Saturday, March 03, 2018

Blind Item #14

This foreign born former A- list mostly movie actress is a solid A list in her home country and has been for well over two decades. Back in the day she made a movie with this long time A- list dual threat actor who specializes in comedies. I'm not sure he has ever done anything other than a comedy. Anyway, he had casting approval and wanted to have sex with the actress so he cast her. The thing is, once the movie started filming, she started hooking up with a different actor on the film. Our A- list actor then referred to her as a w***e for the rest of the filming. He also called her a lot of other names and since he was one of the writers too, added in a sex scene during filming and some other love scenes too, most of which ended up on the cutting room floor. 


  1. Adam Sandler and...?

    1. I was going to say Salma Hayek (Grown Ups) but I like the Stiller/Cruz guess, too.

  2. Ben Stiller and Penelope Cruz - Zoolander 2?

  3. Sophie Marceau / David Spade / Lost & Found?

    1. Anonymous1:15 PM

      My immediate first guess also

  4. Not Adam Sandler. If this is him imma say kate Beckinsale for the actress.

  5. Sandler and Stiller have both done serious dramas.

  6. "I'm not sure he has ever done anything other than a comedy."

    Based on this alone, it's neither Sandler (Punch Drunk, Reign Over Me) nor Stiller (Permanent Midnight, Greenberg)

  7. As far as entry knows, the actor has only done comedies. That leaves out a lot of the guesses. TV and movies, all comedies.


  8. Steve Carrell/Juliet Binoche-Dan in Real Life.

    1. Not sure he has a writing cred on it though

  9. Carell has done a lot of dramatic roles in recent years.

  10. Carrell has done dramas as well (Foxcatcher, Freeheld, Las Flag Flying).

  11. Anonymous12:43 PM

    +1 SteveD. I was gonna say the same thing myself. Sandler, Stiller, and Carrell have all done dramas; in fact, I think Carrell is only doing dramas at this point.

    Spade goes back and forth between tv anf film, and he cowrote Lost and Found.

  12. Jerry Lewis / Audrey Hepburn

  13. Elizabeth Hurley/Mike Myers/Austin Powers?

    1. They were long-time friends before they made Austin Powers. Not them.

  14. The guy from The Office, the original one, can’t remember his name, can’t be bothered to google it. He was in movies and TV.

    1. His name is Ricky Gervais(and I adore him). Happy to say it’s unlikely him because I thought of him as well, but he did a film called GhostTown which was sort of heavy and everything I’ve heard about him personally, would make this impossible

  15. "Writing credit" is the key. Myers/Powers is the bestest bet. Myers has done semi-dramatic roles ("Inglorious Basterds"), but nobody remembers them.

  16. If it was Myers the blind would probably say "foreign born"

  17. Enty has decribed "back in the day" as anything pre-2000, so some of these guesses are not old enough.

  18. Spade is the best guess so far, but Sophie Marceau was in a very long relationship with Andrzej Zulawski at the time. Maybe Spade would still expect her to cheat with him, and maybe she would cheat on him with someone else. But I think it's probably not them.

  19. Steve Martin? He’s done serious roles, sritten (shopgirl), and music.

  20. Catherine Zeta Jones and Eric Idle.

  21. I'm still tripping on the confirmation from yesterday that Sean Astin is the awww shucks rapist. Imagine that chubby little midget forcing himself on you, YUCK.

    1. Gives a whole new meaning to RUDE-y(lol my sister lives that movie ??!)

    2. Wait. Is that true? Where was this confirmed? You are shocking me.

    3. I just checked AGC and as of now they don't even have a guess posted....

      I hope it is not Astin...

    4. Himmmmmm jumped in the comments of that post, waaaaaay down there were over 300 when I last checked, and said a certain guess was correct and it was Astin. :(

    5. And lmao @tricia13 RUDEy lol for real!

    6. Oh Lort, I just saw it and AGC now has it up😢

  22. Spade/ Marceau is the best guess *so far* despite her relationship status. Maybe that's why he thought he could get away with calling her a whore. She had just been a Bond girl, so was very hot, but did very few English language projects after that movie.

    FWIW, I checked SNL actors, and nobody else fits the criteria, so don't bother guessing them. :-)

  23. This comment has been removed by the author.

  24. John Cusack and Catherine Zeta Jones for High Fidelity?

    He was one of the writers and known mostly for comdies (but he has done other things, but even when he is in a drama he brings dark humor to it) and she wasnt with douglas yet during filming

    1. Ffs, you're seriously guessing Cusack as a comedian?? Smh.

  25. Kevin James. TV comedy. Movie comedy. Usually has a love interest way more attractive than him. Never does drama. Plus, Kevin James is no stranger to the blinds for exactly this behavior.

  26. Seth Rogan. Only ever appeared in comedies, is a male feminist (which means he's raped somebody at some point) and he's best pals with the Francos, who're skeezier than a used condom filled with AIDS blood. That fat Jew is definitely a bad un.

    Movie? There's so many, but lets say Pineapple Express and Amber Heard. Likely he thought if he offered her free coke she'd suck his chubby little dick.

    1. Full anti-Semitic barrage. Classy.

    2. Not suprised angry liberal. Must be a friend of Rafael's.

  27. Jack Black dual threat being movies and Tenacious D, don't have the actress.

  28. Now I do-- The Holiday, Kate Winslet and Jude Law.

  29. Jack Black was in an episode of Touched By Angel, which was a CBS drama.

  30. Anonymous4:33 PM

    Also, Jack Black did not write or cowrite The Holiday. Or any of his movies. And he's done dramas-- Bernie, for example

    And Kevin James did not write anything back in the day. His earliest film writing credit was 2009, not long ago enough for Enty to say back in the day-- thats 90s or earlier.

  31. Anonymous4:40 PM

    I try to make Rob Schneider work, but I definitely think this is David Spade and Sophie Marceau, Zulawski relationship and all.

    All the other comics have done significant dramas.

    Spade did tv and movies in equal measure.

    Lost and Found came out on 1999. He cowrote it. They played romantic interests in it, so a sex scene would make sense.

    She was working for 19 years before that and a big French star. So, by now, she is well over the two decade mark.

    Everything fits.

  32. The blind specifically says “actor who specializes in comedies” which is different than a stand up comic who does movies. Therefore, I’ll say Matthew Perry & Salma Hayek, and “Fools Rush In” for the movie. This is just a guess though.

  33. Anonymous4:53 PM

    @nateinSoCal I have the same guess! so that's a hypothetical +1 I'm hesitant because Perry has definitely done non-comedy tv but I doubt anyone would know that without checking IMDB like I did

    1. Just looked at this on IMDB and Perry has no writing credit, but I’m still going with the angle that it’s someone who’s an actor not a comic.

  34. Even though it doesn't say "foreign born" for the actor, I definitely get a Mike Myers vibe from this blind. He does a lot of co-writing on his movies, and he does more racy movies than someone like Kevin James (who also cowrites).

  35. Whut?! Astin is the aww shucks rapist???!!! omg

  36. As stated above, people like Adam Sandler, Ben Stiller, Steve Carrell, and also John Cusack have done genres other than comedy.

    I'm not down with the David Spade guess just because I wouldn't consider him A-, even at his peak TV visibility on that Brooke Sheilds show.

  37. I'm going to throw Eddie Murphy into the mix. He has been a co-writer on a number of projects, including Coming to America, which had a pretty, Haitian-born actress in it.

  38. Perry unfortunately lacks writing credits for "Fools Rush In" so far the only one suggested who matches is David Spade.

  39. Does anyone really consider Spade long-time A-? I would think of him as B+ at best.

  40. Plus, I briefly met David Spade at one of his small stand-up shows. He seemed a little insecure and didn't strike me as the type of guy who thought he could have sex with any woman he wanted to.

  41. Though I have to agree...Spade A- far he's the closest though. Eddie Murphy I could see....but whose the woman he would be trying to hook up with where he was a writer on the film as well? Closest I came with him was Beverly Hills Cop II with Nielsen.....and I'm thinking she doesn't qualify as A- list here OR solid A list at home. Though...whatta I know about Denmark popularity...

  42. Where was it confirmed that Sean Astin is Awww Shucks?

  43. Will Ferrell/Amy Adams he co wrote Talladega Nights and Adams was born in Italy

    1. Has done drama don't remember title, but an Emma Thompson flick where she's a blocked author.

  44. Doesn't explain being two-different levels of a list (one for here and one for home country) since she is an american even if she is technically "foreign born". Nights is a little recent to be a movie "back in the day" (2006). Well over two decades of being a list in the home country also leaves that out.

  45. Having sex with Ben Stiller or Adam Sandler to be in one of their garbage films has to be one of the most pathetic things ever.

    You'd have to be z-list for that to help your career.

  46. @Samantha willow

    Himmmm chimed in after the 300 mark in the comments, laughing at our terrible guesses and giving us extra clues. Astin fit the new clues best, and Corey Feldman was assumed to be the friend.

  47. @AngryLiberalKTS. So if someone uses the word "jew" in an unflattering sentence that person is antisemitic? Boy you liberals do love to censor language and label people... of course if he had said "greasy Italian" or "nazi white man" or "fat Irish" you wouldn't have batted an eyelid. Truth is, the "jews" better be ready to find themselves at the same level as anyone else, in an unflattering state of normalcy: because the protective power of the words "anti-Semitic" and "holocaust" is almost completely exhausted. Thankfully.

    1. Ancorancrapo. It is not the word that you use, it is the INTENT. His intent was meanspirited and full of hate. You Trump trolls need to get a clue.

  48. I say Seth Rogen
    PS, who said the aww shucks rapist was Astin???

  49. I was unaware of the points Melvin brought up. But I could believe this is Spade. @More Cowbell, unless it's all bs, I've seen his name attached to some pretty attractive actresses. Some even left me thinking, wtf??

  50. This is near 100% Spade, stop getting hung up on grades ppl, is subjective and the discretion of what the poster think it is. Difference btwn A- and B+ is not that much. Spade would be considered A-, longevity, a star since early 90's, one of the 'bad boys' group of SNL, 90's hit movies w Farley played at nauseum on cable, was able to carry a few movies as main star, starred in two popular series played in syndication, is in every Sandler movie, has at least name and face recognition.

    Sophia Marceau as foreign lead, popular in home country for decades. It fits, it fits.

    Plus, I think Spade talked about something like this on Howard Stern years ago, about this movie and casting Marceau, didn't go in detail as this blind of course, but I think he briefly mentioned being involved in casting and wanting to 'hook up' with her, but was unsuccessful.

    1. Only thing wrong with Spade though is that there’s nobody else in the cast of that movie that Sophie would seem likely to hook up with.

    2. The guy who played Sophie's ex, Patrick Bruel, is a singer and something of a sex symbol in France, so she may have been charmed by him. She did another movie with him in France just a few years ago where they play sex addicts.

  51. I immediately thought Borat...Sacha Baron Cohen

  52. Has Ashton Kutcher ever done anything other than comedies?

    1. Ashton played Steve Jobs in a movie. Also, Butterfly Effect was horror.

  53. junk account there is no way on God's green earth that Steve Martin is A-

  54. Spade is the best guess. Everyone else mentioned were in serious roles too. Carrell was nominated for an Oscar.

  55. My guess is Eddie Murphy and Bridgette Nielsen from Denmark, and Beverly Hills Cop II from 1987 as the movies which he was a writer on, and it is rated R.

  56. If Brigitte could bang Flavor Flav I'm sure Eddie Murphy was a! Lol

  57. @SD Auntie: and you KNOW someone's intent because you just have that power, don't you. So, OK, let's censor people based on that.

  58. I was going to guess someone til I saw "Sean Astin is Awww Shucks" now i have to find that blind instead lol

    I second Eddie Murphy and Bridgette Nielsen but is Eddie triple threat (movies/tv/plus he had that one hit wonder lol)

  59. Paul Reubens, Valeria Golino, Big Top Pee Wee. Although I would hate to think of Pee Wee behaving in that manner. :(

  60. in regards to Mike Myers, he was born in Canada and holds British Citizenship, so foreign-born.

  61. @Tricia and Raspy - Wait. WHAT?! When was this revealed about Aw Shucks guy? I just searched through all the blind reveals and can't find it.

    Someone give me the scoop! I'm dyin' of curiosity!

    1. A few comments above yours it says that around the 300 comment level in the Awww Shucks post, himmmm chimed in and gave additional clues.

  62. "My guess is Eddie Murphy and Bridgette Nielsen from Denmark, and Beverly Hills Cop II from 1987 as the movies which he was a writer on, and it is rated R.".

    That’s a no unless Nielsen has a penis we don’t know about. Murphy loves his trannies. There were too many from the 80s club scene that told the same story about him and then there’s that incident in West Hollywood in the early 90s.

  63. @Ann : that's one of the reasons I guessed her. She is not exactly the picture of femininity. Plus there is a picture of them at a party together looking awfully cozy.

  64. PPL! Actress is A list in her home country. So cross out 90% of the guesses here. It means her home country has a serious film industry in which she regularly works. That narrows it down to most of the EU nations, India, RSK and Japan (if she does TV). For example, when was the last time Salma worked in Mexico?

    Dual threat, works comedies, writer it's got to be Myers and Hurley (arguably A for celebrity not acting and still unreal looking)

  65. @ ancoranonhocapito, you seem like an extremely miserable, unhappy person. May you never find a tiny bit of happiness in your wretched existence.

  66. @mango yeah it's not like Paul Reubens has a history of bad behavior or anything...

  67. Geez, people. Eddie Murphy, Paul Reubens, Rob Schneider, Ben Stiller, Adam Sandler, Will Ferrell, Steve Carell, John Cusack, Ashton Kutcher, Jack Black, and Seth Rogen have all done drama
