Thursday, February 22, 2018

Today's Blind Items - Dirty Old Man

This celebrity is old. Back in Old Hollywood days he was A list both as an actor and singer. Dozens of songs on the Billboard charts. At that point in time everyone knew he was just as bad as Jerry Lee Lewis when it came to having sex with tweens and early teen girls. He just didn't usually marry them and wasn't related to them. If you were in the fan club of our celebrity and were young and cute you were going to get invited to meet him when he was in town. You were also going to get kissed and groped and fondled whether you liked it or not while posing for photos. If you didn't pull away, you were going to see him later that night and be forced to have sex.

Like most things in Hollywood, times changed and he slowly dropped down the list. Then, he had a very lucky resurgence which made him a star again for a year or two. Now, this resurgence was three decades ago, but all of you know of the resurgence or at least why he was popular again. That iconic movie of which he was a part. He had a whole new group of fans who were tweens and teens again. Granted, he was not as famous as he once was, but he still did the same things he did decades earlier. This time, some of the tweens and teens spoke up, but nothing was done to him.

Fast forward to the present day and he still does the same things he has always done at least when it comes to the kissing and groping tweens and teens but now he gets a pass because everyone says he is old and that he doesn't really mean to be that way. Yes, he does. He always has. If anyone called him out on this, there would probably be hundreds, if not thousands of his former fan club members and other people from the street who would all tell similar stories.


  1. Replies
    1. He was the first person that came to my mind.

  2. Dick Van Dyke or Kirk Douglas?

  3. "Dozens of songs on the Billboard charts"

  4. 80’s film that revived an aging rocknroller...

  5. Frankie Avalon - Grease

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  7. I was trying to make Bill Medley from the Righteous Brothers work due to Ghost and Dirty Dancing.

  8. In the 60s Frankie Avalon was a big pop singer and did a whole shitload of beach movies with Annette Funichello. In 1987 they came back and did a movie called Back to the Beach.

  9. +1 sandybrook
    +1 pkelly
    Totally Frankie Avalon and Grease

    "Materializing as a character called Teen Angel, his performance of "Beauty School Dropout" in the hit 1978 film of the musical Grease introduced Avalon to a new generation of viewers."

  10. Although Grease was more like four decades ago, I'm still going with Frankie Avalon and Grease unless I think of someone that fits this blind better.

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    1. Orbison is dead. This guy is still up to his old ways.

  12. Never mind--agree with the Frankie Avalaon guesses!!

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  14. Back to the Beach is a great 80s movie starring Avalon.

  15. FML but I'm going to add Pat Boone to my Frankie Avalon guess because he's a POS.

    1. Anonymous10:31 AM

      Hah. The whitest white man ever.

  16. Grease was four decades ago. Red herring? Sloppy writing? For now I'd say the film is not Grease. I don't know who the singer is, but we should go through movies from the late 1980s.

  17. @Mag, Pretty Woman is a Roy Oribison song?

    I think Sandybrook and pkelly got it with the Frankie Avalon guess.

  18. Three decades would be 1980s

  19. @ Mag. I cant see the Big O fitting thris: "Fast forward to the present day and he still does the same things he has always done" seeing as he's been dead 30 years. Unless the resurgence then was because of his passing. And,by all accounts, he was a lovely man who was very well aquainted with tragedy.

  20. Frankie Avalon is 77, which these days doesn't seem old enough for "he doesn't know what he's doing" excuses.

  21. @Amused Bush - Yeah, I got it all mixed up, that's why I've deleted the comments :D

  22. Little Richard. Down and Out in Beverly Hills being the 80 film that led to his brief revival.

  23. It says he doesn't mean to be this way not he doesn't know what he's doing. So basically it's saying he isn't a dirty old man, but he really is.

  24. Wayne Newton. Revival was Danke Schoen in Ferris Bueller

  25. Jagger has never been an A list actor and he's not senile yet ;)

  26. Roy is dead. Little Richard was gay. Can't be them

    1. Is LR is still tutti fruitying

    2. he recently was saying he no longer is gay and "chamged his ways"...

  27. I dont think tweens were fawning over Frankie though, they were besotted with travolta who was young and cute and also Olivia.

    Is the Jerry Lewis thing a hint that he is more of a crooner?

  28. Avalon fits best,he is the only one who had dozens of hits and hit movies that is still alive.


  29. Avalon and Richard have fan clubs ... but all the guesses probably do ...

  30. Tutti fruity was about butt sex, don't think LR was going after girls.

    77 is 12 years into Medicare, old enough to play the daft old man.


  31. The movie was "iconic" That's not Avalon or Richard - that's Newton and Ferris Bueller ...

    1. Woodsman, I think the timeframe referenced is off, but Grease is VERY iconic.

  32. Avalon works for this

  33. Was Wayne Newton ever an A list actor?

  34. Anonymous10:45 AM

    Avalon fits better as an actor than Newton, but Newton better with the timeline.

    What about Harry Belafonte, who is 90, the moment making him famous again the "Day-O" scene from Beetlejuice?

    1. @Melvin That is an excellent guess! I hadn’t realized Harry Belafonte was also an actor until I looked it up after your comment.

      This actually fits better than Avalon.

    2. Did Belafonte have dozens of billboard hits, though???

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  36. Anonymous10:48 AM

    Shouldn’t the proper educate for taking pictures with strangers be “both hands in front” and not “arms around each other”? Until #metoo I had no idea taking pictures of strangers was such a classic grope trap.

    1. I spent a few FUN basketball seasons as a team mascot with a giant head and costume, had to be very careful with my big gloved hands in photos with fans!

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  38. Frankie Avalon really! Always thought he,was devoted family man. Well that is a shocker! Handsome dude for sure but I would have given him a swift kick in the nuts!

  39. Grease was iconic, Woodman. And Frankie Avalon was more prominent in it than Wayne Newton was with Ferris Bueller.

    Also, Wayne Newton’s biggest hits were 60s and 70s which isn’t contemporary with JLL.

    Avalon is still the best guess so far, though imperfect as noted.

  40. Tom Jones had a brief resurgence when he covered Prince's "Kiss". But I'm not sure what acting he's done.

  41. Any chance this is Brian Wilson of The Beach Boys? Big resurgence when they did Kokomo for Cocktail. It was very popular with the tweens.

    Oh damn. But he wasn’t an actor too. Back to the drawing board.

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  43. Tom Jones was in the film Mars Attacks and had a resurgence with songs like Kiss and Sex Bomb round about the same time.

    1. Hmmm...would Mars Attacks equate A list actor?

    2. Not really iconic, either.

    3. Dear God how I love MARS ATTACKS!

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  46. I think it is Frankie > Grease is the resurgence

  47. What about Russ Tamblyn of West Side Story. He was popular both as an actor and singer in the 50s. He made a comeback for a few years 3 decades ago with Twin Peaks and the Twin Peaks movie, which was super popular with teens, and forever iconic of 90s pop culture.

    He always seemed kind of sleazy to me.

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  49. Frankie Valli? Eighty-three years old, lots of hits, acted a little ("Miami Vice" etc.), resurgences with the "Grease" theme and "Jersey Boys" and he currently is touring. I watched him in action once; sleazeball.

    1. He is the only person named so far that actually has dozens of hits, but I don't think he could be called an actor on any list.

  50. Jack Nicholson?

  51. Frankie Avalon is def the best fit. No one else mentioned was A list for movies as well.

  52. One of the surviving Monkees (though I sure hope not)???

    They had a big 1980s resurgence thanks to MTV. Starred in the psychedelic classic film “Head.”

    Though it would break my heart if if was one of them!

    1. I refuse to entertain this thought.
      I saw their 40th (I think 40th) reunion tour - right before Davey died, so they were all there.
      Tons of young girls right up front & I didn’t see the band reaching out to them.
      Anectdotal evidence 😎

    2. @know. Really! All 4 monkeys! Wow! Still listen to their music....can't help it.

    3. Tosh is a creep

  53. Totally off topic but if you haven't seen this video of Russian skater Evgeni Pleshenko doing an ice routine to Sex Bomb, you haven't lived:

    That being said I hope this blind is not Tom Jones.

    1. He was so much fun to watch!
      Pleshenko was The King.

      Tom Jones (I loved him when I was a tween/teen) didn’t have an iconic film role resurgence and wasn’t much of an actor.
      I also think he wouldn’t have hidden his predation.

  54. Sorry for the crap link, here's a better one:

  55. Harry Belafonte, old hollywood and many hits on billboard in the late 50's
    Lucky resurgence? Beetlejuice soundtrack made him relevant for a short time

    1. He simply did not have the tween/teen following in the 60s.
      White tweens weren’t hanging all over him.
      Grease is more iconic than Beetlejuice, in my opinion.
      Don’t know how long you’ve been alive, but Avalon was HUGE. H U G E.
      Not with me, but mostly everywhere.

    2. My mom was a white teen in the 50's and she was in loooove with Harry Belafonte. She said she and her best friend learned all the lyrics to Hava Nagila listening to him, and she had his pictures on her bedroom wall. Anecdotal, I know, but I think probably there were lots just like her.

    3. Although I certainly hope it's not him, as my mom still played his records after she had us and we grew up listening to him.

  56. I’m going with Melvin’s Harry Belafonte guess, even though I’m also hoping it’s not him. He was definitely A list as a Black actor in the 50s, even able to get controversial films he was interested in made and released.

    And the timeline is more accurate, as the Banana Boat song was huge all of a sudden after Beetlejuice, and with the right age group to make him popular with tweens and teens again.

    Avalon’s timeline is off, and Grease didn’t make him popular again with the young ‘uns, who were more into Travolta, Newton-John, and the rest of the younger cast.

    1. I really, really don’t remember Belafonte having a huge tween/teen fan club presence.
      It just wasn’t done for black stars in the 50s & early 60s.
      There especially weren’t lots of photo ops with black performers.
      Screaming throngs of black teen girls just didn’t happen.
      Billboard aside, the social climate was WAY different.

  57. Wayne Newton? Tho I have to say he doesn’t seem the type to me but who knows. Classic movie that made him known to another generation, Ferris Bueller.

  58. What about Bing Crosby. Crooner, scumbag, resurgence , duet with Bowie, the Little Drummer Boy/Peace On Earth(1980's). It was a pretty big hit that put Crosby back on charts?

    1. @Mistress T - Bing Crosby died in 1977. The blind states the Dirty Old Man is still alive.

    2. Apropos of nothing, Bing Crosby died right around the time my son was born and my son became a Crosby music aficionado at about 14 - still listens to his music. Seemed......interesting to me.
      Happily, my son doesn’t abuse his wife or daughter.

  59. Perhaps surprisingly, Belafonte did not have dozens of songs on the Billboard charts, according to wikipedia. It lists only twenty songs total, and some of them did not chart in the US. If the columns for UK, NL, and BE are all "Billboard", then all of his songs charted, but twenty is still not dozens.

    Wayne Newton did have dozens of songs on the Billboard charts, as did Avalon.

    But "dozens" and "three decades ago" might be sloppy or so-called red herrings.

    1. Wayne Newton didn’t have much of a film presence.
      I believe this is Frankie Avalon

    2. @Kno Won Uno - the blind does not say the Dirty Old Man was strictly or mostly film. Wayne Newton has acted in television, film, and stage. If this is Frankie Avalon then either the role is not Grease OR the timeline is a red herring.

  60. If the blind is not about Wayne Newton I will eat my hat.

    Not Frankie Avalon unless Enty seriously fudged the date as a red herring. Grease came out 40 years ago, not 30.

    Wayne Newton has been professionally acting since 1965 and he is known as Mr. Las Vegas. The blind says the Dirty Old Man was a part of the iconic movie, it does not say he acted in it. Archival footage of Newton was used in the Ferris Bueller movie. I have also read tabloid reports about him being a perv.

    1. Make sure to marinate your hat overnight before you roast & eat it. 🙂
      I don’t believe his resurgence resulted in many photo ops with teen girls.

    2. Kno Won Uno - The complaints came from adult women. I do not recall if they were teens when they were assaulted.

      Wayne was a teenager when he became famous so I do not see why an adult female would want to hang around him. Perhaps he was a lech when he was younger but had learned to be more discreet when taking photos with young girls when he got older?

      The way this blind is written Avalon and Newton are acceptable guesses when the "30 years ago" is not taken into account. 30 years knocks out Avalon and Valli as the Dirty Old Man.

      I have no idea who else this could be but I feel like this blind will be revealed.

  61. This also looks like an important clue:

    "At that point in time everyone knew he was just as bad as Jerry Lee Lewis when it came to having sex with tweens and early teen girls."

    Everyone knew. Did any of our candidates have this reputation around that time, or perhaps somewhat later?

  62. I keep wanting to say Engelbert Humperdinck. He re-appeared doing "Lesbian Seagull" in Beavis & Butthead Do America, which was mid nineties, and exposed him to the teen market again....

  63. Even if the timing seems off, none of the men in these guesses are even close to being as famous and adored by teens AND in iconic films... NONE. Frankie is the only one who comes close. Ferris is a great film but not even close to the pop culture impact of Grease.

    1. @Dusty Fairy - Ferris Bueller is considered iconic to people in my generation. Matthew Broderick became a household name because of that film. Some of us know Ben Stein because he was in that film. Yess, I know he was a speech writer for president Nixon I think, he was a money analyst, etc.

      People still quote lines from the movie & I remember Twix commercials using the same music. When I hear that particular piece of music I think of Ferris Bueller, not Twix candy.

      Bueller? Bueller? Is Bueller here?

  64. Is there any reason this couldn't be Frankie Valli?

    His revival could have been the Jackson Browne song which he has performed with Browne everywhere.

    He has a nice acting presence, including a biggish part in The Sopranos.

    1. @plot only IF the 30 years ago clue is not a red herring because Grease came out in 1978.

      Frankie Avalon had that song Venus:
      Venus if you will
      Please send a LITTLE GIRL FOR ME TO THRILL

    2. Valli is NOT dead. He plays here in Vegas once or twice a year. People I know who know him say he is very kind and generous with his time.

  65. Totally mad guess from me - the film 3 decades ago is grease, the singer/actor is Frankie Valli. I didn't know he acted but accorded to his wikipedia page he does.

  66. and I forgot that frankie Avalon was in grease, so that's 2 frankies to choose from.

    1. @thecatwhisperer: Grease was 4 decades ago, not 3. The timeline could be a red herring. If it is, then my guess is Frankie Avalon over Wayne Newton because of that song "Venus."

  67. Franki Valli is going to be 84 this year, so he's older than Frankie Avalon, who is 77. I'm going to still with Franki Valli.

    1. @thecatwhisperer - Franki Valli was never an A list actor. He made cameo appearances and had bit parts.

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  69. "Venus if you will, please a LITTLE GIRL FOR ME TO THRILL, a girl who wants my kisses and my arms..."

    Thanks Venus!

    With love, Frankie Avalon

  70. This is Frankie Valli. One of his mistresses wrote a book about losing her virginity to him at 16....

  71. The only person I see listed on this threat who was A List as both actor and singer is Frankie Avalon. In the early/mid 60s, he was a huge star both on the turntable and in the movie theater. Then he had a big comeback with "Grease."

    As I was thinking about this, he suddenly reminded me of Scott Baio, only maybe more talented. But they've got the same kind of smarmy charm.

  72. But DDonna, do they believe that all these school shootings are ritual sacrifices by the ebil Clinton Cabal???


  73. Bobby Vinton. From 1962 to 1972 more number 1 records than any other solo male artist. was in 7 films. Charted at #1 with Blue Velvet in 1963 and again 23 years later when the film came out....and oh hey, I'm new here. Hi everyone!

  74. Reminds me of an SNL sketch this year of an infomercial for a greatest hits album. Will Ferrell played a Jerry Lee Lewis type. Each song was about a young girl and the age got lower with each song. She was only 17, Sweet 16, etc. Finally it gets to "this song's about a girl who's 13......okay, 12" and the announcers shut it down.

  75. Bobby Vinton even had his own variety show on TV from 1975 to 1978.

  76. Yeah but was Bobby Vinton considered an A list actor I had no idea he acted until you posted it.

    I say Frankie because I am sure there were lot of whispers from the set of all those beach movies. Wonder what Annette really thought of him.

  77. Frank Avalon is listed with a song on the soundtrack for "Good Morning Vietnam" from 1987 which I would say is an iconic film from 3 decades ago. Hence, he was a part of that film - the blind doesn't say that he acted in the film.

    Also, Vallis is not listed in any movies until 1978 and the next is 1985 so he can't be an A-list actor from Old Hollywood. And if you believe this story it wouldn't exactly be a blind either.

    So I think Sandybrook had it right all along; Frankie Avalon

  78. Venus

    Frankie Avalon

    Hey, Venus
    Oh, Venus
    Venus, if you will
    Please send a little girl for me to thrill
    A girl who wants my kisses and my arms
    A girl with all the charms of you...

  79. Tony Bennett, "Goodfellas"

  80. Bing Crosby, i'm going old Hwood.

  81. WaYnez Newton/Ferris Bueller the film/Danchen Sheinvthe song that made him popular again(for its moment in the film). It came out in ‘88 or 89 I think

  82. Yes, definitely Tom Jones.....yuck

  83. No way this is Wayne Newton. He is not an actor. No one even paid attention to him after Ferris. That is my generation.

    Frankie Avalon is the best fit of the guesses.
    The thing is, it doesn't say the first round of acting was movies.
    I feel like we are missing someone who may have been big on TV.
    Someone from the 60s or 70s who made a movie in the late 80's?

  84. Bobby Vinton was not an A-list actor. But it's intriguing that his song "Blue Velvet" inspired and was covered in the 1986 David Lynch film of the same name. Released 31+ years ago. Still, I don't think "A list actor" is a red herring. "Three decades ago" might be one, so Franky Avalon seems viable.

  85. Sorry, make that "Frankie".

  86. It has to be Avalon.
    I didn't even know Wayne Newton was in Ferris Beuller. I guess I mentally blocked it out.

  87. Harry Belefonte / Beetlejuice

  88. Avalon was definitely A list in the 60's. I wonder if Annette knew what was going pn

  89. I think Enty would have used foreign born (Wales) if this were meant to be describing Tom Jones.

  90. This is so obviously Rex Manning.

  91. Having your own comedy variety show and appearing in two John Wayne Movies, with his high profile, doesn't make Vinton A list? Was I the only person alive in the 70s to know this guy was super famous on his time?

  92. I'm on the Wayne Newton bandwagon, he had a prominant role in a James Bond Movie 'Licence to Kill" (iconic franchise) which came out in 1989 , 30years ago. He has made appearences in around 20movies. Still not exactly A list but if back in the day means Frankie Avalon or Paul Anka, I have to say I was there and Anka was never considered an A list actor, all those teen movie actors and actresses allthough very popular were regarded as B grade actors (aka Annette Funicello , Sandra Dee , James Darren, Connie Francis)

  93. I was a teen when Grease came out, it was definitely Iconic to my age group, we were just heading in to high school. Most of us had no idea who Frankie Avalon was until we heard his singing Beauty School Dropout...and then our mothers told us all about him and the beach movies in the '60s. The timeline may be a little off but this totally sounds like him.

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  95. I think that it's probably Frankie Avalon too.

    Just for shits n giggles though I am going to guess Neil Diamond. Popular in the 60's and very early 70's, had a brief resurgence with The Jazz Singer

  96. I'm in awe of the good guesses. You are all so smart! I'm on team Frankie Avalon.

  97. Tom Jones is a terrible guess. He doesn’t do films, he’s foreign-born, and even at the beginning if his career did not appeal to tenns and tweens. The only guesses worse than that are the singers who are dead.

  98. After spending too much time on this I have settled on Bobby Vinton or Frankie Avalon.

    Another name I will throw out there is Engelbert Humperdinck. Anytime I have a chance to say Humperdinck - I do it.

  99. Ahhhh Neil Diamond- good one! Sweet Caroline was allegedly about his fascination with Caroline Kennedy as a child.

  100. Neil Diamond movie being "the jazz singer". Whoever said Neil Diamond I think they got it!

  101. Im from said time frame as well and there is no way its Wayne newton... There is no way Tweens back in the day or in any time would be in a fan club for him lol Yuck!

    Im going to agree it may be Avalon, he was actually still not bad looking then and Grease was/is a big deal and has always had a big teen fan base. Although most would probably been more into Travolta or Jeff Conaway . I still think Avalon fits this more then any of the others mentioned.

    BUT Ferris Bueller was kinda sorta a big deal to those of us who were tweens/teens in the 80s

    All that being said Im wondering if this is about Cliff Richard

  102. Neil Diamond has never been an A list actor.

  103. Yeah I mentioned this way up the thread. I loved this movie as a kid. I was a young teen when it came out. But I got more out of the Fishbone appearance than the Avalon role lol.

  104. Belafonte doesn't seem the type as well as it would be extremely risky for him if he was. Prejudiced people didn't like him to begin with. I remember Avalon being on my sisters teen magazine covers a lot. This would be late 70's even though he seemed old school. The shit that this site makes me remember about childhood always cracks me up.

  105. I grew up in Vegas and I remember hearing many stories about different singers and young girls. I went to school with a young girl (we were 14 or 15 at the time) who swore she was having an affair with Wayne Newton. She was of Japanese descent and looked about 12. Then there was the girl who swore she had relations with Michael Jackson. She did look like a little boy and this was in the 70s. All the girls who had affairs with Elvis at least had gifts of cars as proof. Although one of them only got a Pinto, so I’m not sure she was a favorite.
    Growing up there during the 69s and 70s was a trip.

  106. I’m going to go with Frankie Avalon because I think the posting before gives the biggest clue. For many years the two movies most kids watched dozens of times were Star Wars and Grease. Could it be a coincidence that enty asked that question before dropping this blind?

  107. I met Frankie Avalon at one of his Golden Boys concerts and he was a total gentleman, very friendly, not at all touchy feely and gave me no creepy vibes at all (of course I'm old too so there's that). He's all of maybe 5'5, too. I know it doesn't mean fuckall, just my personal 2 minute experience with the guy.

  108. @athomewithdaneen . com Consider yourself lucky then, and yes, if you were over 18 at the time, you were too old for creepy Frankie. I went to a "comeback" concert with my grandmother as a favor to her. I was 16 at the time. We ended up backstage after the concert so I could get Annette's autograph for my dad. Frankie the freak moved in fast and threw his arms all over me. My grandmother screamed "that's my granddaughter, get your f***ing hands off her!" Thanks for saving me, grandma. He is disgusting.

  109. Ewwwww @Ann if she was having an affair with Wayne why on earth would she admit to it lol .... I lived in Vegas for about 15 years and ran into him a few times, I have always thought he was gross yikes! And his voice, he always sounded like a chick, for years I thought Danke Schoen was sang by a woman :O

  110. Wayne Newton was in national lampoon Vegas Vacation in '97

  111. I just know there's no way it's Wayne Newton/Ferris Bueller (FB is iconic - Wayne's involvement isn't) or Tom Jones (Tom Jones's resurgence was because of Fresh Prince, not a movie)

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    1. Wasn’t Wayne Newton in Vegas vacation? That would fit. I don’t see this being Avalon or Valli, who is an actor did a role on sopranos.

  113. Chuck Berry. The film was the documentary, "Hail, Hail, Rock & Roll." Keith Richards, Bruce Springsteen, a ton of big names in it. Berry toured all the time and would play nearly anywhere for a pocketful of money.
