Saturday, February 17, 2018

Blind Items Revealed #5

August 15, 2017

This foreign born A- list mostly movie actor who used to be a solid A list cheated on his last two famous girlfriends and insists that all the women he sleeps with be willing to have threesomes.

Orlando Bloom


  1. with that skinny ... nevermind.

  2. Shame me all you want, but I had a huge Orlando Bloom crush from Lord of the Rings, but it quickly vanished during the Pirate movies (maybe I have an elf fetish?). Since then, however, he has quickly worked his way to mediocrity. Out of curiosity I looked at his imdb and was amused at his 1st movie role, credited as "rent boy"

    1. It's okay to like elves, Don. I like tentacles.

    2. Same! Swooned over him in LOTR and then blaah, think it was the blonde wig.

  3. Maybe the threesome is MMF so he can be sure the women he sleeps with are actually satisfied.

    1. Never known a man to care if the woman he's fucking is satisfied.

    2. You're joking I presume but I'm pretty sure he'd be into MMF or MFF.

  4. Yuck. He seems like he'd be very emotional in bed and want to watch himself.

  5. @Don Kieballs:

    I too recovered from what I thought was my Orlando Bloom crush, after the incident of him paddling a canoe naked. What we had was a Legolas crush.

    Bloom will sink into mediocrity. Deservedly.

  6. Anonymous12:00 PM

    At least he establishes the rules upfront, but a threesome sounds like too much work

  7. Well, knowing this, Orlando can just rue the day that his lack of commitment kept him from all I have to offer! 😏😏😏

  8. The only way I would have relations with Landy is if he was in costume and character as Lego Las and I was a dom. Don't kinkshame me.

  9. *Legolas (dammit auto-correct)

  10. I agree, we all seemed to have had a character crush lol.

  11. Not my first character crush. I won't admit to any animated characters I've crushed on, but it hurt my pride when I found out Aladdin was based on Tom Cruise.

    1. Wow, you had to ruin it for the rest of us too, Don? I did NOT need to know Aladin was based on Tom Cruise!

  12. I do like knowing definitively that Katy Perry is down for three ways (not that it’s much of a surprise!)

  13. Brother likes his strange.

  14. And here I was thinking that Bloom was one of the good guys.

    Yeah, 'threesome' is doublespeak for 'I want to exploit a woman into an unwanted lesbian sexual encounter to feed my entitled, voyeuristic self' just because I can. 'Threesome' is a misnomer. It implies that Bloom is prepared to get with another dude for the sake of his female partner, and that ain't gonna happen, cos it's got to be all about HIM!

  15. Hmm. I haven't seen a whole lot of naked men, but he seemed to be pretty decent looking from what I saw. I can't imagine he would have a shortage of women willing to oblige him.

    1. I never saw the @canoe pix with Katy Perry without — coverage ,so I’ve no clue as to his manhood ,as it were. I will say however in my experience, size is overrated and not of crucial import..... magic begins with the eyes, what’s between the ears, and ultimately-the soul.

    2. It looked like Sweden, Rosie.

  16. tricia - you got me hard.

  17. @cheesegrater15 Maybe you should be more picky about the men you choose to sleep with, then.

  18. Blooms weener will never ever be confused with the Fassy or the Hammaconda.

  19. @Tricia

    It's not the length of the sword, but the fury of the attack.

  20. He's not remotely attractive, Ewww

  21. So 2 men 1 women, 2 women 1 man, or he's not particular?

  22. He is just nasty looking to me. Never wanted any of that.

  23. What a fucking loser.

  24. Aww @Tricia that’s so cute. But there’s a minimum size required.

  25. It is amazing when a has-been believes he can dictate the terms of a relationship.

  26. "So wooden, it's like watching two chairs mating." - British critic Mark Kermode on Orlando Bloom and Keira Knightly (otherwise known as Bore-lando Loom and IKEA Knightly) in Pirates of the Caribbean.

  27. The schlong didnt look THAT amazing on the surf. The female celebs who screw hus bony arse are on so much x, special K, coke and Molly that a lil kipper like that seems appealing????

  28. The schlong didnt look THAT amazing on the surf. The female celebs who screw his bony arse are on so much x, Special K, oxy,coke and Molly that a lil kipper like that seems appealing????

  29. I decided that he was disgusting when I read that he was on Lohan’s “list.” 🙄

  30. He's gay, PR thirsty and disgusting.

  31. nah, a big one definitely helps. but hey, if there are women out there that like his shrimp, then good for him.

  32. The blind does not say whether the third person is male or female. Is Enty trying to say Orlando Bloom is bisexual? I always get this guy and Luke Evans mixed up they look alike.

  33. Good for him. If there is something you are really into, ya gotta be upfront about it, before feelings make a break up harder.

  34. You gotta have a big one when your woman's got a loose pussy!

  35. so? whats wrong with that? need better scandalish behavior reports not just "lets party kids" stories.
