Monday, February 12, 2018

Today's Blind Items - The Interview

This is from an unpublished interview in 1990. The magazine, which is a monthly magazine, is known by all of you and fact checked the story. They refused to publish it though because they didn't want to ruin the lives of the men involved, based on the recollections of a person they knew would have her past actions called out. One of the editors also said that at some point, the woman gave consent to the sex. Umm, she was barely a teenager. There was no consent. I will use R for reporter and S for subject. The father they are discussing was a B list mostly television actor. The ___________ in the interview is a permanent A+/A list mostly movie actor who was a long time family friend of the B lister. The subject killed herself about a year after this interview.

R - When did it first begin?
S - I was about 12. My dad came in my room sometime during the night. He was drunk and told me it was time for me to grow up. He then crawled into my bed and slid down my underwear and raped me.
R - Was that the only time?
S - From that point forward, whenever he would get drunk I knew he would be coming after me. I started spending the night away from home whenever I thought he might go out and start drinking. I started stealing sleeping pills from a stash of them I found in the medicine cabinet just to not be awake during the rapes. I then started taking them during the day just to numb the pain. I have been addicted to some kind of drug ever since.
R - You mentioned earlier that your dad would sometimes bring others with him. Would you clarify that?
S - Sometimes, but not often, my dad would bring over _________________. He was a big movie star even back then. My dad would bring me to one of the guest bedrooms and tell me to make his friend happy and that if I didn't, he would beat me. This started after I had started taking pills and most of the time I was a zombie, but knew there was no fighting it so would just do what he or any of the other friends dad brought over, wanted to do to me.
R - How many times did ____________ come over?
S - At least five or six times. One time my dad brought me to a film set to watch ___________ make ____________. I thought it was really fun to be there until my dad told me to go to ______________' trailer and wait for him. I knew what that meant. I hated going to any movie sets after that. My whole life has been one f**ked up mess because of what my dad did to me. Do you think I like doing what I do for a living? I hate it. Every single time I have sex the faces of these men show up everywhere. I hate my life and I hate living.


  1. Kelly Jean Van Dyke :(

    1. Yes, KJ Van Dyke, daughter of Jerry Van Dyke.
      Actor friend-Gene Hackman
      Movie set-Angel in My Pocket-Andy Griffin

      I have a question since KJVD has been brought up-what happened to her husband, Jack Nance, star of Eraserhead?
      Was he murdered? If so, was it just a fight with his neighboring thugs and druggies, or was he murdered for some other reason?

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  4. Yes Jerry Van Dykes daughter, him for the father

  5. well ick. so who was his more famous friend?

  6. Jesus christ where was the child's mother in all of this?

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  8. Oh crap. Kelly Jean Van Dyke committed suicide in 1991... and was an adult movie star....

  9. Was it Uncle Dick?

  10. Also, I don't know why I always show up as "Unknown"... I'm signed in to my Google account...

  11. Andy Griffith for the friend?

  12. And I’m assuming this is Playboy.

  13. His brother as the friend, or one of the smothers brothers..what a terrible life to live at any age but at such a young age

  14. So what big movie star was Jerry friends with around 1970?

    1. He was in Angel in My Pocket with Andy Griffith in 1969 - about the same time😞

  15. Kelly was 12 in 1970, so somebody making movies in the early 70s for the friend.

  16. While we ponder the friend and the movie can I just say that magazine can go fuck themselves for not publishing in fear of ruining the career of child molesters. Heaven forbid a child rapists career is tarnished. Fuck that makes me angry!

  17. Could the big movie star just be his brother Dick? God I hope not

  18. "magazine can go fuck themselves for not publishing in fear of ruining the career of child molesters."

    Well, they also don't wanna get sued for libel.

  19. @Liz Pop,
    Jerry divorced Kelly's mom in 1974, Kelly work have been about 16.
    This might have been the reason for the divorce.
    I would assume everything here happened 1970-1974.

    I really hate that most of these stories are shared after the culprit is dead. My guess is the friend is dead too.

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  21. Her father said Kelly Jean, a secretary, had abused alcohol and prescription drugs, popping Quaaludes from age 13. “One way or the other, drugs will kill you,” Jerry Van Dyke told reporters at the time.

  22. @Krab, it said they fact checked. If nothing else, they could turn over their information to the police.

    I agree this is Playboy.

  23. I am beyond creeped out that searching on JVD turns up a youtube vid where he says his brother is his best friend. :/

  24. "One time my dad brought me to a film set to watch ___________ make ____________. "

    Does that mean that the A+ actor was plying himself, a character named after himself or a show named like himself...?

  25. Jerry Perv Lewis for the friend maybe

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  28. @filmfanb couldn't agree more...positively infuriating...@Krab it's not libel if it's true...

  29. Who would the A lister be? I have my thoughts but shudder to think it might be true????

  30. Neither Dick Van Dyke nor Andy Griffith would be described as "permanent A+/A list mostly movie actor." They'd definitely be referred to as mostly TV.

  31. Fact checked how? How can you fact check whether or not someone raped his daughter? It's her word against his, and she's an adult film star who pops pills and drinks.

    Why would it be Playboy's business to turn over information from an adult film star without any evidence to the police?

    I mean, get real people. People are always alleging things against celebrities. As a magazine editor, you can't just assume they're all true.

    1. Playboy is in the business of glorifying S-E-X.
      Homongenizing it.
      (Not that there’s anything wrong with that😎)
      I just don’t see them doing an interview with her in the 1st place
      Penthouse was the dirty stepsister to Playboy
      I’m guessing them

  32. We need to find the friend. Any child that started on drugs that young had to get them from an adult probably in their own home. Is this person alive?

  33. Great guess SandyBrook, like I said bud stick to what your good at, you are an asset here for sure, well, noone compares to Tricia. But your quick, good to have an old fart here born before Tricia to scoop out Old Hollywood lol. Hey, don't forget, you owe Jesus $3 bucks.

    It really looks like this is true because the studios did one hell of a good job scrubbing the internet of poor Kelly Jean, nary a photo, maybe one or two, and this paltry article:

    Actor Jerry Van Dyke's Daughter Found Hanged

    Must be big hollywood felt they had a bunch of residuals and royalties they had to protect from re-runs of Coachand the Van Dyke empire.

  34. Her husband Jack Nance was murdered 5 years later blunt force trauma to the head I think.

    1. I remember reading about his murder and some site and how odd it was, his behavior leading up to it I mean

  35. The only thing that makes sense is Dick Van Dyke, and this whole revelation of Jerry and now Dick, have made me absolutely sick.

    1. Except DVD isn’t mostly movie. He’s definitely mostly TV... I don’t have a better guess, but that clue elimates both him and Andy Griffith.

  36. @Krab: fact checking probably means running the story through friends and acquaintances to see how many have heard of it. Probably got a lot of positives. But I agree with you, it isn't so straightforward, just think of this, most likely many friends heard the story from her, offered to go to the police, only to rebuffed by the victim herself. These stories are awfully complicated. Which is why rape in the family almost always goes unpunished.

    I like the Andy Griffith guess since he had a show named after himself which could explain the sentence "One time my dad brought me to a film set to watch ___________ make ____________."

    1. I agree, dick van dyke also had the dick van dyke show. Film set could mean television as well, because one wouldn't film at a tv set, it means something totally different, I'm old enough to remember calling TV's "the television set"

  37. All I can say is it wouldn't be Dick - she'd have said "my uncle".

    1. Maybe the blank is "uncle dick"

  38. Kelly Van Dyck's husband, Jack Nance, died under suspicious circumstance 5 years later. Hmmm, makes you wonder if he knew something and was threatening to spill.

  39. Andy Griffith would definitely not be "mostly movie".

    "Mostly movie" permanent A/A+ listers who were big in early 70s and late 80s/early 90s...Jack Nicholson, Walter Matthau, Dustin Hoffman, Michael Caine, Warren Beatty, maybe Marlon Brando ... those are some of the main names that come to mind.

    Any connection with any of these to the Van Dykes?

    1. “He was a big movie star even back then” suggests someone whose career had gotten bigger since then, not somebody who was really well established at the time.

  40. I'm sure the second _______ is because if they named the movie title, you'd know who ________ is.

    Andy Griffith didn't make many movies but Dick Van Dyke did, though I don;t know if you could say he was "mostly" movies.

    1. Exactly, regarding the second blank

  41. Jerry VanDyke did two boobs-n-guns movies in the early 80's. "Death Blow" and "Run If You Can". Martin Landau was in both.

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  43. Seriously do not believe it would be Dick Van Dyke, It says a long time family friend.

  44. @Krab, it's that way of thinking that keeps these things happening. If they checked her story out,they may have been protecting their own behavior. Child abuse is always one person's word against another. It is very likely others were raped because it wasn't printed. They may have had other victims or people he told who wouldn't talk on the record.

  45. I think it's Gene Hackman (though is he permanent A?). The Hackman family and the Van Dyke family were from the same town and were friends.

    1. +1 I just came back to say the same.

    2. Just saw this article. Kelly was my girlfriend for 7 years during this time.It was Gene Hackman. I'm sure her mother would confirm if you can find her. He and Jerry ( her dad ) are serial child molesters

    3. It was Gene Hackman , very good work.I dated Kelly for 7 yrs till the time she passed away. I was one of the people who found her that day. Her mother can verify this

  46. If playboy is the magazine, they might have killed the story since Jerry worked their club circuit doing standup during the 70s.

  47. John Wayne is a good guess. He and Jerry Van Dyke made a movie together in the early 60s.

    1. The Duke was rumored to have a 3 inch dick, did he ever do a movie called "the Duke"? If so, it would answer the blank spaces

  48. I don't think the A list friend was necessarily a co-star of Jerry van Dyke at the time. I think it was Jerry Lewis..def A list mostly movies and a family friend.

  49. Landau's IMDB pic oozes creepiness.

  50. I want to vomit. I always thought JVD was just a funny buffoon.

  51. Cameron Crowe for the reporter at Rolling Stone.

    1. I think he was a kid at that time

  52. Harvey Weinstein picked his victims for rape choosing "crazy" Rose McGowan,Paz,Ashley Judd,because who would believe them?

    1. Crazy bitches throw amazing puss, guesser. If yer lookin for a one off, crazy is the way to go, just dont give her any personally indentifiable info. God bless the Google Voice app.

    2. Count Jerk speaks the honest to God truth!

    3. Never stick your dick in crazy, Count.
      It comes back to haunt you.

    4. I always enter baby making holes on randoms fully wrapped. Twice crazies were totally anti rubber, so i held out until they unlocked the backdoor for me.

  53. As people said, neither career of Dick Van Dyke nor Andy Griffith could possibly be described as "mostly movie" (though both did some great movies). I think people are stuck on looking at IMDB to see who he worked with. To irresponsibly throw out a name: Gene Hackman. According to one biography, one of Dick Van Dyke's closest friends was Gene Hackman's cousin, both families grew up in the same small town (i.e., long time family friend), and Gene and Jerry were about the same age.

  54. The term "big movie star even back then" is making me think of someone younger in the 70s

  55. This might be coming out now because someone is going through the contents of the Playboy vault, now that Heffner is dead, as described on CDaN a month or two ago.

    The interview could have been spiked for many reasons, including the legal expenses that the CIA would have incurred in defending a libel suit.

    I agree with those who have said that it would be odd to describe Dick Van Dyke as a "mostly movie actor who was a long time family friend".

    @MimiB and others, that's a *very* interesting detail (Jack Nance murdered in 1996).

    Obviously "to watch ___________ make ____________" means "to watch ___________ make [a film]".

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  57. "Family friend" has me thinking it's someone who maybe was friends with Dick Van Dyke, or who they knew from before they were famous.

    As it turns out, the Van Dykes were good friends with Gene Hackman, whose family went to school with them in Illinois.

    Gene Hackman was famous in the time of the rapes, when the article was written, and would be considered permanent A list now.

  58. I like the Playboy archive connection. Maybe Hunter Thompson as the reporter?

  59. Just saw @Robbie had the same guess.
    +1 for Hackman

    @Ann R Key
    Rolling Stone was not a monthly publication. This makes sense for Playboy, content wise and because of the blind about Hef' s vault. But I would love some Cameron Crowe blinds...

  60. WOW. I hope it's not DVD! Despite the Mary Poppins movie. I could see brutal Gene Hackman doing this. Feel sad for the daughter...

    1. Gene Hackman is supposed to be very quiet & gentle in real life.

    2. Lots of molesters are sadly

  61. And @pkelly
    I must have been still researching and y'all got there first.

    Enty chooses his wording carefully. Note he did not say "costar from back in the day".

  62. If one were to believe it to be Hackman, the time frame would fit with the French Connection. That title in and of itself would certainly give it all away, hence the need for "__________"?

    I personally really hope it isn't Hackman - but it seems to fit.

  63. If you look at the clue, it says: to ______________' trailer. Not to be a grammar nerd, but that type of apostrophe is used to denote possession when the noun ends in an 's'. For example: Lewis' house. Maybe look for someone whose name ends in s or ce?

  64. If you look at the clue, it says: to ______________' trailer. Not to be a grammar nerd, but that type of apostrophe is used to denote possession when the noun ends in an 's'. For example: Lewis' house. Maybe look for someone whose name ends in s or ce?

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  66. Right @ Sara. I changed up after the posts about the PBM archive. Landau has some serious brass on his uniform so I'm staying put with that guess. Multiple Oscars, SAG, GG, not to mention his litany of Emmy noms for Mission Impossible.

  67. An article about his "Hollywood friends" in the early 70s:

    "Jerry returned to Danville several times in the early 1970's. On October 4, 1971, he came to present "Jerry Van Dyke and His Hollywood Friends," a benefit for the Danville Tennis Club held at Danville High School. The performers -- all friends of Jerry -- included actors George Lindsey, Maggie Peterson, Denver Pyle, and Danville native Gene Hackman."

  68. Andy Griffith isn't involved because he's the grandfather of one of the Himmmms. No way Enty would implicate him.

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  70. A list that includes movie stars as well.

  71. First name that came to my mind for the "Sometimes, but not often, my dad would bring over ___Craig T Nelson___. He was a big movie star even back then."

    Early movies in Nelson's career: ...And Justice For All; Silkwood; All the Right Moves, then was a co-star with JVD on "Coach" before Kelly Jean's suicide.

    Perhaps the movie set she was brought to (for 'servicing' the star) was "Poltergeist" - with both Nelson AND Steven Spielberg.

    *back to lurking

    1. Kelly was born in 1958 so this wouldn't fit.

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  73. Just when I think I've been somewhat numbed to all this horror, an even deeper psychic injury emerges.

    Don't even want to venture a guess past what's already been raised here. Samantha Willow's comment chilled my soul

    Most of the photos online for Kelly Van Dyke seem to be under her porn name, Nancee Kelly.

    Discovered that when I did a search for "Jack Nance wife" because I'd thought he was only married to the Log Lady, Catherine Coulson. I remember Nance's strange death, and adding it to this sickening concoction only muddies things more.

  74. It says the friend "is" a permanent A+/A list mostly movie actor. Andy Griffith, Jerry Lewis, Walter Matthau, Marlon Brando, Martin Landau, and John Wayne are dead. Gene Hackman is not a bad guess but I wouldn't consider him permanent A+/A, but that's subjective, I guess. So I'll throw out Dustin Hoffman, in light of recent accusations that he sexually assaulted women and exposed himself to a minor. Have no idea if he had a history with JVD though. HOWEVER, it's interesting that Hoffman and Hackman have a strong connection from way back; Hoffman's first acting role was alongside Hackman, and the two of them (along with Robert Duvall) lived together in NYC in the 1960s while getting acting work. If Hackman was good friends with the Van Dykes, it's possible Hoffman became a friend as well.

    1. Gene is permanent a/a+, he has starred in so many huge movies, over SEVERAL decades.

  75. Craig T Nelson was never A list. He has had a successful career being vaguely recognized but name on-the-tip-of-the-tongue.

    Hackman? Oh that hurts!

    1. He was a list in eighties, coach was huge. That is what Jerry is known for more than anything else

  76. Burt Reynolds in Deliverance
    As the friend

  77. Interesting so many well-known people have come out of Danville.,_Illinois

    Especially considering it's not that big a town.,_Illinois

  78. What wouldn't fit, Muckduck?

    Abuse happened in the 1970s, interview happened 1990, she killed herself 1991. Timeline makes sense.

    1. Craig T Nelson wasnt A list in the 70s, if ever..Coach wasnt on til the 80s.

  79. Brandos daughter Cheyenne?

  80. The "he was famous even back then" makes me think it was someone who was popular at the time, ie 1990. so probably made it big young c. 1970

  81. The Gene Hackman thing works cause French Connection which made him a star came out in 1971, and he was making a lot of big name movies in the late 80s / early 90s

  82. Dana Plato was driven to suicide by Howard Stern in the early 90s, no?

  83. Here is a porn where she is billed as Nancy Van Dyke. Dont know which whire is her though.

  84. Some interesting details on the chronology here and Jack Nance. Nance was one of David Lynch’s best friends and the star of his first feature, Eraserhead. Lynch’s most famous work, Twin Peaks, starred Nance and (spoiler alert ) features the murder of a brilliant and beautiful high school girl by her father, who has been raping her since early adolescence. The father in question is an affable small town attorney who acts in many ways like a sitcom dad from a 50s show and is frequent figure of macabre humour on the show, despite being a vicious rapist and killer. Twin Peaks debuted in 1990 and went off the air in 1991, before its triumphant return last year. Nance’s death has always seemed pretty mysterious and Lynch has tended to keep a low profile since not long after.

    1. Are you implying Lynch was involved?

    2. I think he's implying, the show was based on our girl's life/death

  85. i certainly consider gene hackman permanent A+/A. i don't see how he could be less than that. sadly, this fits. ptuuu.

  86. @Nubian Princess I thought Cheyenne too.

    I did not know Jerry Van Dyke had a daughter who committed suicide. The things you learn on CDaN. I pray this gets revealed and I hope the woman is at peace.

  87. Just to be different Burt Reynolds...huge in the 70's

  88. Hackman is definitely permanent A list at least. But I thought he was gay.

  89. Martin Landau was in one Woody Allen movie, maybe more. Maybe this is a round robin thing

  90. One person guesses Van Dyke and then it becomes almost the only guess. I don't know who this is but I do not believe the Van Dykes fit at all.

  91. @Unknown

    Please explain why it is not Jerry/Kelly Van Dyke. Fits perfectly.

  92. Anyone guessing Cheyenne Brando - are you serious? Marlon Brando as the father who was a "B list most television actor"??? I can only assume you are very young and still have a thing or two to learn about Hollywood legends. Lesson 1: Marlon Brando was never anything less than A. He's a permanent A+, forever.

    1. I mixed up the father and his "friend", status. Yes, I'm a young 44. Thank you very much.

    2. @Mag- Hi! The blind made me think of Cheyenne Brando, which I made clear in my initial post. I am aware Marlon Brando is not the answer. I am still in my thirties but I prefer the Old Hollywood blinds. Blame it on National Enquirer, Hard Copy, Hollywood Babylon, and older relatives. I found out about CDaN 10 or so years ago because of the AGC site.

      Speaking of which, is Dan Schneider the reason why the actress who played "Janice" on Head of the Class left the show?

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  94. Hackman seems to fit best for the movie star. As people have pointed out, the Van Dykes and Hackmans were close and from the same town – the top of the blind describes him as a long time family friend. That alone tells you it's probably him, but you've also got the "he was a big movie star even back then." In 1970, Hackman was just coming off of 2 Oscar noms for best supporting actor and a starring role in the French Connection. Over the next decade, he then went on to make Poseidon Adventure and the Superman movies, stuff that would have made him even more of a movie star by 1990. My guess is that the movie set she was brought to was Poseidon Adventure (1972).

  95. The A-Lister name has to end with an "s". The blank ends in an apostrophe only. Not "'s". (When referring to his trailer)

    1. Because grammar is obviously so important to Enty.


  96. @Nawlins Jim That is fascinating. I never watched twin peaks but what you wrote makes perfect sense.

  97. De-lurking to point out that the BI is titled "The Interview". One of Hackman's best known movies was The Conversation.

  98. @Count, yes they say not to mess with crazy, but that's what crazy does best! It explains why natural selection didn't remove crazy long ago.

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  100. @totaji
    I don't think @Nawlins Jim is saying Lynch is involved. MORE likely, Nance shared Kelly's story with him (as they were close friends) and that partly inspired the Twin Peaks storyline.

    Enty isn't exactly known for his grammar. I think we can discount the apostrophe as a clue. 🙂

  101. A list friend Robert Wagner?

  102. @Sara, Making it Work, that is also how I interpreted it. I don't think Lynch was involved.

    And to all the comments regarding his BROTHER Dick Van Dyke. Read the blind. Nowhere does it say his sibling, family member, etc. so it cannot be him.

    1. To be clear, I am definitely not implying any involvement by Lynch in the abuse of Kelly Van Dyke. The timelines (Lynch bumming around in Europe and studying painting in Philadelphia for much of the 70s for example ) let alone Lynch’s own character (he has a wandering eye but is described generally as a very empathetic personality ) make this very unlikely.

      What I was getting at, as a massive fan of Lynch’s work in general and Twin Peaks in particular, is that the core of Twin Peaks is the figure of Laura Palmer, a captivating young women who was subjected to extreme paternal abuse and who lives a secret life as a sex worker as her own form of escape. Critics and fans, including some who have lived similar experiences, have commented on the great power of the narrative Lynch puts together around Laura Palmer. Lynch, in general, isn’t known for creating convincing characters as much as moods and style, but Laura is considered an indelible figure by most Twin Peaks fans. It doesn’t at all seem implausible to me, since Nance and Kelly may have begun their romance around the time Lynch and Frost were beginning development for Twin Peaks, that Lynch may have heard her story through Nance or from Kelly herself, and was so moved by it that he decided to in a way tell it in the medium of TV. The irony of Kelly’s rapist father being related to and being a pioneer of tv himself would have hardly been lost on Lynch and would have figured into his ironic and macabre portrayal of Leland Palmer. And it’s worth noting that after Kelly had died and Twin Peaks has been cancelled, Lynch chose to direct Fire Walk with Me as all about Laura’s story from her own eyes, ending with a redemptive angelic encounter after death. All of this clearly has its origin in Lynch’s own imagination, but the parallels hint strongly at being the inspiration for his masterpiece! And I see his intentions here at the end of Fire Walk with Me as very good.

  103. They couldn't have published it back then. This was long before #metoo; they would have been sued into the stone age. Worse, the accuser would have been severely attacked.

  104. You all are nuts if you think David Lynch was involved. Nothing in this excerpt mentions her husband or his work.

  105. Wow. I am from Danville and most of the town worships DVD. Jerry? Not so much. He has made an ass of himself on many occasions while visiting. Hackman's family is still around and makes sure EVERYONE knows 'who' that are. This makes me nauseous.

  106. Brando seems unlikely. He was a rotten parent, but he had a strong preference for women of color (Moreno, Anna Kashfi, etc--& early on, heavily accented starlettes like Jesanne Mariani), with an occasional bi affair. Doesn't fit.

    Better not be Hackman. Not that it makes any difference, but he's one of the truly great US film actors. Just thinking he might be a paedo really hurts.

  107. 1967 movie “Don’t Make Waves” starring Tony Curtiss?

  108. Nance and Kelly we’re heading to divorce
    when she killed herself but I’m sure he knew all the gory details of her childhood and if he was making waves about what he knew I can see Jerry having him offed

  109. Just for posterity would like to note I brought up Nance not to cast any shade on David Lynch, just that it was weird he was married to Kelley Van Dyke and ended up suspiciously dead. Like maybe he knew something about her history that made him dangerous to keep alive. Not that David Lynch was involved in this in any way.

    Reading all these comments, along with "The Interview" = "The Conversation," makes me think it was Gene Hackman. That sucks so much. The man was an incredible actor, never failed to make even a mediocre movie watchable. Sort of like....Michael Caine (oh noooooooo....).

  110. @count

    You just reminded me of a story both with crazy and backdoor in it.

    One time I was at a club on Bleecker in Manhattan. So I end up hitting it off with the hot Asian doorwoman. She tells me her apartment is right around the corner and let's go back to her place.

    First we get up to her place and it's like a fucking pig sty. Why any chick thought it was OK to bring anyone home to that is beyond me - and I don't mean messy but empty pizza boxes piled on the floor, etc. Anyway, she's so hot I just try to ignore how skeeved I am.

    So we start making out like mad and she says to me, "Baby, you know what I love? I love getting fucked in the ass"

    So I tell her, "I'm good with that but I don't have any condoms on me - do you have any?"

    Holy shit - her personality did a 180. She looks at me with fire in her eyes and says, "What the FUCK!? What are you fucking saying? Are you trying to fucking tell me that you think I have fucking AIDS or something?!"

    Holy shit - exit, stage left. I don't think I said goodbye. I turned around and shot out of there like a bat out of hell. It's like, "Well now that I know you bring strange guys home and let them fuck you in the ass with no rubber, actually, yeah honey, I do think you have AIDS."

    Like many guys, I really wish I didn't like sticking my dick in crazy so much...ugh...

    1. Great story, Eff. I always figure anti-rubber chicks are borderlines.

    2. Honestly, I though the story ending was going to be, she was a he.

  111. @fairylights and @Allie Gator, I noticed the apostrophe not followed by an "s" and thought about it. It's good to parse the details. Given the way these blinds are written and (seemingly not) proofread, however, I think the missing "s" is probably not a clue.

  112. @nawlins, I think your input is brilliant. Adds a whole other dimension to a twisted tale that should have been revealed in 1990. If you're right, Kelly Jean found a way to get a version of her story told to an even wider audience.

  113. @nawlins I totally agree, this gives it the back story that makes it so crazy believable and sad. I think you nailed it.

    Also, can someone give some insight into the Cameron Crowe gossip? I have seen his name tossed around but never really got a bead on what is suspected about him?

  114. He dumped Nancy Wilson.

    He might be a $cientologist though probably not.

    That's all I got on Cameron Crowe except he is obnoxiously simple.

  115. I hope Cam Crowe casring couched tender young Kate Hudson.

  116. Gene Hackman makes the most logical guess, but I started thinking about what a slime Ryan O’Neal is and found this - Jerry Van Dyke and Ryan O’Neal were on Steve Allen a network special together in 1966. Just a completely out there guess - but what about Ryan O’Neal? He definitely had no morals and could care less if they were young.'neal%20and%20jerry%20van%20dyke&f=false

  117. I have this vague memory of Jerry Van Dyke being friends with some of the rat pack. Frank Sinatra is my guess.

  118. If this is Playboy,
    there has been talk for many years they were part of many
    brownstone operations.

    Interviewing people like this victim would give partners in the
    dark arts at the CIA blackmail material to compromise Hollywood and friends.

    THIS is why they wouldn't publish it... it was part of a brownstone operation.
    They would only be given the green light by intelligence if it was needed to hold
    certain figures accountable or to send a message.

    For example,
    I would bet my life that there's a BIG FAT FILE on Harvey Weinstein with things nobody knows about.
    They've released a baby kraken and will release the big daddy kraken if needed.
    That's my theory anyway.

  119. Kelly was on the set of "my mother the car, because she had a small part/s. On that show was her father, and a number of well known actors. Ed asner went on to play Lou grant, on Lou grant. And Paul Sand, who played himself on "Paul Sand in friends and lovers". Both were A list.

  120. My interpretation is that the blanks ________ are not all the same person. We have the father and the father's friend. Then when she says that she was invited to see _________ film _______, perhaps that means she was invited to watch Dick Van Dyke make a movie (Mary Poppins or something???) where the friend was also on set. If he had named DVD or the movie name, it would give away the blind, assuming that this is about JVD and his daughter.

  121. @nawlins Been a while since I watched the two first seasons of Twin Peaks, but wasn't Richard Beymer's character also involved in the abuse of Laura Palmer? Maybe he is the family friend in Kelly's story.

  122. Thank god this didn't come out, it would be such a shame to ruin the lives of these fine gentlemen...

  123. Last blank ends with an apostrophe, could the name end with a S?

  124. @ihsahn77 I was actually thinking about that as well-Richard Beymer's character, Richard Horne, is a wealthy businessman who employs Laura's father but also owns a brothel across the Canadian border where Laura becomes an employee and Richard her client. This isn't as outright rape like what Leland does to Laura, and Richard in his own way seems to actually love Laura dearly, but it's clearly as well the sexual exploitation of a teenage girl-the parallels again definitely seem to potentially be there.

    1. Richard Beymer's character was named Ben Horne and his comic relief brother was named.....Jerry!

    2. That’s right-my memory failed me there! The Horne brothers are one of my favorite parts of the show.

  125. This comment has been removed by the author.

  126. Not one to fall into the crazy conspiracy pit on the whole, but these connections to Twin Peaks are awfully compelling.

  127. Hmmm...thinking of Gene Hackman (my very favorite actor of all time, btw) as the friend in this blind, my first thought was that Superman would be a fun set to be on, but Kelly would have been an adult pretty much by that time. However, Young Frankenstein came out in 1974, making her a young teenager while it was filming. I can imagine it would seem fun for her to be on the set of a movie starring Gene Wilder (Willy Wonka) and Mel Brooks etc... I hate thinking this is Gene Hackman. Honestly, I hate thinking of this as Jerry Van Dyke-mostly because I really like Dick Van Dyke so much.

    As an aside-Jerry Sandusky always reminded me of Jerry Van Dyke - not sure if looks, name, or the fact he was a football coach, but just a funny aside (not that there is anything at all funny about molestation.) Only a truly evil person would commit such acts on a child and then, when they commit suicide, to blame it on the drugs.

    P.S. I love the David Lynch narrative. Wow. That certainly makes a heck of a lot of sense!

  128. “One way or the other, drugs will kill you,” Jerry Van Dyke

    One way is to just convince someone to take drugs. The other way is to rape and molest a victim and offer them up for your pal. They'll then just gravitate towards drugs without the chat.

    In the 70's JVD and Tommy Smothers always bugged me but I didn't know why. Creepy vibs but JVD was good on Coach. The Van Dykes had that clean Disney persona in the day and black out drunk deep dark thing going in the night. Lots of demons around all those mentioned.

  129. @C C I thought of Ryan O’Neal as the A List Actor, too

  130. Whoever the father is, the connection to Twin Peaks is plain. JVD does make sense, given that he just died and these blinds often tie that way.

  131. So basically, JVD played Jerry Sandusky on Coach AND was also a monster in real life?

  132. I’ve read and re read this blind a few times and I can not get the movie Magnolia out of my head. Remember the daughter is a horrible coke addict Her father ( a very well liked grandfatherly ) game show host. He sexually abused her and she never forgave him. The scene where she is just screaming F You over and over. This blind reminds me of that scene. Can’t get it out of my head. Did the mother know or did she find out later? Need to go back and watch. I absolutely believe this to be JVD & KVD. The Twin Peaks possible connection is fascinating

  133. "they didn't want to ruin the lives of the men involved,"
    Seriously?? Screw ruining their lives. Omg, this is disgusting.

  134. Anyone else think John Wayne for the permanent A lister?

  135. I dated Kelly for 7 yrs . I was with her the day she died. The people who guessed Gene Hackman are correct! IF you would talk to her mother ,Carol, she would be able to verify this. Jerry Van Dyke and Gene Hackman are serial child molesters

  136. Anonymous5:59 PM

    Blogger Someone who knows the truth said...

    "I dated Kelly for 7 yrs . I was with her the day she died. The people who guessed Gene Hackman are correct! IF you would talk to her mother ,Carol, she would be able to verify this. Jerry Van Dyke and Gene Hackman are serial child molesters"

    These are very serious charges. One of these men is still alive. If you have evidence/testimony to these assertions then you should report it to the proper authorities. What FILM (title) set was Kelly on when she was sent to the star's trailer to be molested?

  137. @Someone who knows the truth- "Second wife's suicide
    Van Dyke committed suicide on November 17, 1991. According to her younger brother Richard, Nance, who was in Bass Lake, California, filming Meatballs 4 at the time, attempted to console her on the phone as she threatened suicide. After a lightning storm knocked out the phones in Bass Lake, Nance and the director, Bobby Logan, found a deputy sheriff who contacted Los Angeles police and the apartment manager. They broke in and found that she had hanged herself."



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