Tuesday, February 27, 2018

Blind Items Revealed #5

February 21, 2018

This A-/B+ list mostly movie actor who is an Oscar winner/nominee and frequent cheater on his long time girlfriend was doing his best philandering with this foreign born permanent A list model/host/mogul who lately has not had qualms with whether or not someone is taken.

Adrien Brody/Heidi Klum


  1. Ugly dude, but he should be able to knock down better poon than saggy old bags.

    1. She's still gorgeous. I actually gagged slightly once when I tried to picture you. Also her body is still amazing.

    2. Count, she looks good. Little to.much sun and more squats will fix the sag💪

  2. They hang with the same crowd. Heidi trying to make Vito jealous? Good luck.

  3. Heidi's standards are extremely low.

  4. Someone please explain Adrien Brody to me. He is one of the 4 I have a hard time understanding the appeal. Him, Jeff Goldblum, the guy from Counting Crows and David Spade. Is size all that matters? Do they have magic wands? Just good drugs? I don't get it! (Honorable Mention to James Blunt and John Mayer.)

    1. Fame, power and money. You only need one of the three to get some tail. Two gets you A list, and three gets you whatever the eff you want, esp the illegal stuff.

    2. People have a type. I like tall men with cute noses (Adrien Brody fits both).

    3. I was going to go on hiatus today but you made me defend Adrien Brody. 🖤

    4. Cute nose??? That dudes shnoz is half the size of his head. Ugly fucker too

    5. His dick is probably way bigger than yours too, Bobby.

      *Damn you people. I was going to go on hiatus to edit my fanfic and post it on AO3 but you have to drag me out to defend my faves! FFS.

  5. Ice Angel - more likely they are charming or intelligent and/or funny in person which doesn't come through in a photo or on film.

  6. Anonymous10:50 AM

    @Ice Angel- I can't explain all of them, but I'll try to explain Blunt/Mayer/Durowitz (aka the Counting Crows guy).

    Many women are attracted to musicians (including myself, shamefully). Male musicians have a way of being able to portray themselves as vulnerable, tender, and "deep" while still seeming masculine. Plus, if he also writes his own stuff, he is seen as a bit of a poet. Especially when it comes to topics of love & sex. So if a guy possesses these qualities, conventional attractiveness becomes less important.

  7. Adrien Brody's mom is a world-famous photographer. Sylvia Platchy worked for The Village Voice as their chief photog for decades. In 1974 she took some fabulous shots of my daughter who was one at the time at the VV offices and at our Greenwich Village studio. They are on my living room wall in Santa Fe as I speak. She and Adrien are about the same age. I think he is incredibly handsome and talented. Every time I look at those photos I remember the day she took them.

  8. I think Adrien definitely has something sexy going on... he has an unusual look about him which some women (and men?) find appealing. Not your traditional movie star pretty boy

    1. I had the hugest crush on him in "The Pianist" (I was an international law student specialising in International Humanitarian Law), and then I learned all about Polanski... 💔

  9. Yeah idk what it is about him but I have him in the same category as Andy Garcia. They have amazing eyes and they come across as nice guys.

  10. @Ice I’ll add that not everyone is attracted to conventional physical “prettiness.”

    Other factors someone might be attracted to over conventional physical appeal: Interesting, witty, intelligent, powerful, surprising, quirky, feeling of safety, wealth, kindness, great sex, shared interests, emotional openness/vulnerability, maternal/paternal potential, talent, body type, sense of humor, and so on and so forth.

    Different people rate these factors differently in importance.

    From a purely physical perspective, expressiveness, conventional attractiveness, or fascinating/interesting appearance might be contrasting appeal factors.

    1. I’m not sure men truly understand that physical beauty isn’t the be all, end all.
      I’m not usually a fan of sweeping generalizations, but in my 61 years, I’ve yet to encounter a man, straight or gay, who wouldn’t have sex with a gorgeous person because that person was stupid, boring, or awful.
      The visual is weighted more heavily or something.
      IDK, and it’s not really my problem. 🤷🏼‍♀️

    2. @Kno Won:

      I’ve got some decades less in the life experience department, and your experience in this case is the same as mine.

      But hell, Ice asked, I figured I’d at least try to explain.

  11. Adrien Brody is talented and has interesting looks. I just wish he had a publicist or some maturity and insight back when he should have been making the most of his award win but was dressing like a rapper and building a pretentious castle.

  12. Am I alone in thinking I want to see this couple come to fruition? I would totally ship Heidi and Adrien

  13. Heidi, sort yourself out!

  14. Anonymous2:55 PM

    Jeffrey Goldblum always has time to greet any person he meets regardless of status and genuinely cares how their day is going. Has an uncanny memory for names - and I mean the names of people he interacts with once or twice a year who are unrelated to his industry. Kind of guy who sees a piano and asks what song you’d like to hear (true story) without being creepy. A most charming man. Effortlessly nice.

    James Blunt has a good education, no cue manners and is quite funny. Not one you marry, but I can see why.

    Re. Adrien Brody, dresses immaculately and smells divine. Sophisticated in that sense, yet shy. He’s one that intrigues.

    Other two, either I haven’t met or have nothing particularly nice to say.

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. James Blunt was a former NATO Peacekeeper.

      I actually enjoy his music, lyrics written based on his peacekeeping experience, famous in his own right, and does NOT suck-up or ride on people's coat-tails considering who he'd know (not that he needs to).

      I heard that he openly dislikes tall and also very-cute-nosed Benedict Cumberbatch (this is all hearsay, and I don't have any recepts—and I sure hope it isn't true because I love both). But at least, the vibe I get from JB is, that he looks like kind of person who would stab you in the front if he didn't like you (instead of using you and then back-stabbing—because that isn't very chivalrous/gentlemanly). 🖤

    3. Oh, and I also went to a James Blunt concert once. He has a song entitled "Annie" and you can tell that guy loathes famehoes—which makes me love him even more.

      James Blunt, please be friends with Benedict? I love you both. Be nice to each other (if the rumours are true).

  15. Adrien Brody is gorgeous.

  16. Heidi generally seems desperate and I don't understand it. She could do well for herself in a partner, but doesn't seem to believe that.

  17. Dammit, be nice to my faves, guys.

  18. I have always had a thing for those who weren't considered attractive in the conventional way. I have always found Goldblum very attractive. I used to have a huge crush on Vincent D'onofrio. I also love guys who can make me laugh.

    However, one of the things my parents still give me crap for is my undying love for William Shatner when I was a little girl. Not for Star Trek, but for TJ Hooker. Soo.... maybe I'm just strange.

  19. lol Adrien and Jeff are both hot to me too :/ I am probably just strange as well so your not alone

  20. Just wanted to chime back in to say thanks for all the info on the actors I named. I get it. Everyone has something. And to me it is not all looks. Some think I'm a bit crazy because I am obsessed with Dave Grohl, who is certainly not conventionally handsome, but he has a sense of humor, is soooo cool without trying to be cool and has more talent than almost any musician out there!

  21. Didn't enty do a blind a while back explaining why david spade gets so many hot women?

  22. @LONG - yes-now that you mention it. I think he said something like he gets a lot of hot women because he LISTENS.
