Friday, February 09, 2018

Today's Blind Items - Do It With A Twist

Perhaps this person got their inspiration from the recent court case involving a woman convicted of repeatedly telling a guy to kill himself. This particular case has a little twist though. Well, a big twist. Not saying it is like Sixth Sense or anything, which I sometimes kind of curse because now every film seems to always want to try and Sixth Sense you to the point you spend all movie looking for whatever possible twist they may try and throw your way. One could argue of course that Usual Suspects begat the Sixth Sense twist, and just didn't get the credit.

There was B. She was well known to C. Very well known. They used to be best friends. They used to be best friends who hung out all the time together. C and B had a falling out, but still would talk. Recently though, things became worse between them and C decided to go after B in a way she knew would make B vulnerable. She would call and text B from a variety of different phone numbers. Each of these messages was designed to make B think she was having hallucinations. It was always her reaction in these types of stressful situations. She had confided in C about them years ago. C knew from past experiences that B would be searching for answers online instead of talking to a therapist. C exploited that and hired a person who micro targeted B on Facebook. They were designed that probably only B would see the ads. They were designed to really push her over the edge. It was one thing to get random texts and calls, but this messaging was right there in front of her. B would have been in a state of panic almost 24 hours a day and would not have been sleeping at all. Paranoia would be setting in and then C pushed it over the edge. C is not a stable person. She has always had a big ego, but now she has become a megalomaniac. She craves attention and adoration. She demands it. This would show everyone who has the ultimate power.

C picked up the phone and called a person who she supports. Not only has she slept with this local politician before for money when she was not making as much, she also makes sure potential donors are happy to give to him as well. She knows what he arranged several years ago with the death of that A list publicist. C called him to send that person out to get B. Within two days, B was dead.


  1. Michelle Cartee is the original case..

  2. Ughhhh I have a friggin headache now.

    Uhm u didn't give us any background on B or C. Are they actresses, singers, athletes, etc?

  3. Ooh ooh I know I know!!! Aniston and St. Angie!!¡!!!!!😎😎😎😎😎

  4. Well, the publicist has to be Ronni Chasen.

    1. First person I thought of😉

  5. Local politician makes it sound like it must be a mayor.

  6. Why did Rose McGowan and Jill Messick come into my head first. I am probably way off but...these kind of blinds normally match

  7. Rose and Jill also came to my mind.

  8. If it is Roni, then the mayor/politican is Antonio Villaraigosa

  9. Ronnie chasen for the publicist

  10. Barbara Colby the murdered? Case has never been solved.

  11. Well there's this:

  12. Trump for the criminal politician. This case looks like MK-ULTRA.

  13. OK, so C "micro targeted" B on Facebook? How does that work? I run FB ads--far as I know there is zero way to "micro target" one single person. That's not how the algorithms work.

    Then B got crazy, driven by C, so....then C had B killed by the person who killed Ronni Chasen?

    Once again, the blind makes no logical sense. If you're just going to have a person killed, why bother with the crazymaking beforehand? And I call BS on the "micro targeting" on FB.

    1. And We All appreciate your ultimate knowledge of all things FB.if you don't know about it, im sure it cant be possible at all.

    2. Anonymous10:58 AM

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    3. Anonymous10:59 AM

      Stick a pixel in an email, Change YOUR_PIXEL_EVENT to a custom tag. When pixel fires create another 9 or so pixeled emails that you control. After the custom tag has been fired about 10 times you can run a retargeting campaign that targets the 10 people who opened the email. Make sure the pixel is added to the html section of the email message.

    4. You can't target only individual, but you could target very tightly to where it would match only that person and other people a whole lot like her. That's probably why it says "probably only B" would see them. If I know your sex, age, location, and personal interests, I can target ads at YOU, even though some other people may see them.

      I agree, though, that the end doesn't make much sense: you're trying to drive someone crazy, perhaps to suicide, and then you send a hitman? Maybe she got impatient -- the driven-to-suicide method of murder doesn't seem like it would be very reliable.

  14. The link I posted is for anyone who wants to revisit the Ronni Chasen/Villaraigosa blind.

  15. Until the 3rd paragraph, I was thinking it was Karlie/Taylor all the way. Shows what I think of Taylor I guess.

    1. Ha! You’re in good company... I was thinking Paris and Kim K until I got halfway through lol

  16. Rose McGowan and her manager that allegedly committed suicide.

    I saw a brief clip of an interview with Rose and she is certifiably NUTS.
    Although I didn't realize she was homicidal?

    Who can blame her? She grew up in that weird child sex cult..
    What was it called "Children of God?"

    1. Okay, so are we going to be making excuses for Kevin Spacey's behaviour too because he was abused as a child?

      Adults should be held responsible for their actions as adults regardless of what happened to them as children. And people need to stop acting entitled like people who had nothing to do with their life's miseries owe them something just because they're luckier in life.

    2. Also, speaking of being "certifiably nuts", weren't we supposed to believe that one needn't be a "tourtured genius" to create good output as artists?

      Or is that just supposed to apply to everyone else to create some sort of imagined distinction with the rest of the population?

  17. Krab

  18. So Rose is so conniving and powerful that she never once thought
    to try and have Harvey Weinstein "put to sleep"? I see.

  19. Enty if you are trying to frame Rose MacGowen for a murder because you despise her you may be going too far now. We've all seen how you've been going after her since she came for Harvey.

  20. I read microtargeting on facebook to be creating random commenters to gaslight the victim -- make the sort of insulting comments that could destroy an already fragile psyche -- you're stupid, you seem crazy, why don't you give up, kill yourself -- as happened in the case Enty references in the first paragraph.

    1. +10000 THIS.

      Hire a troll farm to tail someone, maybe drop a few subtle death threats in the process too. I highly doubt someone bought ads/created fake news pages and attached specific/personalised keywords (of the right mix) to it, more likely the more "personal" approach.

  21. I don't see how enty could possibly know this. I smell a filler blind.

    1. It sounds like more than one person is involved.

      I remember the other day there was a BI that almost everyone unanimously thought was BS, they thought it was too crazy/outrageous. But I could understand its workings (because of my childhood experience as a TCK and because my first job was as a translator/interpreter for research on child domestic workers). Literally only ~3 people on that thread were able to have a constructive discussion on the topic because everyone else thought it was too crazy and unreal.

  22. I thought of the Goop....She sounds like the type that would relish in the idea of someone's downfall.

  23. Microtargeting a single person is definitely possible with FB ads. If you can't think of how to do it, you don't understand how the system works.

  24. That said, this blind still makes no sense.

  25. @Matthew McCowan
    Interesting. I knew FB doesnt let you target fewer than 20 people now but I didn't think of that loophole.

    Still, I guess I don't still see the point of this blind.

  26. The blind says B and C used to be best friends who hung together all the time....does that really describe McGowan and her former publicist?

  27. It could @kregger it's not impossible that the PR person is very close to the client

  28. This is def about Jill messick and Rose McGowan.
    Messick was known bipolar which would make her highly susceptible to Paranoia.

    Rose has developed an obsession over who is to blame. Probably brain damaged/TBI from car crash which required all that reconstruction.
    Had 2 documentaries released in Jan, Viscous statemnts of Messick lack of support...cant get to Harvey so she goes after who she can.
    everyone thinks she’s nuts.
    Politician is Antonio V running for gov who ordered publicist hit, to be revealed may.

  29. Whoa... this article. Have you guys seen this?

    "Now that Jill can no longer speak for herself, it’s time to set the record straight."

    1. @InCatNeto
      The family statement includes:
      "Jill was victimized by our new culture of unlimited information sharing and a willingness to accept statement as fact. The speed of disseminating information has carried mistruths about Jill as a person, which she was unable and unwilling to challenge. She became collateral damage in an already horrific story."

      Er...I feel kinda dirty. I mean, this is what we do every day here, throw out names and innuendo and many, many times some names thrown out are without basis at all. I have personally struggled with participating. I do not make guesses on here for that reason and bc I have no insider knowledge. I do act as gadfly and critic though, and I hope it helps.

      The difference for me are those increasing number of socially important blinds on CDaN, outing criminal, deviant behavior.

    2. "The difference for me" should really say "My justification".

    3. The "which she was unable and unwilling to challenge" is particularly terrifying. It's when people with verified social media accounts start subtweeting a person who can't defend themselves while they have an entire entourage and PR and then some... Is asymmetric warfare.

    4. And that’s why it’s important to challenge damaging assumptions, which many here also do. I think the majority are careful to think things through and willing to lay out reasoning.

      I’m always uncomfortable with the “it’s this person because I hate them” threads.

  30. Sorry slightly OT: regarding movies with a twist, one of my all time favourites is Primal Fear. Edward Norton was brilliant and the soundtrack!!!

    What happened to him, why did he disappear? Please not another pedo/rapist story...

    1. I agree about that film. Severely underrated. Brilliant performance. Just brilliant.

  31. Norton has done a few things but is notoriously difficult to work with apparently. Demands script changes etc....He is directing a movie currently.

  32. OK, so once again, not a suicide, a murder. Yawn.

    Why precisely would Rose bother to murder Jill?

  33. Well it kind of explains why the Ronni Chases case hasn’t been solved. Perhaps “micro targeting” is a euphemism for FBMessenger

  34. You know, if Jill was that much of a fragile flower she shouldn't have gone into show business. Newsflash: there's always been gossip about the industry and scurrilous lies, etc. From day one. I'm sorry she committed suicide but that's on her, not anyone else.

  35. I was SO lucky to be able to see Usual Suspects before people thought it was funny to spoil it. Same with The Crying Game - that was a fkn twist I should have seen coming and it still got me.
    One of my biggest pet peeves is when people tell you there's a twist but act like they aren't giving spoilers. The same with tv shows that show what's going to happen on that episode right before it airs and when going to commercial. I want to enjoy the show as written and go along for the ride - especially with game/reality competition shows. Don't tell me what's going to happen, it ruins the fun (looking at you Chris Hardwick, but so many others do the same). At least Project Runway has gotten good with the coming up editing so what you see is rarely what actually happens.

  36. And yeah, who are you kidding? "Outing" criminal behavior? Alleging criminal behavior without a shred of evidence in many cases, often ludicrously illogical and made up for the panting crazies who've shown up. Precisely zero justice has happened because of this anonymous website, despite all the posters high-fiving one another for their "important work," the vast majority of which remains unproven.

  37. I was feeling Courtney Love for C. Just because she seems the type. Don't know how B fits, but Courtney *may* know a hitman.

    1. So you're just plugging in random names...why?

  38. Just a quick follow up to the "movie with a twist" posts within this thread:

    Best twist ever - "Body Heat"
    Right up there.... "Malice" (one of the few movies where Alec Baldwin and Nicole Kidman are both actually very good).

  39. I think Donald Trump is likely too busy to be ganging up on publicists. The Clintons, however, seem to leave a trail of dead bodies behind them and are embedded in Hollywood. And bill is a skirt chaser.

  40. @Moose --- Love the movie Malice! I could never figure out why it wasn't a bigger deal...good stuff!

  41. Rose McGowan has issues, but it's pretty absurd to blame her for Jill Messick's death or to say that the public is wrong to suspect Messick of violating Rose's trust. Messick took a lucrative position as Miramax right after Rose signed the settlement. I know Messick's family are grieving and don't want to believe the worst in a loved one, but Messick's actions were and still are highly suspicious.

  42. Rose McGowan is hard to define. She grew up brainwashed in the COG cult and when finally out in the real world, had to face a huge disparity between everything she knew in her secluded childhood with real life (and probably very few defense mechanisms and a lot of naivete). I don't know when she finally came to terms with what happened, or if she ever did, but that type of upbringing can most definitely mess you up for life.
    I think she's found her RoseArmy to be her family and support, and leans on them for encouragement and strength, although it comes off at times as sicking a flock of fans on people. I don't agree with how she's handled everything since #MeToo started, but I respect her willingness to stand up front and continue to receive hate. I think maybe it's therapeutic for her, but it seems like she may need more private therapy to really shake what happened and gain control of herself. (from my own experience being raised and brainwashed by an extreme Christian family that was almost cultish - my family, not the church - and how hard it has been even as an adult to break free from that control they have and need to do everything you can to please them. My cultish family was just confined to my home and parents, although with very strict rules regarding outside activities that became much stricter as I became a teen. When I graduated High School and finally moved into my own place, it was very hard to separate all I had been taught from what I was starting to see, which was so much different. I still struggle to find my own identity after spending decades putting on a show being the best version of the son they wanted, very little of which was really me - I once joined a abortion is murder picket line as a young teen and it still bothers me that I could have led someone seeking assistance to be too scared to get it. At the time I agreed it was murder because that's what I was told to believe, even though I actually don't and find it horribly disgusting when people picket clinics where patients are likely the most vulnerable - That's how strong brainwashing can be, it forces the real you into hiding and you as you start to please the master, so to speak, you start to believe it yourself) Just to clarify, my situation was no where near as bad as being in COG. There was no pedophilia or sexual abuse, but physical abuse was apparently a hobby of my dad's and mental/emotional abuse was my mom's specialty. Still it was just 2 people, not a "family" or community all supporting the same cult leaving you completely ignorant to reality.

    1. I’m glad you made it out the other side. I’ve known too many who didn’t and went on to continue the cycle.

      What you got through is incredibly hard.

  43. For the record, I knew in the first 5 minutes the twist in The Usual Suspects. The Sixth Sense caught me totally off guard. The two twists are not in the same universe.

  44. Definitely Rose McGowan as C and her old manager-turned-Miramax executive.

  45. And one of the best twists was Big Hand for thr Little Lady.

  46. Fight Club was my favourite twist after Usual Suspects. No one else seems to remember. THE OTHERS was good too, but not as good a film obvs.

  47. "Quit whining you haven't done anything wrong because frankly
    You haven't done much of anything"

  48. Before the ‘dead’ thing, I was thinking Lilo for B and Paris Hilton for C.
    Unless I missed a headline, Lohan is still alive.

  49. @Sandybrook---You are a staple of this website. You remember when right after Rose came out and publicly named Harvey the attacks against her began. When they found coke on her I immediately thought she was framed. I still do. Right after they "found" the coke a blind was posted here about an actress who has to go out of the country to score the best coke.
    Now Rose's Manager commits suicide and immediately a blind is posted insinuating Rose drove her to suicide.
    There is a MASSIVE smear campaign this website has against Rose, and I think its because Enty has a huge stake in this.
    If this website does post truthful claims against people in high places, as if he has some inside knowledge which I think he does, then Enty is a major player in all this.

  50. > Now Rose's Manager commits suicide and immediately a blind is posted insinuating Rose drove her to suicide.

    Ummmm.....her family put out a statement today that pretty much accuses Rose McG of driving Messick to suicide.

    Otherwise, I hate to think why the initials "C" and "B" were chosen. :-o

    1. Enty, thank you SO, SO MUCH for sharing this story. People have no idea how common this is and how often this is done to known-mentally-vulnerable people to trigger people make it look like a suicide/accident. HUGS. 💛💛💛💛💛💛

      It's heart-breaking that B confided in C because that requires trust and it was used against her.

  51. The Jill lady was bipolar, their risk of dying from suicide is at least ten times higher than your average person. Rose McGowan strikes me as disingenuous. I don’t doubt she was traumatized but I just can’t get behind her. Something makes me hesitate

    1. I feel the same way about many adults who were abused as children. It's like, "I'm sorry that happened to you, but I can't cosign what you're doing now as an adult."

      The cycle of abuse is real.

  52. This comment has been removed by the author.

  53. This story of this thread is so sad, because society (at least in the west) are in this campaign for people to "talk openly" about mental health. Everyone's giving Prince Harry a pat on the back for speaking about how his mum's death affected him, etc.

    And I totally get (and agree) with the 'destigmatisation' aspect of it, but at the same time, when you start talking openly about things that should be left told to your therapist only, it leaves you vulnerable to these types of manipulations (whoever this BI is about).

    I don't know if this is about Rosie, I have no interest in "taking her down", I speak from personal experience. I opened-up to this woman (who chatted me up on WhatsApp and she started talking about mental health/suicide—that alone scared me because it felt like she was in the early stages of emotionally-blackmailing me if I didn't give her what she wanted, she'd kill herself or something). When I blocked her/stopped talking to her, she stalked me at a mutual friend's reading and tried to trigger me by talking about the acting school were I was molested (caught on camera) with her +1 (who was not a mutual friend) and made sure it was within earshot. Thank goodness I've blocked her all over social media.

    It's like what are we doing? What should we be doing? We wanted to destigmatise but we're leaving people vulnerable because we've normalised oversharing. I know we meant well, but it's like it backfired on society too quickly.

  54. @Lucid Dreams, A blind assumed to be Rose claimed she was looking for a purer form of heroin, and I responded that it seemed like this was a set up for a possible "accidental" overdose for Rose. Jill Messick was harassed by Rose's "Army". It does seem Jill got a payoff herself,becoming a very successful producer. How do we know Harvey's people weren't behind the gas lighting? The last part seems to be a total smear on Rose,if she is connected to someone who would murder for her,why not Weinstein? I hope Enty isn't just printing anti Rose blinds because of a personal slight. Rose has stated TMZ is holding something over her, Enty needs to think twice before playing that game at this point.

  55. @Guesser: Great read, thank you
    Has Rose said that she wants to say more but cant because of TMZ?

  56. McGowan and Messick. But it would not necessarily be in McGowan's interest to take down Messick. Usually, victims of sexual abuse have a bit more empathy than this post would suggest. I doubt that Rose's modus operandi would be gaslight and bully someone to death, which is what you are suggesting.

    I feel terribly sorry for Messick, who seems to have had mental health issues for years. It's not difficult to push someone over the edge on social media; it happens all the time, especially amongst kids. But I just can't see what would be in it for McGowan.

  57. @Lucid Dreams,I have not seen the full interviews with Rose,or read her book, she seems to be more unstable, with Jill's death,if she doesn't get help now, the intended result may be happening, Rose being dead or committed. She likely cannot charge Weinstein, but her story would help with other victims who could.

  58. @LucidDreams (and @Nonya Bidness, et al), the discussion here (some of it) is becoming more and more interesting as to who and what CDaN is, especially with regard to sources and the validity of the information.

    I think it's important to reflect on how we know the things we think we know, and on scenarios in which those things might be false. It's important to get comfortable with uncertainty, because if we think hard about *how* we know certain things, we might have to admit that we don't really know them.

    @Sandybrook's comment a couple of days ago to the effect that 90% of what's in these blinds is BS had an impact on me. Not that I now agree with him (or her), but the comment from a CDaN veteran and mainstay moved me toward greater uncertainty about the content of these blinds. I was somewhat wrapped up in the sense that the information is valid and that the commenters are figuring out a lot of real stuff. Now I am more willing to be skeptical.

    I'd say there's a spectrum of types of sources, which runs from the writer's imagination, through miscellaneous people who tell him (or her) things, to an agency that runs electronic surveillance on most of us. The conviction that these blinds are 90% BS, or by contrast that CDaN is handled by NSA and most of the content is true, should prompt us to ask ourselves how we can have high conviction either way, or in some other way. Most if not all of us in the CDaN commentariat don't know how reliable the content of these blinds is.

    Something is obviously "going on" in the world of entertainment and so-called news. It didn't start with Weinstein; I would point to Roger Ailes and Bill O'Reilly. I think there are probably factions involved that are engaged in a struggle. If the blinds on CDaN are not 90% BS and are well (very well) sourced, then, as @LucidDreams says, Enty is a major player in all this. Again, I don't know, which is why I said "if...then". Because of what's going on in the celebrity world lately, CDaN is no longer the fluffy gossip site that it might once have been. I've flipped through some of it in 2006 and 2007, and back to mid-2017, and before the Weinstein story broke, it was much fluffier than it is now. The way the site has changed since the Weinstein takedown might just be an example of masterly click-baiting, surfing the big wave of new traffic. @Sandybrook has me keeping an eye on that possibility. But I'm not convinced yet, so I'm going to stay tuned...

    1. You know, when people post about how the CIA/FBI/NSA or MI-5/MI-6 are watching them, it makes me think of a narcissistic celeb who WISHES those institutions cared about a group of vapid attention-seekers. The industry attracts self-important people with grandiose delusions who can only wish those institutions cared. They want to think that every pedo coverup is hybthe Bohemian Grove because they're desperate to rub shoulders with high-ranking politicians. Because they're desperate to feel significant, but let's face it: No matter how often our films are screened, plays performed, or concerts hosted by foreign embassies, we're nothing more than court jesters. We're not that important.

      Don't give these celebrities ideas (because I know many of them must lurk around here).

  59. Some blinds are based on absolute knowledge of a story, others on bits and pieces that support a juicy theory. This is probably the latter. Rose did put Jill's name out there at a time that Jill was in a fragile mental state. Whether this was cruel gaslighting or just part of Rose's campaign, we'll never know. But it resulted in lots of negative social media commentary that were Jill's last straw.

    1. I'm actually inclined to believe this BI because of the bit about the politician. It states that more than 3 people (including the victim) were involved.

      I have a personal experience that reminds me of this (no, not some grandiose story involving high-ranking politician—just some good old grassroots high school drama).

      When I was in high school, I was a nerd/geek. But also kind of popular at the same time (I know this is probably weird to Americans, but it's possible in Asia to be that way). I was one of the first people to own a weblog, it made me a sort of mini-celebrity (locally). This was before social media. One day, the girl who sat right next to me in class (we sat in pairs—I thought she was my best friend but apparently she secretly hated me) hired a webmaster to set up a fake website in my name and fill it with pictures of half-naked women.

      One day, I webmaster (I think he was an IT undergrad she must've met in a chatroom—this was the mIRC/AOL days) contacted me to apologise that he had set up that site at the request of my jealous classmate. He even bought me a domain (!) to make it up to me.

      I can't imagine how these trolls must've felt when the target (Jill, if this BI is about Jill) finally committed suicide. Maybe it went too far, maybe they were only instructed to drive her to a public nervous breakdown (imagine the optics of a guilt-ridden manager for the cause). But she committed suicide. Maybe they tipped Enty out of guilt?

  60. I just noticed that Weinstein had asked Messick and Affleck to e-mail their versions of the Rose McGowan story, before it became public. They likely didn't know what was to come,but he did. They both said Rose did not call it rape,but knew something was wrong. Messick did report it at best she knew at the time.

  61. Some people who are wounded in childhood will withdraw, cocoon, hurt themselves. Some will do the opposite-- externalize the pain, and everyone around them ends up dealing with it.

  62. Politician rose McGowan supported...

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