Tuesday, March 06, 2018

Blind Item #10

There are many reasons being floated for the push of the massively major action adventure fantasy movie from That movie company. One that is not being discussed is closer to the truth. Yes it was moved because of the foul mouthed movie and the solitary hero movie. Yes, it avoids the problems with the fans and online spoilers but those haven't bothered That movie company before. Three of its actors have fires that can't be held off forever. Two are set to leave after this movie. The third still has movies on his contract. Push the movie and contain the fires. Then let all three out at the same time and hope the third one is lost in the noise over one and two. It has worked before. One was even in on the promotion of the pushing of the date!


  1. Aquaman starting Jason Momoa and Amber Heard

  2. It was just announced that "Avengers: Infinity War" will be opening on April 27 instead of May 4.
    Foul mouthed movie: Deadpool 2
    Solitary hero movie: Solo

  3. And Kidman so Momoa stays they leave?

  4. I was thinking the Avatar movies, with Sam Worthington & Giovanni Ribisi ($cientologist) being problematic.

  5. I thought a few actors were done after Infinity War.

  6. I agree with Sue T. but instead of Solo, I'd guess the Venom movie as the solitary hero movie.

  7. Can someone simplify this for simpletons like me? Thanks people!

    1. You're not alone. I have a hard time trying to interpret the blinds to. The comments and google help though.

  8. This is the next Avengers movie, which had its release date moved supposedly so it wouldn't conflict with the next Deadpool movie. RDJ helped push the PR agenda on moving the date.

    Guessing RDJ and Chris Evans are the 2 who want to leave the franchise, and maybe Sebastian Stan as the 3rd who is still under contract but who the studio wants to let go of quietly? He's rumored to have some drinking/substance abuse struggles, may need to cut him loose so he can get some help.

    1. This is BS. He has no drinking/abuse substance problems. There's NO proof what so ever. He's constantly spotted by fans and he's always sober.

  9. Hahaha there are so many actors in Infinity War, and so many have them have appeared in blinds, I couldn't guess which three were the worst.

  10. If you guess anything other than Infinity War please help us all out and delete your account.

  11. Avengers
    Deadpool and

    I agree its probably RDJ and Chris Evans that want to leave. I will be interested to see if Evans does well solo, as he just does nothing for me on screen. Easy on the eyes but not a great actor IMHO.

  12. Don't be a dick, guesses can be wrong.

  13. https://qz.com/1139562/marvel-may-soon-lose-its-avengers-as-the-actors-contracts-expire/

  14. This seems to be Avengers Infinity War. RDJ was in on announcing that it was pulled in a week, ostensibly to align with the release of it in UK. There are several actors from this franchise (including RDJ) who have expiring contracts this movie. This isn't news - Chris Evans, Hemsworth I think are done after the 4th Avengers. ScarJo, Ruffalo and Renner are the others who are almost done or could conceivably be pushed out early. What's interesting is what Enty is hinting at that three actors have fires that can't be held off... so what's up there?

  15. @Dena. I think Fox got rid of its whole movie division to get rid of that turd franchise. While the first was stunning to look at, the script was so painfully written (and that’s when he had more access to other people’s material), but the current sequels are bound to be less stunning with even more cringeworthy dialogue and plots. Also Cameron is about as nice as Weinstein on a good day (don’t know about sexual harassment, but other kinds of harassment in spades).

  16. Like one week will make a difference: this blind is just nonsensical!

  17. But thisblind isn’t about Avatar. It’s Marvel.

  18. RDJ's and one more actor's (can't remember of it's Evans or Hemsworth) contracts expire after this one and we discussed it here before. Ruffalo still has contract for two more movies, so I guess the third one may be him. Marvel is moving into another phase of the Universe building anyway, so maybe they need to let go of all the older faces (sorry, RDJ ;)) and be free to focus on new directions to expand this with new faces.

    1. I think you have the the people in RDJ, Evans and Ruffalo.

  19. Ok I may be biased (fine, I'm biased as fuck) but I've never heard a peep about Seb having substance abuse issues other than one blind on here and it only said he had a handler to protect the franchise. Which he may, but only because he can't keep Marvels secrets!

  20. That movie - Avengers: Infinity Wars (original May 4 release date, new release date April 27)

    That studio - Marvel/Disney

    Actor 1 - RDJ
    Actor 2 - Chris Evans
    Actor 3(a) - Chris Hemsworth (still has 2 on his contract; wanting out to make MiB reboot happen)

    Actor 3(b)- Samuel L. Jackson (still had 2 on his contract)

    Actor 3 (c) Sebastian Stan is a darling on the independent film circuit (made more movies in the last 3 years, with only 1 [I, Tonya] having a distributor and being released), he still has 3 on his contract. Someone has to be around to cry over Black Widow's casket after her standalone flick...

    Foul Mouthed movie - Deadpool 2 (May 18 release date)
    Solo hero movie - Captain Marvel (early 2019 release date)

    PR pushing actor - RDJ

  21. RDJ is prob leaving but that doesn't mean he's one of the three with fires. There's also next year's Avengers movie to deal with but I think they're done filming.

  22. Avengers, of course.
    Foul mouthed movie is Deadpool 2.
    Solo movie is Solo.
    Actors are RDJ, Chris Evans, and I think Hemsworth.

  23. Captain America and Iron Man leave .Thor stays

  24. Infinity War
    Evans and RDJ for the contract expiring (though RDJ has been on a movie by movie basis since Avengers 2). Hemsworth for the third (for the MiB reboot). Or Hiddleston (trying for Bond again?).

  25. I think Evans is definitely one of them. Could Renner be another? There have always been questions about him and his relationships, especially with what happened with his wife.
    For the one who still has movies on his contact I am going to go with Chris Pratt. He seems like someone who preaches one thing but does the exact opposite himself.

  26. Fuck, when will all this cape shit end?
    Is there anyone willing to make action movies without some fuckwits pouncing about in leotards acting out kids comics? It's just a fucking joke.

    1. Marvel movies are actually really solid fun flicks. I’d prefer watching that then mission impossible 32 or die hard 12

  27. Cap would be the one to go, canon says he would have been gone after CIVIL WAR so Evans departure was to expected, nothing to do with anything sordid. RDJ was I think a previous BI here about him wanting to move on. Thought that's why INFINITY WAR was changed from two parts to one, because they wanted to make an exit.

    Don't know what the "it has worked before" is referencing. Terrence Howard's exit?

  28. So RDJ and Chris Evans are leaving but who is being pushed, Cumberbatch maybe? How well did his solo Dr Strange do, any appetite for another?

    More importantly what fires are being out out? Spill, enquiring minds want to know!

    1. I did very well.

      Doctor Strange 2 > Avengers 9

      I would much rather see another standalone film than see an epic. Having to deal with all those randoms just to see Doctor Strange leaves me sexually-frustrated. It's like going on a group date but you can't make-out because Tony and Bruce and Thor and Spidey are watching. So annoying.

  29. Anonymous1:56 PM

    It's just one big negotiation. They all would stay for the right percentage.

  30. I doubt they have to bother much about solo but it will still make cash because it's star wars and wouldn't Disney want Deadpool 2 to make loads because it mostly bought and dusted? 3 actors RDJ, Chris Evans and Chris Helmsworth but Thor said he wanted to do more?

  31. + black panther for the push to take RDJ place

  32. My favorite Holocaust Cinematic Universe character is Spock

  33. This comment has been removed by the author.

  34. RDJ *****IS ***** Iron Man.
    No one else can fill those shoes.
    er, mechanical robot suit ...
    or something like that.

  35. Kids love superheros. Always have, always will. And the movies are easier to sit through than most of the animated garbage out there, for which the parents are grateful. It's a win-win.

  36. Anonymous4:20 PM

    All the language about putting out fires and hoping the third one gets ignored makes me think of a potential scandal breeing...

    Yes, RDJ and Evans are leaving because of contracts but I think if its a scandal, based on past blinds, than I think Hemsworth, Renner and Brolin are screwed.

  37. Anonymous4:22 PM

    Pratt for a potential replacement for any of the three I mentioned.

  38. What's everyone talking about? The blind says two people are leaving after this movie. The third one isn't leaving. It has nothing to do with Hemsworth wanting to do MIB or whatever. "let all three out" is referring to the "fires", not the actors.
    It sounds like there are three scandals; two are related to actors leaving after the next Avengers, and one related to someone else. They're hoping the third scandal will disappear behind the two others because the third person is staying with the franchise. Or am I misunderstanding?
    Like someone else said, moving it a week doesn't seem like it would make any difference to anything...

  39. 1 and 2 are RDJ and Evans. 3 is Cumberbatch and the scandal is his PR marriage set up by Weinstein.

  40. what are the 'fires' underneath RDJ & Evans that can't be held off forever???

    ugh, I thought RDJ and Evans were good ones.

  41. @Major Kira

    yes, forgot about the Weinstein-sanctioned PR marriage! Eddie Redmayne got the same thing done....

  42. This posting is full of shit. It's referencing The Avengers, but this isn't even the last Avengers movie. Avengers: Infinity War is split into two parts - and all the actors are contracted to be a part of Part 2 which comes out next year (including RDJ, Evans, Hemsworth, Ruffalo). So, what, they're pushing the movie up for a week to stop a fire that they'll then have to hold off for an entire year? Sure lol.

    1. They were filmed back to back and the second one is far enough away to re-edit/All the Money in the World. The first one isn't. Besides, major characters will possibly be offed in part one.

  43. Wasn't there a blind about Chris Evans getting some girl knocked up?

    1. Yes and there was one about him and Scarlett liking each other but not together bc there was supposed to be something coming out about him

  44. Evans is bi, I'm guessing? But who really cares. With Venom , there are old grindr posts featuring the lead actor in very revealing poses which are easily found on the interwebs ( if they haven't been scrubbed by his or team). Btw bi men make great sexy manly superhero so no shade here. Is that the big secret? Or something more nefarious than simple fluid sexuality which is normal for human beings.

  45. Yeah, as Dougy says, it doesn't make sense for this to be the Avengers, because there. is. a. 2019. movie. too. RDJ and Evans aren't "set to leave after this movie". I don't see how pushing a movie up by a week would do much when there's still another whole movie coming out next year.

    On the other hand, I don't see what else it could possibly be.

    These blinds are getting increasingly sloppy, is the real problem.

    1. The description makes it sound like some disgraceful behaviour will come to light soon and could affect this film's box office if it drops just before the release. It has to be Avengers. The two parts were filmed back to back, and some characters may not survive part one.

      The emphasis is on the third man being the dirty bastard, with the other two just leaving the franchise by choice. Maybe going across the street to DC? Lol, but seriously, just leaving is hardly "fires that can't be contained". Says this cover of several leaving at once worked before. I guess we'll know soon enough.

    2. The 3 being 'let out' is the fires, not the actors. They're hoping the first two scandals from the departing actors will drown out the scandal affecting the actor staying.

    3. Ah yes, that certainly makes sense.

  46. What idiot thinks they're going to re-edit a blockbuster movie franchise built on Iron Man/Hulk/Captain America/Thor so that Iron Man/Cap/Hulk/Thor aren't in it because of a scandal? Lmao it's like I said - this whole posting is full of shit. There is a 2019 movie coming on and THEY ARE STILL FILMING IT RIGHT NOW. Go to literally any nerdsite - they are posting the set photos daily. All these rumored dudes are still on set, still filming.

  47. For the time it worked before:
    Don Cheadle (as War Machine!) replaces Terrence Howard - Iron Man 2
    Mark Ruffalo (Hulk is an Avenger!) replaces Edward Norton - The Avengers

  48. I'm sorry; I don't know how to further communicate the lunacy that Marvel did not move their release date up by a *single week* and is not going to


    An AVENGERS movie is not ALL THE MONEY IN THE WORLD. They reshot ATMITW in ten days for *one* actor who had a limited role in the movie with no special effects.

    Marvel is not going to recast *three major roles* in a *blockbuster movie* that requires *literal months* of prep work, special effects gadgetry, and press tour bookings. It is never going to happen. Ever.

    Marvel got rid of Howard because he was not a major player in the MCU. His recasting was literally two movies in by that point. Marvel got rid of Norton because he asked for too much money and they had four years as a buffer so people wouldn't care. Part 2 of INFINITY WAR takes place *literally right after Part 1* and is literally a single year away.

    Marvel pushed up the US release date purely to make it coincide with the international release date, because they didn't want people spoiling it for American audiences.

    This is not to say actors involved in the MCU don't have hidden scandals. But the idea that Marvel moved up their movie a single week to deflect from it with the second part of their movie coming out a year later is genuinely one of the dumbest things I have read on this site and excellent proof that the poster is not only an idiot, but has no idea how movies are actually made and marketed.

    1. I love how you used the word "lunacy" (derived from Luna (Moon). The werewolf in me couldn't help but notice that first weekend after "Infinity War" opens is a Full Moon... πŸ”­πŸŒšπŸΊπŸŒπŸ”¬

  49. so what does RDJ have that is the controversy/scandal/'fire' that they are holding off until the movie comes out?

    just heard he is playing dr doolittle in a film reboot coming out april 2019. if its a bad fire....that wont do too well. Sad, I thought his reformed image and person was genuine...guess not.

    I already figured its Chris Evans and maybe Josh Brolin as the other departure?
