Tuesday, February 20, 2018

Today's Blind Items - On The Run For The Church

This is what happens when you are doing dirty deeds for The Church and their drug experiments. You have to run for your life. This employee had outlived their usefulness and had too much knowledge to spill. Apparently he found out about it and ran as quickly as he could from his high profile position in the government. It is interesting that he earned his current position because of some of the work The Church did that he was able to make his own. I honestly don't know what triggered The Church wanting him dead, but they generally get what they go after so I fully expect to hear that he has been killed and it wouldn't shock me if he was found dead a long way from his home. 


  1. Replies
    1. I'm not certain, but this is likely JACOB ZUMA of South Africa.

      South Africa is enslaved by multinational corporations that bribe the government to experiment on and exploit the citizens

      The entire pharma industry has turned South Africa into a drug testing facility. More medical tests occur there than any other country.

      South Africa has the highest HIV rate.

      According to the Pentagon, South Africa had the 3rd most developed BIOWEAPONS program after the US and Russia

      3 American members of the Mormon Church (2 doctors and the South African Trade Attache) conspired with WOUTER BASSON (head of South Africa's BIOWEAPONS unit) to manufacture, distribute, and weaponize viruses and bacteria for ETHNIC WARFARE.

    2. Mormon Prophecy is genocidal

      Joseph Smith foretold that the "white Horse" (whites) and the "red Horse" (native americans) would join forces to rid the world of blacks

    3. Yay ur back! Its getting ugly FURTHER down theCOMMENTS vvv b careful...i read that south africa is the rape capital of the world, some of them believe if u have sex with a baby it will cure HIV...

    4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Let me be the first to greet all the imbeciles from InfoWars who might decide to post on this conspiracy item the Enterns made up just for them😣

    1. Sandybrook, why do you feel this Church stuff is made up? I'm genuinely interested to hear.

    2. How about greeting all the imbeciles from MSNBC Conspiracy TV.

  3. @sandybrook lol. Ive stopped guessing anymore. They are camp pulp to me now.

  4. The Church!


  5. @sandybrook - wouldn't you be better spending the day watching Fox & Friends, if it's truth you want?

  6. Jacob Zuma, just for fun

  7. Some dumb ass corrupt pedo from Trump adm. They are all sicko just as the Orange Perv. Poor Melania...

  8. Ño sierra I don't think so, but maybe tbe Enterns could try a course in creative writing. Not that they need one with the new nitwits from InfoWars they've attracted to this board from their Politico interview and all the reposts of it on "news" sites everywhere.

  9. Shelley Long - She's in the middle of a divorce and she tries to find focus in her life by taking over her daughter Hannah's Wilderness Girl troop. Among the girls are T, (who her father has to bribe to attend meetings, E (the daughter of an out of work actor, whose financial difficulties hinders her wanting to participate in certain activities), the neurotic T (whose parents divorce has forced her into therapy twice a week), the hostile C (whose parents are too busy with their own lives to even remember her birthday), and CS (the child star who see the wilderness girls as her chance to lead a "normal" life). Shelley Long then begins to take the girls camping at a Beverly Hills hotel and earn

    1. Ok - seriously... TBH was MY FAVORITE movie growing up. I know I'm looking a touch stalker-ey with you right now. Maybe fangirl lite is more apropos. But for real. Best. Evah!!!

    2. One of mine too

  10. Someone related to oxfam?

  11. This comment has been removed by the author.

  12. Its a shame you cant have more of a line than that @Sandybrook. Infowars is not the iconic head of anything antiKillary. I am not a fan, and don't read, watch, or quote them, but there's plenty of truth out there that is not on MSNBC. In the words you yourself label others, nitwit seems to fit.

    1. The fact that you’re still using “Killary” after multiple indictments have been handed down for Trump admin employees with another guilty plea today, may indicate that your relationship with reality is faultering.

  13. Couldn't this be someone from Oxfam? They just released the scandal info (Enty tweeted it too) over the past week. Quite a few have stepped down in the U.K., I don't think there's been anyone implicated in the states yet though.


  14. jesus h. christ on a crutch, can i go ONE FUCKING PLACE without having to read bullshit comments like these? and really, enty, you are not helping.

  15. Her I've never watched MSNBC in my fucking life. I'm also smart enough not to listen to Alex Jones' and other talk radio crackpots either, so go fuck yourself and take your manatee with you, understand?and my E-mail link is right there on my profile if you EVER decide you have a problem with me. I'm not hiding.

    1. What an idiot.

      Your threats mean nothing. Your ability to recognize truth mirrors your ability to recognize mammals. What a joke.

    2. That's not a Manatee... it appears to be Hillary and Humas love child

  16. The Burger people

  17. Speaking of Church blinds...Whatever happened to Schneiderisnext?

  18. Was the church supposed to be oxfam? I can't remember.

  19. Rosie a high government official quit his job because he is controlled by a church which is doing drug experiments and he knows too much and the church wants him dead? So he's now trying to hide from said church? Not even a Z list movie.

    1. It’s pretty lame.
      Sounds like an early 80s General Hospital story line.

    2. *gasp*
      The Cassadines!

    3. You know, just last week I had occasion to be stuck in front of a TV in a waiting room that was playing GH.
      I hadn’t seen it in 20 years, but there were Anna and Robin discussing the latest ‘permanent’ defeat of their arch nemesis.
      It’s like I never missed a show.
      Imagination & originality must truly be dead.

  20. I get the impression that InfoWars gets fed a lot of misinformation along with the occasional nugget of truth. Their sources have given them some real stuff, so they believe or at least report everything they're given, the wilder the better. Classic psyops disinformation strategy.

  21. It sounds like Unicef is going down, too.

  22. @Her

    "Infowars is not the iconic head of anything antiKillary."

    I think you just proved otherwise in that statement. LOL! Oh you gay frogs of InfoWars are ADORABLE!

    " In the words you yourself label others, nitwit seems to fit."

    *ribbit* back atcha.

    1. You're not even relevant.

      Killary is a criminal, and Infowars is a hedonistic organization of idiots.

      You are an idiot.

    2. Anonymous1:29 PM

      Lighten up Francis

    3. Someone needs to adjust their meds....

  23. Is the real-life Oxfam plot fit for a Z-list movie? It's pretty fucked up.

  24. (BTW, I was LOL'ing sandybrook's original comment.)

  25. Increasingly convinced "The Church" at least sometimes refers to CIA. With all the recent exits, could be anybody.

  26. Howard Hughes left his fortune for the most part to the Mormons. HHMI is one of if not the largest foundation in the world and is still controlled by that church.

    1. I was thinking of the Rob Porter resignation myself, but I haven’t heard anything about Mormon meddling with pharmaceuticals.

      Miscegenation, yes. Pharma experiments, no.

  27. zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz this put me to sleep

  28. Funny how sandybrooke, plot and a few others pop up like Orwellian truth agents any time something meaningful is posted.

    @DDonna Tarttty

    Yes, it's likely couldn't get away with the size and scope of these crimes without some sort of approval from some agency. It's no secret that the FBI was not much more than a tawdry blackmail operation run by a cross dressing degenerate for years. No doubt evil has a hold on high places.

    1. Sandybrook is a long-time poster who is a regular guesser on all sorts of blinds,'from singers to reality tv to movie blinds.

    2. They pop up on every blind. No conspiracy there.

    3. And where did YOU come from, GeeWally?

    4. Given that you only cited the people generally disagreeing with a certain political proclivity, I would guess your implied theory is suffering serious confirmation bias.

      +1 and a hot cocoa each to Sign, Kay, and Kno

  29. Hey Her, if Hillary is such a criminal, please explain why she has never been indicted. Even after 5 years of Benghazi hearings, 11+ hours of Congressional hearings and an unsympathetic media going after her.

    1. What fucking planet are you on to suggest the media is unsympathetic to her???

    2. Planet reality. Studies have been done, if you have an interest in factual info.

    3. Cuz the bitch has killed off all her witnesses... jeez, lay off the crack pipe during daylight hours!!!

  30. I don’t know but one top Oxfam celebrity is Clooney for decades. He and Amal are the faces of the International Rescue Committee for refugees. That’s had its assests frozen on the U.K. for fraud and child exploitation. He’s a trafficker. Let me know when Enty reveals him.

  31. cc423 Clinton Cash goes a loooong way, that's why.

  32. @cc423 It's clear several non-political law enforcement agencies have been politicized, probably for years. Peter Strzok was certainly rooting for her. We'll see what DOJ Inspector General Michael Horowitz comes up with in the next couple months in his investigation. http://thehill.com/policy/national-security/372457-ig-poised-to-reignite-war-over-fbis-clinton-case

    Also, in her time as Secretary of State she had no IG, so no oversight.

    1. In the meantime, Mueller’s generating indictments & guilty pleas.
      I like a factual reality, myself.

  33. Guess who only reads the Church blinds!

    Pop up? Broaden your scope, dear.

  34. "in her time as Secretary of State she had no IG"


    No Benghazi! for you!

  35. See link and below excerpt:


    "Of course, there have been victories for Mr Zuma.

    As president he won over many critics and activists when he announced a major overhaul to the country's Aids policy in December 2010 - this has seen a drastic increase of the roll-out of life-saving anti-retroviral (ARV) drugs.

    South Africa has an estimated five million people living with HIV - more than any other country."

  36. Sandybrook: Like I said last week, I liked this place better when it was a dive. And I mean that in the best possible way.

  37. Absolutely Megley.
    Oh Her I'm not fucking threatening you you jackass. I said IF you or anyone else on here EVER has a problem with anything I fucking say to you conspuracy theorist morons use my E-mail link and try to be brave. That's no threat. That's fact, something you know jackshit about. Understand now?

    1. You publicly politicize anything on here so you will get a public response. I'm not hiding in an email system to call your ass out. I know more than you think. Literally because you do not think. You don't own this just because you comment on every fucking blind. What does that say about your sorry ass?

    2. I’m pretty sure your “Killary” nonsense is political, no? Also sophomoric and 2 years behind society.

  38. The South African President who just stepped down.

  39. Why can't we all get along?

    Why have people been so mean here lately?

    1. Because arrogant assholes think they have a right to politicize everything on here and put down anybody that disagrees with them. I'm tired of reading this arrogant shit from idiots.

    2. I'm with you T.W....I'm over here singing "Kumbaya" in hope we can get back to the gossip at hand.

      Let me make it easy for us....both sides are corrupt fascist pedophiles, criminals & colonists who are only out for self. If it is something bad, they most likely did it while brain-washing us in the process. Taking sides wastes valuable time & kills brain cells. Besides, I doubt we will ever know the "trutiness" of it all.

    3. Yeah @T.W. Someone snapped her head off a cpl days ago and it was uncalled for

  40. Good get the fuck out then newbie bitch. I can't recommend it any other way get the fuck out.

    1. I touched a nerve. Ha.
      You don't own this place, though you act like it. You don't scare me either.
      You want to attack people then expect it back, you piece of shit.

    2. You’re really over the top & completely out of line, here, Her.
      How about you leave it alone and get some air or something?


  41. When the Orwellian Truth Minister schtick doesn't work ...

    >>Good get the fuck out then newbie bitch. I can't recommend it any other way get the fuck out.


  42. Just to get really crazy, let's guess Robert Mugabe of Zimbabwe. Improper AIDS drug testing in the '90s. Suspected of smuggling hundreds of millions of dollars out of the country.

    Bonus points if you can say Robert Mugabe of Zimbabwe 10 times fast without giggling.

    1. Hundreds of millions of Zimbawbwe dollars is like $1.50 US

    2. Come on now, you know he would be smuggling out US dollars. That is what places like Switzerland, the Cayman Islands, and Panama are for.

  43. Yo, Enty, can you just stop with the political blinds? First of all, they're boring as hell, and second of all it creates all sort of flame wars and brings the troll south from everywhere. That's why I quit reading this blog years ago, because the trolls ruined it. And now here we go again. I'm not putting up with any more of this illuminati and conspiracy nonsense.

    1. I agree. I want to read about celebrity gossip, not tinfoil hat, conspiracy theory bullshit.

    2. Good luck w that. I been done with it since at least 2014 👋
      See u tomorrow tho

  44. I'm a long-time reader. For the most part, I enjoy reading these blinds and the comments because most of the commenters deal with the subject at hand without politicizing everything. But there are a couple of really arrogant Souls who think they own this blog because they comment literally on every fucking one. They have absolutely no tolerance for anyone else's opinion and they make that clear on the onset. It's about time somebody stood up to them. I don't care which side of the political aisle you stand on, but if you attack whoever you don't agree with, without provocation, just because you're an arrogant asshole, you deserve what you get.

  45. Proof is the second comment on here.

  46. >>That's why I quit reading this blog years ago, because the trolls ruined it.


    Do you only write now? No reading?

  47. I hear huffpost calling some of you home.

    Enty is a badass patriot for putting this stuff out there. God bless him/her.

  48. >> I'm also smart enough not to listen to Alex Jones' and other talk radio crackpots either

    No one said you were stupid or "not smart", willfully uninformed .. ahh yeah.

  49. The topic .. please

    This is what happens when you are doing dirty deeds for The Church and their drug experiments. You have to run for your life. This employee had outlived their usefulness and had too much knowledge to spill. Apparently he found out about it and ran as quickly as he could from his high profile position in the government. It is interesting that he earned his current position because of some of the work The Church did that he was able to make his own. I honestly don't know what triggered The Church wanting him dead, but they generally get what they go after so I fully expect to hear that he has been killed and it wouldn't shock me if he was found dead a long way from his home.

  50. @Normal. Yes Indeed. HAHHAHAAHAHAHAA. I loved that movie.

  51. The Clinton defenders sure keep busy. I didn't have any idea whom this was about, or heck, even what country's government is being mentioned. But they sure seem to know, and anxious to get out in front doing damage control before anyone even suggests them. Funny that.

  52. "Because arrogant assholes think they have a right to politicize everything"

    Like yourself, correct?

    The door is still bigger than your head. Use it.

  53. These Church blinds are verifying other independent sources that point to a global cabal of miscreant with too much power. Largely implicated are the CIA/Globalists/Hollywood crews that use the pedo crap for political black mail. Also a running theme of population control.

    Problem for some is that the Obama/Clinton admins have their fingerprints on all of it via foundations, charities, deals with foreign entities.

    1. Refresh my memory - who pleaded guilty today?
      That’s how many indictments & guilty pleas?
      Are any of those indicted associated with the Obama/Clinton Cabal?
      C’mon man.
      This is getting old and current legal proceedings suggest the actual current administration is in deep legal shit.
      Must you guys continue to drag Hillary Clinton into every damned thing?
      Seriously, this is just crazy.
      Again, c’mon, man.

  54. "I'm a long-time reader"


    "They have absolutely no tolerance for anyone else's opinion"

    Opinions based on idiocy shouldn't be tolerated, anywhere. Opinions without any relationship to facts should be roundly jeered. Not all opinions are equal.

    "if you attack whoever you don't agree with"

    Like you do? Seems to be your habit, come in for a Infowars conspiracy blind and arrogantly assert your authority...about something...I don't know...how other posters behave? Good luck with that, scolding others on an anonymous message board. You must be young since you don't seem to know this never works.

  55. "These Church blinds are verifying other independent sources that point to a global cabal of miscreant with too much power. "

    Sure they are.

    Funny how these independent sources always route back to the "independent" 4chan and Infowars. May I laugh?

  56. >> Opinions based on idiocy shouldn't be tolerated, anywhere.

    Some lefties don't even know that they've entered the despot zone. You realize of course that you are the idiot for holding such a view.

  57. Despot zone?

    What despot would that be?

    Vlad is now controlling the GOP and certainly the prez. Is that the despot you speak of?

  58. "It's called the American Dream because you have to be asleep to believe it."

    RIP George Carlin

  59. >> @plot Funny how these independent sources always route back to the "independent" 4chan and Infowars. May I laugh?

    Infowars is always proven correct. If you don't tune in once in awhile, you are ignorant. BTW, I'm not a big fan of AJ or his schtick but you have to give props where due.

    1. @GeeWally Wasn’t it infowars popularizing the conspiracy theory that the Sandy Hook school shooting was a fake?

      That’s really not what I’d call “always proven correct.”

    2. Also the pedo ring in the basement of a pizza shop that has no basement. That’s Alex Jones.
      Fact has a different definition for conspiracy theorists.
      It’s actually sad. Not only does it hurt those involved in these total BS stories, but it can’t be healthy for believers to live in a constant state of frantic rage.
      I don’t understand it at all.

    3. @Kno I don’t get it either. It’s one thing to be informed, as in keeping up with events of the day via primary and secondary sources and being aware of general trends in public opinion.

      It’s a whole ‘nother ball game seeing conspiracy connecting everything and frothing up into impotent rage that nobody else sees your bogeyman.

      Is there really little enough to be outraged by in this world that they need to imagine more?

  60. @plot

    >> Vlad is now controlling the GOP and certainly the prez.

    ahh, you mock infowars and then post stuff like that? What are your sources? Huffpost, CNN?

  61. Could it be The Church of Scientology and their Narconon rehab clinics, which do a lot more harm than good, even people dying in them?

    COS is known for hounding ex-members and destroying lives of anyone who strays / talks / knows too much.

    They also are known to have friends in govt and the police that turn a blind eye to their goings on.

    1. I thought CoS for a hot second, but their Narconon thing promotes vitamins and supplements and discourages pharmaceutical assistance.

      Scientology openly eschews psychiatric drugs or treatments.

      Given how bad they are at keeping secrets now that they’re hemorrhaging members, I’d think something would have come up by now on the Underground Bunker or through Rinder.

    2. @gauloise
      You'd have to go back and tead the previous blinds on The Church. They are always Today's Blind Item and this might be the fifth.

      Anyway, it's clear that this is not Co$. Enty usually refers to $cientology as a business too

  62. "Infowars is always proven correct"

    *ribbit* gay frogs.

    you poor dear.

    Have you looked over the latest round of indictments by Mueller? *ribbit* not a gay frog or basement torture chamber, but a whole lot of connects between Vlad and our government there.

    Even your Donny Moscow finally admitted it, dude.

  63. @plot

    I see what you are doing, you can't change the thread/topic so you try to break it. I'll leave you now to tilt at windmills.

    1. Anonymous5:13 AM

      Jesus H Christ you said it. Man of La Libtard

  64. Anonymous2:26 PM

    The Church is definitely LDS. They've got the money and the global reach to get involved at this level, and (for reasons of politics and language skills) the CIA and State are both packed with LDS, which would give them a ready pool of people with certain valuable skills. They're also as shady as Scientology.

  65. My guess is OXFAM. That is a scandal that could go far and wide. Pedo stuff, sex trafficking, highly placed people, death threats, international in scope. Trying to ferret out the one person in the wake of mass firings/resignations might be tough though.

  66. Since Her is a long time fucking reader here, Her knows this is/was an entertainment-gossip blog primarily with made up stories and BIs meant for our entertainment. NOT A POLITICAL BLOG TO PUT YOUR POLITICAL IDEOLOGY ON DAY BY DAY. He's lost several posters who had been here for years within the past few weeks because the cash registers ringing and the click bait for you conspiracy theorist jackasses who have no clue about reality or fact is absolutely working for him. Just like Alex Jones who admitted he's playing a role for his audience and claims he doesn't believe any of the shit he broadcasts on his radio show or publishes on his InfoWars website. Of course, that was defense in his divorce/custody hearings where his now ex-wife didn't want him anywhere near his children because she stated under oath, he was a psychopath. But he definitely knows how to pull the trigger on the audience he clearly thinks is complete idiots. He's rich beyond any right means because of the stupidity of the people in his audiences. So, if you don't want to get hammered by people in the entertainment industry, most of whom are liberal, some of whom read here, or lesbians and gays, or women who are fed up, or blacks, or minorities who are sick of getting shit on or people who, or people who are disgusted with the way the government works or people who look towards facts instead of theory for information, keep your fucking political b.s. to yourselves. Or find somewhere else, this isnt where you want to be.

    1. 👏👏👏👏👏 Pretty much this.

  67. "you can't change the thread/topic so you try to break it"

    If your Infowars theories weren't so stupid, they wouldn't be so easy to break.


    1. Omfg your """"""""" are bad enough, now you're gonna RIBBIT??
      fucking shoot me

    2. I have no gun or i’d have shot myself way upthread.

  68. Okay seriously? Waaahhh with either side of the aisle, I can't even scroll up to see who said something similar, but if you don't see it as both parties, you're delusional. I have been reading for at least a year, honestly helpful for what I do for work & all this other CRAP that should be left on the comments on MSNBC, Fox, CNN, etc...GO THERE. As for not posting, honestly half the time I have ZERO clue or Tricia has already guessed it. I just wish if all of these had some truth to them, there's a special spot in hell for every last one of them. Including the political morons, @plot, I'm legit calling you out, I've lost 20 minutes reading your idiotic statements & can't get them back. Ridiculous. You are no different than the crazies following a religious fanatic, no one likes extremists...ON EITHER SIDE.

  69. And to the other person who mentioned "kumbaya", until this website changed its philosophy on what to feed its audience, from the day we moved back to this site from that other one, we were all getting along, almost no arguing, playing the game and being civil and regaining lost posters from years ago who decided to come back, just for that reason. Then the interview happened, the philosophy here changed and the conspiracy theorist trolls showed up and there went that. Meanwhile Enty hears cha-ching and makes up ludicrous BIs like this one to feed the trolls and get his page views and up his ad rates. And I really have zero problem with him making plenty of money off this website, he hadnt for a couple of years on the other site.

    1. Then why don't you take your own advice and you go away.

  70. I'm sure you're on to THE TRUTH!!!!!!

  71. Pro Tip: If you see the usual disinfo crew's names, the ones who always pop up when the pedophile/global human trafficking/Geffen cabal posts occur, just ignore them and scroll right past. I don't even read them anymore, just move on to the next one, and suggest you do the same. Let them scream their dishonest propaganda into the void.

    All power to you for these posts, Enty. Make 'em sweat, panic, live in fear. When the pressure rises, that's when you see more and more mistakes. We're seeing them now.

  72. @Schneiderisnext

    Glad to see you.

  73. " if you don't see it as both parties, you're delusional. "

    If you don't understand the concept of false equivalence, you're delusional...or simply lazy.

  74. I can't read through all of these comments. It's just too much.

    But can someone explain what is "The Church"? Is it the Catholic church? Scientology? Something else?
    Or code for something?

    1. @Citizen S
      Lookup the Today's Blind Items on "The Church". There are nearlt 1/2 a dozen over last couple mos.

      Seems to be some LDS offshoot in FLDS territory.

  75. "someone explain what is "The Church"?"

    A method to keep the clicks coming, in the manner of many of the KKKrazy KKKonspiracy sites like Alex Jones.

    1. @plot

      I've actually been looking into this "Bioweapons Conspiracy and it was first popularized by..

      Dave Emory an antofascist, leftist conspiracy researcher from California

      His main thesis describes a post war, neo-Nazi fascist underground power structure stretching from the Bushes to Romney to Trump

      So basically the exact opposite of Alex Jones. He popularized it later, but it's far more in line with the far-left as it alleges systemic racism

  76. Church when capitalized is assumed to be LDS/FLDS. Lowercase in recent blinds has indicated Hillsong or Dream City Church, it is assumed.

  77. @Don K - Thanks for the laugh, it was much needed!

  78. No Her you dont give me any advice, dont even fucking dare you stupid right-wing fucking cunt. You brought the politics into this thread, and I wiped your right-wing fucking ass with it. I was bitching about the inanity of this Blind Item and how it attracts the conspiracy theorist element here now. You brought up the fucking Killary, MSNBC and other bullshit so fuck the hell off.

    1. You are so wrong. I'm not right or left wing. Far from it. I'm a true independent. Your arrogance and class are apparant though, as well as your command of language. As a matter of fact I've read several of your continual constant complaints about this blog. Seriously, why don't you fuck the hell off.

    2. Idk sandybrook u started the whole thread off by calling anyone interested in this story an alex jones conspiracy imbecile...i cant figure out where all your anger is coming from...i dont listen to alex jones but id rather read the church thread than how big justin therouxs dick is...lol

    3. This comment has been removed by the author.

    4. Anyone ever notice that expensive hobutt is really strange...i think heshe is a plant to posture that justin therouxs dick is big...maybe its not true and that is the real reason anniston left him bcuz hes gotta a pinky peeny...idk, could b click bait so enty can make an extra buck or two for a martini...the story of therouxs dick doesnt make sense any way you look at it.

    5. Haha awesome @kikibunny

    6. I wish this was just a thread about Theroux’s dick.
      That’d be refreshing.

  79. @Citizen S

    The original Church Blind Here:


  80. Thank you GeeWally.
    Wow, so many places for corrupt pervs to hang out in this country! I wondered where Weinstein was doing his "rehab".

  81. Schneiderisnext believes it's Jacob ZUMA but
    the blind says the subject is an EMPLOYEE.

    Is Jacob Zuma an employee in the government?

  82. @plot you should look into how tight the Bush administration was with the Mormons. We're talking Carlyle Group tight.

    Outside of Roman Catholics, Mormons compose the largest religious voting block for the GOP.

    This directly connects to Bush and the GOP as well as Clinton and the Democrats.

    Both agree on foreign intervention, neoliberal economics (3rd world exploitation), and militarism.

    Militarism has funded/created modern medicine and the pharma industry.

    No false equivalence. Both parties haven't done shit besides squabble about domestic policies.

    Two sides. Same coin

  83. Jesus Christ, Enty.
    This is what you’ve come to...fearmongering and pandering to conspiracy theorists for clicks.
    Shame on you.
    You reap what you sow.
    Enjoy them.

  84. OK, so what upper level government official has resigned lately? Porter was kicked out for beating on his wives. Zuma is corrupt as shit, has been forever, the most unexpected in his resignation is that they managed somehow to get him to leave. Oxfam is not a church to my knowledge. Who else?
    I mean this is the issue with all these crazy blinds - they do not withstand scrutiny. It is exciting to offer wild guesses but when one looks carefully none of them work. It's almost like these blinds are assembled by a random word generator.
    I call bullshit

    1. Porter technically resigned as per the article I read.

    2. It is bullshit.
      Clicks are cash.
      Stirring up crazy brings clicks.
      He must have some payment due at the end of the month.

  85. sandy brook, so this whole blog is just made up stuff? Not that that would surprise me very much. Some of it rings true though.

    You are right, Alex Jones has admitted he's an entertainer for his child custody hearing or maybe it was his divorce. He doesn't even believe his own rhetoric.

    As far as this blind, I was gonna guess Steve Bannon, but I don't think he has a job right now. I suppose it could be any of the people who have quit/been fired lately. There are a lot to choose from.

  86. Quite a few trolls in here trying to quash info, I suggest not feeding them.

    Thanks again to Enty for putting this out there.

  87. The Zuma track sounds right, he just resigned and I'm sure the corruption was plentiful. Time will tell.

  88. So tired of all the right-wing trolls and InfoWars imbeciles staining this place with their presence. Here are some facts (and not alternative ones):

    *The FBI has ALWAYS leaned more Republican than Democrat. Law enforcement careers tend to attract more right-leaning individuals, so all this B.S. about the FBI being biased against Trump at large is utterly ridiculous. That's why the FBI made the renewed investigation into Hillary's e-mails public just days before the election (a MAJOR break in protocol) while not even mentioning that Trump was being investigated about Russia. So in other words, your lies about the FBI to try and protect Trump are ABSOLUTE BULLS***.

    *Hillary has NEVER been indicted. Also, if Hillary was behind every global conspiracy you guys assign to her, she would not have had time to be Secretary of State. Also, Hillary is not running for anything right now. So please stop mentioning her name in the comments of EVERY GODDAMN BLIND, it just makes you seem more desperate and crazy than you already do. Desperate to distract attention from the UTTER DISASTER that is the Trump presidency, which has a) made the world's view of America fall even below what it was during the Bush era (how is that EVEN POSSIBLE?) and b) was just voted the worst presidency in history by a group of bipartisan political experts. How do you like them apples?

    *SEVERAL members of Trump's campaign have been indicted for crimes. Also, he is in violation of the Constitution as we speak (in fact Don Jr. is in India drumming up business, even though he is supposed to be in charge of Trump's "blind trust"). All of your efforts to draw attention away from Trump towards Clinton (who, as a reminder, has NEVER been indicted) will only make us LAUGH as more Trumpsters get indicted and we draw closer to the inevitable reckoning he will face -- the one he will face due to the numerous lies he and his family have told and the many election-related crimes they have committed. The truth ALWAYS catches up to you.

    *Any radio host who says that Sandy Hook was a hoax perpetrated by gun control activists (yes, InfoWars crackpots) is a disgusting animal who needs to be shunned from society. Anyone who thinks that kind of person "always tells the truth" is also a disgusting animal and an IDIOT. Go look in the mirror; you people are sad, pitiful, and need something to believe in, but you are believing in the WRONG, IMMORAL THING. How the hell do so many of you call yourselves Christians?

    Now, kindly go back to the rotting, putrid hole you crawled out of. But just know that even if you don't and you continue to come back here, the sane people on this site will happily continue to knock you and drag you for all it's worth because we refuse to let a bunch of fever-brained trolls destroy this site. We will protect it until the very end.

    1. I kinda love you.
      I suppose by now you know that the rabid right is attacking the Stoneman Douglas kids and calling them crisis actors. (Gateway Pundit, Dinesh DeSouza, Bill O’Reilly, all the greats.
      It’s truly despicable and people who spread such nonsense should be prosecuted.
      It’s vile & mean & hateful.

  89. I thought "Church" = Scientology, for reasons others have outlined. Not the CIA. It has a training facility known as "The Farm," but there was the Church Committee back in the mid-70s that was tasked with investigating its abuses. It was led by Senator Frank Church.

    Thank you, @Truthsayer. If HRC was as powerful as some would like to imagine, she would have been nominated and elected in 2008.

  90. Can we please talk about the Boys on the Tracks case?

    Billy Jack Haynes confesses to being an accessory to a high profile double murder case, in which Bill Clinton was implicated, a week ago & so far nothing has happened? As far as I know the cops haven't even spoken to him about it despite the mother of one of the boys publicly pleading for it to be investigated.

    Can we flipping have an item on that Enty? Can we? Can we flapjacking please?

    1. Billy Jack Haynes? That guy lost his mind long ago to the point that he's written off as a nutcase even within the world of pro wrestling. He has elaborate conspiracy theories about every wrestler who has ever died. Now that I think about it, he'd fit in great here.

  91. Thank you TruthSayer!

  92. Wow i thought this was entys website and entys blind...not so nice to know there is a self elected cabal of censors to keep enty and the readers heading in the right direction...whatever happened to skipping the blinds you dont like? You people are out to fucking lunch with your political bullshit...i hate to clue you but hrc is buds with the bushes and id throw down money she prefers trump to obama, she sure didnt hesitate to take his money...they are all the same....yall fucking got your head up the ass

  93. someone from Oxfam, Dr's without Borders, or Unicef.

  94. Schneiderisnext Thank you for your post, great info. Heather, the Oxfam thing is long overdue, between the UN and the Clinton Foundation, they turned Haiti into a whorehouse, with U.N. bringing in the cholera, prostitution of young men, a gold mine grab to rape their natural resources, then there's the organ trafficking, child trafficking, money laundering, and rape in general. Desmond Tutu, Anglican Archbishop, as in The Church of England, ahem, just a few days ago denounced Oxfam, and Minnie Driver resigned as well. This is a South Africa/Haiti drug testing operation, with Haiti being heavily used for vaccine testing. This scandal is going to reveal what has been going on in both countries for decades, organ trafficking being a major part of it. Could Tutu be the one in jeopardy? I'm also going to throw in the possibility of both the Belgian and British royal families being invested and involved. Who has clout in development, which in the NGO world means bringing in the cash? Someone who rolls in the Bill Clinton/Jeffrey Epstein circles, and here I am recalling the trip taken to South Africa with Chris Tucker and Kevin Spacey on an Epstein hosted flight...that was a weeklong tour of South Africa focusing on AIDS and economic development, with Epstein handing out hundreds of millions to scientists in multiple universities for research on drugs being one of his favorite things to do, and being with the Big Science crowd also being one of his cultivated interests. When Ghislaine wasn't providing a supply of other people for one of his other interests. There may be significant overlap within the elite circles of government, religion, big money entertainment, big money power. The elites don't care where the money came from, just that you have it, so Hollywood or music money or Silicon Valley money is all good. The Bono/Davos/Clinton/Bill Gates/Epstein crowd. People like Bill Gates put up billions for something like the Ranbaxy AIDS drugs, which were devoid of any medicine (a la The Third Man, damn that Orson Welles nailed it again), but were paid for anyway, as were their shareholders. This is second nature to these elites. Clooney will now move in where Bono left off, with his own flavour of course. Poor Angelina, she so wants to be part of it, what with the Council on Foreign Relations and the UN, she needs a billionaire husband to back her. So my guess is definitely Church of England, and Epstein is the one on the run. He is surely on the run for something, so maybe I'll be half right in the long run.

    1. Um, the Church of England is AN Anglican Church, but not all Anglican Communion churches.

      There seems to be a lot of Kool Aid needed to swallow your theory, @palmetto

    2. @palmetto great response. I agree.

  95. lol My other guess is the Catholic Church, and the people who will be neutralized are Zuma's son Duduzane, and/or Zuma, Sr. Along with Ajay and Atul, the Gupta brothers, who are currently fugitives. They've made a huge mess, and there are surely many hired guns scouring Dubai and anywhere else they may hang out. A very interesting story. Uranium makes people do things, crazy things. There is a fantastic old film called Beat the Devil, with Humphrey Bogart, Peter Lorre, Gina Lollobrigida, the wonderful Robert Morley, script by Truman Capote and John Huston. Set on the Italian coast. Sleazy and desperate. Nothing new under the sun.

    1. @palmettobug
      Through the ongoing series of Today's Blind Item posts on "The Church" it's clear that this is not the Catholic Church, or Co$ or the Church of England...

      Gah, I wish Enty would make it clear this is sn ongoing Blind. It drives me crazy to see folks reinventing the wheel each time he posts a new "The Church" blind. Marry that with having to scan past the crazies and grrrrr, it ruins my day.

      Anyhoo, IIRC this is some church in FLDS territory and it got narrowed down to two newer churches there with some very sketchy stuff going on. Schneiderisnext is sorta the in-house guru for The Church blinds.

  96. Reads the blind... scrolls through the comments... slowly backs out of thread.

  97. 80s general hospital is awesome. But this all likely links to the Ben Sherman blind awhile ago

    1. They really peaked then. GH was must see TV in the 80s.
      The GH stans on twitter are absolutely rabid about bringing Genie Francis back.

  98. @Her

    "I'm a true independent"

    You ain't a true anything.

    "why don't you fuck the hell off."

    Why don't you?


    "The FBI has ALWAYS leaned more Republican than Democrat."

    Yep, Mueller, Comey, Rosenstein, Yates, are all Republicans. Funny how how the Infowars gay frogs never mention that.

    Thanks for that whole post. It was excellent.


    "not so nice to know there is a self elected cabal of censors to keep enty and the readers heading in the right direction"

    You post still exists, in all it's idiocy, so you haven't been censured. Learn the meanings of words before you use them.


    "U.N. bringing in the cholera"

    The UN doesn't bring cholera anywhere. It exists naturally in any environment with open sewage issues. Since you don't understand that basic fact, I'm not going to bother with the rest of your post.

    1. Hi @Plot, one point of contention, regarding UN and Cholera - they were found to be the point of origin for recent Cholera outbreaks in Haiti. It was an absolutely fucked up situation... please ref about it for more details.

  99. Tar and feather me but I enjoy the political posts. Yesterday the top of the Drudge Report featured Clooney and Oprah running in 2020. How can we avoid politics when so many celebrities are making their opinions known and doing whatever they can to influence elections?

    However I hope we can be civil.

    Lastly the Roman Catholic Church is not solidly Republican. For example Nancy Pelosi and Stephen Colbert are Roman Catholics.

    1. @luckythewondercat

      Totally agree, didn't mean to purport that the Catholic Church is "republican". They def play the field

      Yet even with the split, Catholic Repubs are more numerous than all Mormon Repubs.

      Which kinda reinforces my point that the Mormons are super influential with the Republicans. As a religious unit they are numerous and far more uniform in their support for "conservative" politicians.


    If you want to understand the extent of what Enty is hinting @, READ ALL OF THE COMMENTS.








    Multiple different churches are involved, but Enty differentiates between them:

    Uppercase: "The Church" = LDS

    Lowercase: "the church" = Dream City Church/Dream Centre

  101. The World Olivet Assembly.
    Apparently a small church with the main campus in California, with scattered branches across the country.
    They also have a small (1100 students) in NY state and that’s where the weird relationship with Newsweek enters the picture.
    Lots of strange monetary entanglements and some questionable goings-on related to foreign students being used to translate stuff & not being paid.
    Big shadiness here & Newsweek is reporting on itself after most of the higher ups were fired or resigned.
    Read the Newsweek article, see what you think.

    1. *small COLLEGE in NY State.
      It’s late, my typing fingers are already asleep.

    2. Fascinating @KnoWonUno

      This seems like a lot of the blinds @Enty has been writing recently where "pastors" or "students" are trafficked via immigration fraud/loopholes

      Senator ORRIN Hatch has repeatedly sponsored the I360 visa program which is documentedly rife with this kind of abuse.

      If Newsweek is bringing slave labor in to write shitty articles, is it really a stretch to think some people are using "legal" immigration for sex slavery?

  102. Another Alex Jones pile of bullshit the gay frogs eat up like warm and yummy shit -

    The Vegas massacre was connected to the 100th anniversary of the Bolshevik revolution in Russia and...something...something...Syria...something...something...staged by ebil Democrats.

    Another -

    The Dems have private dinners where they eat semen, blood and breast milk. I wonder if there is a special recipe.

    Another -

    Bill Gates is actively practicing eugenics. That's been vomited up here lately.

    Oh! And Obama controls the weather.

    This is what Enty is attracting here with these clickbait Church blinds. Marvelous.

  103. @plot, are we not talking anymore? I'm still waiting for my personalized responses :(((

    Alex Jones has nothing to do with this blind. Or any of the others...

    He is easy to make fun of though...@ the expense of any collaborative discussion we could be having.

    But anyways, I really think you'd dig Dave Emory. He's been researching this field for years

    Want some links? Tons of Bush 2's cabinet were Mormon or Affiliated

  104. Wow, on the Olivet/Newsweek story! Mother Jones turns in another solid piece of real journalism there. I'll traipse down that rabbit hole for a while.


    I'm not ignoring you. I just don't share your belief in the vast interconnected conspiracy tied up neatly in a bow. I also do think there is a huge difference between the US political parties and do NOT agree that they are the same and we get the same result with either.

    I know about Emory. I wish he was fighting the more modern forms of Fascism than chasing down old Fascists and cobbling together connections to them.

  105. @plot I'm not claiming "belief in the vast interconnected conspiracy tied up neatly in a bow"

    I'm saying shady "Churches" exploit their religious status for criminal enterprises and profit.

    Churches also donate to/encourage their flocks to vote for certain parties/politicians.

    Churches/charities have historically been involved in (or covering for) intelligence operations

    And finally, Churches have historically been ethnically oriented with little regard for human life.

    (I don't mind when you mischaracterize me or apply a sloppy label, it forces me clarify and repeat my position.)

  106. Yuck, I came here for some entertainment and gossip, not to hear the bickering over who is right or who wants someone to leave the blog comments(ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, too funny). Cripes. I bet if you met in real life, you would not be so quick to say "fuck off" over some celebrity gossip blog. Who does that in real life?

  107. @Schneiderisnext

    On all that, we agree. Maybe the problem is the heading of THE Church, as though any of this had one particular source. As far as churches controlling their members to increase dominance there is no doubt. Whittling that down to one church being particularly nefarious and influential is ridiculous. The Evangelicals churn money for the GOP, in legal and illegal ways. The Mormons "Bleed the Beast" by owning many of the gambling and liquor licenses in Nevada while the Mormons stay pure in Utah (see, us "gentiles" only exist to feed the LDS with our sins and flaws.) Also, Utah is the scam capital of the USA which is perpetrated on LDS members (pray on it and your heavenly father will guide you to invest) and us "gentiles" equally.

    The Catholic church is the single largest landowner in Europe. The ethical corruption that allowed so much pederasty is merely the tip of the iceberg and nearly a millennia old.

    Then there is the Sauds and their enforcement of ignorance as the highest form of Islam all over the world which leads to such an ethical and spiritual poverty that suicide bombing is a form of religious ecstasy.

    I won't deny that all these religious factions have toe holds in government. After the betrayals of Ames and Hanson, and others, in the 90s, the CIA hired lots of Mormons and the FBI went for more Opus Dei Catholics, which is strange because Hanson was Opus Dei . Military Intel employed more Evangelicals. Those policies led to their own failures in that none of the sects were very good at information gathering due to their upright natures. One has to be a scoundrel to catch a scoundrel. Also, the info agencies became extremely competitive which can't be discarded as a reason for our security failures in the 90s and 2000s. One upside to the Trump presidency is that all the intel agencies are aligned right now against the very real threat of Russia and China to the US, socially, economically and politically. We have a president who supports this destruction of our government , laws and institutions,wholeheartedly, for his own gain.

    So, getting back to your claims, I find your connections febrile and tenuous. At the core of all these various schemes is money. Even the Koch's, real honest to god Fascists, the Mercers and Princes, theo-fascists, have to sell their Amway and toilet paper to someone. Their spheres of influence are dependent on the human population which buys the shit they are selling. It obviously rankles them and they would like monopolies that force people to buy their shit. But at the end of the day, whatever their internal genocidal dreams, they don't play them out and only try to stymie, contain and repress.

    They don't care if people are worked to death, living in an ugly corner of existence, but people need some vital years to keep buying.

    So when you talk about your genocidal Mormon doctor with his jars of contagions, I see an outlier not a player. When you besmirch the whole LDS with one onerous agenda alone, I roll my eyes, yes. Even if your connections running from S Africa to Libya exist, the fact is nothing there was sustainable on any level.

    I deal in what I can see, not what I can't. While I would like to know more about the avenues of human trafficking, neither you nor Enty is helping in that regard, at all, but that Mother Jones article I read last night about Olivet University and Pastor Jang was extremely helpful on the abuse by one religion of the student visa program (among other things.)

    So I stay here for the links like that which Kno Won Uno gave.

  108. @bettyagnes

    You are free to read the other comment sections then.

  109. Hey Schneiderisnext, I found this which might interest you -


  110. Lots of great resources in this thread, primarily from @SchneiderIsNext (though Schneider's not really been next, but whatever). Really appreciate the work, and have saved this page for future reference--tying all Enty's Church Blinds together was a great idea.

    Also taking pleasure is just skimming past her, the false Plots, the seemingly retarded Kno One, and straight-up vile SandyBrooks. Anyone who drops the "C" word with such ferocity and hatred has a dangerous screw loose. Even as I tried to scroll past it, the word jumped out at me. Disgusting and women-hating.

    But so many diamonds amidst all this shit! Keep 'em coming Enty.

  111. @Schneiderisnext

    Here's another article about a prison term for abuse of student visas. It may have some details you can match up to other cases. In this one, most of the money was made by people paying for the visas from China and India.




    You are a piece of shit. Imagining every massacre is faked so you can keep warm in your special conspiracy drugged haze, makes you a piece of shit, nothing more.

  112. @plot thanks for expending the considerable energy to type these responses. When my fibromyalgia acts up, my brain gets too fuzzy to string together long and coherent responses. If you and a couple of others weren’t doing such a good job with it, I’d probably still feel compelled to try and make a hash of it.

    It’s your mention of sustainability that prompted me to reply here. It’s something that should be brought up more but seldom is when debating the likelihood of conspiracy or nefariously motivated organizations.

    Scientology is a great example right now. Their model ISN’T sustainable, even though they made a good run of it. And though they managed to hide their abuses and schemes for a long time, it is coming out, largely because they’re running out of people to buy what THEY are selling. And there’s nothing like an ex scorned for spilling tea, as we all know on CDAN.

    One of the problems I have with Today’s Blind THE CHURCH is a lack of exes anywhere to lend the clarity of their voices.

  113. Anonymous4:13 PM

    This is LDS. For reasons of politics and language skills the CIA and State have a lot of Mormons. They’ve got global reach and money, and the CIA/State connections would give them the inside track on the Ghaddafi loot. It would also give them a pool of people with very specialized and useful skills.

    As for the medical research, the Howard Hughes Medical Institute (HMMI) was taken over by Hughes’ Mormon management team in Hughes’ declining years and mostly looted by management and the Mormons at Bain Capital. It still exists, but is no longer a multi-billion dollar organization as it was during the Hughes years. It also has a research facility in Durban, South Africa, in partnership with a local university. It seems likely that Zuma is the political figure on his way out.

    Had some family friends back in the day whose parents were high up in the Mormon Church, uncovered some corruption, and went through absolute hell when they dropped out. Scary, Scientology-type shit. They’re also pretty tight with the Red Cross via their humanitarian foundation, so the boxes of cash fit right in. Sherman was a big donor to that Mully organization in Kenya that takes care of orphans and refugee kids.

  114. Anonymous4:32 PM

    Mully's Family is in Uganda, too, where that crazy bleeding eye fever broke out, and South Africa was a major bioweapons research center back in the day, so there would be some local talent, so to speak.

  115. @Han Niam

    Sorry to hear about the fibromyalgia. It's a horrible condition, one of my friends has it and she had to quit her job, she lost her singing voice and can't play an instrument anymore. It's very disabling.

    Thanks for the kind words, too. Yes, sustainability, like people can transport fatal catagions around in their carry on luggage and the germs will thrive wherever they are put. That is not how it works.

    Many messed up people invent all kinds of crazy ideas. That does not make the ideas practical or sustainable.

    @amused bush

    BTW, LOVE your moniker!

    I'll look into the connection between the UN and cholera. Even if somehow it could be ascertained, beyond any doubt, that the diseased came from the area around the UN compound, that still does not mean the UN brought it or dispersed it. It could mean that the UN lived in filthy conditions like the rest of Haiti at the time. Cholera can thrive anywhere unsanitary. It doesn't single out the poor over doctors or nurses who are exposed.

    LIke I said, I'll look into it.


    Hsssss...Bain Captial....Romney sure showed the world how Mormons "Bleed the Beast" there.

    The secrets of the LDS are now out. The internet is anathema to the LDS, just like it is to Scientology. If you want some hair raising stories about the Mormon church, visit the ex-mormon reddit. They aren't shy about sharing anything there.

  116. @amused bush

    The cholera in Haiti, I'm reading, was genetically similar to SE Asian cholera and most likely brought in by Nepalese UN workers. The UN compound was up-river from the tent cities after the earthquake. The compound was in terrible shape as well, including the plumbing.

    It sounds to me like a complete fuck up on the part of the UN rather than anything intentional. Nonetheless, There have been hundreds of billions spent on preparing Haiti for the yearly cholera season and dealing with sanitation.

  117. @plot "If you don't understand the concept of false equivalence, you're delusional...or simply lazy."
    I'll let Greenwald field this one...

    Glenn Greenwald
    ‏Verified account @ggreenwald - 13h13 hours ago

    During 2016, the most overused, vapid & misunderstood cliché on political Twitter was "false equivalency": just an all-purpose term for dismissing any criticism of one's own side.

    1. @El Naro: only when used incorrectly, kind of like the way 2017 bandied around “cognitive dissonance” with varying degrees of grasping the concept.

      Plot here used it correctly. So Greenwald can go suck eggs in this case.

  118. @plot I’m sorry about your friend. That’s one of the worst parts of fibro, losing things you’re good at and love doing.

    If I ever figure out how to convince people who have convinced themselves to believe in scientifically impossible, or even highly improbable, conspiracies to read up on the science of why, I will be sure to pass the secret along.

    Until then, I’m going to be checking out the ex-Mormon reddit rabbit hole because I’m all caught up on Scio & clearly I need more real actual things that happen to be appalled by.

  119. Nope, Greenwald's point is quite appropriate for Plot's biased viewpoint.

  120. Schneider re Plot: "I don't mind when you mischaracterize me or apply a sloppy label, it forces me clarify and repeat my position." This!

    @Plot - How about posting your term papers elsewhere or gettin your own blog where you can pass judgment and insult every reader on here without clogging up the comments constantly.

    Here is a list of a few of Plot's insults just in this thread:
    you gay frogs
    You must be young
    *ribbit* gay frogs
    You ain't a true anything
    You post still exists, in all it's idiocy
    Learn the meanings of words before you use them
    You are a piece of shit

    Clearly, Plot cannot play with others and must insult others with opinions that differ from his or her own. If you don't believe in the blind or think it is outlandish conspiracy, just move along. No need to constantly harass, insult, and deter others who want to discuss it or overwhelm the comments section with your judgments and insults.

    And with that, Plot will summon the alt accounts to suddenly compliment her/him, something that seems to occur whenever this behavior is called out.
