Wednesday, March 14, 2018

Blind Item #15

This offspring of a foreign born A list celebrity is banned from a ride sharing app after yelling at a driver about trying to talk to the offspring. Basically it was an entitled, privileged I am better than you thing and you just need to stay quiet and drive. It apparently was crazy. 


  1. This has the stink of Jaden Smith

  2. They cant be all-that if they are using a ride sharing app...

  3. Aaaand he's not foreign born, so I'll change my answer to Brooklyn Beckham.

  4. I was thinking a Beckham too but I think he'd be son of a foreign born A+ list athlete? and not just mention Posh.

  5. Brooklyn Beckham was who came to my mind as well. Shame. It always seemed like they were at least trying to raise their kids well and not to be entitled brats. God only knows how Blue Ivy, Chicago et al who are and have been obscenely pampered since birth will turn out.

  6. Could we be looking at a Schwarzenegger offspring?

  7. Rocco Ritchie maybe?

  8. Jude Law's son, Rafferty?

  9. I hate when drivers talk to me. Nothing entitled about it and I'm certainly not rich or spoiled. Just do your job and drive. Same thing with hairdressers and grocery clerks. I'm not here to make a friend and I don't want to listen to your small talk.

    1. Oh jeez, your the customer we all trash after you walk out the door. We even charge you more. And if we see you on a date, we warn your date when your in the bathroom. We spit in your food, and make your drink in a dirty glass. It's fine to not want to hold a long conversation, but be careful not to cross the thin line into jerk. People in the service industry try so hard to be kind to everyone, even when they have terrible things happening at home, or five minutes before you walked in the door. If you treat us like dirt, you will recieve tenfold. You've been warned.

    2. Anonymous1:41 AM

      Yep, that’s how my mother taught me to spot a jerk and I am teaching my children - just look at how they treat people who are “serving” them.

    3. Yup, 100% jerk. My treatment of people like that is to spit in their coffee froth! Then watch them lick their lips as the sweet taste of the froth masks the spit.

    4. You sound like an a*hole mate. Might wanna get that checked out.

  10. Gotta agree with Jon. When I am traveling for business I do NOT want to speak with the Uber driver. When out on pleasure with family, I don't mind a little talk, but only if I initiated it.

    If I was famous and an Uber driver started on with the OMG aren't you???? I would be pretty annoyed, especially if they started asking prying questions.

    1. Then as a celebrity, you shouldn't have been cheap, and should of paid for limo service with a closed window.

  11. Anonymous12:52 PM

    Well, it depends how it is done. There's no need to shout at a driver, is there? Unless he is very rude, which I doubt because they know they are rated.

  12. @Jon: I'm right with you. I don't wanna talk with my hairdresser, you're not my friend.


    Whatta mean did "I find everything I was looking for?!"
    "Umm, no, this place like every other never has anything beyond the first sale day but are you gonna go find me some somehow?"

    Would you like to donate to...?
    "I'm here for groceries. Not to donate, to for you to rattle off how much I just "saved" (BS), how much I just earned in gas credit (where the fuck is your gas station?) Again, I'm here for GROCERIES.

    Ring my shit up and get me outta her. Period.

    I've no desire to chit chat.

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. I totally agree with you @Summer!

    3. I like my hair stylist, a lot... she is a kind a sweet lady. I like it when people are friendly to me while doing their job. I am nice back at them... too many grumpies out there they have to deal with every day. I like to think I make a difference, however small.

    4. The same people who complain that someone asked them if they found everything, are the same people who complain if the cashier didn't ask them if they found everything. Some people are just self important jerks, and legends in their own head, who will always find something to complain about because they are little bitches.

    5. You need to frequent classier joints, with your champagne taste and lemonade budget. Poundland aren't known for their quality!

  13. Trump makes Eric take Uber?

  14. I will exchange pleasantries with most anyone I come into contact with on a daily basis whether traveling for business or shopping. Makes me feel human.

    1. Thank you!
      It's not hard to smile and be a nice person. It makes the world nicer. Kindness is contagious.
      You don't have to be best friends with everyone but courtesy goes a long way.

  15. If you don't feel chatty, then there is a nice way of saying it to your driver/hairdresser/etc....

    This is why I have been calling it "rare courtesy" for the past 15 years. People just plain suck.

  16. I used to work in retail and we were required to greet and speak to every customer, offer assistance, follow-up regularly, and ask if they had or wanted a brand credit card. Even if someone obviously didn’t want the interaction we would get bitched at if we didn’t try. So keep in mind that most people don’t really want to chat with you, either, but it usually is a job requirement.

    1. Exactly- we live in a world where decorum has flown out the window. Cro Magnon probably had better manners than most people these days. People are socially illiterate and couldn’t care less about their neighbor. The Golden Rule is now, “Shit on others as you anticipate others to shit on you”.

    2. Obviously agree : )

  17. Long shot but maybe Vader/luke or Han solo/ ben solo!

  18. Ah yes, the free range rude. How sad they have been overbreeding the past few decades.

  19. Anyone else wind up with a Lyft ad on this page? 😂

  20. I can't imagine anyone would recognize the Beckham kids.

  21. Wow people get riled up over friendly customer service? A small grin and minimal eye contact usually sends the message you're not in the mood to engage.

  22. Well I m argentinian living in southamerica and in here is DAMM ANNOYING when cab drivers think they need to talk to you all the time ...


  23. I get sick of people chatting at work at my desk. Same with drivers.

  24. "So keep in mind that most people don’t really want to chat with you, either, but it usually is a job requirement"

    @Dena - preach. When I worked in retail the last thing I cared about was how your day was going or if you found everything you were looking for. I cared not one iota for you. But I was required to ask certain questions, and I woukd certainly rather be polite - to ANYone - than a raging asshole. TL;DR: we don't give a shit about you, either. You aren't special.

  25. Hats off to that company for not allowing customers to be abusive to their employees...celebrity or not.

  26. It does not matter if you are a celebrity or an offspring or have more money than God, it costs nothing TO BE KIND! PERIOD!

  27. I have mixed feelings about this. I had to use Uber for 2 weeks and I initiated conversations with drivers. If I got the impressions they did not want to talk then I would stop.

    What makes me crazy is co-workers who make calls and then discuss the weather, vacations, sports, etc with EVERYONE they call and get very little actual work done.

  28. I think David and Victoria did a pretty decent job raising their kids given the circumstances but I definitely see this being Brooklyn. He's become an ass since dating Chloe.

  29. I usually like being social with strangers/hairdressers/drivers, etc., but the times I don't want to talk here is how I handle it.
    I say, "I'd love to talk right now, but unfortunately, I have do deal with a bunch of [insert here: work emails, unanswered emails, unanswered texts, work texts, etc.]." Then I just focus on my phone. I think that is polite enough, and nobody's feelings ever seem to get hurt.

  30. This comment has been removed by the author.

  31. Whoever it is I blame the parents. Entitled little shits generally don't appear out of nowhere. Someone taught them to be assholes and it was probably other assholes.

  32. I love all here who expressed that underrated quality called-humanity.... from growing up when my mom always said”I made friends and exchanged stories with everyone I encountered (plane,train,automobile,subway)” homeless to high end .. working in restaurants /hospitality much of my younger life: it’s reakky not a question of “is it a job requirement “ or not... more like- if you fail to/are incapable of a human exchange while sharing time with someone who is providing a service for you— you suck at life,basically.

    1. I second you and your mom.

    2. I agree @Tricia13. It costs very little to be kind. It costs even less to meet the bare standard of "not be an asshole."

    3. <3 spread this positivity. Your mom blessed you with this lesson

  33. I never let my Uber/Lyft driver speak to me, the filthy buggers

  34. If y'all hate interaction so much, maybe you should move to a cave.

  35. It's not the a Beckham kid, they are lovely, polite and grounded. I used to live two doors down from them. Genuinely nice family.

  36. Have any of you pathetic jerks ever worked in retail? I didn’t think so... whether you’re an Iber driver, a cashier or a hairdresser, it’s their job to be friendly... you people should practice a little bit of f’ing kindness you self absorbed jerks.

  37. Anonymous9:07 PM

    It just says 'offspring', not celebrity offspring.

    Foreign born "A" could be anything from Michael Caine to Barry Gibb to Shakira to Michael J Fox and many many more.

    Who's got the time. I like puzzles....if there's a chance of solving them!

  38. Chit chat can stress me out when I’m trying to stay focused, but I always try to be pleasant to people I meet. It’s no more difficult than being an asshole and I end the day in a more positive frame of mind fat more often than not.

    That said, my Schwarzenegger child guess is down to the insecurity the boys have got to feel about Mr Universe/Terminator/Governator/eternal punchline who knocked up the housekeeper for a dad. There’s also a lot of family resemblance.

    I could see some reluctance to chit chat happening there.

  39. We are all human beings. It costs so little to be polite to others, and smiles are free.
    I don't want to be forced into chitchat, but politeness goes a long way--and sometimes, a smile and friendly face can change someone's day.

  40. Anonymous1:44 AM

    Eric Trump

  41. reading some of these comments makes me remember how shitty it was to work in retail. Be kind people. It doesn't hurt. That person behind the cash register is only there to make a little money to maybe feed their family. There's no need to be rude. You might find that by being nice, it makes YOUR day a little better too.

  42. In most situations, I have very bad social anxiety and internally freak the fuck out when Uber drivers, hairdressers, or cashiers talk to me. I clam up and get stiff so I probably come off as rude, but I'm just have an emotional breakdown.

  43. +Zillion. @PandaPaw, I completely agree with you! I cannot believe some of the posters on this blind. HORRIBLE people! You should be ashamed of yourselves. Really? It would take too much out of you to simply say "hi" and be kind? We need MORE of that than people being socially inapt and so selfish of kind feelings. Unbelievable. I'd place a bet on the fact that most of you are Millennials, you definitely sound like one.

    1. Yes, let’s judge entire generations of people. You sound like a reasonable person.

  44. My guess is Cara D.

  45. I love being kind to others, especially those that help me at the grocery store, my hairdresser (who actually IS a friend), my uber driver, and the's not hard to be pleasant and smile. In fact, if you're rude to the person who is helping you, I judge you for that. It costs nothing to be polite, and if you can't even smile or be kind to someone, or even worse are rude to them and make a scene, it tells me more about you & how miserable YOU are with your life, than how the other person is treating you.

  46. Wasn't there a blind on here recently about Lily Collins screaming at her limo driver on the way to the Golden Globes?

  47. If you don't have common courtesy you're a scumbag.
    Get over yourself.
    No one even looks people in the eyes anymore, I can't stand that shit.

  48. Problem is we as people in customer service are rated on those things and are told to do them or we can lose our jobs

  49. US customer service is amazing, I love it (I’m sure in reality store clerks, servers etc don’t give a damn whether you live or die _ unless they are on commission or work for tips ... but at least they pretend they do!) Come to shop or dine in the UK if you want to be ignored, dismissed and generally treated like you’re a pain the ass.

  50. @Unknown, you proved my point "mate". I'm definitely not an asshole. I'm keeping it real by explaining how people like you are miserable, selfish jerks. Reflects on the type of person YOU are, not me. Think deeply about that for a second or grow up, you'll come to see that I'm right. Would it kill you to contribute to society instead of pushing negativity into the world? I hope you can change, I really do. You'll be a much happier person for it.

    I don't want to argue with you, I rather be a friend. I'm a peaceful person, not an uncompromising asshole. I'm not perfect, can admit to my mistakes, and rather be a positive influence.

    To the positive, kind people on this board, THANK YOU. You're what makes this world go around more happily and peacefully. We need more people like you! <3
