Monday, February 05, 2018

Today's Blind Items - Money Talks

I saw that another A list actress thought she could sneak into this country and no one would notice. No, it is not Dubai or anywhere in the Middle East. It is honestly, right smack in the middle of nowhere and I'm guessing 99% of you, and I am right there with you, have never been to this country. I don't want you to think this is just about actresses either, but they go there for a different purpose. The actors who go there are few and far between, but male athletes get invited all the time. The men also don't seem to be as concerned with getting busted going, but they should be. One of the few actors I know who was invited was A+ list back in the day. Foreign born. He is still front and center on your almost television screens. He was invited a few years back and he was offered the chance to hunt a prisoner. Straight out of Running Man kind of thing. The actor didn't know if the offer was serious. He thought the offer must have been a joke and then while the offer was still in the air he was shown highlight videos of the hunt. Don't go to jail in this country. I think people already knew that, but this kind of takes it over the edge. The country gets its money from oil and acting as a middleman for drugs. They also are a hot bed of terrorism recruiting using some of their best athletes as messengers for the cause.

Many of the actresses from the US who have gone, are supposedly these huge champions of human rights and immediately forget that when they see that seven or eight figure payment wired into their bank. There are not actresses solely from the US, but I'm not sure how much you care about some random A list actress from China or Korea.

This foreign born A list mostly movie actress who is an Academy Award winner/nominee got paid $2M to have sex with the leader of the country. That seems like a lot, but this A list singer/actress got paid $10M. Granted, she had two nights with a different leader each night, but still, that is a lot of money.

Our favorite former almost A- list mostly movie actress turned escort has spent a lot of time in country, but never with the leader. She is given as a reward to some of the athletes if they do well in a competition. She barely even gets five figures any longer.

One of my favorite stories from this whole thing is that this foreign born female A+ list athlete who also models and much prefers women to men had a change of heart when she got into bed with the leader of the country. He said fine, but a week later a drug sample came back showing she was dirty. The scientists who had been helping her were told not to by the leader of a different country as payback for her actions.

In the same sport, there was another A list female athlete who was invited back for a second time but she had a change of heart before flying out to the country. She kept the money they sent and they threatened to kill her child and also have her fail a drug test. Apparently that has now been settled.

There was this then and current A+ list mostly movie actor who flew in to see some MMA fights. He left after a night because the leader kept trying to find a woman the closeted actor would be interested in and it was getting to the point where the actor was going to have to be with one of the women, and it is just an impossible thing for the actor so he bailed.

I remember one time this at the time A list mostly movie actress went and she got really low six figures and she got busted doing it and the reason she was so upset was not so much getting busted, but because this permanent A list mostly movie actress who all of you know was also there and wasn't busted and hadn't done a movie in awhile and still got about $3M to be there. 


  1. China or North Korea.

  2. Well, China is not in the middle of nowhere. scratch that. Maybe one of the smaller states in Russia.

  3. Actresses:
    Charlize Theron JLo and Lindsay
    Athlete Maria Sharapova
    a+ actor BCoop?

  4. Imma say Brunei for the country and the Sultan of Brunei as the leader

    1. +1, He has always had a reputation for turning women into his high-priced escorts.

  5. I was thinking a former Soviet republic like Turkmenistan or Uzbekistan.

  6. Wherever it is, they have MMA fights there, so there's that...

  7. I'm not gay, but $10 million is $10 million...

  8. i think it's chechnya. And sharapova is absolutely the dirty tennis player

  9. I just want to know who the singer/actress is who warrants a $10mil pay out? Jennifer Hudson?

    Oil producing country that is not in the Middle East? Nigeria?

    1. I find it hard to believe a man would pay money to sleep with Jennifer Hudson, what to speak of millions.

    2. @MontanaMarriott Venezuela is an oil producing country.

    3. Montana. Venezuela and Mexico produce oil.

  10. Really sounds like North Korea

  11. Chad and Algeria for oil and terrorist activity.

    Sharapova as the athlete who failed the test?

  12. I am going with Brunei. They have a few MMA academies there I believe.

  13. Could the country be Cuba?

  14. This is definitely Brunei.


    Gotta be Brunei

  16. It says it’s not the Middle East but is the middle of nowhere. Some kind of island in the middle of the ocean, surely? Or landlocked by huge countries in a desolate area?

  17. Yes, for sure Brunei, they just adopted Sharia law into their penal code. The actor is Cooper, with Lohan in the mix, and probably Sharapova for the female A+ lister.

  18. Kournikova as the one who kept the money and had her child threatened?


  20. Anonymous10:39 AM

    @Sandy: I think you got the country and leader. The oil part fits and google search shows some growing MMA activity there.

  21. I think it's Chechnya. Seem to remember past blind about Hilary Swank going there as well as hunting people. Seagal appears to love it:

    MMA is huge there as well.

  22. $10mm for Jennifer Hudson?

    10 m&ms maybe.

  23. I wouldn’t call Brazil the middle of nowhere, but oil, drugs, and MMA sound like Brazil.

  24. One of the former soviet union countries or Chechnia. Could be Turkmenistan or Uzbekistan. All of their leareds are NUTS.
    Although the comment about "not going to jail" does sound like North Korea.

  25. Here's that Swank article:

  26. The country is Brunei.

  27. Scratch that. I like the Chechnya guess best. Definitely a hotbed for terrorism too.

  28. Chechen Republic. Ramzan Kadyrov exports his own fighters and brings in athletes to play with military equipment.

  29. Agree - Chechnya, Ramzan Kadyrov the leader of the Chechen Republic and Hilary Swank is the A list mostly movie actress who caught heat for getting busted for taking $$$.

  30. It's gotta have oil and move drugs and not be in the middle east.

    Brunei is a very good guess.

    Nigeria sort of fits, and has insane amounts of money in a few hands there, but it's not really the middle of nowhere.

    Potentially a former soviet -stan, but less likely for a variety of reasons.

  31. I got stuck on "Male athletes go there a lot" - La Paz is the highest altitude in the world, often used for athlete training, and it's in Bolivia. I'll throw it in for consideration, but reading the thread I think Chechnya or Brunei sound more convincing....

  32. Anonymous10:45 AM

    Foreign born A+ lister back in the day: Hugh Laurie? Was on Chance and The Night Manager.

  33. The only problem I see with Chechnya is that even one visit is gone put you on every intelligence watch list in the world. But I guess top ranked celebs can afford not to care.

  34. $10mm girl = Beyonce?

  35. Chechnya is muslim. so the link to terror is there. They also have rounded up and killed the gays. I wouldn't be surprised if that's who was hunted for sport.

  36. Replies
    1. God Lurky!!Madge is 60 and all torn up. Lol

  37. Don't know the answer, but this, on the brother of the Sultan of Brunei, made me laugh.

    "Jefri, 59, maintains a separate pleasure palace and once owned a 152-foot yacht called Tits; he named its tenders Nipple 1 and Nipple 2, and could never understand why others often found that juvenile and crass."

  38. Only Singer/Actress I can think of who might get $10m is JLo. After that, possible names I'll toss out to match--LiLo (as is the custom).....Bradley Cooper (closeted A+).....Cameron Diaz (hasn't worked).....Maria Sharapova (failed drug test).....

    Here's a list of the top oil producing countries:

    I'm going to take a wild stab at #16, Kazakhstan. They are doing all kinds of weird shit over there.

    9th largest country in the world, located in the middle of nowhere, sort of Central Asia, sort of Western Europe. "Organized narcotics smuggling and human trafficking have prospered in recent years because of Kazakhstan’s location between source countries and Russia...."

    They're doing all kinds of crazy things in their capital, too:

    Search around on Kazakhstan, should you have some time. It's an....interesting place.

  39. My first thought is Chechnya. Second thought Azerbaijan.
    I was invited to several parties by the Azerbaijan government in Davos.
    They are much more flashy and cashy than Chechnya.
    Azerbaijan is OIL RICH.
    As of 2015, Chechnya is OIL POOR.
    Underinvestment in Chechnya has not allowed them to cash in on their vast oil reserves.

    I'll go with Azerbaijan.
    The gifts they gave away at the parties were the best in Davos.

  40. ? To the North Korea guesses,No oil, and everyone would know if they were there. Chechnya? Best Guess's so far. Who is the actor who was GI an the offer to shoot people?

  41. Brunei fits for middle of nowhere more than Chechnya, but the closeted actor being worried about basically being outed if he ended up having to have sex with a female and couldn't made me think of Chechnya and the gay purge. Definitely not a place to be outed, but Brunei is a horribly dangerous place to be gay as well.

    For Chechnya I was thinking Depardieu for the A+ list back in the day foreign on almost television actor.

    Liz Hurley for A- list actress turned escort who has been decreasing in "value"

    Sharapova has ties with Chechnya. Mayweather and Tyson too, for what it's worth

  42. Jean-Claude Van Damme hunting a man for sport would have been awesome! You know, like a really evil prisoner or something.

    1. What is that man will be you Brayson? still think that’s an awesome idea to be hunted and killed for fun huh?

  43. Guesser - I think actor offered hunting was Jean Claude.

  44. JLO is a great guess.

  45. Leaning toward Chechnya. Athletes recruiting for terrorism.... Oil also plays a role here.

    Gerard Depardieu, Jean Claude Van Damme, Hillary Swank, Elizabeth Hurley all documented as having visited/performed.

  46. 346NYC, didn't some celebrities do promos for Azerbaijan a while ago? I think you got it.

  47. Chechnya is the country that has been systematically rounding up gay men and putting them in concentration camps where they area murdered by being set on fire, shot and pushed off buildings. If Bradley Cooper, a gay man, went to that horrible country I have even less respect for him. What the hell is wrong with him? These stars are so hypocritical. Traveling to a country where gay men are murdered. All for money? Money? Disgusting demons. Blah. Russia as a whole is a giant ball of mafia style corruption. And they are besties with Trump and Jared Kushner. It's the rich getting richer as they fight to get rid of any governmental impediments to their money grabbing domination. That's the future that the old rich white men see for America. I'm sure Mike Pence wouldn't mind concentration camps to administer his abusive religious "corrective" therapy.

  48. Azerbaijan hosts a grand prix now. Huh.

    It's a possibility but doesn't feel right.

    We have:

    middle of nowhere
    terrorist recruiting
    athletes used as recruiting tools
    Hosts MMA fights
    drug middleman (so not a producer)

    Feels like that really should narrow it down.

  49. Country is Chechnya - been there. Ramzan Kadyrov is nuts

  50. My guess is this is an African Country where (I saw in the news a few years ago) Rex Tillerson made an Exxon Oil deal with a warlord to pay him +/-$100 Million a year.

    This payment keeps the warlord in power; and Exxon is able to pump oil and build a pipeline to the coast.

    I think it fits the clues; I just can't remember the country or warlord's name.

  51. Chechnya isn't a country. It's a majority-Muslim region in Russia.

  52. But, is Chechnya really a country? Isn't it just part of Russia?

  53. As has been noted already, Chechnya is not a country. It is part of Russia. But maybe the blind is not meant to be strictly worded.

    "The middle of nowhere" is definitely not strictly worded. In any event, North Korea is not in the middle of nowhere, being between South Korea, China, Japan, and Russia (near Vladivostok). Brunei might fit. Chechnya might fit, but it's in a strategically important location and is not especially remote.

    Former Soviet republics in central Asia might fit, if they are oil exporters.

  54. Angelina has spent time there. I wonder if shes's the other actress that Swank was pissed about.

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  56. This comment has been removed by the author.

  57. Could the other A list athlete be Serena Williams? She has a daughter.

  58. Anonymous11:19 AM


  59. All actresses/singers get paid for their services. Nothing shocking here.
    Sharapova was the testing positive athlete.

    Brunei could be seen as being in the middle of nowhere. But so do Chechenia and Azerbaijan.

  60. North Korea doesn't have oil and if it did it wouldn't be open to international markets.

    Cuba doesn't have oil.

    Brunei isn't really out in the middle of nowhere. It is a celebrity hub of activity but also for Saudi princes. It's tiny, but it's pretty often in the news.

    Chechnya isn't a bad guess but it is highly surveilled by Russia and Vlad. Most of the terrorists who attack Russia come from Chechnya. So if the actors and actresses want to be in Vlad's files, which they very much do not, they should go to Chechnya.

    The better guess is Kazakhstan by DDonna. Very interesting place. Read a book about it by one of our ambassadors there, forget the title. Very strange place with all the Soviet style Stalin worship with 100X the economic corruption.

    346NYC hit the right answer, I think. Azerbaijan is a hub of international money laundering. That's where Trump laundered money from Iran and also where Ivanka set up their disastrous hotel project where she filmed an investment video from the sight of another grand hotel pretending it was Trump.

    Also, Azerbaijan has a fast growing MMA presence. Nicole Scherzinger performed in Azerbaijan. So have Sting, Shakira and JLo. Baku has hosted many tennis invitationals.

  61. Sorry - "they should NOT go to Chechnya"

  62. Hilary Swank for the A list actress. J-L0 has also been there and Beyonce. Lohan for the low-priced escort. Hollywood really is a heart of darkness, right? No wonder these lawless destinations are so popular.

  63. Central Asia qualifies for "middle of nowhere" but most leaders there are old and could not fuck anybody, certainly not on the scale the blind implies. This includes Kazakhstan, whose leader is almost 80 years old and by many indicated on the verge of dying or retiring. I like the Azerbaijan guess, the president is 57. Uzbekistan seems to be more active in supporting terrorism, apparently, but its youngish president is fairly new (Sept. 2016). Also not as much oil there. Brunei works and Venezuela might work only if "the middle of nowhere" is to be intended as an economic metaphor.

  64. Below are the 15 countries that exported the highest dollar value worth of crude oil during 2016: in order of ranking

    Saudi Arabia: US$136.2 billion (20.1% of total crude oil exports)
    Russia: $73.7 billion (10.9%)
    Iraq: $46.3 billion (6.8%)
    Canada: $39.5 billion (5.8%)
    United Arab Emirates: $38.9 billion (5.7%)
    Kuwait: $30.7 billion (4.5%)
    Iran: $29.1 billion (4.3%)
    Nigeria: $27 billion (4%)
    Angola: $25.2 billion (3.7%)
    Norway: $22.6 billion (3.3%)
    Venezuela: $20.4 billion (3%)
    Kazakhstan: $19.4 billion (2.9%)
    Mexico: $15.5 billion (2.3%)
    Qatar: $14.6 billion (2.2%)
    United Kingdom: $13.3 billion (2%

  65. I'm puzzled about why celebs would need to "sneak" into this country and could "get busted" simply for being there. Does that just refer to the potential scandal from visiting a country with terrible human rights abuses when you claim to care about that kind of thing, or a more literal "busted" like it's a crime to go there, like Cuba used to be?

  66. I thought Azerbaijan upon reading this. Chechnya isn't a country, though it's been called a 'breakaway republic.'

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  68. Hilary Swank, Ramzan Kadyrov and Chechnya

  69. "I'm puzzled about why celebs would need to "sneak" into this country and could "get busted" simply for being there."

    That's kinda ambiguous isn't it. Does it mean busted by the Western press for being in a country with gross human rights violations or busted for their behavior there by the local authorities?

  70. Angola is interesting. Could maybe sneak it in on the side with a South Africa visit.

  71. I do believe one_eye_bob has given us the answer: Turkmenistan

    It's near all the countries that have been mentioned here:

    It's got the oil. It's in the middle of nowhere. It's got an even worse reputation for human rights abuses than any of the other nasty countries that've been discussed. You go there, all the NGOs jump all over you.

    It also held last year's Asian Indoor & Martial Arts Games:

    I know nothing about MMA, but I do have mad search skillz. LOTS of MMA fighters from there:

    I no longer think Kazakstan. I now think Turkmenistan. It fits the profile better than anything we've got here, and it's got the JLo/$10m combo.

    Otherwise, here's a list of other stars who "accidentally" performed for murderous tyrants.

    But reading through god, what a collection of horrible countries to live in, all formerly (and maybe currently, but in a different way?) orbiting the Soviet/Russian mothership.

  72. Azerbaijan is totally it. USSR claimed it due to its oil back in the day (20s/30s) and it's still wealthy. On the border of Russia/Iran so easily indifferent to whatever is going on. Busted, if you go to a certain region that is considered separatist without a visa (google Azerbaijan and Bourdain). $10M...great example for their kids.

  73. @Cail - it is illegal to provide goods or services to nations on the Embargoed / Sanctioned list. Currently, sanctioned countries include the Balkans, Belarus, Burma, Cote D'Ivoire (Ivory Coast), Cuba, Democratic Republic of Congo, Iran, Iraq, Liberia, North Korea, Sudan, Syria, and Zimbabwe.

    You can read the sanctions here:

    I suspect that it's not this, but rather the moral outrage. See the Hilary Swank controversy when she went to Chechnya. She wound up firing her agent (but not her agency, lol), and several of his team members from her service.

  74. Kazakhstan moost likely or Azerbaijan as a second possibility.

  75. Nigeria makes bank off oil. Venezuela has oil too.


  76. After re-reading the blind and the comments, I think this is Brunei because it is VERY difficult to enter, even for legitimate reasons. That explains the sneaking in.

    Prayers for the victims.

  77. "my god, what a collection of horrible countries to live in, all formerly (and maybe currently, but in a different way?) orbiting the Soviet/Russian mothership."

    Yep. We can't avoid the theofascist dimensions of these countries either, that keep the populations in check.

  78. Azerbaijan
    Mossad is heavy there

  79. "hunt prisoners running man style" wow.
    that is beyond wicked and if that is even on the table prisoners are best left in that scenario. here is hoping our foreign born Alist actor is a good shot

  80. How about Mariah Carey for the singer....apparently she was paid to “perform” for the sultan of Brunei’s son in 2014

  81. reminds me of the hostel movies....

  82. Reminds me of Russia - specifically Siberia.
    Sounds like Putin and/or Ramzan Kadyrov (leader of Chechnya). Both are known for domestic terrorism (eg. gay genocide).

    Actors wouldn’t go because it’s a strange place and it’s illegal to be gay.

    Lohan is the actress that the leaders won’t sleep with.

    Athlete that tested positive was Sharapova.
    Athlete with baby is kournikova.
    (Serena has 23(?) grand slams - she doesn’t need that money.)

  83. It wouldn't surprise me if it were Brunei. Residents are completely out of touch with the reality of how people live elsewhere in the world. The country is so incredibly wealthy. Brunei citizens have housekeepers, nannies galore. I once stayed at a hotel in Asia where the Sultan of Brunei's brother was having his wedding reception. Carpark was filled with Aston Martins--more than a hundred. Money, money, money.

    And as to hunting parties. People can make up their own minds:

  84. I just came on to say that the A+ list actor who is closeted was Tom Cruise, because it was 'impossible' for him to be with a woman.

  85. Well, when you can count Steven Seagal as a good friend...

  86. You're an A list, Academy Award-calibre actress being paid millions per film and you STILL feel the need to prostitute yourself? I will never understand Hollywood people.

    1. What if the women have to sleep with the gross men so they fund the movie?

  87. I was with the Brunei guesses, but after doing some research there's apparently very little terrorist activity in or directed at Brunei. So I'm thinking those guessing Azerbaijan are correct. I was on the Chechnya train before either Brunei or Azerbaijan, largely because of The Swank, but as others mentioned it's not its own country, so that's out. Azerbaijan it is, then.

  88. I think it is Kazakhstan.

    They are certainly major human rights violators. They hold one of the largest film festivals in Asia and actively recruit (and get!) high profile stars. Oscar winners like Sigourney, Nic Cage, Malcovich, Brody have all attended. (Remember the meme of Nic in the russian hat?)

    They held the MMA world championships last October.

    In 2013 the leader paid Beyonce AND Kanye to play at his grandsons wedding. Kanye got flak for his $3m. No idea on Beyonce.

    As of today they are in the quarter finals of the Davis Cup (tennis), along with the US. (Serena and Sharapova dont fit this blind though- timing is all off)

    Along with Uzbekistan and turkmenistan, they are the new hotbed area of terrorist recruiting.

    1. They donate a lot to Haitian charities also ;)

    2. How do we fit the Clintons into this?

  89. Hardcore MMA fan here. It is without doubt Chechnya, without-a-doubt. Kadyrov also entered his under age sons into MMA fights against other boys in one of his shows. (Strangely they both won!,what were the other kids going to do, fight back?) The MMA world was disgusted, The head of Russian MMA (and legendary MMA fighter)Fedor Emilianenko condemned it. All over Instagram his cronies attacked and threatened Fedor. A few days later Fedor's teenage daughter was 'randomly attacked'. Numerous fighters have been shown shooting and hunting with Kadyrov, even world champions. Chechnya, no doubt. Scary.

  90. Chechnya for sure... oil, drug trade, and terrorism training. Their leader is a mafia puppet for Putin.

    Brunei has neither a thriving drug trade or terrorism training.

  91. Even though Enty (or Enty 4.0) is a little dodgy facts-wise, would he give Chechnya the description of being it's own country? It's not. It's part of Russia and it has a heavy KGB and military presence.

    Not that Vlad would care if prisoners were hunted or celebrities were hired to sleep around. He certainly fits as the second leader threatening female athletes.

    Those MMA facts by Titz sure fit the bill.

    I don't know, maybe it is Chechnya and Enty forgot it's not it's own country.

  92. Closeted A+ fan of UFC: DiCaprio (photos of him with fighters at UFC events)
    A+ tennis star/model: Sharapova
    A tennis star: Venus (assuming Serena is A+)
    Foriegn back in the day A+: JCVD

    1. Scratch that. Venus doesn't have kids. I guess I'll go with Serena.

  93. country is absolutely Kazakhstan.

  94. Kardyrov and Chechnya. He's a crazy and there are multiple pics with him and celebrities, like Liz Hurley. He's also a big hunter and fancies himself a boxer.

  95. They hunt people for sport? 😨😈

  96. I'm looking for any sort of tennis invitationals or programs in Chechnya and can't find a single one, at all, ever in history. Then again, the leader who is trying to sleep with tennis stars might be Putin.

    Kazakhstan has a ton of tennis events and programs.

    Uzbekistan have a lot of tennis players who are training internationally.

    Brunei has youth tennis programs.

    Azerbaijan sends tennis teams to every major tournament but I'm not seeing any big tournaments or invitationals. It seems that Azerbaijan has a world class women's volleyball team (!) and it's sport's focus is in freestyle wrestling.

    As far as big MMA programs, that would be Russia, of which Chechnya is a part.

  97. @DDonna: I do like the Turkmenistan guess. I think it's spot on. Just looking at the picture of Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedow makes me feel this guy is capable of anything. While countries like Kazakhstan are trying, among a thousand difficulties, to open up to the world and normalize, Turkmenistan seems to have irremediably gone in the other direction.

  98. And to add to this, no celebrity would like to be found in Turkmenistan because they have an awful humanitarian record.

    "According to Ivar Dale, senior adviser at the Norwegian Helsinki Committee, all available information from former prisoners indicate that torture is widespread and systematic in Turkmenistan. “The same can be said of the situation surrounding enforced disappearances – people who have been jailed for political reasons, and where their families have to live without knowing anything about their fate, even if they are alive or dead. This is a form of psychological torture against relatives,” Ivar Dale told The Diplomat following the Committee session. “Turkmen authorities insist that human rights are enshrined in laws and in the Constitution, yet everyone knows this is merely on paper. In practice, Turkmenistan remains one of the most repressive countries on earth.”"

  99. Angela Baby for A list Asian singer/actress

  100. This comment has been removed by the author.

  101. The blind says many US actresses have been there..fake humanitarian somewhere Africa looks likely and is the "hunt" on a wildlife reserve?? a hint"- but the A list Chinese and Korean is an interesting one - so maybe Indonesia - third highest Oil in SE Asia, battling terrorism and
    has hard death penalty - Korean and Chinese actresses v popular - just a thought

  102. @MeMyselfandI, what, you mean compared to all the other "humane" forms of execution in that region? Quit your virtue signalling and use grammar check next time you want to prove you don't have a sense of humor.

  103. Thank you, @ancoranonhocapito.

    I have very close to zero doubt this is Turkmenistan. The JLo, MMA, oil and Human Rights violations all fit the profile more closely than anywhere else.

    Thanks for the different perspective on Khazakhstan. Still dubious, but interesting to hear.

  104. Stuff about Turkmenistan -

    Thick as thieves with Putin, so Vlad could be the 2nd leader in this BI. Berdymukhamedov gave Vlad a dog for his birthday. Note the way Berdymukhamedov is holding the puppy in that second photo. Nice guy.

    Here's a profile of Berdymukhamedov based on the Wikileaks cables (spit on Assange, but here it is) -

    Turkmenistan also hosted the Asian Indoor and Martial Arts Games in 2017 (while slaughtering all dogs and cats beforehand, whether they were strays or not. )

    Here's an article about the games. The other Asian countries who participated did NOT send their top athletes, which allowed Turkmenistan to sweep the prizes. No one wants to send anyone to Turkmenistan who might insult their leader by winning...and facing arrest or worse? -

    Synopsis: Berdymukhamedov refuses to allow foreigners into the country unless they come under tight controls for his own, personal, benefit. He bankrupted Turkmenistan putting on these games showing the prestige of Turkmenistan to the world (who barely paid attention.) Why? Well here comes the oil part -

    "Berdymukhammedov has been pushing the Turkmenistan-Afghanistan-Pakistan-India (TAPI) gas pipeline for years now, a chance for Turkmenistan to export an additional 33 billion cubic meters of gas annually, which would bring in money Turkmenistan desperately needs."

    Well then! We have oil industries visiting Turkmenistan regularly. This pipeline has been in the dream stages for a long time, long enough for...get ready folks...the Clintons to be involved -


    Of course as state leaders, they would be, but HRC in particular seems to have been instrumental in lifting sanctions and negotiating with the Taliban to get that pipeline built for Chevron. I guess the human rights will come later, maybe never. Someone has to make that money, right?

    This was a deal during Bill's presidency as well. This pipeline was written about mostly after 9/11 and before our invasion of Afghanistan, mainly by alternative news sites as the real reason for the invasion - to clear way for the pipeline.

    So, we're talking athletes being rewarded for winning with a US actress which could have happened at these games (to think of what LL might have gone being the Fuck America effigy is horrifying.) We're talking a close relationship with leader no2 who has the power to reveal or hide test results for athletes.

    Turkmenistan is looking awfully good for this BI.

  105. So plot is a hypocrite who uses the valuable information that assange releases when it suits them(all accurate) but get's upset when the clinton's nefarious dealings are exposed?

  106. "valuable information"

    From Assange????? Interoffice gossip and titillating character observations are Bigly Important???? Assange has NEVER, EVER published anything of note that meant much except for it's timing. He's a Lying Piece of Shit playing at a fantasy of matyrdom.

    Um, concerning the Clintons, you didn't read my post did you.


  108. @SaltyVeruca nah it's not Brazil, we have other kinds of fuckeries around here but we're still NOT a "hotbed of terrorism recruiting"... Maybe in the near future, who knows.
    My bet is Chechenya.

  109. Plot - is that the hill you want to die on? wikileaks has a 100% record in releasing accurate information. My fave is hillary knowing that some of her biggest backers(sadui/qatar) were directly finding ISIS in syria in order to affect regime change.

  110. You think I'm dying on any hill? You're so cute!

    "wikileaks has a 100% record in releasing accurate information"

    Well, except the videos that Assange was called out on, then admitted he edited for drama, released again "unedited" and was called out again, and then admitted again that he edited. Poor Chelsea Manning for getting involved with that Lying Sack of Shit.

    Except for the promised Bank of America documents, Send Money! Revelations soon! that never appeared. Course our famous drama queen said they got stolen and he had no back ups...and you believe this shit. More fool you.

    Except for the claims that Seth Rich passed on the Clinton Risotto Emails (so much secret info there! Recipes OH MY!) after the guy was dead, and the insistence on claiming this even after his family asked them to stop - oh yeah - hella honest there!

    "My fave is hillary knowing that some of her biggest backers(sadui/qatar) were directly finding ISIS in syria in order to affect regime change."

    Oh shit child, if you haven't known this since 9/11 and before, that the Saudis have been behind almost every global terrorist act, YOU are a damn fool. And the House of Saud have been the biggest donors to the Bush family, too, you know, the family who allowed the bin Laden family exclusive rights to exit the USA after 9/11. No wonder you quiver for Assange! You simply couldn't read before 2006?

  111. For more Wikileaks lies, just ask. There are slews of them.

  112. I'm thinking it may be the Ukraine. Mila and Ashton have visited and the government is very corrupt.

    Big in MMA fighting

    Over 2500 people have "gone missing" there.

    Just a guess.

  113. Plot - so your 'evidence' is nothing of the sort, just smears and innuendo. Kina like the Russia hacking story. Claiming that the saudi's are behind terrorism isn't news, confirming that obama/clinton knew and actively supported/funded them is. Let's not get started on the Libya revelations either...I'm sorry your fave hillary lost but blaming everyone but her inept campaign is embarrassing. If she'd only supported a $15 min wage, she'd be in the white house right now. That's not putin's fault.


  114. "confirming that obama/clinton knew and actively supported/funded them is."

    First, what do you mean by supported and funded. Second, Obama is the first president to actively stand up to the Saudis (and Israel too) by signing a treaty with Iran, a fucking great treaty at that. AND Obama defied the Saudi's operations in Yemen and Syria. So do fucking tell us about this support again, I'm DYING to know about it.

    " the Russia hacking story"

    So I guess you just ignored the story that came out yesterday (it was all over the news) that Russia has hacked the voter databases of at least 12 states and may have manipulated information there.

    I guess, cuz it would hurt your sensitive fee-fees, that you have ignored all the members of the Trump administration who are now under indictment for sharing our intel with Russian and facilitating money laundering.

    You've chosen to be a damn fool. At least admit it and practice some of that famous GOP personal responsibility.

  115. Ok so can we keep this to the actual story vs. rants? No one cares about your feelings on either side. This story was just F**KED up and we should all want to know who is involved. @Plot words vs actions, try it sometime unlike the blinders you have on for Dems. Obviously this goes beyond just party and is really about following Money trails.

  116. Plot - Still under the impression that the saudi/gatar regimes operate without US approval? There is a clip of John kerry in front of a senate committee admitting what we are doing there. Notice the opioid epidemic coincides with our invasion of Afghanistan?

  117. You think Kerry admitting as much is a bad thing????

    The Saudis are only our allies because of oil, and our oil companies don't want us pissing them off. Our Iran Treaty pissed the KSA off mightily and the Saudis are trying to force the USA back into the position of posturing against Iran. It's not working as NO ONE wants the Iran Treaty threatened in any way.

    The Opioid Epidemic coincides with Big Pharma selling their brand new opioids as non-addictive and MDs and dentists passing them out like candy. When Oxycontin becomes unavailable suddenly, with OOPS! it IS addictive, well wattayaknow, people turn to heroin. It doesn't matter where the heroin comes from - Mexico, Afghanistan, Columbia, SE Asia - Big Pharma created the market for it (and I wouldn't be surprised if they are selling the chemicals to Afghanistan to make it.)

  118. @plot stfu already. Seriously if you knew anything about Kerry, it's his wife's money, he has a yacht in the Big to avoid taxes in R.I. and cost us millions on his stupid fucking tour we France bullshit where he dislocated his shoulder. While I agree on the Saudis. Do you goddamn research, the fucktard should have been tried for treason and anyone with even someone with low level clearance will say that asswipe sold us to Iran given the snowstorm they created in Iraq, elsewhere. You seriously need to educate yourself and stop watching one cable channel. Whaaa. All you do is whine instead of seeing Bush, Clinton, Obama etc are all the same. Afghanistan has if not the lowest, one of the 5 lowest education levels in the world and we have fucking idiots deciding we could change that instead of thousands of years of oh I don't know, them playing every side to survive? Ugh you have completely changed the focused of this post and I really annoyed with you for that. Wasn't this about countries hunting people, oil, and major celebrities whoring for money?

  119. " if you knew anything about Kerry, it's his wife's money, he has a yacht in the Big to avoid taxes in R.I."

    And so? What has that to do with Saudi Arabia?

    "cost us millions on his stupid fucking tour we France bullshit where he dislocated his shoulder"

    So Trump's weekly vacations to golf courses must really blow your stack.

    " the snowstorm they created in Iraq, "

    Who is "they"? We're talking about Kerry, one man.

    "Bush, Clinton, Obama etc are all the same"

    Only if one is prone to having a lazy mind.
