewhat regularly if you have an active staff. Also likely to appear on TV post-career on the reg.

    No obvious country alluded, but could be international due to 'everyone on earth'. But they would have said foreign, I think.

    The woman was a PA- usually they aren't much older than mid-30s and probably on a Today/GMA type show. So she's probably young and hot. Now on payroll for said politician. Probably no fame but in the in-crowd. Not many further clues there. Currently googling politician staffers who used to be PAs lolol

    1. Sounds like Uncle Joe to me

  33. What about Bernie? I'm not sure I'd consider him to be A++ anymore.

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  35. Katie Price and Scaramucci.. But is he A++???? But he is former and married!!

    "Anthony Scaramucci, during his 11 days as communications director, gave professional stylist Katie Price a shout-out on CNN, saying to Press Secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders: "Sarah, if you're watching, I loved the hair and makeup person we had on Friday. ... So I'd like to continue to use the hair and makeup person." President Trump dropped Scaramucci but hired Price full-time, thanks in part to Scaramucci's on-air praise, Politico reports. Now Price is on the White House payroll, bearing the title "production assistant"; officials declined to tell Politico her salary before it becomes public next summer."

  36. Is this worded only? Should it be A++ former politician? As worded, it seems to be saying "former A++" politician. So it it a still A++ former politician or a politician who was formerly A++?

    Anyway, I'm going off the board and guessing Tony Blair.

  37. The George S. guess is so out there and creative. Love it. Everyone in the world would have known who he was as WH communications director. But I'm looking at his bio and see no signs of being a politician himself.

  38. Katie Price's facebook:

    Also worked at CNN too.. This has to be her.
    Anthony Scaramucci and this Katie Price girl. (not the british reality chick)

  39. Anonymous1:04 PM


  40. If the Mooch was/is A++, I'm never trusting an enty ranking ever again.

  41. Most likely - Bill Clinton.
    Possible- Obama, Gore
    Not possible based on description- Trump, Scaramucci, Hillary, Scarborough, Bernie.

  42. Anonymous1:09 PM

    "that everyone on earth knows"
    --That really would have to be a former President

  43. I think it's Big Will as yesterday there was an article of his marriage having a "one way" open door.

  44. Comrade Donnie and his beautiful and loyal election assistant, Vladimir.

  45. In today's Blind Item Revealed #4. Mitt Romney is revealed as a "former A+ politician". Assuming the same logic/writing style applies, then this blind is about someone who is no longer a politician, but still has staff ("staffer of his").

    I also think this is Bill Clinton.

  46. A lot of people need to read the damn blind before commenting.

  47. Breaking... Melania is out! Sean Hannity has been chosen as the next First Lady

  48. I don't think it's Biden:
    Keeping it occult in Delaware

    1. Our family has secret service contacts and while apparently Joe Biden pays off a significant amount of women for I believe harassment, I don’t think it’s him. I also suspect he is just stupid handsy and not a predator. But then again, I only heard one side of the story.

    2. Anonymous3:16 PM

      @yikes Biden is def super handsy....plenty of pics with him waist grabbing and holding close woman of all ages at official functions, but I agree, I don’t see him as a predator

    3. So some people say I'm not allowed to appeal to my own authority.
      But I saw it myself done to a classmate on a 7th grade trip.
      If you reminded Biden who I am, he would remember who I am.
      There are no Somalis at the Wilmington Train Station taxi. Biden's folksy anecdotes are a mask and ridden with "misremembered" details and gaslighting. Remember what level he is at and for which team he plays.
      A powerful magic for sure but powerless when you name it.

  49. I would personally consider Obama and Clinton both A++ politicians. They're still politicians. They're still going to campaign and give speeches and whatnot. At least Obama is still definitely A++ and I think enty has marked Clinton as permanent A++ before.

    (Also, given what @Green Tea just said, Romney is still a politician. He's running for Utah senate. That makes me think the "former" modifies the "A++" and not the "politician" part.)

    Here's someone who might fit: Rudy Giuliani

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  51. Dick Morris, former clinton staffer, did a video on his youtube channel saying that hillary lives in NY and bill spends most of his time in arkansas, where he invites pretty female staffers up to his penthouse over his library for vegan food and foot messages.

  52. Scaramucci was never A++. That rating is usually a President, and maybe a few others, though please correct me if I'm wrong about others.

  53. The subject here is probably a man, but it doesn't say so.

  54. @Tim - given that "This former A+ list politician" is Romney, Romney is still a politician, just not A+. So I'm kind of going with the Trump guess. I'm not sure he still ranks as A++ list. And before I trigger anyone, no I don't have TDS. I'm just thinking about who fits the clues.

  55. I'm Australian and know lots of US politicians, but only because I'm politically minded. Most would only know ex presidents. Definitely think it's Big Willie C. He's overshadowed by Hillary now.too.

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  57. Slick Willie ... the man is indefatigable when it comes to this stuff ... no pun intended ...

  58. It's probably not Trump, he's not former anything right now. Probably not Clinton, this would be a step up for him. Giuliani and Gore are good guesses and would fit.

  59. Giuliani was never A++ and never will be.

  60. I disagree @Doug, because of 9/11. He was definitely A++ list then.

  61. Two words: Dick. Cheney. He's out giving speeches, so maybe he has staffers. You never know.

  62. @Doug: Giuliani was America's Mayor and a Time Person of the Year:

    He was considered a frontrunner for the Republican nomination in 2008, but then he went with the boneheaded strategy of ignoring New Hampshire and putting all his eggs in Florida.

  63. This blind confirms that TDS has become so bad people’s reading comprehension and critical thinking skills gone to zero. Sad

  64. OK, so Giuliani was a big celebrity briefly. It's interesting that he tried to get the rules changed so that he could have another term as mayor, and they rebuffed him, but the next mayor, Bloomberg, achieved exactly that. Giuliani's mugging for the cameras at funerals and what not was obviously shameless and self-serving. The hype about him being America's mayor and person of the year was the usual New-York-media brainwash. As the Presidential front-runner, he was about a laughable as Chris Christie would be later on.

    All of that said, yes, maybe he fits. But Slick Willy is still the front-runner for this one!

  65. The word "staffer" screams "White House". How many people, billionaires included, have employees (who used to work for Fox, much less) that anyone would describe as "staffers"? Employees, assistants, household help, sure, but not staffers.

    "Former" refers to the fact that Trump's star is in descent.

  66. I think all presidents, past and present, are excluded. They're all permanent A++. This means I'm saying (based on the description) it's not Clinton, Obama, Trump, W. Bush, Bush or Carter. If it turns out it is one of them, I just disagree with the classification.

  67. I cant see how people can possibly see trump as a former A++, he is the current leader of the free world.

    Giuliani may have been A list, but never A++, accept on a very local level in NYC

  68. I deleted the George S guess only because "everyone on *earth*" knows the former politician, so it has to be Gore because of the documentaries and his activism. Gore isn't married, but perhaps "affair" Isn't synonymous with cheating here.

  69. Well, @tetsujin - Al Gore has a lady friend but hasn't divorced Tipper yet. So if he's cheating on the lady friend with a "staffer", then that would qualify has an affair.

  70. Clinton’s having a thing with Gayle King?

  71. Anonymous2:41 PM

    Obama. That's it.

  72. Have you seen the state of Bill Clinton recently? He doesn't look capable of fucking his hand let alone something warm-blooded.

  73. My gut feeling is that it is Ben Konop. Boo Ben Konop!


  74. A++ with 'staffers' says former US President to me.

    Must be Bill.

    But is it really an affair if everyone knows it and expects it? Including the wife? Bill hasn't had a real "affair" for a long time.

    I guess it would be news if she was very young- say, under 35. He is 71 after all.

  75. Aren't US Presidents listed as "Permanent A++"?
    Based on that I'd say Gore or Romney. Even Uncle Bernie.

  76. Trying to be objective about it, I don't think that Trump was A++ and is no longer A++. He's A++ right now and, if anything, surviving pretty effectively. People might think they know something about how he's about to be taken down, but I'll believe that when I see it. Right now he's holding up.

    If Presidents are not always "permanent" A++ in the CDaN world, then Bill Clinton is declining. There's more and more awareness of his predatory behavior, and more and more questions about the nature of their foundation.

    Hillary might have been A++ for a while, but she's also declining. Many people want her to shut up and disappear forever, especially Democrat operatives who think she is damaging the party by continuing to speak publicly.

    I don't think it's Obama, because I don't believe that he's heterosexual.

    I don't have the facts on Joe Biden, but there's no limit in my mind to what is possible. I wouldn't absolve him of anything based on what I've seen.

    As for staffs, some former Presidents and certain others do have small staffs while in retirement. (No jokes, please...)

    I'll agree with the comment that Giuliani wasn't ever A++. He had his moment but isn't known all around the world, and so on.

    Apologies if I'm repeating myself. Just responding to more recent comments.


      The latest thing Donald Trump is talking about not talking about is the 1993 death of White House attorney Vince Foster, which was ruled a suicide by multiple investigations but which "people" — according to Trump — believe was a murder orchestrated by the Clintons. The presumptive Republican presidential nominee told The Washington Post's Jose DelReal and Robert Costa that Foster's death was "very fishy."

      "I don't bring it up because I don't know enough to really discuss it," Trump said while bringing it up. "I will say there are people who continue to bring it up because they think it was absolutely a murder. I don't do that because I don't think it’s fair."

      I remember that time I smoked weed with my friend and fell asleep on the railroad tracks.

    2. 😂🙌🥂

  77. Is it George Bush II and Nicole Wallace?

  78. Anonymous3:50 PM

    It's nothing new.
    Eisenhower and Kay Summersby (his young attractive British driver; she wrote a book about it)
    Harding and Carrie Phillips (who was paid 50k for silence, after he got nominated for President)
    FDR and Lucy Mercer (who was at FDR's death bed; Eleanor found their letters and wanted a divorce)

    And there's always JFK!

  79. since its former politician it cant be Trump. is Obama too 'new' to be considered former? Im thinking Bill Clinton on this one, which is gross, since he is Pure Grandpa at this stage. yuck

  80. Anonymous3:58 PM

    @geeljire I watched the Vince Foster thing last year..
    Long documentary. Lots of stuff online.
    They found the gun in his hand, which is not consistent with a suicide.

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  82. I have not read all the comments but thought I read somewhere that Kimberly Guilfoyle had a dalliance with Scaramucci when he was separated from his wife.

  83. ay Billy you naughty one!!

  84. I live on Martha's Vineyard.
    It is NOT Obama.

  85. So I've lost track of how many porn stars that Trump, patron saint of the "Family Values" party, banged while married to Melania (including while she was pregnant). Is it four? Five? Did he grab any of them by the p*ssy? Any Evangelicals planning to renounce their support, or do they just look the other way if a cheater's Republican?

    1. Someone so committed to truth they had to name themself TruthSayer

    2. It makes me want to vote for him even more.

      Your tears are delicious.

    3. 💦💦💦😊

  86. Well, Chelsea was paid $600k as a "staffer" at NBC. Maybe a friend of hers for BC?

  87. I'm going with Biden.

  88. @The Ghost Is Clear

    Thanks for admitting that Republicans and Evangelicals are hypocrites. I'm glad you're aware they have no shame.

    Fortunately, voters are starting to catch on, one reason why your other hero, child molester Roy Moore, lost.

    1. Sweet delicious tears! I'm loving it. I get to taste those tears of yours for 7 more years. Keep up the crying.

  89. Anonymous8:26 PM

    @truth I'm sure you realize that mainstream media purposely manufactures the red, D vs R rhetoric, to keep the American public in constant strife and confusion?
    I'm sure you realize that the parties have much overlap, and there is no black/white, and that for every rule there is an exception?
    All candidates embellish the truth. That is politics... on both sides of the fence

    1. My sister is a producer in MSM. That’s not true for all outlets.

  90. What about John McCain? He does not have much time left to party, so why not?

  91. @TruthSayer
    So I've lost track of how many porn stars that Trump, patron saint of the "Family Values" party, "

    haha It's an odd pairing isn't it?
    I predicted before Trump was elected (which I didn't think would happen btw) that one benefit to his presidency would be that the constant sanctimonious political preaching about gay marriage destroying families, religious 'freedoms', murderous abortionists, and of course those dangerous transgenders in bathrooms, etc.... would, for the most part, go away since Trump can't even pretend to care about those issues.

    I hadn't given much thought as to what might replace it.

    On topic: Still pretty sure this is Bill. :)

  92. Throw a fucking Dart

  93. This may be Rudy who was A++ and world renowned if for the fact that he was mayor during the 9-11 attacks. Everyone in NYC knows of his proclivities.

  94. @Sher

    Absolutely. But I'm kind of glad now, because any time conservatives scream about "family values" in the future we can bring up President P*ssygrabber as a shining example of their utter hypocrisy.

    They put this on themselves.

  95. @truthsayer

    Did you hear about the most recent Donny Moscow scandal!? This is going to BRING DOWN DONALD TRUMP!!!

    He colluded with Russian DEEP WEB HACKERS to expedite Russian Pharmaceutical imports, specifically generic CIALIS & VIAGRA


    1. It is now 100% FACT that DONALD TRUMP & RUSSIA COLLUDED TO HACK America's Erections.

    2. Hahaha @Schneider that was an unexpected laugh for me this morning,
      thanks 💟

  96. Obama is AA++ for life

  97. Don't think Clinton. Too obvious and it doesn't have to be a pres. Giuliai lmao Chris Christe, Jeb lol

  98. @Schneiderisnext
    It looks like many of these blinds are coming full circle. Wouldn't have guessed Russia, though. I'm all for anything taking down Trump, as long as it takes down Pence with it.

    1. Sorry @Mary just making a dumb joke

      But I agree re: pence.

  99. This comment has been removed by the author.

  100. @Schneider
    It is now 100% FACT that DONALD TRUMP & RUSSIA COLLUDED TO HACK America's Erections.

    You can say that again, LOL!

    Oh, that and the Elections, too! :D

  101. My guess is Chris Christie.
    2nd guess is Rudy Gulliani
    Both men are now former politicians and probably known world-wide since they ran for president and in Gulliani's case, he was famous around the world after 9/11

  102. Did no one mention Hillary yet? This could very well be Hillary.

  103. @ Yokes, I, too, have SS contacts and it ain't Biden. And you don't want him for POTUS either.

  104. I think it's Obama as Clintons (either one) would be a easy guess.
    If this is Barack, then he is a fool to cheat on Michelle. That women is WoooOOW.

  105. @totaji

    Yes, a few people have suggested Hillary for this. The blind states that the staffer is "his", so not Hillary.

    "It's a man, baby!"

  106. Scarborough is the first name that comes to mind, yet Obama is working on a series for Netflix. Plus, I am just not so sure that Scarborough was ever really A++.

  107. Anonymous4:19 AM

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  108. @truthsayer
    The evangelicals and many others supported Trump for his policies, not his personal saintliness. Recent history is demonstrates that flawed individuals can make effective leaders. All history, actually. It would be great if America's highest office would be held by a sterling example of character, I suppose. Most people care more about policy than character. King Cyrus was a pagan but his policy decision changed the course of the world. Pretty sure that's what Christians (who know their Biblical history) think about.

  109. could it be Obama?

  110. Bill Clinton, although I wouldn't term it an affair because Hillary probably sleeps in her own bed no longer cares.

  111. @Sign Name Below,

    It doesn't matter if they support his policies (which includes banning Muslims BTW, so that tells you something else about Evangelicals). I'm not talking about policies here; I'm talking about how they change how they address the same personal issues depending on someone's political party.

    They demonized Bill Clinton for his personal failings while completely ignoring Trump's or brushing them away as "flaws." That is the definition of hypocrisy, and hypocrisy is shameful. You can't have it both ways.

    1. Still crying? Oh,your, sweet, sweet, delicious tears! Mmmm. yummy. They feed me. Keep up the good work. MAGA2020.

  112. "since its former politician it cant be Trump. is Obama too 'new' to be considered former? Im thinking Bill Clinton on this one, which is gross, since he is Pure Grandpa at this stage. yuck"

    Shudder the thought of a Grandpa having sex, lol.

  113. Former A++ could mean the person is a former politician. Does not necessarily mean they are no longer A++.

    There are articles online claiming Obama is cheating. I have heard in the past that he & Michelle have an arrangement.

  114. There is nothing more tedious in a person than a Trump fixation.

  115. Wow, a bunch of you really don't know how to play this game. "Married former A++ list politician that everyone on earth knows" is a very, very short list: Clinton, Obama, George Bush, Arnold, and maybe Tony Blair or Al Gore.

    Not "former": Trump.

    Not a "he": Hillary.

    Not "A++ list politicians that everyone on earth knows": Chris Christie, Biden, Rudy Giuliani, Romney, John McCain, John Kerry.

    Not A++ anything on this planet: Scarborough, Scaramucci.

    The fact that Bill Clinton would be an obvious answer to this blind does not mean he isn't the answer.

  116. Bill Clinton in his present state is a threat to no one. Terribly flawed man, but a prince compared to the shit train now.

  117. @AngryLiberalKTS

    "Bill Clinton in his present state is a threat to no one. Terribly flawed man, but a prince compared to the shit train now."

    Bill, in his present state, yes. Harmless. In his past, however, he has fairly credible accusations of physical coersion along with violence and outright rape. Serious criminal behaviors.
    The 2 men are different types in this regard. Different M.O's, if you will.

  118. I think this is Clinton, Hillary Clinton.

  119. And really no one cares who former politicians are schtupping. Current sure.

    Thanks to Trump even cheating on your spouse is no longer a sin or a big whoop so say the E-VAN-GEL-I-CALS

    It's just a mulligan now.

    Now coverups using campaign financing $$$ like with Stormy weather is another matter.
    Well via your sucker lawyer. I hope Cohen doesn't get fired too he'll never see that $130,000 again. He may not anyway.

    But anyone that is a sucker to take out a line of credit on his house for Trump has SUCKER tattooed on his forehead.

  120. +1000 Truth Sayer

  121. Who cares if Bill and Hill live separate lives millions of couples live this way these days so do POTUS and FLOTUS when you come down to it.

    Long as no one is banging Russian spies like JFK has a penchant for.

  122. Replies
    1. It seemed like W had a thing for men, remember Jeff Gannon?

  123. George HW is grabbing women by the asses from his wheelchair. We know He's at least BI

    Which while predatory, is still funny as hell. The facial expressions preserved in the photos are priceless.

    If I were one of those women I'd punch that fucker in his droopy, demented face. Bonus points for knocking him out of his chair.

  124. Maybe Michelle Obama. If you believe the rumors about her.

  125. They don't have any evidence he's closeted at all.

    They spent 8 years trying to find scandals on the Obamas and came up empty. So now they've resorted to just making up stories out of thin air, as conservatives are wont to do. Thankfully, that kind of shameless crap doesn't work with the majority of the population. It mainly fools people stuck in their fever swamp.

    If anyone's a good candidate for being closeted, it's Mike Pence (check the BIs). Conservatives who've been the most outspokenly anti-gay have often turned out to be unhappy closeted gays themselves (see George Rekers, Ted Haggard, Larry Craig, etc.)

  126. Coming out now ... Heather Nueart (former Fox & Friends hack) and Trump. He had to put her in a State Dept role in order to keep her from going public:

  127. Arnold Schwarzenegger. He fits all the clues. He's no longer a politician but is still A++ because of his movies. That's why the whole world knows him. His marriage to Maria Shriver seems to be in name only, and he also has a history of banging the help.

  128. OMG I agree with all those sipping on liberal tears like fine champagne.

    The louder your psychotic hissy fits, the more chances for Trump 2020.

    Bring it on , losers.

  129. "The louder your psychotic hissy fits, the more chances for Trump 2020."

    Is that a political science-based theory, or just your own prediction? Either way, it's the dumbest theory I've ever heard.

    Here's another theory for you. The party in the White House tends to do poorly in mid-term years. It's a proven fact (the kind you guys are allergic to). It tends to be even worse when the President has poor (or abysmal, in the case of Trump) approval ratings.

    Fortunately, we won't have to wait until 2020 to test your theory. The elections in a few months will be a very useful barometer of his political strength. And considering how we've been performing in special elections over the last few months, us liberals are very confident.

    Bring it on, loser.

  130. @GreenTea - Wow - Melania being replaced by Hannity? Trump is a genius who just locked in the LGBTQ vote!

  131. A note about the evangelical vote (and I am a Christian but not an evangelical.) The reason Trump has the evangelical vote is really for two main reasons, neither of which is how Trump leads his personal life.
    1.) They back Trump because regardless of how he lives his own life, he has vowed to protect how they live THEIR lives. (please no bashing of this statement-just telling what the evangelicals are thinking)
    2.) Evangelicals are generally pro-life and would never support a pro-choice candidate. They are hoping that Trump can appoint as many conservative SCOTUS justices as possible in order to ultimately overturn Roe v Wade. Simple stuff.

  132. Coming in here late to say that I overlooked the word "his" in the blind which does tell us that the subject is a man.

    So, not Hillary but maybe Michelle Obama. OK, that was a joke.

  133. Good grief, for people that are so good at celebrity blind items, when it comes to political/media blind items, you stink, lol.
    This is DEFINITELY Bill Clinton.

    I guess it's due to your personal political biases, but you all seem to have no idea who the cheaters and the non-cheaters are, and also which ones are either too damn old, or in too poor health to *perform* those duties.

    Not Mitt Romney, not Sean Hannity, not Dick Cheney (my God, are you insane? His heart is held together w/science fiction & magic),not George Fucking W Bush (ZZZzzz), not George HW, he is senile as shit, not Jimmy Carter,he is only alive because we have amazing cancer drugs, ditto for that POS SERIAL CHEATER, John McCain,(he was having an affair w/lobbyist Vicki Iseman during the 2008 campaign while his brain dead wife was whacked out on Oxys), he will be dead within the next year.
    Not Bernie Sanders, not Barack Obama, his interest...well, they are different, that's all I'll say.
    As for Al Gore, he and Tipper split a hundred yrs ago, announced it about 6-7, who cares, he's too busy Ponzi-scheming carbon credit billions he'll never live long enough to spend.
    John Edwards has always cheated, but he's a nobody, so who cares, Rudy Giuliani cheated when he was young, but he's too old & can't get a boner now, has a back that's as brittle angel hair pasta, and IMO, has begun skipping down dementia lane. Not at the rate of Nancy Pelosi, but he's getting there.
    Chris Christie only cheats on Wendy's with Arby's, not with women, lol.
    Bill O'Reilly finally got too old to cheat/realized he can no longer afford it, or doesn't meet women podcasting from his den. Must kill his enormous ego. Either way, he seems to have given up the game.
    Joe Biden doesn't have a rep as a sexual cheater. A serial plagiarist, a serial groper, and one of the WORST policy maker in Congress,YES, but I've never heard affair rumors.
    Then you have the Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy who was having a fling w/that Rep.Renee Elmers, had to step down, that caused us to end up w/that shit bag,Paul Ryan, Sen Conyers who has had rotating honeys over his long tenure, Joe Scarborough, Jeffrey Toobin & his refusal to claim his love child, Anthony Weiner, AKA, Carlos Danger, Mark Sanford & his soul mate, Jesse Jackson Jr, like father, like son...other people in media that are total slime bags such as Matt "Door lock Button" Lauer or Donny "Triple extra-marital dalliances" Deutsch.

    tl;dr you ppl are hung up on red team/blue team. Most of these ppl are scum.




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