Wednesday, February 14, 2018

Today's Blind Items - Warmer Waters - Mr. Hedge

This former child actor was A-list at his peak.  The introduction to this story is well-known to many.  His more recent dealings have not yet been exposed.   

Our former child actor was still in his late teens when he quit acting.  He was already friends with that A-list director.  The A-list director introduced our former child actor to a serial child molester.  The newfound friends became partners in a shady business, which served as a thinly-veiled front for a pedophile ring.   He fled the country with the his 2 partners, and had a very close brush with the law in a foreign country.  Our child actor was arrested, but not charged -  for all the child porn the police found in the residence which was shared by the 3 partners. 

For the past few years, our former child actor has been spending a great deal of time in an economically distressed Caribbean destination.  The legal age of consent in that destination happens to be 2 years younger than his native California.    Recently, this destination was devastated by a natural disaster.

Very recently, our former child actor has bought himself some favorable press.  He  claims to bring new wealth and charity to this island from his recent business dealings.   This favorable press makes no mention of his shady past dealings. 

He is trying to remake his public image.  This will not succeed. 

For one thing, our former child actor has secretly been in touch with many of the same bad people from his past for many years, via a secret social media group. 

He has also been involved in many shady dealings in his recent business ventures.  He was close to a major fraud scheme a couple years ago, which caused a company to collapse, as well as a mysterious suicide. 

Former Child Actor -
A-list director -
Serial child molester -


  1. Edward Furlong/Singer/ and ?

  2. Anonymous10:14 AM

    Former Child Actor - Brock Pierce
    A-list director - Bryan Singer
    Serial child molester - Marc Collins-Rector

    1. Anonymous10:15 AM

      Scrap that. Brock was never A list, I don’t think.

    2. Actually I think he was at his peak.

    3. Making a Crypto Utopia in Puerto Rico

      NY Times 2/2/18

      SAN JUAN, P.R. — They call what they are building Puertopia. But then someone told them, apparently in all seriousness, that it translates to “ETERNAL BOY PLAYGROUND” in Latin. So they are changing the name: They will call it Sol.

      Dozens of entrepreneurs, made newly wealthy by blockchain and cryptocurrencies, are heading en masse to Puerto Rico this winter. They are selling their homes and cars in California and establishing residency on the Caribbean island in hopes of avoiding what they see as onerous state and federal taxes on their growing fortunes, some of which now reach into the billions of dollars.

      And these men — because they are almost exclusively men — have a plan for what to do with the wealth: They want to build a crypto utopia, a new city where the money is virtual and the contracts are all public, to show the rest of the world what a crypto future could look like.

      "Brock Pierce inside the former CHILDREN'S MUSEUM in Old San Juan, P.R., which he and his colleagues hope to make part of a crypto utopia where the money is virtual and the contracts are all public."


      This is mainstream news. They don't try to hide it.


      Eternal boy playground

      Past allegations of child molestation..

    4. Thats who i thought off while reading the blind but Tricia13 maybe on to something, love how yee come up with the "answers"

  3. Your Crazy Aunt Bertha ain't so crazy after all... nailed it.

    1. Anonymous10:18 AM

      How exciting!! I’m so glad I finally stopped lurking and created an account. 😃

  4. Brock PIerce and the usual cast of characters.

    This was a lay-up. He's bragging all over his social media about his philanthropy.

    1. I think it’s creepy that Brock Pierce is starting to look more and more like Mark Collins-Rector as he gets older.

  5. Brock Pierce. He is in Puerto Rico and has a place there.


    1. That article is 4 years old!!!

  7. Finally an actual Brock Pierce blind. Since like everyone guesses him for everything else.

  8. Last night I just happened to watch An Open Secret at Vimeo, so I knew it Brock, Singer & Collins-Rector.

  9. If "this will not succeed," I wonder why not. Who's going to stop it from succeeding? They've gotten away with it for this long. I don't think gossip columns are going to end it, and media outlets 99% of the time only threaten to expose things in order to get paid, so....what will stop it?

  10. I bet this is Edward Furlong, he's messy in the way these fucked up guys look. (See: Charlie Sheen)
    well, females too, although not as much? (see: Heather Locklear)
    Male or female, I hope they all die miserable.

    1. Well alright then, I guess I'll go look up this creep Brock Pierce
      I just assume Tricia is right 💪🚺♀

    2. Start with “an open secret” on YouTube or Vimeo. It’s pretty sick

  11. Googling any of those names takes you down many rabbit holes. I need to watch An Open Secret....

    1. yes watch it, the content is stuff nightmares are made off but its a must hear story.
      after i saw it i cried and went into my son for a hug he is 5, I got my hug then told to get out no adults allowed in my room so you can get out now.

  12. Come on guys! This is Sean Penn. he is living in Haiti. suicide is Monica Peterson. Clinton Foundation.

    1. @Anne T.
      Oh yes, the famous child actor, Sean Penn. Man, I wish he hadn't quit acting in his teens. :-D

    2. You’re embarrassing yourself, Anne.

  13. Brock Pierce and his "Puertopia" Bitcoin colony in Puerto Rico. (Note to those who never took Latin - 'Puer' literally means 'Boy')

    Director is Singer. Friends are Marc Collins-Rector and Chad Shackley.

    Here's some research on that "secret social media group" that was dug up by the bitcoin community back in 2014:

  14. Brock Pierce wasn't ever A list and he was born in Minnesota so he isn't "native" to California.

    1. I was wondering why I never heard of him if he was A- list.

  15. Making a Crypto Utopia in Puerto Rico
    Leer en español
    By NELLIE BOWLESFEB. 2, 2018

    They call what they are building Puertopia. But then someone told them, apparently in all seriousness, that it translates to “eternal boy playground” in Latin. So they are changing the name: They will call it Sol.

  16. My first thought based on the first paragraph was Macauley Culkin/John Hughes. Probably wrong though

    1. I thought of him, too. It’s always seemed odd to me that Culkin didn’t have to work after he “retired” from acting.

  17. Brock Pierce worked with Steve Bannon in Internet Gaming Entertainment (IGE). So is the second pedophile with connections with Trump. LOCK HIM UP!!!

  18. Oh, lord. I can't imagine it being John Hughes. Entward was so devastated by his death he had to take a day off from the blog.

  19. Age of consent is 16 in Puerto Rico vs Haiti at 18.
    Just sayin'...

  20. Throwing in Joel Schumacher. Shot in the dark.

  21. People shouldn't waste their time with other guesses, this is 100% Brock Pierce.

    "shady business/thinly-veiled front for pedophile ring" = DEN
    "very close brush with the law in a foreign country" = Pierce arrested with Collins-Rector and Shackley by INTERPOL in 2002 in Marbella, Spain, in a mansion with tons of child porn.
    "formerly distressed Caribbean destination" recently devastated by natural disaster (note Enty doesn't say 'country') = Puerto Rico, Hurricane Maria
    Major fraud scheme a couple years ago = IGE, partly funded by Steve Bannon.

    "Mysterious suicide" = Autumn Radtke, "Bitcoin CEO" in Singapore, friend of Brock Pierce

    So like I said, stop guessing Ed Furlong and John Hughes. It's Brock.

    1. Steve Bannon hangs with all the best people. 🤢🤮

    2. If it is Pierce, was he ever A list at any stage of his acting career? I can’t imagine the mighty ducks movies would have bought him that status.

  22. Backup for the Brock Pierce guess:

  23. It’s definitely Pierce. “native California” could be a red herring but my question is what was the company that defaulted a couple of years ago?

  24. Vimeo has a copy of AN OPEN SECRET online

  25. the company was IGE. Brock's business partner ended up suing him for fraud and claimed that Marc Collins-Rector was a silent partner in the operation.

    IGE was a pre-Bitcoin digital currency exchange based in the World of Warcraft game and partially financed by Steve Bannon when he was at Goldman Sachs.

    More on the IGE debacle:

  26. Pierce is apparently a Billionaire, and I don't think it is much of a stretch to guess where some of the money came from. Is it finally going to happen, someone we know is connected to major players in child porn?

  27. Thank you @Montana!

  28. Apparently, Pierce's friend Autumn died by "suicide" by jumping off a building in Singapore. I know some of the recent suicides might be a stretch to be murder,but this one? Not at all.

  29. Puerto Rico is now trying to lower the age of consent to 14, which many people there oppose. I wonder who could be bankrolling such an amendment?

    The suicide of Autumn Radtke is very shady. One detail - her persian cat was stolen a couple of weeks before she died.

  30. I agree "native Californian' must be the red herring since Brock Pierce was born in Minnesota and The Mighty Ducks movies are set in Minneapolis.

    1. Perhaps he spent the majority of his youth growing up in California so that could constitute as being a Cali native. Wikipedia only says he was born in Minnesota which may or not be true either, and really, no one knows much about this guy apart from the DCE controversy and his Bitcoin stuff.

  31. Anonymous11:33 AM

    Pierce could well have been involved in the Mt. Gox fraud, which cost $200 mil when all was said and done. He was there waiting to pick up the pieces via Sunlot

  32. Again with that documentary. Brock isn't involved with a pedo ring, he's busy trying to show how virtual currency can work in the mainstream. He's got plenty of money and does a lot of angel investing, along with the charity donation.

    1. Lol...How much $$ will he have when crypto settles out to its true intrinsic value of exactly $0???

  33. These pedophilia blinds always make it seem like the hounds are in hot pursuit and the bad guys are on the verge of getting into big, big trouble ... and yet nothing ever seems to happen.

    It's all very depressing, man.

  34. You guys, this is all Brock Pierce (I guess First Kid made him A list LOL), Singer, and Collins Rector. Anybody who thinks Brock is not culpable needs a reality check. Money, especially bitcoins and virtual currency can hide a lot.

  35. This comment has been removed by the author.

  36. This comment has been removed by the author.

  37. Two week old news. You could tell the NY Times reporter was trying to scream at the top of her lungs throughout the article. I get the impression that he is protected in the media because of fears that if he goes down so does Bitcoin. You know, worse than lately.

  38. @Don Kieballs, I'm curious.

    You seem to keep defending Brock Pierce from any wrongdoing regarding the whole DEN mess. Why? How would you know he never purposely did anything shady? Do you know him personally?

    You also have said in previous comments that you know people who are familiar with the DEN scene who say it wasn't as sleazy as people make it out to be. Are you referring to some of the boys who were invited to parties? Or members of DEN's leadership?

    Honestly curious why in the face of all this clear shadiness, you continue to defend certain parties. It would help us to understand if you provided more insight into your opinions.

  39. This comment has been removed by the author.

  40. DEN Entertainment is the shady business/front. There is no way this isn't Brock Pierce. Him, Collins-Rector and Singer all look creepy as fuck, and are creepy as fuck. Just watch An Open Secret. I'm amazed that in today's climate, this film is not receiving attention left, right and centre.

  41. Brock Pierce does fit age-wise—he made his last movie at 17—but sweet Jesus, that doesn't make him A-list in movies, does it?

    "I was one of the Mighty Ducks" is kind of like saying, "I was Panicky Idiot #2 in The Poseidon Adventure." These ratings are quickly losing all meaning.

  42. It is not far-fetched to understand how Brock got so entrenched in bitcoin early on... bitcoin was used on the Dark Web to purchase drugs, child porn, etc before the general public had ever heard of its existence. I'm sure he has been an expert for a LONG time

  43. Don’t we already know all this? (If it’s DEN/Singer)

  44. "bitcoin was used on the Dark Web to purchase drugs, child porn"

    Let's not forget credit card numbers, prostitutes and other really shady personal services.

  45. So it’s very obviously Pierce, as many others have suggested- the “arrest minus charges with two friends in a foreign country” is a dead giveaway.

    So let’s talk about the other mystery here... where did Mr. Hedge he come from? Page Six posted a very interesting article today about a jailed Hollywood fixer and private eye who is all of a sudden willing to talk (for the right price, of course).

    I’m not saying these two events are connected, but I’m not NOT saying it, either. 🤷‍♀️🙃

  46. I love how they're like "Eternal Boy Playgound?!!??! You don't say!! Well holy moly we'd better change that!"


  47. @HeatherEricka, Your question "why in today's climate isn't An Open Secret getting more attention?" contains its answer. I don't think it's a coincidence that virtually all the revelations we've heard skew heavily toward women, and while the men they've accused are well-known and well-connected, with considerable clout, they aren't necessarily at the very top of the food chain. What I mean is, the type of activities investigated in AOS involve the very most powerful and it suits their purposes to keep MeToo/TimesUp on the boil and everyone's attention focused there. Spacey had a preference for young guys, but he was not a pedophile. And most people probably won't stop and consider that.

  48. This sounds like Brock Pierce, who is currently in Bitcoin. He also ran businesses after DEN. Though I was under the impression Bob Villard paired him with Collins than Bryan Singer. I also don't know if he counts as "A-list", but he is recognizable for being in that Sinbad movie. I still find it odd how that kid ended up a predator.

  49. The actor has to be Brock Pierce just youtube search an open secret/ Brock Pierce

  50. Just to make sure everything is always connected, I found our old friend The Mogul in the midst of a story about one of the victims of Brock Pierce/Marc-Collins Rector/Bryan Singer.

    " June 1998, first brought him to the M&C estate, named for two of its occupants, Marc Collins-Rector and Chad Shackley. Those men, along with a third housemate, Brock Pierce, had recently been celebrated in the Los Angeles Times for creating a business that would make TV shows for the internet called Digital Entertainment Network, or DEN. They’d poached their president, David Neuman, from his job running Disney TV. David Geffen had showed interest in the company, socializing at the estate with other investors who, Egan was told, could be very helpful to him in his career. There was Garth Ancier, who at 28 had been the first programmer of Fox television and who would go on to high-level positions at NBC and the WB network. There was Gary Goddard, the director and Broadway producer. And there was the director Bryan Singer, who had just made his name with The Usual Suspects and was about to join the A-list with the X-Men film franchise."

  51. 100% Brock Pierce. Incidentally, Forbes have just published the list of the Richest people in Cybercurrency, and yup he’s on there. Apparently he’s worth upwards of $700million. Lovely. 😒

  52. Amazing that the DEN leaders, aling with their investors and associates, are still up to business as usual.

  53. This is all so disheartening. Between Brock Pierce rising as pedophile king of Puerto Rico and the Ryan Murphy Netflix deal, plus the non-Moonves story that I thought was coming this week, it really looks like the ruthless worm has turned for the worse.

  54. "News reports have stated that Collins-Rector was a silent partner in the MMORPG service company IGE, which was founded by ex-DEN VP Brock Pierce "

    This connects Rector and Pierce to Steve Bannon, Trump's resigned right hand man (who he still talks to daily.) Bannon preaches the cleansing powers of worldwide cataclysm and thinks the USA should move in that direction (wonder why Puerto Rico still has no power in many places and why our doctors were told to remain on ship in the harbor, treating no one after the hurricane? Wonder why funds for 300 million meals disappeared after delivering 50K meals?)

    Bannon and crew can't wait for that Apocalypse.

  55. "The highest state Age of Consent in the United States is 18. The Age of Consent is 18 in eleven states - California, New York, Florida, Oregon, Utah, Iowa, Arkansas, Tennessee, West Virginia, Vermont, and Delaware."
    "The age of consent in Puerto Rico is 16. There is a 4-year close-in-age exception subject to a minimum age of 14"
    I got both of these stats from the internet. That's a two year difference like mentioned.

  56. There'e probably less than 1 degree of separation to pizza with cheese, when it comes to BTC.

  57. Not to make light of a horrific and brutally ugly situation, I am going to veer sharpy off course here. I'm sitting here in my writing room, which is a sun lit side porch, and the light is streaming through the windows and, it being morning, I get the urge to vomit so I run to the toilet and puke up a hot steaming bowl of greenish reddish vomit. Doesn't everyone vomit in the morning?

    my weekend beats your year

  58. Brock, rector, singer and the DEN crew. He's a head hancho at Bitcoin and been living in PR. Legal age is 16 there anyone else think there is a reason open secret isn't getting any play on streaming services or big movie channels. I watched on Vimeo but it wasn't always available there either and anytime it goes on YouTube it gets taken down immediately. Rector has gotten in trouble in many states and countries. Heard he's afraid Geffen will kill him journalists and writers have tried to contact him and have actually knocked on his door he will not speak to anyone. Obviously he doesn't want to incriminate himself any further but I do believe he is afraid of Geffen, as he should be.



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