Saturday, March 10, 2018

Blind Item #11

This one named singer who doesn't really seem to sing any longer used to be A/A- list. Now she mainly shops and snorts heroin. She has passed out in multiple store dressing rooms over the past month. Her celebrity husband must know, but he hasn't, as far as I know tried to get her into rehab.


  1. Sade is on the "Wrinkle in Time" soundtrack. She's still singing. Hope it's not her.

  2. You should be careful with your condescending. It's not nearly as easy as you think to get someone into rehab. Especially if they don't want to go.

    1. +1 @Craig

      Addiction isn’t funny.

      I was going to say more in that line above, but that’s all I’ve got. Addiction just is not funny. Or easy. Or something anyone but the addict can ultimately do anything about.

      And it takes a huge amount of time, support, and often money to get clean plus insane amounts of vigilance in changing your whole lifestyle and environment.

      If you’re in the entertainment industry, you’re basically looking at retirement or just crossing your fingers and hoping you don’t have a weak moment for the rest of your life.

      Not. Funny.

    2. Anonymous6:43 PM

      I agree with you. However how fucking crazy do you have to be to snort heroin?

  3. wheres Adele been?

  4. I did some digging ... Eve? Hasn’t made music since 2013, married to a popular British entrepreneur. I think she was pretty popular back then.

    Fergie is getting divorced and Sade has made music recently.

  5. Replies
    1. P!nk is still making music. The only way she matches this blind is as a female monomoniker singer.

  6. If it were Eve, wouldn’t she be listed as a rapper? Plus she now is one of the panelists on The Talk.

  7. @bone
    It isn’t Eve. She may not be singing but she is a cohost on daytime talk show “the Talk”.

  8. What's Ciara been up to lately?

  9. All signs point to Ciara. She doesn't look like the type.

  10. Dido? But I don't know if her husband is a celebrity. I was going to say Duffy but I don't think she is married.

  11. Ciara is married to that selfy whore Russell Wilson . They had a kid together about 9 months after their "no sex before marriage" wedding. Ciara might be extremely bored with the life of a football wife and being married to one of the most boring, yet sanctimonious, quarterbacks in the league.

    She should have known the marriage was all play for the media.

    1. Costs is supposedly pregnant. I have a huge crush on her man!!

    2. Ciara. Damn spell check

  12. @guesser, I was thinking Dido too. Here husband is a known author.

    I refuse for this to be Ciara. They might be kooky, but CiRus have done and continue to do a lot of great work at our local Children’s hospital.

  13. pretty sure ciara announced another pregnancy today, so likely not her. i think i read that. too lazy to confirm. ok..i looked. she's preggers. not ciara.

  14. Addiction isn't funny but man is it easier when your spouse doesn't call you out on your sh! T.

    1. @Fancy It’s not all that much harder when your spouse does call you out if you’re in entertainment, sadly.

      Only everyone in the addict’s life getting it together and refusing to support them until they seek treatment is going to do anything.

      And sadly, when the addict has a lot of money and/or fame, that’s a nearly impossible scenario.

  15. My only addictions are caffeine and this site.

  16. Monica. Her husband, Shannon Brown, is an athlete.

  17. Shakira? Her hubby is a popular soccer player but not sure if that qualifies as "celebrity". Not many one-named singers seem to fit this blind..hmmm!

  18. Thalia and Tommy Mottola ??

  19. Thanks @Han Niam. It's a bit of a sore point. My story won't help anyone but I'm a high-functioning bi-polar alcoholic. I'm off the coke but that was a choice. I have access to pretty much as much as I choose but i choose for it to be a rare occasion now. I do take a fair amount of MDMA/Molly because I find it manages my symptoms much better then the options my Doctor has for me.
    So yeah. I take drugs. I drink booze but I earned my money well and in fact I'm retired. comfortably and that has nothing to do with my addictions or mental health issues.
    I have a good life. I have some bad days. A supportive and understanding family has helped immensely. I've never been to rehab and if you tried to back me into it that would end bad. I've done therapy. Didn't care much for it and i'm too manipulative a person to not take advantage of a weak therapist. When it becomes a game it's time to get out and stop being unfair to the person trying to help you.
    So no, Addiction is never funny. It's never easy and it's a battle for those who deal with it.

    My life is an open book on Twitter. My saving grace is that I can afford to be an addict. That's not the same for all people.

    Finally, you will never force an addict to do something against their will. Never.

    Thank you again @Ham Niam. I enjoyed that. I don't unburden too much these days.

    1. @Craig Hey, there, then! Glad to be of service.

      Your reality reminds me of one of my relatives, so it’s good to see more than one kind of addiction represented and spoken about honestly.

      It never hurts to humanize.* And it certainly never hurts to view addiction from a realistic place rather than idealistic.

      While I don’t struggle with addiction personally, I do find myself abandoning therapists who are easily manipulated. I look at it less as a sign I’m a bad manipulative patient and more as a sign that I am a discerning consumer who wants to ensure the medical professional paid to call me on my bullshit is up to the task.

      *Well, except maybe the child porn purveyors, kiddie rapists, and their ilk. I don’t want them humanized. I want them drawn and quartered. But that’s another thread.

  20. Eve was just on a talk show the other day, she looked fine to me.

  21. I wish there was a 'like' button here. I'd be bashing it furiously right now @Han Niam.
    And +10 on the last two sentences. I know where some bodies are buried.

    1. @Craig Drawing and quartering is seriously underrated these days. A real show stopper, and it couldn’t happen to a more deserving lot.

      And I accept verbal bashes of the imaginary “like” button unreservedly.

  22. "Until the pain of what you are doing becomes greater than any pleasure you get from it, you won't quit."

    Rehab only works when the scale tilts heavier on the pain side in a permanent way.

  23. Also, "Do your best to never judge someone else's coping mechanisms."

  24. @Plot hysterical and so true

  25. Adele’s husband isn’t celebrity. Also Monica was juston the chew two days ago cooking and announcing her website to help people break in the music business

  26. What about Brandy? Or Ashanti? Either married?

  27. @Jayne. "Also, Do your best to never judge someone else's coping mechanisms."


    You get it.

  28. Monica is pregnant.

    Ashanti, Brandy, Mya, and Jewel are not married. (At least not according to the google.)

    A lot of the guesses so far are foreign born.

  29. Eve is a rapper (not a singer)and a really good one. I love her old songs . She has been happily married to a European billionaire for a decade now. Ciara is not the type AT ALL. Sia divorced her husband and is back to dating women. She's openly bi. Is Sades husband famous? I don't think so?

  30. I read this as Lauryn Hill.

  31. Lauryn Hill does not go by one name

  32. Sporty Spice. And Beckham.

  33. Apparently some people can't count to one.

  34. @Craig, Enty has a fair bit of White Knight in him. If there's a way to suggest that a man shares responsiblity for a woman's bad choices, he'll toss it in. He would never write the same thing in reverse, and commenters would blast him if he did.

  35. Narcotics changes brain chemistry, Re-wires that say "no" portion of the brain. It's a very difficult process to say no and keep the bad elements out of your life. I lost most of my friends and moved on. It took years tho, the Bad angry liberal still pokes his head up from time to time and it's soul crushing. Learn to see the red flags, i can now see myself heading in that direction and i change routines. Drug addicts are not criminals, just some fucked up wiring.

  36. I got it...BRANDY! hasn't Enty hinted at her using before? and her bro Ray J left Big Brother so he could take opioid pills as I recall, blaming a tooth thing...

  37. I could see this being Brandy based solely on her behavior but she just made a song with Jhene Aiko called Ascension.

    I think it's Fergie.
