Monday, March 19, 2018

Blind Item #12

Not only is this former A- list mostly movie actress who seemingly made a career from one movie three decades ago cheating on her permanent A list significant other, she took out yet another huge life insurance policy on him naming herself the beneficiary. 


  1. Yeah probably Daryl was only thinking movie actors for this not musicians.

  2. And I hope it's not Daryl because Neil is an icon and his ex and kids deserve every bit of his dough when he kicks off. Which sadly will probably be soon.

    1. Except for him being included in the molestation blind with James Taylor

    2. Love him/his music

    3. @Sara, Making it work - There was a blind about a singer who made a children's album but eventually committed suicide. Blind says the woman worked with a male singer/musician and became upset to learn he was a pedo. The CDaNers did name both the woman & the pedo (Neil Young). They are the only people to fit the blind.

  3. Interesting past "opinion" if indeed this is Hannah and she actually did what this item says.

  4. I'm still angry with Neil from way back when a group of us went to see him at the Gorge in Eastern Washington and he didn't sing "Rockin In The Free World"
    I DID get to see it done by the Indigo Girls tho, at the Lilith Fair in one of the most amazing concerts ever in the world. Thousands of women, about three(really cool) men. I didnt even like the Indigo Girls but they covered that song and about 6 of us in my group jumped up and screeched and sang, drunk as a dozen sailors. I totally missed a step and we all tumbled down one of the steep embankments but got back up without missing a beat for the rest. I got carried back to the car that night, It was marvelous!!

  5. @joshg_g
    I'm not convinced he was involved in any of it. I think that if that was the case, and she was that broken up over it, his track would have been removed from the album like Taylor's was. (Allegedly, allegedly.) Didn't add up to me.
    But anyway.

  6. Just curious: where might one purchase a life insurance policy on a 72 year old man in an effort to make big money off of it? Fantasyland? Otherwise, let me know and I'll be rich!!! OR it's somebody other than Neil.

  7. I'll "one up" your Neil story, @RosieRiveter. The "Trans" tour was a fiasco. Played absolutely nothing you wanted to hear, and sang it all off key.

  8. Show me a scoldy, preachy holier-than-thou Hollywood celeb and I'll show you one of the following:
    a) Desperate drug/drink addled disaster area deeply in need of habit funding;
    b) Has-been who needs publicity to get a project;
    c) Wanna-be who needs publicity to get a project;
    d) Current-be who is required to do publicity for project;
    e) Down low grifting avaricious hypocrite vampire who pissed away its windfall;
    f) All/some of the above.

  9. Daryl Hannah had a couple of hit movies but I get why this is probably her given the way she latched onto Neil Young with a kung fu death grip. All the old rock stars have skeletons in their closets. Things were a lot looser back in the day, esp with regard to groupies. There was not the same hyperawareness that there is now (and yet this bullshit still goes on and perps are protected so maybe we haven't advanced the ball down the field all that much). Neil Young is far from my favorite but he had some great songs and it makes me sad to see him taken advantage of this way. Also, this would be totally unfair to his kids. He should cash out the life insurance and give the money to his actual children, not the grown (old) woman posing as a child.

  10. Well Jackie O was right about Daryl if this is true.

  11. Annette Benning / Warren Beatty

    1. But Bening has been steadily working.

  12. Makes you feel safe when they start piling on insurance policies :(

  13. Must be missing something. What is the 3 decades old movie that made ANNETTE BENING A-list? DH you could argue SPLASH but AB worked in a lot of films and not sure which was the decisive stand out.

  14. Correct me if I'm wrong...

    It's my understanding that you can NOT get life insurance after age 70.5 Years.

    Anyone know for sure on this?

  15. The premiums on that life insurance are going to be hella expensive on a 70+ year old man.

    If the insurance company can prove that Hannah had prior knowledge of a fatal illness, she's not going to get the pay out she imagines.

    Neil's kids are both special needs so it's going to be a damn shame if he leaves everything to Hannah.

  16. To be clear, Neil Young is still married to Pegi. Hopefully she is named in, and executor of, his will.
    If this is him & DH, maybe this extra life insurance policy us the only way she can get anything. She better not be messing with his will...
    I have no idea what the max age limit is on a life insurance policy.

  17. @Rosie,
    Neil Young is total concert bucket list, I'm glad to have seen him twice. :-D Once solo, and once with CSNY.
    And I've seen the Indigo Girls as well but I don't think they sang it.

  18. former A- list mostly movie actress who seemingly made a career from one movie three decades ago ...

    For our two favorite guesses:

    Daryl Hannah: Splash, Blade Runner and maybe Wall Street

    Annette Bening: the only one that comes to mind is The Grifters with Anjelica Huston and John Cusack

  19. @RosieRiveter - I love the gorge... so many fun camping concerts there over the years! At least the ones I can remember. lol

  20. You can't take out a life insurance policy on someone else without their consent & signature.

    The only exceptions I can think of are parents taking out policies on minor children & employers taking out policies on employees.

  21. @Sara is probably right,Neil probably paid to get a policy for her so as not to change the will. You can get life insurance at any age if you want to pay big bucks,that is ,why I think Neil is paying for it. @TW, Nicolette Larson didn't intentionally kill herself, but died from liver failure from alcohol and prescription drug abuse.

  22. Hang on. Although people worked out the singer was Nicolette Larson who basically died of heartbreak after learning that someone she had looked up to had molested hundreds of girls, even impregnating one. The album was Sleep Baby Sleep. But the timeline didn't work for Neil Young because he remained married at the time Enty said the wife had left the rapist pedo and made sure his victims received compensation. So I thought it wasn't Neil young.

  23. I thought we decided the pedo was James Taylor. His wife divorced him in the right timeframe, and his ex-wife has never revealed the terms of the divorce. That was an important piece of information in the blind.

  24. What'd Jackie O know, SD Auntie?!

    1. Well for one...she knew JFK Jr was NOT the biological child of her 1st hubby. ;)

  25. My dad just died 3 months ago. We kept getting insurance specific to older people weekly (no physical, etc). Regret not filling some out and soaking those leeches.

  26. @rosie riveter
    I had to laugh at "I'm still angry with Neil from way back when a group of us went to see him at the Gorge in Eastern Washington and he didn't sing "Rockin In The Free World." Like, first world problem much? :)

  27. Enty, did you leave out "foreign born" on purpose? If so, I get the Neil Young guesses, but if not, then yeah, someone else, not Neil & Daryl.

  28. I always find it beyond belief that in the US you can purchase a life insurance policy on someone else’s life and make yourself beneficiary without the named person being informed and signing off on it. In my homeland an insurance company would not only refuse to give you the policy but would probably notify the police.

  29. How about Phoebe Cates?

  30. Can anyone name anything other than Fast Times at Ridgemont High for her?? I think Kevin Kline is permanent A.

  31. In the USA you need the signature of the owner of the life insurance policy as well. If you read the BI carefully, it never says otherwise. Someone above suggested that this is Neil's way of protecting Hannah when he dies since his will is already made out to his legit wife and their child.

  32. @Terry
    Sometimes Enty leaves out details.

    Phoebe Cates fits the description for sure, but where is the scandal? (Ok, apart from the cheating.) She and Kline have been married for a zillion years and have kids together. Life insurance policies would be expected.
    Neil Young is ill (cancelled several concerts in the past year or so) and married to someone else.

  33. +1 @texasrose She was my first thought. Also the blind doesn't say that the permanent A was older. The movie was decades ago, but it doesn't say how old she was when the movie is was made. If she was a kid that could make her 40 or 50. Its more likely at that age to get a reasonable policy. The blind sounds like she's plotting his demise, an addict perhaps

  34. @Sd Auntie
    Ooh! I forgot she dated JFK Jr! He sure had a type, but Jackie didn't care for her.

  35. people daryl hannah had and has more money them either JFK Jr or Neil Young look it up

  36. Just for fun how about Babs with her ex who is remaking A Star is Born. Babs is upset with him....

  37. Neil Young has been divorced for almost 4 years. His wife took the Bay Area property, which is significant. His kids are provided for. They are also in their 40s. As already pointed out, you need signed permission for life insurance on someone else and an insurable interest. Hannah is living with and being supported by Young so that is the insurable interest. It seems that Young would pay the premiums and it is a way of leaving her something if he dies without needing to change his will. Makes sense.

  38. I would think Warren would be uninsurable at his age, or if possible it would be prohibitively expensive.

    I turned down managing the indigo girls before they got their first deal. I saw their talent and loved the songs. But it was the MTV era. I just couldn't see how their looks and orientation could possibly fly (at that time.)

    Their first 5 albums or so all went gold or platinum.... good people, great artists but not my worldview.
    And I didn't really want to be a manager. Too much of a 24/7 headache job.

  39. Young divorced Pegi in 2014.

  40. Neil Young was NOT revealed as the pedophile in the Nicolette Larson blind. It was presumed to be James Taylor, though Young was also implicated as a guy who slept with underage teens.

  41. @Unknown

    Hannah had a very rich stepdad, which does not mean she is.

  42. Young has a well-established reputation as a profoundly selfish, self-absorbed man. He's caused a world of trouble and heartache to many, many people over the years, both in his personal life and his music career. So if he met his match in DH, let's not cry too hard. By the way, David Crosby should retract his apology .... he was quite right in his critical remarks. His own criminal/drug past was not the issue.
