Wednesday, March 14, 2018

Blind Item #14

The arguments between these two permanent A list mostly movie actresses who are each Oscar winners/nominees got so bad, that the script had to be slightly changed so the two wouldn't have to work on as many scenes together.


  1. Meryl is also in the second season of Big Little Lies

  2. Anonymous12:09 PM

    Reese and Oprah. A wrinkle in time

  3. To be a fly on the wall on THAT set....

  4. another possibility could be that new Book Club movie with Jane Fonda and Dianne Keaton. Both seem full of themselves.

  5. I'm thinking Streep and Cher in Mamma Mia 2

    1. Yup. Definitely Cher & Meryl

    2. Yup. Definitely Cher & Meryl

    3. Absolutely! Great call

    4. No, they were really close on set. It was Meryl who asked Cher to do the role.

  6. I think Cher and Meryl. Ugh I cant stand Meryl anymore

  7. That's unfortunate. Cher and Meryl have been friends for a long time.

    Too bad they are making an artificial second season to Big Little Lies. It ended perfectly.

  8. Fonda and Keaton. Both are strong willed with big mouths. #teamFonda tho'.

  9. Anonymous12:55 PM

    Meryl being in Big Little Lies has spoiled it for me.

  10. Someone paid off someone to get Streep onto that show to re-vamp her shitty image. Gawd, can't she just ooze away?!

  11. The bloom is off the rose with Meryl, more people are seeing who she truly is.

  12. Anonymous1:57 PM


  13. I'm going with Sandra Bullock/ Cate Blanchett on Ocean's Eight. Very troubled production anyway.

  14. Totally agree with all of you on Meryl Streep.
    You couldn't pay me to watch her act.
    Casting her in BIG LITTLE LIES has already destroyed the second season.
    Meryl automatically destroys anything and everything she touches.
    I won't watch it.
    They might as well cancel it since the talent is RAPING the F out of HBO :)
    Wouldn't be surprised if it's a total flop this time around.

  15. I don't think this is Cher and Meryl. Meryl stood by Cher back in the Silkwood days when everyone laughed at Cher doing serious movie work. Cher defended Meryl about knowing Harvey was scum of the world.

  16. Streep and someone. Won't be watching Season 2 of Big Little Lies now. Shame, it was a good show but they just had to bring her on.

  17. They are making a Mamma Mia 2? Why? That movie was awful!

    I am over Meryl too. But that started when she was on Jimmy Fallon years ago for a film that had just been released. She was a total b*tch toward him and he did nothing to deserve it and seemed genuinely perplexed by her attitude.

    She is one of the #theyknew crowd.

  18. Why all the Meryl hate, worked in the film industry for many years, Harvey's behavior, nothing new,and everybody was aware of his behavior,was not the first ugly little man to abuse women and he won't be the last, straight up b******* that people didn't know that predatory behavior was going on they they care more about getting their projects made than the abuse forced on the talent. They all were aware

  19. These are all great guesses! I'm intrigued by the Sandra/Cate guess. Also, I could see it being Reese and Nicole because there was that blind recently about an actress being upset about a dog being on set, and everyone guessed Nicole, whereas Reese is a dog-lover.

  20. I don't think it's Reese and Oprah for Wrinkle because they truly look comfortable with each other in the group interviews lately. Also, I bet Reese worships Oprah.

  21. Reese and anyone. She is full of herself.

    Why is everyone hating on Meryl Streep? She didn't do anything that 100 other people who knew about Harvey Weinstein didn't also do. And I don't believe she knew anything. Suspicions are not facts.

  22. I think Kidman and Meryl would be classed as A+.

  23. "Oceans" seems like the money guess, here. The love-fest around "Big Little Lies" kmay cover a Reese-Nicole spat. But the mania on this site to go after Streep post-Weinstein ignores how she's regarded in the profession, as America's Maggie Smith. Deferred to, lionized. Cher strikes me as the dimwitted type who could argue with a brick wall.

  24. I thought on Oceans, it was Cate B and Anne Hathaway who despised each other

  25. I just realized it said permanent, so maybe not Cate and Anne

  26. Babs is in pre production for the Politician w/ Paltrow but I don't want to consider Paltrow as permanent either. I also don't know if pre-production means that they have interacted yet.

  27. Anonymous10:06 AM

    what about Laura Dern and either Reece or Nicole ?



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