Tuesday, March 13, 2018

Blind Item #12

Our favorite drinking cable actor and his never ending love life has a new installment. So, he goes to film his reality show out of the country. His foreign born actress girlfriend was only a few hours behind him. Apparently though that few hours allowed him to escape to a different city to actually film. The next day he arrived back from filming and met up with that co-star he hooks up with on the sly. Where was the girlfriend? She hung out in a hotel lobby for 12 hours waiting for him to show. He didn't show back up to the hotel at all that night and spent the night where? It is looking like with his co-star. They traveled to another city together while the girlfriend went home alone.


  1. No, it's Melissa McBride.

  2. And/or allegedly Lauren Cohan

  3. Thanx I knew it was one of them, but chose Emily because he likes (usually) college girls and Emily looks kinda young.

  4. If it is Melissa McBride then kudos to him only because if he goes for the young ones she is older than him and I LOVE Carol. You'd think though he'd break up with Kruger once and for all and let himself be photographed with Melissa. What press for TWD fans. Like a Scully-Mulder real world hook up.

    1. Yep. Mel nd Norman were in London together for the Walker Stalker convention that I attended. They left together on Sunday night when it was done and flew to Edinburgh where they've been seen all day sightseeing etc. Kruger was all over Instagram making it known she too was in London. But Norman was with Jeffrey Dean Morgan travelling and filming last week before the convention so not sure he actually spent ANY time with Kruger at all! She surely would have published it! Haha! Much prefer Mel anyway!!

  5. melissa mcbride way too old for this. its lauren cohan & reedus hooking up while kruger waits in vain for him

    1. It's Melissa. Lauren never made the convention in London.

  6. Reedus posted a picture of Edinburgh Castle on Facebook today. Can't wait to see the episode of Ride.

  7. daaaaamn, reedus likes old women - get it, melissa!!

    (note: I dont watch the walking dead, and I have no clue why people find reedus attractive. if a dirty gas station was turned into a human being, it would look like him lol)

    1. McBride isn't old she is only a few years older than Reedus. But yes that man isn't attractive at all.

    2. Haha beebopcowboy!! Trust me though when I can say he is VERY attractive in the flesh..and also (even though he doesn't look it) smells devine!! 😂

    3. Reedus was HOT back in the day. He started his career as a model and was very good looking. Look up some of his model pics. Now, he's looking filthy and tore up unfortunately

  8. So hot that he’s with Melissa. I love them!

  9. Reedus & the co-star is McBride. This is karma biting Krugers drug ridden ass. She should have never cheated on Jackson.

  10. Melissa McBride is not that old people...shes like 52 and he's 49ish. I met her in London and trust me when I say she is really beautiful up close and seemed warm and friendly.

  11. Reedus & McBride. He’s had the hots for MMB. She’s very private and wanted to keep it on the downlow. Only happened if bother were “publicly unattached”. Once he went public with Diane, of course forced by Queen Paparazzi, MMB stepped away. He was butt hurt and has been pining for her since. Diane has been giving it up for free and indulging in his drinking. Surprised he’s able to keep it up for bedding the blonde. But than again it’s easy if you have someone else on your mind the whole time.

  12. Oh my god ...how old are these people again? This is like a 10th grade drama...is Diane THAT desperate she continues to be his stand by FB? Is "it" really THAT good? This couple makes no sense to me.

  13. @Maine it’s good for Reedus if Diane will fly anywhere in the world to be his FB. Come on when she won Best Actress Cannes, instead of promoting her career, she flew back to NYC. MMB was having a BD. The insecure bottle blond had to make sure to disrupt that bubble. Diane oozes desperation in everything she does related to Reedus. Funny how she goes on about how independent she is. In reality she can’t survive without being attached to a man. Reedus & Diane started off cheating back during filming of that trash Sky back in 2015. Good riddance that JJ dumped her ass. IMO, she was surprised it happened. She thought she could do both. Other than Reedus calling her “my girl” during a Red Carpet interview, he has yet to call Diane his girlfriend, partner, or significant other. He calls called MMB ‘his girl” and “sweetheart”. So this relaionshit oozes FB and PR. Both of there careers are on the decline.

    1. Yep...I truly cannot stand DK...and it's kind of horrible of me...but why do I get a sick sense of satisfaction when i read this shit...i think it is because it is SO obvious she is such a pap whore...and beyond impressed with herself. He is a good guy. He is a really nice guy, just likes his party. Can't blame him for that...but this "relationshit" seems so forced.

  14. It's nice that Norman is following his heart and not the bottle.

  15. This is Reedus/Kruger/McBride! One year later & this is still going on. It’s obvious Reedus wants McBride but Kruger is chasing him so he gave in but he’s regretting it now & is trying to get rid of that leech. She cheated on Joshua Jackson with Reedus & expected Reedus to date her for 10 years like JJ did. Ha, ain’t happening Kruger!

  16. I'd still hit that

  17. This is GREAT!!! I never knew Carroll and Daryl's fling went beuond TWD. I'm so here for it.

    I didn't think Diane Krueger was the type to wait in the lobby for a man for 12 hrs??? sounds like a groupie move. Unfortunate that she won't take the hint kinda creeping into stalker territory.

    Never knew she did drugs either.

  18. Yikes waiting in the lobby for 12 hours. Jesus girl time for you to move on I think. If after a year or more this is still going on time to just pack it in. Oh and I think Reedus/Kruger/McBride as well

  19. Melissa McBride is a beautiful woman inside & out. She’s a class act & way too good for drunken Reedus. But he’s way better than Diane Kruger who is a disgusting attention whore who stalks & mimics Reedus & paps him every chance she gets. She is anti-feminist, racist & adores pigs like Harvey Weinstein & Quentin Tarantino. She praises them on her own IG & leaves comments dissing McBride & Danai Guerra. Kruger is a horrible pos & it’s no wonder Drunken Reedus hides from her. He’s gotta be embarrassed to be associated with her. That’s what he gets for letting a stalker like Kruger worm her way into his life. Now he can’t get rid of her! Good luck dude, you’ll need it! Lol

  20. Bring it Norman & Melissa...the chemistry is authentic & all kinds of hot. Take out a restraining order on the desperate blonde and don’t look back!

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. You're totally right!

  21. I think Norman firmly believes in "Love the one you're with" He doesn't seem to mind a girl friend, but still will do whatever he wants with whomever he feels. He's fun to watch as DD but I'd never want a relationship with him as it would be too chaotic.

  22. Who the hell would wait 12 hours for someone?

    1. Someone insecure about her partner would do that.

    2. Apparently Kruger

  23. I met Josh a few times way back at the start of the DC. Don't know how he's worn fame/career over the years, but he was just totally real, easy, relaxed, funny and centered then. Expected his career to be bigger.

    Aside from an actors rep team, it's all about project picking. You either have that gift, or you don't. Little tommy cruise was the best project picker ever.

  24. Enty. Just reveal it. Everyone knows who it is.

  25. Norman Reedus gets it all the time. He’s renowned for getting it on with the BTS crew members, fan girls at cons and he’s got a couple of regular hook ups in GA. Diane Kruger is kidding herself if she thinks she can tame him, not happening. If she had any pride in herself she’d walk away ASAP.

  26. I disagree with all the hate for Kruger. Does anyone here know her personally? I saw her and JJ a few times at my gym (right before their “break up” ) and they were very low key, normal and adorable. He was especially friendly to the staff. I don’t believe they broke up because of cheating, either. I heard they had an open relationship. I don’t know them personally, but they appeared to be nice and normal people.

  27. There is no denying the chemistry between Norman and Melissa. Although there isn't proof due to Melissa's almost obsessive privacy, however, there is strong evidence of a strong relationship in the past. Knowing how Norman is, we can imagine the reason why they didn't go on, but there is the affection, the friendship and the chemistry that we all know it exists. If they allow themselves to remember the past from time to time, I do not know. But I hope so. Possibly, this is DK's drama.

  28. This comment has been removed by the author.

  29. Anonymous5:19 AM

    12 hours waiting in a hotel lobby and him not showing at all seems like he is sending messages loud and clear but DK refuses to hear. This relationship makes her look so desperate

  30. I just had a look at Norman thru the years, and can conclude with certainty that he has had to run for cover with women throwing themselves at him since he was probably around 12 years old. So Diane is not breaking any new ground with her behavior. Norman might be a "nice guy" and polite and everything one on one and at work, etc., but he is not a Nice Guy (I believe Helena).

  31. @Danette, When did Helena say or get quoted saying that NR is not a nice guy? I'm curious as she seems to like him and get along with him just fine.

    I read somewhere that he wanted to marry her, but she refused him.

    All the screwing around is not a good thing, but at least he isn't married and cheating on a vulnerable spouse. Got to give him credit for not marrying just for the sake of it.

  32. Wondering if anyone noticed or made the connection that uber-creep Terry Richardson is the photog. that took the really good shots of NR. (The "bite me" one.)

    It made me wonder if Norman was molested by that creep when he was a younger man? as why would he horse around in a playful way with a pedo.

    It showed NR wearing TR glasses and clowning with him. Ugh....it gave me the creeps...
