Friday, February 16, 2018

Your Turn

Will Black Panther make it into the top ten all time box office?


  1. I hope so too! I'm planning to see it!

  2. Yes it will, I'll wait to see it until after all the crowds have waned.

    1. I'll wait to see it streaming for free by next week via the internet... if i don't have anything better to do like laundry or clip my toenails

  3. I hope so. If for nothing more than to piss off MAGAts.

    1. Anonymous10:06 AM

      You must be life of the party. You and Virginia Woolf.

    2. Why would it piss off MAGAts?

    3. There are people all over twitter whining about “why would a white person pay to see a film where they're ‘not represented’ “
      Many of them claim to be Trump supporters, but I have no way of knowing if they’re even actual people.

    4. I saw Avatar and im not blue....

  4. I think it will. I know some theaters are showing the XD or 3d and some other special type which cost more but only 1 of the movie in regular form.

    1. I already saw it on Wednesday at the IMAX and I'm considering seeing it again in 4DX (because there are more space ship scenes than I expected). It's not something I'd want to see in 2D anyways.

    2. Okay they're not "SPACE" ships, why did I say that.

  5. More than likely, yes.

  6. Black people spend cash and we are seen as dollar signs instead of people.

    1. Should have released it at beginning of month when welfare checks are issued... just sayin

    2. Anonymous1:32 PM

      Class act. There are more white people on welfare than any other race in America. Poor whites. They need to start using the muscle between their ears.

    3. I hope all races remember food stamps still pay for candy! I really want them to have fun night on my dollar.. I'd go but I have to get up 5am for work.

  7. I hope so, but we'll have to see what kind of legs it has.

  8. Only good things can happen to that film. 🖤

    1. Please explain... and, why exactly is that? Does it have to do with the racial makeup of cast?? This is one of the most idiotic and racially charged statements i have seen on here in a long time.

      What else? Lemme guess... Hillary would make a Great president and only do amazing things for no other reason than she is female?

  9. God I hope it dies a slow death along with all Superhero movies and Geffen.

    1. Thank You!!! I'm sick of all this uncreative trash that is regurgitated in the theaters. 2D, 3D, 4D, 12D... it's all just different shades of lipstick on the same POS Pig...

  10. It'll probably bomb outside North America.

  11. Even better than that, it will be revealed to be a true story, and that Barack Obama secretly enlisted BP to successfully avert a far right takeover of the government. Oh wait...

  12. It looks good. Got my tickets and a sitter this weekend.

  13. It wouldn't Rosie. Someone is being a wise-guy.

  14. I say yes. Even though I'm a DC fan, Marvel brings it to their movies. DC failed, failed, and failed (except Wonder Woman).

  15. Remember how the MAGA crowd was giddy that Ronan was going to take down another Hollyweird librul? Turns out his new piece is about another Trump mistress LOL.

    1. Anonymous12:26 PM

      Oof she’s fine. Did you see that picture of her doing those splits. Yum.

  16. I will bet you a double crispy bacon burger with a side of spinach dip and a shot of whiskey that it absolutely will! 🥓

    1. I see how you got your screen name now. Throw in a bucket of lard and you're on....

  17. Anonymous11:47 AM

    Great first week, forgotten by third.

  18. I just came back from the theater.
    I couldn't even get a parking space.
    At 2pm, on a school day.

    I think this might be huge. Massively huge.

  19. I was thinking it might lose money to racists who would boycott it. However, they talked about boycotting "The Force Awakens" and it ended up becoming the top-grossing movie of all time in America.

    I also think there are a lot of racists out there who are secretly planning to see it. It just looks too damn cool, lol.

    Farnsworth: "Hey, what's that movie ticket you got in your hand Billy Bob --"
    Billy Bob: (snatches hand away) "Nothing!"
    Farnsworth: (awkward look) "O-kay...."

  20. It will be lucky to make top 10 for 2018, certainly not top ten for 201X.

    It will have a huge open, and then immediate roll off. Everyone will claim to have seen it, most people won't.

  21. Domestically it's got a shot. Global, no.

  22. @Sal, ah the old BLANK doesn't travel theory, we'll have to see.

    There are definitely some vulnerable movies on the top ten list, so sure why not.

  23. I hope it breaks all sorts of records

    and the racists literally have heart attacks bc of it

    1. Why do you hope for this? Because it is a black film w/ black actors? How truely racist can you be actually be??

      I would hope a movie sets records based upon its substance and quality... but, this is 2018 so the SJW mentality prevails and the participation trophies will continue

  24. $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$

  25. Anonymous2:42 PM

    Domestic gross not adjusted for inflation? I say yes, it will knock out finding dory out of tenth place

  26. Honestly, domestic is iffy too. Top 20 looks like a safe bet, top 10 is gonna be close.

  27. It's doing very well overseas. At least as well as Thor 3 and blowing away Dr. Strange so the racial makeup of the cast does not seem to be a hindrance to it "traveling." Top 10 worldwide for 2018 seems almost a lock.

    1. Thor 3? Dang, let's not set the bar too high lol. I don't know anyone that is even remotely thinking about going to see Thor 3. If it ends up beating out Deadpool then I will be impressed (well, about as impressed as I can get by a product of the Hollywood sycophants and psychopaths).

  28. It's a summer movie in February with no competition. Word of mouth, what gives a movie legs, is quite good. The problem is that the game that some organizations (and the studio?) are playing, buying up swaths of tickets and giving them away, can only go so far. It's being pitched as charity but we can't ignore it pads the opening weekend numbers. As a fan of the character, I don't like it. I think it does make top ten nevertheless.

  29. It certainly has the potential to do so.

    @Lonely - It's already a smash overseas. Sorry! :)

  30. I will when I can get a ticket. Maybe next weekend! It looks Awesome. People left early from work to attend! Globally, it should but all those bulging muscles might intimidate the inadequate folks��

  31. Yes! I am excited to see it!

  32. Funny how ppl claim racists are against this movie. Im sure there are some... but, so far from what i see, this is the most racist and polarizing offering in decades. All of Hollywood is ecstatic at how it lacks any kind of racial diversity whatsoever... hypocrisy at its LA Trashy and Fake finest.

  33. I take it you're just gonna comment about the content of the movie for the rest of your life without ever bothering to see it . . . .

    I suppose a movie set in a fictional nation in Africa that has not ever been touched by colonialism could include some fictional Caucasians who stumbled upon it . . LOL

    You're probably that person who spent days complaining about Morgan Freeman being in the Robin Hood movie

    1. I'll give you credit... you're the first person to actually discuss a plot (or at least a setting) of the movie as opposed to its racial makeup as a reason to see it. If it's truly good I will see it, but I'm not buying into all this reverse racism crap the SJW are spewing.

      Unlike most of the virtue signaling tards these days, I don't "see" race (but I sure do hear it in media). Check your assumptions about me... I have been in several interracial relationships (black, asian, & mexican). I was in them because of the chemistry and mutual affection/respect... Not because I thought I needed to check something off my "To do list" or to impress you.

      Ohh... I actually liked Morgan Freeman in Robin Hood. Coulda done w/out Christian Slater though....

  34. @J F -- Wow. Where do I start?

    Hollywood is not "excited" about the "lack of racial diversity" in Black Panther. The movie is getting the amount of attention it is because it is the first movie of the current superhero era featuring a predominantly black cast. Therefore, Hollywood is curious to see how much audiences will embrace it and how it will perform financially. Which is all Hollywood really cares about. The money. The bottom line. Understand how that works?

    Black people are excited about it being the first movie of this kind because any group would be excited to see themselves represented in a way they hadn't been before. Kind of like the way women were excited about Charlize Theron being a female badass spy in "Atomic Blonde." Or, you know, the way white people were going crazy over Eminem because there'd never been a good white rapper before. Even more crazy than they ever went over black rappers. Bet you don't have any problem with that, though, do you?

    Non-black people are excited about seeing the movie not because it is mostly black, but because it looks cool in ads and it is getting great reviews. It is getting great reviews because - gasp - it might just actually be good! I know people like you -- people who throw around terms like "SJW" and "virtue signaling" (courtesy of your brainwashing from Fox News, Daily Caller, etc.) -- think that any praise a minority gets is due to some kind of affirmative action, but guess what -- they are actually capable of making quality work! Shocker!

    So maybe take five seconds to think about something like that before spouting this mountain of ignorant bull****. You'd save yourself some embarrassment.

    1. Guess we come from different directions and I hardly feel embarrassed for my views. I'd feel sorry for you and yours, but I don't actually care enough to rub two brain cells together to get there.

      Atomic Blonde? Never saw it and no intention too. I know zero ppl excited by it.

      Eminem? Ill let you be excited about that one too...just a passing obsession ppl had with trailer park trash and the Detroit underbelly.

      Fox? I don't indulge any media that puts opinion above journalism. Including CNN, and NPR to name a few

      Daily Caller? IDK, I've never been to their site. But if they are against the self riteous grandstanders, then i might have to check it out.

      Lemme guess... do you have a pink pussy hat too? When was the last time you treated a minority like an equal person and not a protected class needing special treatment? I know lots of ppl like you as well that hide behind their words and not their deeds (think most religious persons as a great example)

      Hypocrisy is a rampant disease in this country!

  35. As someone who doesnt live in America, I can tell you a shit ton of people are excited about going to see it. We are wanting to see it. Despite what Hollywood thinks, if they want to make money, they need to be diverse in their movie making, both with who is on screen and behind the screen. A lot of people are tired of the same old thing
    People see themselves being represented they will spend money. Win/Win for everyone.
    Honestly a little surprised they havent really jumped on this bandwagon.
    Women have money, men have money, gays, straights, black, white, asian, etc all have money. Represent and it will roll in.

  36. Up against the wall, mofo!

    1. LOL... I'm sure you can do better than that if you really tried.

      Regardless... you will still get your "Participation Trophy" for showing up today. Because YOU'RE special and YOU matter!!

  37. Given opening day numbers, somewhere in the 15-20 all-time range, both domestic and global.

  38. I read that it had a lot of paid reviews, not genuine, but we'll see. I'll see it on cable.

  39. I'm sure whoever is spreading that there are paid reviews are the same that are trying to sabotage the online audience scores. BP was the second superhero movie (the other was the first Avengers) to get an A+ Cinemascore, which is taken by actual people walking out of the theater.

  40. Yes I heard bots were out, have the KKK been trained by the Russians?

    Great buzz, the commercial I am seeing on TV is awesome looking. The money they raked in on Thursday night is more than most films will rake in over the whole weekend in the US.

    People are hungry for anything that is well done and different.

  41. TruthSayer said...
    I also think there are a lot of racists out there who are secretly planning to see it. It just looks too damn cool, lol.

    Farnsworth: "Hey, what's that movie ticket you got in your hand Billy Bob --"
    Billy Bob: (snatches hand away) "Nothing!"
    Farnsworth: (awkward look) "O-kay...."

    12:11 PM

    Ha ha love your post TruthSayer.

  42. JF –

    Who cares if you don’t want to see “Atomic Blonde” or know zero people excited by it? Who cares if you have a low opinion of Eminem?

    That has absolutely nothing to do with the point I was making.

    The point I was making was that women liked seeing a female action heroine, and because of that they had a lot of excitement about it. So much they helped the movie earn close to $100 million at the box office. The other point I was making was that a lot of white people liked hearing a skilled white rapper like Eminem. So much that they bought so many of his albums that he’s now worth around $190 million.

    And that ties into the larger point I was making -- which is that there is nothing wrong with people from a given group being excited about someone from their group succeeding in some way. Because of that, it’s stupid of you to criticize anyone for having any feelings of pride about “Black Panther.” Wonder why it bothers you so much?

    You really are terrible at debating/making a coherent argument. Maybe you don’t actually have two brain cells to rub together. If you did, you’d certainly realize there was something wrong with this sentence: “Never saw it and no intention too.” Or this one: “But if they are against the self riteous grandstanders.” You bigots are usually not very intelligent, and it’s reflected in your usually terrible spelling/grammar skills.

    If I were you, I'd be very embarrassed by that.

  43. This thread reminds me of a discussion my mother had with someone she works with:
    Mom: So, I'm excited to see Black Panther on Monday
    Co-worker: *beat* You know, I'm not racist, but [insert, well, you know...]
