Wednesday, March 14, 2018

Blind Item #10

Apparently this former A list rockstar spoke to this B+ list singer on the phone right after a soundcheck on that last afternoon of his life. The singer says she accidentally recorded the 20 minute phone call because she had been taking videos at the time of the call. She only noticed about three weeks ago and she says it answers some questions, but also opens up a bunch more.


  1. Cornell and Momsen?

  2. Cornell for the lead singer Taylor Momson for the female singer? Since she was on tour with him.

  3. Cornell and Lana Del Ray

  4. Oy vey Davey Geffen you vile pedophile

  5. David Geffen fucks kids
    He kills people so he can continue to fuck kids
    Fucking kids is the most important thing to David Geffen
    Come at me

    1. @geeljire. What exotic locales does the mogul's Cruise Ship port at? What sex tourism rings were busted there? Are there any connections between the deceased high Profile SF financier and the A+ mogul?

      At this point I'd bet money on it.

      Why wasn't the case more publicized, which other members of the ring were convicted and now walk free? What organizations do they work/volunteer for?

      Why was the Prosecution Attorney then arrested for conspiracy to commit Murder?

      If the mogul doesn't go down first, all of this will bubble to the surface

    2. You referring to Thomas Frank White (Seńor Tom) from SF who was setting up orphanages and school/sport programs for Puerto Vallarta homeless street boys? With the multi-million estate on the beach a few miles south of the famous gay section of PV? That rich SF financier??? I never heard anything about a prosecution attorney arrest though... guess I may look a little deeper. Been a while since I 1st read about it.

    3. @JF

      You win the special brownie.

      Now who else was involved/convicted in that ring/is mentioned/defendents in the trial?

      Where are these people Now? Why aren't they listed on California's Megan's Law database?

      Some are big fish are dead (the Dandy UN official/"worlds youngest diplomat" died right after TFW).

      Others are still Swimming in the Silicon Valley. So tread lightly

  6. Cornell, but is Momsen really B+? I don’t care how many hits or tours she’s allegedly had, I couldn’t name one of her songs if you had a gun to my head.

  7. More importantly, is she going to release the recording or transcript of it?

    1. Depends on where she and he were at the time it was recorded. Some states are one party, some are all party and she could get in trouble even if the recording of the call was accidental.

  8. Unfortunately Geff will never go down. It's sad.

  9. Many of us CAN name quite a few songs from The Pretty Reckless.

  10. I wish Taylor M would go to the FBI with that recording.

  11. @Dusty Fairy,for her type of music,she is B+. I doubt her fans can name Luke Bryant songs either.

  12. So what direction is this going now? Taylor is being more open about her drug history, Vicky C retweeted from Taylor. A far cry from the Taylor was scoring drugs and having an affair with him blinds.

  13. Geffan is part of the Untouchables. He will never be brought down. When people get close, others will take the fall.

  14. You "will never go down" guys are in for a real fucking treat.

    1. Please let it be so.

    2. I hope so! It seems like in Hollywood those with power are bulletproof

  15. Now that bruce weber and mario testino are going down, I think anyone can

  16. Well that explains why the widow is so far up Momsen’s social media ass. Keeping tabs on her.

  17. @Guesser, not really. Keep your friends close and your enemies closer.

  18. Anyone remember this one? Back from the days when I'd you were closeted then by golly, you meant it?

  19. I hope the tiger is right. He is my favorite commenter.

  20. "...she says it answers some questions, but also opens up a bunch more."

    Yes, the latter including questions about her longevity.

  21. hi y'all!
    the whole mystery around cornell's death makes me terribly sad. big fan since the mid-80s. i too hope the tiger is right!!

  22. Twenty minutes is an eternity of information that even if not released directly can be a treasure trove. Taylor is talented and so much more interesting than the Professional Widow, so glad to hear Cornell had someone to talk to and who really loved him for something besides money and status.

  23. @Geeljire





  24. I don't understand why she would make herself a target. She should have just leaked it.

  25. Chris Cornell and Taylor Momsen. I hope she and the recording are being protected. She seems to be fragile but trying to fight her demons.

  26. Maybe they're trying to lure the culprits.
    I can dream, can't I?

  27. Post the recording, it's the only way to protect yourself.

  28. Who is the Tiger?

  29. Schniederisnext- could you be a little more specific about which cruise ship & do you follow Q? Email me?

  30. The tiger is a truthsayer. Aaaaand I now cannot get Survivor’s “Eye of the Tiger outta my head...

  31. I am but a simple Muslim alhamdulilah who prays to be more patient and humble every day.
    I am no one famous nor particularly important, I have merely heard stories and may have borne witness to some events.
    Am I the only Muslim on CDAN?

  32. This comment has been removed by the author.

  33. To those who think the powerful criminals will continue to get away with their crimes, you are in for a hopefully very pleasant surprise. This year is going to go very badly for them...and if they think it will end well, they are very seriously mistaken.

    Past performance (or lack of prosecution) is no indication of future impunity. Never stop fighting until the fight is done...and it's not done, not by a longshot.

  34. Until I have more definitive proof, I'm researching @nikleigh, but the Port I'm referring to is South of the Border.

    I'll email you from a burner tonight

    I try and follow whatever I can, Q has referenced some very interesting things.

    1. If on a yacht 12 miles offshore (international territory), does an age of consent exist? Or are you allowed to diddle a 1st trimester embryo? Hmm...

  35. @lucy_eyles that is the boat I was talking about

    @nikleigh Here's a hint

    "There is a house in New Orleans, they call the ______ ___ "

  36. Everyone watch this video about this topic and how chris cornell was murdered it will answer so many questions ....

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  37. The Rising Sun


    A decent chunk of Carbon Beach - and his fake garages

    The Jack Warner estate

    Georgica Pond

    The 5th Ave Penthouse

    MmmmMMMMMmmmm, that future asset seizure is going to be quite the boon to the USGov.

    Cost of Geffen's Trove of Trophy Homes

    1. Georgica Pond Home

    West End Road, East Hampton, N.Y.

    Purchase Price: $50 million (2014)

    2. Fifth Avenue Penthouse

    Fifth Avenue, New York, N.Y.

    Purchase Price: $54 mil (2012) and $14.2 million (2010)

    3. Carbon Beach Compound

    Pacific Coast Highway, Malibu, Calif.

    Assessed Value: $21.3 million (2013, combined)

    4. Jack L. Warner Estate

    Angelo Drive, Beverly Hills, Calif.

    Reported Purchase Price: $47.5 million (1990)

    Assessed Value: $54 million (2013)

    5. Rising Sun

    Purchase Price: $590 million (2007 and 2010)

    6. Pelorus

    Purchase Price: $300 million (2011)

  38. I believe he also co-owns property with a Guggenheim

  39. Forgot about the main jet - he owns a Gulfstream G650 private jet with registration N221DG. Track and download history offline (along with the yachts) before it's scrubbed/manipulated.

    If anyone thinks this is going to end well for the piece of excrement subhuman pedophiles and their cohorts, they haven't been paying attention. It's over.

    Surrender and provide full confessions or suicide yourselves - NOT your victims or cohorts any longer. The impending Don Henley case will be the least of many people's worries.

    Schneiderisnext, you asked whether there were any connections between the deceased high Profile SF financier and the A+ mogul - sadly I have to ask WHICH deceased high profile SF financier? There have actually been quite a few over the years. I presumed Warren Hellman (given the very popular and most importantly FREE music festival he founded and ran) however he passed from a long battle with leukemia at 77 back in 2011.

    Finally, as to Q. Continue to question, investigate, and research however realize this. IF it's a LARP/fraud, it's been beyond successfully perpetrated on literally the most hostile online environments in existence...going on almost 6 months. If it was bullshit, it would have long been found out. If I were a betting man, I'd wager it's 100% legit, with a smattering of plausible deniability thrown in for good measure. The details, the coded messages that have been decoded, the images...suffice to say "how many 'coincidences' does it take before the veracity is beyond a shadow of a doubt?" 8? 10? Dozens? We passed that point months ago.

  40. I'm Feb 19-20, 2018, Q-Anon mentions that Chris Cornell was heavily into aid for refugee children, Chester Bennington, Wonderland.


    Already private. Has anyone found anything on the gulfstream?

    I'm particularly interested in a flight which occurred in the early 90's. It was a round trip to the same Mexican Port City where the mogul docks his yacht (the town is famous for a different type of porting)

    has he owned any other planes? When was this first purchased? When did it stop being tracked?


    Of the handful of photos of the Moguls plane, 3 are on the Island of St. Martin in the Carribean

    Just a island hopper away from Little St. James. Did our mogul ever visit Jeff Epstein?

  43. @Itttt I feel this a huge lead to unravel, I'm only being coy to avoid alerting the watchers. Other people charged in this case are already free and working for tier 1 tech companies & with @ risk youth in California (smh)

    Securities Trader, "sex crimes fugitive", died in 2013

  44. You guys are great ✊
    Keep it up!

  45. Wow y'all are awesome! Love the truths. These fuxkers need to be outed and destroyed. It sucks how deep the web's woven.

  46. so enamored with you guys. Respect.

  47. This comment has been removed by the author.

  48. @Schneiderisnext-glad you caught it. I'm overly cautious and didn't want to throw out an incorrect Red Herring. Much has been either wiped or buried by search engines-don't you think? Connecting the dots is the only truth we can glean at this point. There are so many ramifications to this huge web of connections. Thanks for pointing out some leads.

  49. and is the Hellman Foundation a lead?

  50. @Geeljire What do you mean something terrible has happened?

  51. Thanks for pointing out the correct securities trader / financier / sex crimes fugitive and year, @SchneiderIsNext and @J F. - Senor Tom aka Thomas Frank White.

    Coincidentally enough, another extremely noteworthy scumbag, one Marc Rich, also died in 2013.

    And don't forget Haiti and in particular, the scumbag-friendly ports it is nearest to/within vicinity of, never mind it sharing Hispanola with the Dominican Republic. Per Q:


    So much is open source.
    So much left to be connected.
    Why are the children in Haiti in high demand?
    How are they smuggled out?

    ‘Adoption’ process.
    Local ‘staging’ ports friendly to CF? (Clinton Foundation and related entities/subsidiaries)
    Track donations.
    Cross against location relative to Haiti.
    Think logically.

    Those [good] who know cannot sleep. Those [good] who know cannot find peace. Those [good] who know will not rest until those responsible are held accountable.

  52. @Itttt

    Re: why are the children in Haiti in such high demand?

    The fountain of Youth. Medical research. Placenta injections, testosterone injections. Stem cell creams

    Beyond the perverted sex. A lot of these narccicist psychos just want to live forever. How do you find the mystery of youth? Is it harvested?

    What substance is the most promising lead for scientists researching integrated biological circuits?

    Bioelectronics is big pharma's next big thing. Google + GSK = Galvani

    Hoe many scientific papers exist describing methods for the extraction of this substance from human samples?

  53. Great thread, guys and gals. Here's a somewhat off-topic thing I was just reading, although it is about music and you-know-what. The guy became "controversial", which is explained somewhat if you scroll down.

  54. Thanks for that Bob Markley link @Doug

    A nasty man from old money



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