Thursday, March 01, 2018

Blind Item #13

It was a touching sentiment, and I'm sure that her pay over the years for acting as a beard played some part in the well wishes, but she didn't do this A lister any favors in the heterosexual department because the sentiment sounded like something you would write in the yearbook of your friend rather than a person you have supposedly been hooking up with for years.


  1. Ryan Seacrest’s GF

  2. Anita Bryant and Billy Graham?

  3. What? “Have a rad summer”?

    1. @Shawn McGuire - Hahaha! That, or LYLAS (Love Ya Like A Sister).

  4. Olivia Munn is hurt because she thought Aaron Rodgers was going to marry her😂instead he's playing with Danica Patrick now who is just using him to get over Ricky Stenhouse Jr😥

  5. Kelly Rippa gave a glowing testimonial for R.S.

  6. No that doesn't fit because Kelly never hooked up with Seacrest and it looks like whoever said or wrote something about someone did "hook up" with him.


  7. Why does anyone care about Kelly Ripa? How does she still have a job? The evidence suggests she is clearly a difficult, selfish, vindictive person. Look at the Regis, Strahan and now Seacrest digs/issues. Apropos of nothing, I also suspect she has an eating disorder. ABC can do so much better.


  9. sandybrooke... no woman ever hooked up with Ryan Seacrest.

  10. These guys really need a higher quality of beard.
    That's why Beards'R'Us leases only the most savvy and photogenic companions. You'll seem so straight people will mistake you for a flag pole. No down payment for a limited time, faux progeny not included.

  11. LOL+++ Brayson87 said...

  12. I really don't get the rationale behind Seacrest being in the closet? He's one of the most successful men in Hollywood. He isn't an actor, so no worries about not being convincing in romantic leads or as a super hero or anything. He's kinda cute, but women aren't really throwing their panties up on stage or anything for him. I mean, at this point in his life, why is he working so hard on pretending? Just come out as "bi" (like someone said soft-coming-out) and then date only men. No one will even care, nor will they even bother him. How much does anyone bother Anderson Cooper?

  13. To my knowledge, though, Cooper doesn't work with as many random people as Seacrest does. It would be easy, with all of the projects he has going on, for a PA or contracted employee to make an allegation about RS. Cooper comes from money, and knows how to avoid the gold diggers (and he really doesn't have a fall back plan, as GV didn't set up a trust or legacy fund for AC).

    I also feel like this is Seacrest because a truly satisfied beard would have a game face until the end. This one outed him in a passive way, and she knew a weak sentiment would lay doubt. He strikes me as being selfish, and not too much into giving, beyond a superficial point. Diamonds, yes. True emotion?


  14. Anonymous3:40 PM

    I think some of these people who use beards and don’t come out may do it because of their families. I know peeps whose parents passed and very soon after they are partying with their Gaybies.

  15. This is silly Ryan Seacrest is GAY and a coward. The man is 43 years old yet hiding his homosexuality. Why? Seacrest beard is lame just like all his other beards. The man just screams GAY.

  16. I have a theory on why Seacrest won't come out. The same reason why a number of Hollywood men who don't really have much to lose by being openly gay would not come out. Liking barely legal or underage boys.

    Look at Kevin Spacey. Everyone knew he was gay. He's won two Oscars and a Tony and had the safety of a hit TV show where he even winked at his sexuality by playing a bisexual character. But he didn't come out because it would make people want to know about his dating life, and make it easier for people to know about his predilection.

    He knew it's one thing for the public to know you're gay; it's another thing for them to view you as a lecherous old man preying on barely legal guys. People are willing to forgive hetero actors dating barely legal girls, but they are more leery when it's a same sex situation. Not to mention, KS has actually preyed on underage boys, so there's that.

    Not saying this is definitely the situation with RS, but it wouldn't surprise me. Besides, hosting American Idol all those years must have gotten him access to a lot of young talent, and will again soon.

  17. Kelly Ripa? How does she still have a job? The evidence suggests she is clearly a difficult, selfish, vindictive person. Look at the Regis, Strahan and now Seacrest digs/issues.

    Good point.

  18. Donald Trumpski and Hope Hicks

  19. Anonymous4:47 PM

    Seacrest basically took over from Dick Clark who told him that in order to be invited into the living rooms of America, he had to be as vanilla as possible.

    1. Exactly.
      Be the blandest, most unobjectionable character imaginable. Offend no one, be marketable to every demographic.
      Standard show biz philosophy

  20. I always thought that Ryan S. is gay. How/why then would he sexually harass a woman? It's confusing! Is she lying to make a buck or is he behind this to strengthen is manly image?

  21. Seacreat has been doing many segments that feature his parents. Could be that he doesn't want to officially come out to them.

  22. Just wondering - has anyone seen any (credible) stories of men he’s supposedly been with? We’ve all seen and heard from Travolta’s and Spacey’s, but I’ haven’t yet heard an actual Seacrest one. I ask because I’ve known men who are smaller in stature and have a more effeminate than masculine energy but are not gay. Several friends once argued with one of them for years trying to tell him he must be gay, but he really wasn’t attracted to females. Can’t help but wonder if that’s possibly the situation with Seacrest. Just because we all label something doesn’t make it so. He’s been so authentic in all other aspects of his life, it just doesn’t make sense. I know people who’ve known him since his high school days in Atlanta radio and others later in his career and none have seen even an inkling of anything to make the gay conclusion other than his effeminate energy.

  23. @MyTwoCents: yes, Ryan's been seen with other men. Mainly? Merv Griffin.

    In fact, when Ryan first began doing auditions and showing up socially at industry events (in the early days of his career) he was known by everyone as "Merv's boy". Literally, people would say "Oh yeah, that's Merv's house boy" or "Merv's rent boy" or "Yeah that's Merv's new twinkie-pie". I'm not joking, that's actually how people referred to him. Not as an assistant or protege or even as a new discovery. But as "Merv's new flavor" (and other nicknames which I won't mention here). Back when Ryan and Merv had a big fight (something about crashing through sliding glass doors if I recall correctly), everyone in social circles in the biz all called it a lover's fight. In WeHo Ryan always was given good credit at businesses/clubs, and got the red carpet VIP treatment because everyone knew he was Merv's "boy". And Merv was not one you'd want to offend (even if you were straight). Massively powerful, rich, and very vindictive.

    Merv didn't hide his tastes (so to speak) and Ryan was his little puppy everywhere he went. Especially at certain "parties" at the homes of other gay moguls. After Merv bought the Beverly Hilton, he had offices there at the complex in the 90s. Many others with offices at the hotel often would see Ryan there not just for work, but as a showpiece for Merv and arranging certain social introductions for Merv (often at the pool by the Lanai rooms doing "casting" sessions with other young men. Merv wasn't just television and his company did feature films too).

    Meanwhile, Merv helped Ryan's career. Doing a favor for Merv resulted in reciprocation, and lots of people were happy to have Merv owe them a chit. A straight-laced mogul like Dick Clark, Norm Brokaw at William Morris, or radio syndicators, or executives at E! Channel - all happy to help Ryan if it meant calling in a favor from Merv. None of this was any secret whatsoever inside the business. People did the same for any number of mistresses (like Sumner Redstone helping Christine Forsythe Peters, among many others).

    So the truth is that Ryan painted himself into a corner (or a closet) all these years. Because he STILL rakes in boatloads of cash from his radio show, the TV shows he produces (he owns the Kardashians), and all the other franchises in which he has a stake. Most of all? His network New Years Show, which is still the number 1 and still targets that same A.I. demographic as Mr. All-American Apple Pie Baseball White Bread boy next door did back then. People watch Andy Cooper and know or don't care he's gay, as they like/dislike him more due to his politics. But Cooper's NEVER been targeted to appeal to that same cross section demographic of middle America as Ryan. So Cooper has no fear, and his coastal/urban/elitist/cosmopolitan demographic likes that about him. He was never going to be invited to host a Roy Moore fundraiser okay?

    So Ryan has tons more to lose, all due to the false foundation upon which his persona has been built. It'll take something massively serious to bring him voluntarily out of the closet. Something like...allegations of abuse perpetrated by Mr. Boy-Next-Door himself. Because he'd lose less by being gay - than he would by being known as a raging pervert-coke-fiend-lover-abuser. That's not my opinion...that's his attorney's opinion at lunch the other day. Overheard by plenty.

  24. How is Ryan Seacrest gay when he has had many female girlfriends and is accused of sexual assault by women, not by men. I don't get gay from him at all. He has been fixated on women's bodies during his radio interviews like a little boy who can't get enough boobs.

  25. Thanks for throwing in the mistresses line. Wealthy powerful straight men have been doing this for eons. Look at Hope hicks and our dear pres. Rumor has it she was sleeping with him. And how many young mistresses did Harvey Weinstein set up for life? Allegedly people like jlaw and many others. The sad truth is powerful wealthy men whether gay or straight often go for the most attractive, youngest sexual partners that the can find. No matter what they present to the public. I.e. the man who is married to an age appropriate wife but constantly hires young escorts. Really just a fact of human biology. As long as people are adults, what's the shock and outrage about?

  26. So is himmmm saying that this is some kind of intense outing ruse Ryan has set up with a friend that is being paid? If so this is the most asinine plan I've ever seen. For goodness sake a simple letter to followers on instagram or a cover story on people magazine is way more effective and sane way to come out.

  27. It's Gwyneth Paltrow & Chris Evans. I only remember it because it sounded so odd when i read the headline : She posted a photo of the two with their kids on a Caribbean beach in December, writing, "Happy birthday my brother. Thank you for giving me these two."

    1. OMG. Corrine Heller wrote that. She used to own an Irish boyband fansite back in the '90s and works at E! now. I don't know her personally, but I used to look at her website's code/source to learn HTML (it was the biggest fansite, and it was back in the day when not everyone could just start a Tumblr blog without knowing how to code—it was the Geocities/Anglefire days). She also had a smaller Bon Jovi fansite, IIRC.

    2. That made me laugh...imagining Captain America with Gwennie...

      Thanks for that!

    3. Yeah, I bet Thor reads Goop (I totally got those vibes when I saw that video of him saying he went away to Oz to have some "me time").

      Thor is privileged, white alien-goddess, fits right into Goop's market. Where's the lie.



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