Friday, March 16, 2018

Blind Item #12

This peeking his head out of the closet one named permanent A list singer met up with a guy he had met online at the West Hollywood Target. Apparently they connected because they walked over to The Zone spa and had sex.


  1. Definitely Usher. Drake would be 'foreign-born."

  2. He just got divorced again, but of course he was also spotted dancing with our favorite foreign-born singer/wannabe actress yadda yadda yadda.

  3. Anonymous11:36 AM

    Doesn’t Usher have herpes?

  4. @Normal
    Maybe they were both picking up their Valtrex.

    1. You know, that's what kills me about this Usher thing! Valtrex has been available for 15+ years and it reduces transmission. So how much of an a-hole does Usher have to be that he can't even take that?!

  5. Target? The Zone Spa? Could have he at least sprang for a Holiday Inn Express?

    1. That’s the last place you worked ,right? Before you were fired again, Derek?

    2. OMG tricia🤣🤣🤣🤣

  6. Brings new meaning to the Target slogan - Run and Done.

  7. Replies
    1. Not sure if you're joking but he fits the rating and description.

  8. Now why can't Tinder be this easy, women love Target lol

  9. @Dena & @Unknown - Usher has been spotted with older women, as usual. One of the urban gossip sites did an article claiming Usher has an Oedipal complex.

  10. @TW.

    He should try putting some yoghurt on it then.

  11. @DonnaMarie,after a divorce and all those lawsuits,this is all you get. A d Target does have a pharmacy,so there you go.

  12. If it is the one with the guide name, I continue to suspect that the girlfriend of the acolyte is herself a beard, and that he doesn't come out not only because the career but also the mother.

  13. Why is he permanent A-list? he hasnt had a hit in like 6 years

  14. Usher is a good guess he is getting divorced again from his second older beard wife. I think Usher is GAY but not bisexual. I actually have a lot of sympathy for Usher. Black Americans are VERY homophobic and hypocritical. They cry about racism yet actively discriminate against black LGBT people. Usher is no longer a big star I think he should come out. But like the now deceased soul singer Luther Vandross I understand it. Vandross was definitely gay everyone knew it BUT I order to appeal to straight black women who are notorious for their homophobia he could not come out. Same for Usher his main fans are homophobic heterosexual black women. So Usher is NEVER going to come out.

  15. The Zone Spa is a gay bathhouse in Los Angeles where gay and bisexual men go to have sex. I know a lot straight people comment here BUT a lot of married men guys who have girlfriends go to bathhouses too. For all those women who think their husband or boyfriend are straight would be very surprised the kind of men who go to the gay bathhouses. Some of the most macho and masculine men are bisexual.

  16. I am NOT American Tricia but your immaturity knows no boundaries.

    1. Wtf are to speaking about “Orville”... and what point did I address you in any way,shape, or form ,pray tell?

    2. Hahah. Oopsy on your part again there matey ?(See what I did there with my usage of “non American terms” 🙄

    3. Derek/DonnaMarie we give you credit for utilizing a name without a “D”- helps to throw off the scent TONS!!!

    4. Lolololol!!!!

  17. Wait, what.... Moby is not gay. He gets does the blonde model groupie thing, but is very discreet about it. Never does the paparazzi thing to be seen with the girls, not even his long term groupie girlfriends. Totally straight, and a bit of a dog actually.

    1. Yep.... he was obsessed with Natalie Portman as well

  18. Usher is not permanent A list lol. He probably is batting for the other team though - this is the one time I'll agree with the commenters trying to make everyone in Hollywood gay.
    And no, most men are not bisexual. The % of gays and bisexuals is actually very small. I know people like to push their agenda but this is straight up horseshit.

  19. BWaaaahahaha, WeHo Target (pronounce Tar-gheeey or Tar-gay) hookup.

  20. I've gotta say, I've never once been so horny that I had to someone take me right there, right then while I was in a Target.

  21. *had to HAVE someone...

  22. Congrats, good for them :)

  23. I don't care if usher is gay or not but I don't think this his him. You can argue all day over A list or not but the bottom line he is too well known and famous to walk down the street alone and casually go in a Target and shop around and then trot off to the spa by himself without a tiny entourage. I don't think this is him

  24. Thanks @Tricia13! I KNEW Derek wouldn't stay away for long. Glad that you fished him out. Too funny. I've never understood the multiple aliases on chat boards. How sad is that?

    1. Tres tres sad😰whether him or the other insufferable Maliboooorebe-results the same. Sucks for us:(

  25. Ughh yes Orville/donna/Derek. I saw,a married coworker coming out of a now closed bath house in Hillcrest. I almost crashed my car and yes there ate lots of Down low men around. Looks like the new trend is lady boys.....kind of wierd how men's preferences evolve over the's getting weirder each year.

  26. The Zone is still there? Behind The Gardenia at Santa Monica and La Brea. Ah, romance.

  27. Seal (just to be different).

  28. This comment has been removed by the author.

  29. Derek Harvey! hahahahahaha @Tricia13 This brings back memories of CDAN's past. Oh, Derek, you naughty Orville, you.
