Wednesday, March 14, 2018

Blind Item #13

This A- list mostly movie actor from an acting family made short work of an interview when the first question was about someone in his acting family. The actor got up and walked out.


  1. Definitely Dave..He's done this before, no?

  2. "So Dave, what's with your brother raping teenage boys?"

    1. Teenage girls, Franco's not into boys.

    2. He pretends he may like boys for “street cred”

    3. Franco is into both, he's an equal opportunity predator

  3. +1 for Dave Franco. You got it!

  4. Daveeeeeeeeeeeeee

    Btw , I was staying at the Beverly Hills Wilshere last April and looked out the window and was CONVINCED I saw Dave Franco get married on the top other the other building. The weird part is was a man. Now my eyesight is pretty decent and his smile in unmistakable.

  5. James wanted to rent from a friend of mine once
    Now he's that rape guy
    Funny how things work out

  6. To be different, I'll say Michael Douglas about his father allegedly raping Nathalie Wood

    Recently, Kirk was in the news for the Golden Globes, and Nathalie for developments in her drowning.

  7. @srproject I hadn't heard Franco liked teen boys either, but I believe Franco has been with guys and I'm sure he's decent, upstanding, equal opportunity rapist, so,...

  8. What was the question?

  9. @Filmfan: Note to yourself: Be sure to pack high-powered binoculars or zoom camera (whichever works best for you) with all future trips.
    Then you can share with us! ;)

  10. As I have posted here in the past, Franco is openly bissexual pretty much to everyone in his circle. Back in 2012, Franco went to Brazil for a gig and hooked up with several guys at a famous LGBT club in Sao Paulo. I even posted a list of Brazilian press articles about it, as Franco didn't even hide he was cuddling with several of them in front of everyone. Plus, there are rumors of several male teens from his now defunct school complaining about the same harassment the girls had. Just google "A LOCA" + "James Franco" and use google translate, you'll get even Yahoo news Brazil about it.

  11. I don't really blame the brother for not wanting to answer about his brothers criminal acts.... but that's all I got.

  12. I'm surprised the Franco's would agree to any interview in the near future, that garbage fire is still burning.

  13. Dave Franco seems like a nice young man yet James seems bizarre. Dave did the right thing this is family loyalty.

  14. Okay so Hey is the mainstream media réticent about James Franco bisexuality? I agree it is well known James is also into other men. Yes the press seem To be playing this going out game with him. Also where are James Franco male accusers from his acting school? I thought the male victims would of gone to the press by now.

  15. It's also widely known in Hollywood that Dave Franco is gay, but that's another story. The reason most victims aren't coming forward could be many, but the most obvious would be they're being bought out (that's what this silence period does) or they're being threatened, same school Singer and Geffen came from. I still think Franco is involved with Geffen to some capacity.

  16. Just to be different, Joaquin not wanting to talk about River? I don't think he's ever talked about him once in an interview. I could be wrong tho...

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  18. Whoever it is, he's not responsible for what a family member did, is he? And if he refuses to believe the accusations against that family member, that would be a normal human reaction. It's extremely difficult to accept that someone close to you is a sexual predator.

  19. James Franco would totally out himself if he was bi or gay. That would make all the Killbot supporters swoon over him even more. Also, Dave isn't gay either but I know by now that commenters here stick the gay label on everyone without zero evidence. I think Bill Clinton is the only celeb I've not heard being called gay before on here.

  20. Dave Franco is "A' list? huh.

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  22. Some visitors here are so gullible is kinda funny. People, Hollywood is made of the drama club kids you made fun in high school because they were too weird and too sexually ambiguous, it's that simple. Several of us work in this industry and comment on what we know. If you live in LA, you'll easily realize that most of them don't even try to hide what they like. Truth is, that macho leading guy you love in that action movie is at least bisexual and more often than not full on gay. There's a tiny minority of mostly straights in Hollywood and I say mostly because even they will sleep with the same gender to advance their career. Our job in PR is basically fabricating illusions because unfortunately the financial side of this industry (also with lots of gay dudes and dykes) still think they wouldn't sell their stories if you knew how actors really are. It's not rocket science people, you know the type since childhood, they didn't magically become straight. Plus they lie for a living, that's their job. I thought this was obvious, but apparently not.

  23. @Lucius Cassio,

    Interesting comments. I do think Hollywood attracts people who are less concerned with and more risk-taking in terms of societal "norms." Most artists in general tend to buck societal "norms."

    That said, I think there are some very straight men and women in Hollywood. For example, I can't imagine Reese Witherspoon having a female lover on the side. Similarly, Clint Eastwood is really conservative, and I can't imagine him having a male lover on the side.

  24. I think that perhaps it's difficult for many people to comprehend just what many Hollywood stars are like because they're so used to being boxed in with the gay/straight binary. A lot of Hollywood stars just do what they want and who they want. The same weirdos you guys picked on in high school, the drama geeks, the annoying weirdo musicians who always tried to be different but were socially inept and awkward, that is what a lot of Hollywood is made up of. You'd think they'd be underdogs but a lot, not all, are very broken and have a deluded sense of reality. PR firms make sure to market a lot of these celebs as stable, solely straight, all American males. Think John Travolta or Tom Cruise.
    Beyond that, many will sleep with men, women, trans, and not blink an eye and many will consider themselves straight in the end. Or just may not label themselves at all. Think of Richard Pryor, could any of you have guessed in a million years that he would've slept with Marlon Brando? Or that if you read in his biography that he had a transsexual partner?

    As far as Franco goes. Where is the big story about his acting schools and all the supposed victims? Why was CDAN peddling that bogus story from Gawker that he raped a guy? The writer of that article confessed to it being BS.

  25. @More Cowbell look no further than your average Republican caught with rent boys (too many to count). Clint Eastwood and other stars of his generation are well known to had their start with the "aid" of Clifton Webb, including Robert Wagner and Jeffrey Hunter.

    Several actors end up in this business referred by former lovers and friends of their lovers or one night stands. Not that different than most jobs.

    Don't kid yourself. If I made a list of current alpha males on films that I know for a fact are gay you wouldn't believe me so I won't even try, but make no mistake that they don't really care about that as much as fans do.

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. Where the hell is plot to state the obvious

      "if I made a list of current alpha males on films"
      "that I know for a fact are gay"
      "You wouldn't believe me"


      "So I won't even try"

  26. Lucius, I will believe you. Drop some names!

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  27. Ok, here it goes. Several actors were openly gay or bi before becoming stars.

    Tom Hardy had a My Space where he was openly gay. When some prints resurfaced with his poses and even sitting on a guys lap, PR magic made it seem he was some cool hipster dude and they even paid Buzzfeed to help promote the spin. Of course they left out some of the incriminating pictures and tried to unsuccessfully spin the others, as if it was even possible, see it for yourself.

    Then, as it would eventually happen, an interview to gay British magazine Attitude resurfaced where he openly states that he slept with other boys when he was young. Then, suddenly, during the TIFF press junket, a gay reporter asked him about it and he threw a tantrum. I'm positive this was planted by his PR team.

    You can tell I have a personal dislike for Hardy. I won't elaborate on my personal reasons, but I have to say I loved seeing him losing it and acting like the bitchy queen he really is. 😬

    Henry Cavill had several Instagram comments on his boyfriend's account erased when his own fans found them going through his social media. Now PR magic makes him a "guy who's comfortable with gay people". It's sad really. There were I love yous everywhere. I wonder how he's boyfriend feels about it. I hear they're still together so he might be ok with it.

    It has become really challenging to keep people in the closet in the age of social media.

    Theres a Sam Heughan, the lead on the series Highlander, rumor going on for a while at the Datalounge and a supposed beard. You can follow the whole ordeal here (with prints)

    The Datalounge is actually the best place for you to learn about that. A lot of industry insiders lurk there. It's completely anonymous and anyone can post and read them. They have a great track record on outing people. They were talking about Spacey, the Anthony Rapp allegations, Geffen and Bryan Singer almost 15 years ago, you can still search for the old posts to read them.

    Actors take that site so seriously that they regularly post there trying to dispel the rumors, sometimes outing themselves in the process with private information only they would know.

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. Lmao the datalounge where they call literally every celebrity gay and make up stories? Yeah...great source. You people believe anything. It’s hilarious. If I listened to datalounge, the whole world is gay and straights don’t exist

  28. Anonymous10:55 PM

    Casey Affleck? I’d guess Ben but he’s probably still A rather than A-...

  29. Chris Pratt, Lucius?

  30. Who is doing press at present? Joaquin. Michael Douglas? Not until late spring. Francos? That ended in mid-Dec., latest.

  31. Lucious,

    I can't find any info on Henry Cavil. Do you have some links to share?
    Datalounge is probably the closest thing to the real deal stuff you're going to get on the net, much more so than CDAN, not to hate on CDAN.

    Also, why do you think people are so trusting of PR fluff? How can they not see right through the blatant attempts to distract and deflect? Many times the PR machines do a really bad job. I am not even talking about gay rumors and such but PR in general. Such as, when Hello Giggles or Pop Sugar or Yahoo News or Huff Post run really bad PR for celebs that is so sugary it will make your teeth hurt. And sometimes they even tell people what to think, i.e. " don't be throw shade at Kim K for doing XYZ, she was just....and we love her for it".

    How do people fall for it?


    Hmmm, you weren't kidding. People aren't believing it though.

    1. Man this is hilarious. Apparently they're too afraid to acknowledge a guy is handsome so they call it aesthetic. Hahaha. How about the ones calling it photoshopped? I think there's a huge Datalounge thread on Cavill with the Instagram prints. Search there.

  33. Lucius has it right. In a nutshell, these are the people from your high school drama club or college theater department. Keep that in mind and you'll be better able to make sense of it all.

  34. +1000000000000^10000000000

    I could see this being Joaquin Phoenix however the A- rating seems a bit low IMO, even with the minimal amount of work he has been putting out over the past decade or two.

    As far as Jimmy Fuckface Franco and his brother lil Davey go, both have been Geffen's rentboys for a looooong time, no doubt about it.

  35. "Lucius has it right. In a nutshell, these are the people from your high school drama club or college theater department. Keep that in mind and you'll be better able to make sense of it all."

    CJ, yes he does have it right and it explains the mess that is Hollywood. In my high school at least, the drama club kids were ostracized not because they were underdogs but that many, not all, were REALLY weird and not in a good way. They weren't misunderstood in a John Hughes way either. I remember some of them being very socially inept, crossing boundaries for the hell of it and also arrogant.

    It's actually the Hollywood PR machine that paints them to be highly stable, all American, "just like us", types.

  36. In my high school drama group was a young man whose stepsister had a lock on her door to keep out her brother.

    That's how they handled the abuse.

    He's a drama teacher now at one of the big schools in New York.

    Freaks and Geeks. What's funny is that I ended up getting out of that scene my junior year. I didn't fit anymore and now I see why.

  37. Yeah, Hollywood loves to act as though the drama geeks and outcasts were all just misunderstood, and many were, I am NOT condoning bullying. But many were also ostracized because they were utterly inept during social gatherings and would play up their weirdness to 11 to get a rise out of people. Think the Judd Nelson character in The Breakfast Club. He's seen in a favorable light in the movie but OMG I knew a bunch of those types, many were in drama, and they had serious issues.
    During the little time I spent in Hollywood, the revelation Lucious expounded on dawned on me while working with wannabes. I dated one of them and it was nothing but misery. I watched people rise up and make it in the biz but I always remember how much of a near socio-path some of them were. They all virtue signal online to appear empathetic to people's plights but in real life, many are messed up in the head.
    James Franco fits that to a tee in my opinion. Just judging by the stuff written about him in his youth, his rise in the biz and his narcissism. It doesn't surprise me that he has all of these allegations against him and more that he might have covered up.

  38. LOL. That BodyBuilding thread pings like crazy. Some of them I couldn't tell if they were joking or seriously about going "homo, "no homo" for Cavil.

    I think it's this overly macho attitude that keeps men from acknowledging that other men are handsome. You're not gay if you think a guy is handsome.

    But that brings up my point, Lucius. Why are people just so skeptical of the truth that some Hollywood actors are gay or sexually fluid? How do people fall for really, really bad, sloppy and sugary PR that is so blatantly phony?

    Do they just not understand the nature of the biz? Would the world come crashing down on them if they knew that Hollywood was just a town full of the highly promiscuous, weird, and socially inept drama geeks they knew in high school? That they are not "just like us"?

  39. @Charisma, don't be foolish. Datalougne posters don't say everyone is gay. If you've ever been around actors or have ever been around Hollywood you'd know that actors are very sexually liberated people. They don't place label on themselves, but as far as the general public is concerned, yes, they're all "gay".

  40. Like I said before, one needs only to spend a week in LA to realize most actors don't even hide what they like. The people at the Datalounge don't think everybody is gay, they're a gay website and talk about the people they know or have met who happen to have same sex experiences. Like douchbag Tom Hardy himself says in an interview: "Of Course I have slept with men, I'm an actor" - that right there should be enough for you delusional bunch to understand what i and Predilecto are talking about.

    Let me tell you, A LOT of PR firms have the Datalounge on their bookmark. Several Blind Itens posted here on CDAN are lifted from there and celebrities keep that site alive, as they post constantly there to berate people they dislike, gossip on exes and to defend themselves, their track record is a real thread to the gossip industry. Every single celebrity and agent I've met, which is a lot, knows and spends a lot of time here on CDAN and Datalounge, the rest is fabrication of your gullible mind. C ya.



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