Sunday, March 11, 2018

Blind Item #10

The B list celebrity offspring of this foreign born permanent A++ lister said that she once had a group of friends spend the night when she was in high school. She said she never did it again and never invited any of her friends over again because her father hit on every single one of the teens and ended up having sex with one of them that night in the house, while the significant other of the A++ lister was out to dinner with her own friends. The offspring says her friend was probably 16 or maybe 17. They have not spoken since that night which was years ago.


  1. One of Randy Andy’s daughters?

  2. Rod Stewart. Daughter being Kimberly.

    1. Kimberly is not estranged from Rod Stewart nor is Stella from Sir Paul.

    2. It's hard to tell from the blind, but I think the estrangement may be between the daughter and the friend, not the daughter and the father.

  3. There is no high school in England.

    1. I believe Phil Collins and Rod Stewart have lived in the US for many years.

    2. Yes there is. I went to a high school.

  4. Yeah, they call high school "college" over there. Australia too. That is why they think Americans are uneducated. What we call college, they call "university."

    Either Enty changed some terms for clarity or the girl went to school in America.

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. No, we call high school, secondary school, college comes after secondary school, and is a term usually applied to third level educational establishments outside of universities.

    3. What the actual?? It's England not Mars. We have High school and College and University. Not doing well for your "they think Americans are uneducated " argument. You have actually made my day, thank you for your stupidity .

    4. As Americans- college and University are the same thing. We go to college at a university, when we are 18, after first finishing 12 years of school.

    5. We call 'high school' high school and college is the step between high school and university.

  5. Replies
    1. Barack (foreign born) and one of the two

    2. Nice try trolls. Baron and trump

    3. Well the offspring in the blind is a she so how would this work????.

  6. We don't call high school 'college' in the U.K. We call it secondary school.

    1. @Bagel - Thanks. I am interested in more info. Thanks in advance.

    2. Bagel's right. We have primary school up to 10/11 then secondary school up to around 16. After that is optional: college 16-18 and then university 18-21 if you go straight away, but any age really.

    3. @maptothestars - From what I just read, what we call "high school" you guys call "college."

    4. According to map of the stars age line, the us verion would be...

      Grade school/elementary school=about age 4-5 til about 11-12.
      Kindergarten to grade 5 or 6, depending on the city.

      Junior high/middle school
      11-12 til about 14-15
      Grades 7-9 or grades 6-8

      High school
      Age 14-15 til 18
      Grades 9-12 or grades 10-12, depending on city.

      College/University 18+ typically, though some may start at 17.

      So yes, as described, your college years equal our highschool years. We must go to school til 18.

    5. Though we call them french fries, you call them chips. Our chips are a totally different food. Nothing wrong with that, nobody needs to get emotional, we just have different words.

  7. This comment has been removed by the author.

  8. High school is most certainly not called"college" in the UK. You sound uneducated.

    1. @Connie Courtney - A soft answer turns away wrath.

      This is what I was told by others. I had no reason to think they they lied. Perhaps they are the uneducated ones.

      I am open to correction. My comment history bears this out.

    2. High school in America goes up to 18 (hence so many dropouts). So those last two years, while mandatory instead of optional, are essentially our equivalent of college.

    3. @maptothestars - People can continue to go to school until age 21 in America. I do not know if that is true in every state or just mine.

    4. I see. That makes sense. The age for college is flexible, I was just using the case of no repeated years or gap years etc. It's common to go to college a bit later and university at any age so maybe that's similar? You certainly wouldn't be in secondary school past your mid teens unless it's a blind item on here, lol.

    5. @maptothestars - I understand and you make sense. Common reasons for putting off college/university here are low scores on the college boards, lack of funding, wanting to earn money to help the family, not knowing what career one wants, and military service.

      Some states are fully funding education for residents (yes, there is a catch). A lot of people overlook community colleges. It is a low cost, and sometimes free way to begin a college career. One can even learn a trade and earn more money than someone with a bachelor's, and in some cases a master's degree.

    6. People can go to (primary)school until 21 in America, yes. But the only reason they would is because of a learning disability or being held back. Basically, it's not necessarily a choice or because they WANT to.
      Also, how can you go to college for free? Do you mean grants? It's not free anywhere I've lived

    7. It is where I live. Any high school graduate in my city can earn free college tuition for an in state, public university. It was a grant set up by community leaders.

    8. Kay we have the same program in my city. Kids who graduate can earn free college. It's based on number of years child was in the city school system. They can go to any state college and many private universities. Ours is a private foundation by unknown community leaders. We can guess wh they are based on the networth of residents.

    9. @rosie riveter - New York state, Rhode Island, Tennessee, Oregon, & Louisiana offer free college.

      Arkansas, Minnesota, & South Dakota offer it for students studying certain fields.

      Some school districts in America offer early college, meaning the kids earn an Associate's degree along with their high school diploma. I wish they had that when I was growing up.

      I have heard California did so but I am unable to verify.

    10. Well, apparently it is, according to the descriptions from a post above.

    11. And then ...
      There's art school.

  9. And God knows what those A-Level thingy's are!

    In American, a language you lot barely speak, we call them "college boards".

    1. You are right. I don't speak American.

      I was told A in A level stood for Advance and I took it to mean you get college credit.

    2. A-Levels are studied at "college" for 2 years usually between 16-18. They are generally considered as qualifications to get you into university. Our mandatory education system stops at 16. It seems that your "high school" incorporates both things into one and goes until 18. In the UK you are not considered a dropout if you do not do A levels. You can even go to university with other skills/experience. It's damn expensive now though, just like y'all.

  10. mick jagger, his model daughter

  11. American isn't a language so back to college for you?

    1. It's a dialect, so...

    2. @bianca - America has a multitude of dialects. Some are a nightmare to listen to. There is no one American dialect.

  12. Dorino, could be "spend the night" sounds almost like a song title...

  13. More info about what T.W?

    1. @Bagel - How the education system works in England. I think University is 3 years for you guys. It can be up to 5 years here for a bachelor's degree here. It depends on the accrediting body and the course of study. I have no idea how compulsory education works for you all. Apparently I am a dumb American.

    2. Scotland - 4 years for a degree.

  14. Rachel Hunter would have been "spouse out to dinner with friends".

  15. From 11-16 we go to secondary school. If the school supports it you can stay on for two more years. We call this Sixth Form. If the school doesn't have Sixth Form you can go to a college.

  16. @Bagel - Thank you. Your education system has a lot of advantages. A lot of kids here drop out because they are bored and aren't really learning anything. It is possible to learn a trade while in high school or go to what we call early college (they earn an Associate's degree). It depends on the school system.

    Depending on the student's grade and age it is better to drop out and earn an Adult High School diploma in a couple of months. We also have GED for drop outs but good luck getting a job with that. The military won't even accept people with GEDs. If someone is going to drop out then the AHS diploma is the way to go.

    1. @T.W - hey mate, I’m Australian, and can tell you also that high schools aren’t called colleges here either.

      Typical education journey is:
      Pre-School and/or Prep (different states have diff names)
      Primary School (grades 1-7) *Note: middle schools (years 5/6 to 8) have started to be introduced to Australia but not accepted across the board
      High School (grades 8-12)
      University (tertiary - bachelors/masters degrees etc - duration for one degree aortic 3-5 years)

      A high school is not called a college, but may have the word college in its name. (Ie ‘I go to high school at Toorak College)

      Colleges in Australia are one of two things:
      1. A boarding college within a university, similar to what the US calls a fraternity. The prestige Group of Eight unis (similar to the US Ivy League) are unis that mainly have these colleges (ie I go to the University of Queensland but live on-campus at Women’s College)
      2. A trade/technical or ‘pathways’ further education institute. These other certificates and diplomas, you either go to a TAFE or college if the vocation you want to get into doesn’t require a degree (hair stylist etc) OR you didn’t get the grade you needed to get into uni, so you do a certificate to boost your entry grade into college.

      Hope that helps!

      Source: Australian; worked in uni marketing/recruitment for 3 years; parents worked in the education sector for 40+ years

    2. Sorry meant ‘boost entry into uni’ not college! Cheers

    3. @Fitzroy Hipster- Cheers to you! Thank you for the info!

  17. @S.S I thought about it not only cause that but also SIGNIFICANT OTHER ...

    Mick has 4 daughters ..
    Karis and Jade are over 40 ...

    Luzzy is over 30 ...

    All of them out from the spotlight

    BUT GEORGIA MAY is a famous model and celebrity and her mother was NEVER LEGALLY MARRIED TO MICK ... it was only a sort of religious ceremony in an island NOT LEGAL IN UK ... JERRY HALL HAD NO IDEA OF THAT ... that s why i considered "significant other ..

    HE DID THAT TRICK TO KEEP HIS FORTUNE SAFE IN CASE OF A DIVORCE .. she found it out after he cheated her wit a brazilian model who was pregnant with his son LUCAS ...

    In spite of my theory they posed toguether many times ... FOR MEDIA AT LEAST ...

  18. everybodys arguing about the names for schools in europe versus the USA but

    LETS JUST GUESS THE BLIND PPL. seriously, no sidetracking

  19. Good Grief, I need Jesus after reading this...🙄

  20. Elon Musk.

    Wait, no, this wasn't a Mr. Hedge blind.

    William Shatner!

  21. Jerry made off with a couple of homes and $40 million USD from her annulment of marriage with Mick.

    Seems like Mick's little plan to stick Jerry with a faux marriage ceremony failed spectacularly.

  22. Visit this website:

  23. Jerry Hall deserves more than that frankly LOL but Rupert Murdoch Jerry, really?

    Canadians calls Kindergarden to Grade 8 elementary school we generally don't have junior highs only the odd one in larger cities or if they don't have room in the elementary school. Grade 9 to 12 is high school. It used to go to Grade 13, Grade 13 was the year you did if you are applying to university but now they tacked on an extra year to get your basic degree at University - 4 years instead of 3 and they can rake in lots more money that way. Community college is where you take those 2 year courses aimed a more specific trades or focused skill sets and you only need Grade 12 to apply though some of the colleges also offer a few degree programs now.

  24. Oh yeah I forgot we have tech high schools. We have 5 high schools in my city and one is the tech school. It used to be where kids with bad grades, bad attitudes or poor aptitude were pushed towards after Grade 8. That used to be a two year school now 4 years.

  25. TW, my high school had an excellent high school program and team and we had guys who would register for school for football season and drop out when it was over and register again the next year. The cut off age was 20. So yeah we would always have a couple of 20 years old around for the fall.

    1. @Jen Ty - Thanks. In my state once you drop out you are done.

  26. @Plot I read back in those days the judge was FURIOUS Mick tried to trick Jerry with that so he was punished with all that money, later she married a media millonaire but come on ... titanium stomach ...

    She left Mick when Georgia was 9 so after 2001 his official SIGNIFICANT OTHER WAS L'WREN SCOTT

    That poor woman commited suicide in 2014 ... some said depressive as Hell case all his cheatings .. days after her death he was seeing with a dancer in paris ... he didnt give a rat s ass about her suicide


  27. Isn't Phil Collins estranged from his daughter? I know Prince Andrew isn't with his daughters, nor Jagger--I don't think, nor Rod Stewart.

    Working that way, who is estranged from their father, might be the best/easiest way to go.

  28. Thank you to everyone who explained their education systems.

    @not this again - CDaN forums often go off topic so I don't see what the problem is. I asked a question to gain further understanding. Would you rather I talk about alleged conspiracy theories and make fun of people instead? That kind of thing happens periodically in the forums but I don't see you complaining about that.

  29. @Marlin, I think the blind means she has not spoken with the friend since that night, not the father. At least that was my take away.

  30. Bruce Willis. Born Germany.

  31. and about "spend the night" ...

    "Let s spend the night toguether" ....

    Guess who sings it ...

  32. Mel Gibson has an adult daughter named Hannah. Google sez she's a "famous" makeup artist, married to Kenny Wayne Shepherd and has been in a few movies. The ratings seem kinda wonky for it to fit these two. But, c'mon, we all KNOW gross old Mel totally hit on his teen daughter's friend's back in the day.

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  33. I don't think that the blind says the daughter stopped speaking to her father, but her friend. No idea who this could be.

    1. Yeah, it's not clear. I assumed it's the friend because it's harder to stop talking to your dad when you're 16. Still, stranger things have happened and surely he's to blame.

      Seems likely this is a musician though doesn't it? Permanent A++ could be...

      Paul MacCartney... Stella

  34. Why did L'wren leave her entire estate to Mick Jagger?

  35. Oh no, Mel Gibson was born in New York. Doggone it, disproved my guess. :(

  36. Mel would be A+ and formerly disgraced, right?

  37. And probably not Phil... Sounds like this was a live in dad.

  38. If the daughter stopped talking to her friend, then I'll go with Prince Andrew. Fergie would have been living with Andrew, still does I believe, in Royal Lodge when the girls were that age.

  39. Ruby Stewart would be more recent fur Rod. Not exactly B list but this is meant to be not that long ago.

  40. I thought it seemed like a musician. Thinking about it, would Andrew rank as A++? Prince Charles would, but Andy? If we go back to musicians, and the daughter stopped talking to the friend, not dad, then Jagger would be my guess.

  41. good God if people wanted to know about the educational system in the UK they could just effing google it for crying out loud! People come here to read things related to the blinds, not stupid off-topic discussions ughhh

  42. Replies
    1. @ Evonne That would be my guess too.

    2. Good guess! Ozzy seems like a good and decent fellow, when he’s sober. Bet the dad was under influence at the time.

  43. @T.W for the same reason I was stupid enough to put as ONLY BENEFITIARY of my life insure to the biggest asxxhole I met in my life


    1. @Dorina Montego - Thank you for your response.

  44. @Jen Incorrect! I went to junior high in Ontario and my kids go to junior high in Alberta. Not sure where you're from, but everybody I know knows about junior high.

  45. John Lennon went to Quarry Bank High School in Liverpool but now it has a different name. I lived by a high school there for a couple of years. I think they have changed all the high schools over to academies and such now though.

  46. It wasn't meant to be off topic, because highschool in the US is different than other countries. I took it to mean the offspring was raised in the US. It could mean not talking to the friend,not the Father. It says many years. So the daughter could be thirty or more. I go with Georgia May,she is a model,but not a big star here.

  47. @Jen ummm...Degrassi Junior High is the most famous junior high in the world and its canadian :)

    Also Stella MacCartney is perm A-list in the fashion world, and much more than a celeb offspring, she runs a business empire

  48. @Dorino Montero,can you change it?

  49. Hey Australian. It depends on which state you go to.
    Year 11 & 12 in some states is known as a Matriculation College.

    To matriculate is to gain acceptance to register at university.

    This is the old Webster definition which in modern time has changed to include registration at college or university.

  50. @Guesser yess I can and I ll do it next week, in spite of all I waited like an idiot to see if he apollogized

    That s why I mentioned the "Pure stupidity" part ... we can be VERY BLIND sometimes

  51. I'm reading BI and the comments and nowadays it's like "well at least it wasn't his own daughter! Then again, that blind might be for another day...

  52. @DorinoMontego, Jade Jagger makes overly expensive jewelry and is a huge fame whore, and Lizzy is a model who would be a FW given the opportunity. I don't think any of the Jaggers are shy and retiring.

  53. Well I think the father is Mick Jagger. "Let's spend the night together. I need you more than ever......."

    As far as schools in the US they totally suck now unless one goes to a private school or has good home schooling. The teachers are more worried about their union contracts and never held accountable for graduating 18 year olds who are functionally illiterate.

  54. Anonymous4:44 PM

    Gonna guess Sting and his daughter Coco with Trudie Styler

  55. Lastly unless things have changed, we called having a group of girls spend the night a "slumber party" back in the 70s.

  56. Anonymous4:53 PM

    This comment has been removed by the author.

  57. Anonymous4:57 PM

    We call high school secondary school, college is called college and university is called university, some of you are seriously ignorant and rude

  58. Thank you to everyone who replied to me.

    Another person pointed out this is not off topic. I alluded to that in my original response. The ages of the girls and the term "high school" indicates the events happened in America. This helps us guess the subject of the blind. How many of the people named so far had a daughter attend an American school?

  59. Ahhh yes, Running Start is what they call it in Washington state. The kids go to community college while they're finishing high school. I missed that opportunity too, by a few years. It wasn't around until after I graduated.

    Who cares if it IS off topic, if it's benign and civil?
    The only time I care, is when people go way off the cliff with politics.
    No one changes their mind in that mess. NO ONE. Ever.

  60. Just throwing out some different guesses to mix it up.

    David Hasselhoff - Is he A++? Not sure. I believe he was the topic of a recent BI involving his daughter. Probably not him but throwing it out there

    Arnold Schwarzenegger - He has two daughters as well. A++ usually refers to someone who has held a political title I think.

    I don't post here often and am no expert like some of you are!

  61. Bowie actually came to mind first, but his daughter is too young for this blind.

    Schwarzenegger is a great guess. His daughters are in their 20's and this totally seems like something he would do. Christina is a journalist and in the news right now for being at SXSW.

    +1 @P Chapman!

  62. Anonymous8:32 PM

    it's a bore for
    others, honestly, to flip thru all the off topic chit chat...

  63. Definitely Rod Stewart.

  64. Most of the men mentioned here are not "permanent A++ listers".
    Certainly not Rod Stewart.
    I would have to guess Mick Jagger just based on that rating.... or Steve Tyler, but I don't know where he was born. Too lazy to look it up.

  65. Guys beside Jagger who are FOREIGN PERMANENT A++ LISTERS?

    Bowie ...his daughter doesnt match the age

    George michael no kids

    Freddie Mercury .. no kids

    Elton John ... no kids ...

    Paul Mc Cartney -... Stella? ...SHE S A TOP FASHION DESIGNER who replaced Lagerfed in Chloe and has her own label ... she doesnt fit

    Keith Richards? He has 3 daughters but is he a permanent A+++ ¡??

  66. College is tuition free in New York State but there are a lot of conditions.

    The family's adjusted gross income has to be $100,000 or less (for 2017, goes up to $110,000 in 2018 and $120,000 in 2019), the student has to go a SUNY school or community college, they have to be a NY resident, and they have to take at least 30 credits a year. Books, housing, meals, and transportation are not paid for. And after the student graduates, they have to remain in New York for however long they received the grant. So if the student was in school for four years, they have to live in NY for four years or grant reverts into a loan.

  67. my intial thought was Paul McCartney, but Stella isn't B list.
    Then Rod Stewart, but is he really A+++ - nope.
    I dont know about Jagger's kids.

    This could totally be Schwarzenegger but he didn't have a significan't other. I don't know this is a tough one

  68. Schwarzenegger did have a significant other when his daughters were teenagers - Maria Shriver.

  69. For all of the Mick Jagger guesses, why aren't you condidering his daughter Karis? The daughter of Marshall Hunt has never had a close relationship with Daddy, but did spend more time with him when she was in boarding school in Europe.

  70. @Cocopuff

    media said she was very supportive after mick s gf s suicide

    he REFUSED she was his dughter to avoid paying child support so i guess she didnt like much that

    in case it s her, the significant other should be JERRY HALL
