Sunday, February 04, 2018

Blind Items Revealed #4

January 26, 2018

This former A+ list tweener was asked to perform this weekend and then when the people who asked, saw what kind of shape the singer is in from drugs, they rescinded their offer.

Justin Bieber


  1. So sad, he seems so misguided.

  2. I never thought I’d feel bad for Bieber but he really just seems on a path to destruction. And I’ll always have some pity for people who try to “save” themselves through spirtual guidance only to be taken advantage of by their church. That church is enabling his drug use for $$$ it’s disgusting.

  3. He’s a crackhead now. So sad.

  4. I guess the guidance from his new church isn't helping him much.

  5. The so called religous people are the worst. They do exactly the opposite from the Bible. 'Religious' people must go to hell.

    1. Anonymous3:40 PM

      God bless your little heart... you dumb motherfucker

  6. Bieber was a drug addled train wreck long before any religious ties, Rafael. Why the hate?

  7. Raf, ALL religious people? I thought you was only agin the Joos!

  8. BTW, Rafael, what "hell" is there, for people who aren't religious?

    1. I thought hell was for ‘bad’ people.
      There are many, many good & decent people who aren’t religious.

  9. I give girlfriend Selena < 5 years if she doesn't get clean FAST. Second kidney transplants aren't that easy to come by---well, for those who aren't well connected/$$$.
    Her current 2-week NY rehab was too short. She needs live-in.

    1. Kidney transplant my ass. Lame excuse to hide some other procedure (something cosmetic to cover signs of addiction methinks). You don't mix drugs with inmunosuppressants unless you want the transplant to fail. Or die.

  10. I hope Hillsong goes down in flames

  11. Selena needed a kidney cuz she is a JUNKIE there are MANY rumors floating that she DOES NOT EVEN REALLY HAVE LUPUS. Just like Gaga does not have chronic pain, they both have chronic drug addiction, nothing more, nothing less.
    I also feel bad for JB cuz he NEVER had a chance.
    They are videos on YouTube of him and Selena copping whatever in the crackhead/gang infested part of LA.
    Go peep it.

    1. She didn’t really have a kidney transplant, either. A transplant recipient isn’t out messing around a week later. It just doesn’t happen.

  12. To me, Bieber has always been that little wanker that my niece had a crush on when she was a tweener. I do have to say that I was shocked at how many songs I liked on his last album.

  13. Someone here needs their mouth washed out with lye soap.

  14. This explains his new appearance. He was very vain, now he looks like a beggar...

  15. I love people who suddenly show empathy for Bieber even though they despised him two years ago. You can take the Devil to bed, then cry because you don't wake up next to God.
