Thursday, March 01, 2018

Blind Item #14

This former A+ list tweener who got her start in an acting/singing capacity likes to think she is the one in control of her acting offers. I mean she is in the sense she can choose between the awful movies she is offered, but no one is offering her anything with a studio behind it. She makes it seem like offers are pouring in for her acting skills. They aren't. The only offers she gets are from producers trying to make a little money by throwing her in their movie. If someone offered her a real part or a television show, she would quit this stuff she is spewing and take the job faster than you could say Mandy Moore.


  1. I love Miley. She's a wacked out kid, but what you see is what you get... lumps and all - no apologies. Same with the Barrymore kid.

  2. On a side note? Any insights on why cops were called twice in 24 hours in Tori Spellings house?

    1. She called the cops on Wednesday because she thought someone was breaking into her home.

      Today someone called stating she might be having a breakdown

    2. Oh and it ended up being her hubby when she thought someone was breaking in...

    3. So just another ploy in the tori book for publicity?

  3. I've read the blinds on Mandy Moore, but refuse to believe them. Sorry that you loathe her so.

  4. Sounds like Lindsay Lohan

  5. Tori had a meltdown probably from a bad batch of drugs since her broke ass has to buy off the street merchants now.

  6. Was Hillary Duff ever A+ when she was a tween?

    1. Hillary Duff was A+. She was in the TV show younger though so I don’t think this works for her.

  7. It's Miley, as she states:

    On acting: “My attention span doesn’t love the idea of focusing and being on one project for so many months, especially being a character and not getting to be myself for that amount of time. I get really deep into the characters I play, just like I do with music. So then in becomes hard for me to relate — even to my family and friends — I’m so deep into that character. So for right now, I am so content with where I am, being someone else doesn’t sound that fun to me.”

  8. Miley is basic and homely and should be thrilled at any chances she gets. Happy she got her teefs fixed tho

  9. These comments are priceless guys!

  10. Mandy Moore isn't a peach. Many years ago while working at Sephora, she and her agent came in as soon as the doors opened. They were the only customers and when it was check out time, she and her agent were so obnoxious. Hollering, Can we please get someone to check us out now.. !!?! Meanwhile, the cashier was just asking her if she found what she was looking for and if she wanted a few samples. It was ridiculous...

  11. Hillary seems to be a sane former tween actress and younger rocks!

  12. Vanessa Hudgens?

    I agree Duff seems pretty together, I like her , she seems level headed compared to other former tween/teen stars

    1. Hudgens was definitely my first guess

  13. This is clearly Amanda Bynes. She's made a show of talking about all the offers she's getting. Haven't seen anything legitimately surface.

  14. "A+ list tweener who got her start in an acting/singing capacity "

    Amanda Bynes never was a singer that I can recall. I was thinking Hudgens because of High School Musical

  15. Lol Amanda or Lindsay A+? Not even when they were in their prime. It's nasty ol' Miley.
