Tuesday, March 06, 2018

Blind Item #11

In the past, I wrote about this permanent A list couple and the surrogate factory they own. Despite the millions they have made from show business, they make much more money owning this factory. Now, they have a new business. Women who don't want to carry babies, but still want to make money sell their uterus. The clients so far are very wealthy Europeans and Russians who either are too old to have babies or have some other fertility problem. Our permanent A list couples charge ten times what they do for a surrogacy, however, the "donor," rarely makes more than $500-1000 for the surgery and there is no followup care after they are discharged from the hospital.


  1. Bey\jey and their fake pregnancies

  2. Why would you want to buy an old or faulty uterus? Or is that part of the old bait and switch?

  3. The "old" business and "new" business you describer here are the same thing...

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. ...but how tho? I don't think uterus transplants are a thing yet...


  6. so are you implying that the young women sell their uteruses and these uteruses are implanted in older women?

    Older women can carry babies. Their uteruses are fine, it is their eggs that are finished. Women in their 50s and 60s have given birth with donor eggs.

    Also I cant imagine what young woman would rather give up her uterus instead of be a surrogate; the blind makes it sound like the women do it as it is less of a hassle. Donating your uterus basically puts you into early menopause, with all the hassles that brings (early aging) and never being able to have your own children.

    This seems like a blind made up by a man who has no idea how a female's body works.

    1. @gauloise - The uterus does not make female hormones. If the women still have their ovaries they will be fine.

    2. @T.W.- Not true.

    3. @Kate K - I am telling the truth. Female issues run in my family & I have family and friends in the medical field. I also paid attention in middle school when they told us ovaries produce hormones in femakes, not the uterus.

      Please tell us, what are your sources?

    4. Agree, T.W.
      The uterus has no involvement in hormone production or menopause, as anyone capable of googling should know.
      Remember last month when that guy posted that women can give birth vaginally & still retain their hymen? I suspect the same source is involved here.

    5. Well my uterus has been gone for 4 years now and no signs of early menopause...because I still have my ovaries

    6. +1 TW Kno and Steph

      There’s plenty of things wrong with this “blind” but early menopause isn’t one of them.

  7. What??? Selling body parts? Isn't that illegal? Exploiting poor desperate women in need? America wherefore art thou?

  8. Anyone who has basic critical thinking skills will see this Bi is total BS. So you're saying that there are women who sell their uterus to Bey and Jay (you only have one uterus, ya know) for no more than 1K and deals with weeks upon weeks of recovery with no medical care.

    Then they're taking these uteruses and selling them to rich, old Russians??

    Aside from how illogical that is, weren't there BIs insinuating Bey and Jay are not as rich as they claim and when they were doing their house hunting, those 100M price tags were just a ruse to make it look like they weren't cash poor?

    So, what is it? Are they a mega rich uterus harvesting factory or people who front like they have money when they don't?

    1. They seem super rich my friend was helping upgrade their house last year and he said they were doing some pretty serious upgrades.like the new electronic garage they were planning to build in downtown los Angeles where you can insert a car and call for it when you want. He gave me the address to.

  9. This blind makes no sense.

  10. I'm going to assume we should read it as "women who don't want to carry babies, but still want to make money sell their uterus as in they go through fertility treatments and donate 10-15 eggs a time for couples who cannot have their own child".

    Because, you know, you cannot sell an uterus because that kind of transplant does not exist, period.

    1. Second baby born this week in the US that gestated in a transplanted uterus. So.....

  11. Doesn't this run counter to the "richest man in hip hop" theme from a few days ago?
    If not, some attorneys should figure out how to haul these vile people into court and shake them down for exploiting vulnerable women to rent out their bodies and then not provide medical care after the eviction process is complete. It's really gross.

  12. @Sabrina that doesnt make sense though, cause surrogates get paid a lot, lot more than egg donors, and also surrogacy costs a lot more than IVF. THere is no way they could charge the wannabe parents tenX more for IVF than surrogacy.

    1. They’re buying uteri

  13. I can't believe people actually read this blind and thought uteruses were actually being sold and removed from bodies.

    Holy shit.

    1. I can’t believe people can’t google ‘uterus transplant’

  14. Anonymous11:54 AM

    You ask me for my motives
    Well, you needn't be so smart,
    It's a business.
    It isn't making history,
    It isn't making art,
    It's a business.

  15. This blind makes no sense at all.

    @Jimbonius what surgery are these women recovering from?

    1. Donating their uterus.

    2. Omg I just laughed out loud
      this was funny, in context

  16. This comment has been removed by the author.

  17. Replies
    1. How about Time? 🙄

  18. Wow, Dena. That is wild if true. First I've ever heard of it.

  19. Um, no. There have been two successful pregnancies with uterus transplants. TWO in the world! As someone previously said, this is not a thing. Further, as someone else pointed out, older women can carry a child and give birth. It's the eggs that are too old, not the uterus.

  20. The point being that this is an extremely rare surgery and hardly the stuff of black market exchanges. Maybe in ten or even five years, but not now.

  21. So medical science have not evolved to fully developing the fetus outside the womb yet, in a mechanical womb that mimics the female uterus? Just imagine you don't even need a surrogate. You can churn those babies out ooh sounds rather Brave New Worldish.

  22. This is a dumb Enterns or we are having our BS detectors tested. No one bought it.

  23. @ Dena - it's pretty cool that doctors can do this now. I'd be more than happy to donate mine as I've no intention of carrying a child but I'm just past the age limit.

    @ Catsup - the article Dena linked to talks about people with a non functioning uterus and not eggs or age.

  24. This blind is not far fetched. It could be fake, but it ain't far fetched. I read that doctors are trying to transplant utetuses into transwomen so they can carry children.

  25. Desist with the construction of flesh golems

  26. Yes, you can transplant an uterus, but I think there have been only 9 successful pregancies after an uterus transplant so far. Just a couple of days ago I read an article about "baby number 9" somewhere on the internet.

  27. Anonymous1:06 PM

    No words.

  28. This comment has been removed by the author.

  29. Ok, I was wrong, only 2 successful pregancies. Maybe that kind of surgery has been done 9 times overall and I got the numbers mixed up. Anyway, it's still way to 'new' for people to use it as a business model.

  30. @becksisfeelingannoyed the article is for a woman who was born WITHOUT a uterus due to a syndrome called Mayer-Rokitansky-Küster-Hauser (MRKH), which is extremely rare. As long as a woman has a uterus, she can give birth. (some women may have other conditions like endometrius or a tipped uterus that make conception difficult, but again, that is not what this blind is referring to).

    @TW but there is a need for uterus for trans people. Most older women do not need a young uterus for conception, they need young eggs. There isnt a mass market for uteruses like this blind makes out.

    1. @gaulouise - In what universe does a biological male need a uterus? He can believe he is a female all he wants but playing games with his body does not make it so. ALL biological and scientific texts agree a person born with a Y chromosome is a male and as such does not have nor need to have a uterus.

      Having said that, if men want ovaries, uteruses, and humongous breasts then they had better be prepared to accept the problems that can come with them. The moment they have heavy periods for days on end, migraine headaches, cramps, food cravings, hormonal acne, breast tenderness, mood swings, and other issues I bet they won't need those body parts anymore.

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  31. I don’t know, you guys. Russian RT is reporting higher numbers than European and American news outlets. (8 as of 2017) https://www.rt.com/news/408788-men-womb-transplant-babies/


    1. Anonymous1:43 PM

      Life of Brian

      Reg: “ you can’t have babies. You haven’t a womb. Where will the fetus gestate, a box?”

      Stan as Loretta: sobs

  33. So Beyawncé went from being rumoured to have used a surrogate to owning a 'surrogate factory'?!

    If you want people to take this site seriously, stick to making up blinds that COULD be true.

  34. @trufflepig - If you view the site from a computer instead if smartphone you can see the disclaimer that says the information on this site is for entertainment purposes only.

  35. It's a SURROGATE factory- more like rent a womb. Reading comprehension problems abound.

  36. @Ab Rock - The blind as it is written is confusing because it says the women selling their uteruses for money do not want to carry children. I personally took this to mean the women were willing to become pregnant and carry a child to term in exchange for money.

  37. Where do these crazy, farfetched stories come from!? As much as I think Jay-Z & Beyonce are corrupt business partners, this story is ridiculous.

  38. "however, the "donor," rarely makes more than $500-1000 for the surgery and there is no followup care after they are discharged from the hospital."

    Donor is not a term used for a surrogate, it is a term for someone who is removing a body part for someone else's use. Further, there is no "follow up care after THE SURGERY" - not the surrogacy. Surgery, again, consistent with someone surgically removing a body part for someone else's use. Yes, reading comprehension, indeed.

    1. So have you ruled out egg donor completely?

      I agree with what you said the part that makes this unlikely is that it's not successful enough to be a commodity on the black market.

      Which leads me to believe the blind was written wrong and whoever acquired this tea interpreted it the best they could.

      However if it were true the transplants maybe more successful and we aren't hearing about it because of all of the high profile people involved and they could have their own special doctors bound with contracts.

  39. This comment has been removed by the author.

  40. A Second Baby Has Been Born Via Uterus Transplant in the U.S.

    People in India and other countries do sell organs for what would be super cheap to us, but a lot of money for them.

    Don't know who is buying those things though. If you have the money, surrogate all the way! You don't need the baby bump to be smug, you can be smug thinking of all the morning sickness and hemorrhoids you missed.

  41. @Coffinnails

    Russian Times is not to be believed about anything. Their lies are constant and stupid.

    This is a bullshit blind. There is no business model for an operation with a huge failure rate. What are clients going to say when the organ rots and no baby is produced - "Gimme my money back!"?

    Surrogacy, OTOH, has a high success rate and is a rather simple contract. THAT is a good business.

  42. @becks - I'm aware of multiple reasons driving uteri demand aside from age, but age was the reason the blind gave. (And, yes, I was excited to actually write the word "uteri.")

  43. I think blinds like this are part of an entern's PHD thesis on group think/fake news.

  44. Egad, it’s a used-erus...

  45. This is just cover to fool snoops and outsiders and create some plausible deniability for all the real BIs.

  46. @T.W.
    Yeah, the disclaimer says that part of what is posted on this site is fiction. But I wouldn't keep coming here if I didn't believe that some of the blinds are true. Enty (or whoever runs this site) must have connections; otherwise he couldn't have exposed Weinstein, Spacey et al. years ago. And lots of celebrity couples split up shortly after a blind about the marriage being on the rocks.

    But the majority sounds made up to me, and it's often painfully obvious where Enty got his inspiration.

    I don't even find these extremely outlandish BS blinds that entertaining tbh. It's only interesting to me if it COULD be true.

  47. I agree with Ab Rock. Rent a Womb. Very well known caper rich Australians use. Especially poor Indian woman. As Commercial surrogacy is illegal here, so like all assholes they move offshore and exploit poor people.

  48. OK Gauloise:

    Here's your uterus baby factory proof. Pretty stupid to doubt the Enty.


  49. Read the blind people. It distinguishes between surrogacy (ie, rent a womb) and mining uteri for sale. And, yes, there have been TWO live births with uterus transplants. TWO - this is hardly mainstream medicine. It on the cutting edge is not available on a large or even small scale.

    "Commercial" surrogacy is legal in most states in the US. People go offshore to India and eastern block countries like Croatia, because it's way cheaper. Surrogacy in the US costs around 100K (at a minimum). In India it costs a total of around 30K. These fertility clinincs have been around for decades. And, yes, the women are not paid much by our standards. But, in India, they buy houses from one surrogacy, so the compensation is considered very good in their home countries.

  50. In other words, it will be a very long while before fertility clinics are offering this on their menu of treatments. You cannot just walk into a fertility clinic, like the one described here, and get a uterus transplant. If there is a fertility clinic offering this, please, post the link.

  51. Catsup,

    I was commenting on the post by Sabrina:

    "Because, you know, you cannot sell an uterus because that kind of transplant does not exist, period."

  52. @Juliaph - got it. I seriously feel like these posts are IQ tests for the board...whatev

    I will shut up about this...but, one last thing. There is a HUGE difference between a clinical trial (which Baylor and Penn are doing) and a commercial fertility clinic offering a service. The clinical trial phase means limited availability. VERY LIMITED...Trial participants are selected after careful screening, the service is usually paid for in exchange for being a research subject. At the trial phase, it is not a money-making endeavor.

  53. Anything is possible with these 2 money hungry manipulators.

  54. So many people totally did not get this blind. What Enty is saying that Beyonce and Jay are scamming both the wealthy couples who purchase their services and the young women who carry the fertilized eggs through pregnancy. The scam is that these wealthy foreigners could get surrogacy services from any reputable company for far less money and the cost would include prenatal care for the young lady who is carrying the baby and post natal follow-up. Womb renting is big business, but it is illegal in some countries so couples who are desperate to have biological children often pay a steep price to have another (usually younger) woman in another country carry the baby for them.

    The "surgery" is implantation of the fertilized egg. $500 to $1000 is usually the standard rate that a young egg donor is paid---for the egg. The clinics pay according to demand and ethnicity. They prefer egg donors who come from certain breeding. Caucasian girls with light colored eyes and blond hair get paid the highest for their eggs. The ones with dark features usually get paid a bit less. Women of other ethnicities often get paid substantially less because the rich people who buy these services are usually Caucasians themselves and they want babies who more or less look like them.

    If you're a young woman who is going to rent your womb you really should get paid a whole lot more than $1000. You will be carrying that baby for 9 months, and the pregnancy is going to take a toll on your personal life and overall health. Some of these fertility service clinics may charge many tens of thousands of dollars---even over a hundred thousand dollars for a single pregnancy. Beyonce and Jay should be ashamed of themselves. If they are charging all that money they should treat the girls better and pay them better too.

  55. Catsup,

    Not my intent to quarrel, this is for informational purposes only: we do things differently here in USA. What about countries where anything goes? Is it not possible that there are evil geniuses doing evil deeds in other less controlled countries?

    You seem to have a handle on medical jargon, do you have insight on practices and procedures in other countries. Because, frankly, I wouldn't put anything past some Mengeles in this world left to their own devices...

  56. OMG.. Removing the uterus does NOT put you in early menopause, removing the ovaries does. What an idiot.

  57. I agree, my paranoid self thinks almost every one of these blinds could be an experiment to see how we react/what we will be willing to believe. Even so, I read on and google/DuckDuckGo away like a happy lemming. :p also, Shawn McGuire gets credit for coining the hilarious and icky term “used-erus” ! 😂

  58. @Juliaph - I actually know quite a bit about this subject. I used a gestational surrogate to have my child and am part of the surrogacy community. What do people in other countries do? If they have money, they come to the US. If they don't have money, they go to other countries. India has a huge fertility industry, as does Croatia, Spain, and now Thailand, I think. Fertility treatments and surrogacy is a huge industry in the US which attracts a lot of foreign money. Especially, in California, because California allows same-sex couples to have their names on the birth certificates.

    Most people who seek out surrogacy have been using infertility treatments for a long time, and are pretty sophisticated when it comes to the medical aspects of it. So, I am skeptical that a large scale scame could be perpetrated on this community. Sure, people here or there, but not wholesale scamming. Remember, everyone has google.

    Also, when foreign nationals give birth in another country - governments of both countries must be involved. After your baby is born, you can't just leave the country with your baby in arms without a passport for that baby. So, the feriltiy clinics have to work with their own government and the governments of the countries the babies will be returning to, ie, if the parents are US citizens, then the feriltity clinic has to have a relationship with the US government to coordinate issuance of a passport. There was a Japanese guy who couldn't bring home his baby from India because his wife left him before the baby was born and Japan refused to issue the baby a Japanese passport. So, a lot goes into getting a baby born in a foreign country from a foreign surrogate mother into the country of the parents.

    Now, of course, there are baby selling operations and crooks everywhere. (There was a big surrogacy scam operating out of San Diego about five or six years ago.) So, arguably anything is possible. Possible does not mean probable. And, I think this blind is BS. I don't think all blinds are, but this one, yep.

    1. It's Jay and Beyonce. I don't think passports would be hard to aquire if this were true. Seeing how deep into politics celebrities really are and who they are connected and how governments can be bought. I don't see to many obstacles in their way and plus they are servicing other rich high profile people with connections.

      Not to go of track but this is why child trafficking rings are so easy to accomplish and rately ever caught because of the high profile people involved and this one I've know since I learned about the little kid in the 80's Johnny Gosch getting kidnapped and the private investigators the family hired couldn't do to much because fbi, cia, and government officials were confirmed to be directly involved.

  59. And, yes, Shawn McGuire wins for used-erus

  60. Catsup:

    Thank you! I learned something today. I had no idea. Never even thought of passports.


  61. Hey Coffinnails:

    I DuckDuckgo all the time! I have no more pop-ups! Seriously.

  62. Where does the line start for this cash grab? They can have my uterus, and happily. Being a rather exceptional woman, though, I'll need the top end of the sliding scale. Otherwise, I keep it.

  63. Juliaph right?! DuckDuckGo is so much better.

  64. Yes Coffinnails!

    I no longer have any ads following me EVERYWHERE I go on the internet. I am so computer illiterate that I thought evil thoughts of poor Enty because I had ads that covered 1/3 of the page popping up on his website all the time. I thought he was cashing in on his site at the expense of my exasperation.

    Then my husband told me he heard about DuckDuckGo.com: free and no more ads. It is true. I am a free woman. Absolutely no advertisements on Enty's site or anywhere else. Sorry Enty. I did misjudge you. You are still pure as the driven snow...

  65. It's impossible to sell your uterus. There is no such thing as a uterus transplant. Unless this is referring to something else. Who comes up with these things?

  66. I totally believe that ex-drug dealer and (strongly) rumoured killer Jays, and his mentally retarded wife are the scum of the earth.
    But this blind is bizarre, to say the least.
    Having said that, didn't a woman who apparently was the surrogate for Blue I've-come-to-rule-the-earthy, die under mysterious circumstances?

  67. I am so confused right now lol

  68. This comment has been removed by the author.

  69. This comment has been removed by the author.

  70. Anonymous8:19 AM

    This concept is new to me. Who are the buyers/recipients?
    Research facilities? Medical schools?
    People who have functioning ovaries, but no uterus?

  71. This is saying a lot, but this is the stupidest goddamn blind I have ever read on this site.

    It makes no sense, on any level.

  72. Heather O was never even raped was she Enty?
    And You have never been to an Oscars party?
    Its all alot of bull isnt it Enty?

  73. Mj Bobbie,

    Now here is a perfect example of the simplest solution being the correct answer. I believe it is called Occam's Razor.

    You win the Prize of the Day!

  74. Well, @ Plot,

    For not making sense, there are 102 comments @ 10:55 am CST on 3/7/18.

    Face it, you've fallen down the rabbit hole with the rest of us... :)

  75. In terms of watching people thrash around to give this BI any credence, it's been astounding, fershur.

    The willing suspension of disbelief for all things Enty is remarkable. 'Course, it's probably BIs like this that relieve Enty of ever having to appear before any accusers for libel. If his loyal followers believe this bullshit, his other BIs can't be taken seriously.

  76. I believe enty does have legitimacy but borderline bizarro blinds fed to him by one of jay z's disgruntled ex mistresses is not cutting the bullshit detector mustard . Fact: surrogacy is a wonderful gift of a precious child to complete a happy family to couples who can't conceive and have frequently been through many years of ivf failures. Fact: adoption is not always a panacea. For instance the Caucasian baby adopted by the cruz family in Florida ended up being a right wing, nazi unhinged domestic terrorist. Adoption can work and does often work but the stories of struggle and failure with adoption aren't often told. That being said most white women in the south had black women care for and wet nurse ( read: breast feed) their babies not so long ago in history. So rich people taking advantage of less fortunate people is nothing new in human history. Dubai is literally run by 'slaves' from other countries. They are the construction crews who built all the magnificent buildings. They clean the homes. They raise the children but Donald Trumps son has what? Two golf courses built there. Again rich using poor is nothing new. Also note how rich Russians and Russia seem to be everywhere. Connected, you might say. Anno

  77. Oh I don't doubt that rich women without uterus function would be signing up for sold organs in a second if they could (just like the rich are going to India and China for kidneys, lungs and livers and not suffering through a waiting list.)

    I'm doubting that the business plan is viable. First off, it's a very rare thing that a uterus can be implanted or needs to be implanted. Even old, post menopausal, uteruses can be revived as organs (unlike ovaries.) So this business is for a tiny amount of people compared to surrogacy for which there is a huge demand by consumers with an array of needs. Second, the anti-rejection drugs that come with an organ transplant have effects that are not well understood in newborns since there have only been two babies born from an implanted uterus. Why set up a business in uteri before it is fully understood or tested? Third, the expense would be enormous for a very doubtful result at this point in time. Surrogacy does not carry a high failure rate.

    It's stupid. The whole BI is stupid.

    There are good adoptions through luck or cold rational thought processes and bad adoptions made under panic, I've seen. One of the best, in my experience, are one white couple who adopted two very young Kenyan brothers. Their motivations was to allow their children to feel some connection to their land of birth through the shared physical characteristics of a sibling. Every day those boys wake up in a home where someone shares their blood and who looks like them. They are an adorable family from my experience.

    One has to have a really clear head when adopting even though it's an essentially emotional experience.

  78. well, that's not a fucking thing at all, but do you, entern. werk

  79. If this is in fact Jay and Bey they are never going away, they in way too deep..

  80. I really don't understand this blind 100% but this could be Donald and Melania Trump. We already know that they rent out rooms in Mar-a-Lago to Russian women who want to give birth on American soil. So, wouldn't this be an extension of the same service?
