Monday, March 19, 2018

Blind Item #15

This B- list celebrity offspring who is only that high because of her parental units and what happened to her when she was younger is in full on relapse mode. Goodness she was sloppy over the weekend. She is drinking and drugging again. Someone needs to help her fast.


  1. The Baldwin daughter Alec called out

  2. Is "parental units" an SNL reference for The Coneheads and aimed at Alec The Asshole? Maybe I'm catching on to this Enty-speak.

  3. B- is pretty low isn't it?
    Maybe it's a Geldof girl (Bob geldof/Paula Yates). Or better yet, Tiger Lily (hutchence/Yates)

  4. I think it's Dylan Farrow "what happened to her when she was younger."

  5. Ireland Baldwin was pictured in the DM looking drunk.

  6. Yeesh, someone needs to help her soon, that is a bad scene to be out of control in.

  7. Definitely Ireland Baldwin and the pig comment

  8. Ireland Baldwin,it has to be someone with a known drug past.@Bill Philly,maybe so.

  9. Ireland Baldwin. This isn't really a blind. Clearly on the Dailymail. *eye roll*

  10. Very few celeb kids make it out alive. Michael Douglas did. Cant think of anyone else offhand

  11. This comment has been removed by the author.

  12. In retrospect, maybe it's a bad idea to name daughters after places known for drinking and partying.

  13. OFF TOPIC: Hey Enty: Now that Mark Salling’s autopsy shows no drugs killed him, are you going to propose dead by forced alcohol??? Really, please. Tell us again.. HOW WAS he “murdered”?
    Suicide survivors have a difficult time, even without your bullshit input.
    And NO I won’t be deleting this comment.

    1. So no one I the history of the world has even hung someone else? You're just absolutely positive it wasn't murder because drugs weren't found? And try to stay on topic, it's rather annoying when people hyjack threads

    2. I find your comment more annoying than his post.

  14. I keep hearing about offsprings I have never heard of before on here lol Makes me wonder why they are even followed if they are not even in the biz

  15. This is definitely Baldwin’s daughter I remember a previous blind that basically alluded to him pimping her out as a child in return he got acting parts.

  16. Judging solely by her social media, and the cute letter she wrote to her first sibling before her siblings started being pumped out on an annual basis, Ireland seems like a nice person. I hope she gets help.

  17. B- is very generous for Ireland. She's a hot mess but her dad is a complete asshole so it's not surprising.

  18. "Very few celeb kids make it out alive"

    What? Most kids of celebs one never hears from, at all, and they are very much alive.

  19. I want to say One of the Hearsts was seen out recently, and I couldn't tell if it was the one who had Stockholm Syndrome, or the daughter.

  20. One of the two younger of the Demi Moore - Bruce Willis clan. Can't remember their names, but at least one has been through treatment at least once.

  21. Peaches Geldof is dead already

  22. Eva Sanbora.She is so pretty.please stop.i have high expectations of you make out w David Beckham's son.It's fine I asked(lol)or Brandon Lee

  23. Unrelated, but Weinstein Co just voided all their NDAs. Does that mean a big week coming?

  24. AB = one of the worst
