Monday, February 19, 2018

Your Turn

Scale of 1-10, where was the Fergie National Anthem?


  1. I was rushed to the hospital on Friday. The first thing the doctor said was "Candy, you need to stop masturbating!"
    I asked him why.
    He said "because I am ready to start your exam"

  2. I'll be nice and give her a 1.

  3. 7 Roseanne Barrs and 8 Carl Lewis' for a combined score of Methica Rabbit

    1. I so needed that laugh today!

  4. Anonymous10:08 AM

    I would say a 3.... because she sounded good when she belted out the high contrast to the parts of the song she bizarrely whispered

  5. She tried, poor thing. She has bad advisors. There was nothing wrong with her voice, it was whomever arranged that mess.

  6. 11. Perfection. Full five fingered chef's kiss. Mwah.

  7. I don't like Obama's official portrait, so I'm clearly not the one to judge art.

    1. Obama's portrait ranked (pun not intended) somewhere between Velvet Elvis and Dogs Playing Poker.

  8. If she was sober and did this on purpose then 1.

  9. That was Fergie? I thought it was Miranda Sings???

  10. -1000000000. Fergie can't sing.

  11. It was horrible. Sure she can hit some high notes, but she was tone deaf on this one. Her weird accent that she tried to pull off was a joke and her attempt to be Marilyn Monroe was a huge fail.
    You can not duplicate Happy Birthday Mr. President, especially not to the National Anthem. Did you even see her wiggle walk to the microphone?
    Rosanne did her version for a reason, basically a slap in the face to "celebrites" who have tried to sing the anthem in the past. Fergie, somehow she thought she was sexy and when even the players are giggling, you know you fail

  12. It was bad. But ever since that Kids Incorporated blind I've seen Fergie differently. Felt bad for her yesterday.

    1. I agree. Leave poor Fergie alone!

  13. Good lord what was she thinking.

  14. Zero.
    She had to be high

  15. Anonymous11:10 AM

    It was abysmal. -10

  16. She shouldn't have tried to have sex with the song. That was her 1st mistake.

  17. In the Good Old Days either you could sing or you couldn't. It wasn't manufactured in a studio.

  18. What’s the appropriate number for cringe? The secondhand embarrassment is still with me this morning like a bad hangover.

  19. What a sickening display of a has been who is also no longer 25 and hot.
    Fergie’s f*cked.

  20. Wow.

    I read this morning that there was some big scandal about the song, but when I listened to it, I thought she did fine. I didn't see it as disrespectful like some people did. She was well rehearsed and on pitch. She didn't doing anything political that I saw.

    It WAS turned into a kind of torchy jazz number, but so what. It was interesting.

    I don't see what the big deal was. I'd give it at least a 6.

  21. It was truly terrible, I was embarrassed for her. Who ever had the bright idea that she needed to TRY to put a sexy spin on it, was badly mistaken. Autotune can't fix that.

  22. Agree with Fustian. I'm not a fan of her style of singing; it's too affected for me. But I thought she did okay with the anthem. Sure, not the usual arrangement, but definitely not the worst I've heard.


  23. Did someone say zero?
    I vote zero too!
    I'll give her credit for not peeing all over herself like she did before.
    fergie go pee pee

  24. this morning when I first watched it I was pissed I found it not only horrible but offensive but I just played it again and I laughed. so I guess that brings my score to solid ZERO. who would ok this? surely there was a sound check

  25. Watched with my 90 year old grandma, we both winced at the same places and had a good chuckle at the end, poor Fergie, was she drunk or high? Giving her 4 for effort.

  26. Josh and Axel had to cheer her up. I think Josh knows a lot about her issues, and props to him for not trashing her.

  27. -7 for vocals

    -31 for weird AF arrangement

    +4 for outfit

    +7 for hot bod

    -3 for using Jennifer Aniston's stylist

    +5 for actually knowing what sport she was at

  28. I did not watch it. I have better things to do with my time. My weekend beats your year.

  29. Just another orchestrated event to denigrate the USA and turn important symbols into jokes and/or polarizing politicized media events.

  30. There's something wrong with her -- she's a child Disney actress, so she may have horrible memories. So insecure -- she can sing well and a natural rendition of the anthem would have gone great.

  31. True story: while I played the clip, my cat was sure she was hearing a rival...
