Wednesday, February 21, 2018

Blind Items Revealed #4

August 27, 2017

Many of the model establishment put their foot down and said they would not walk for this show if the show did what they did last year and made it about celebrity rather than the established models. The company behind the show backed down between auditions and callbacks and most celebrities/"models" are not being included.

Victoria's Secret


  1. What, more competition for bidders?

  2. this just in, Wendy Williams takes 3 weeks off for her health... rehab??

    1. For Graves Diseass. Not a laughing matter. No side-eye story here. Moving on

    2. She needs to take off 3 years at least for the health of the TV watching public

  3. Recovering from her near miss with B and J.

  4. That's right! Supermodels aren't vapid celebrities.

    They are TOTALLY not that... in some hard-to-describe ways.

  5. Billy graham was a pedophile cocksucker who will roast in hell

  6. real quality comments so far. Im guessing the models are pissed about hadids/jenner ?

  7. Anonymous1:55 PM

    Blind Gossip has a post about KK and her plans for TWD. Total World Domination as we say in my house.

  8. Good. Tired of subpar looking celebrity "models" who have no talent and aren't model quality.

    1. OMG NONE of them are special, nothing stands out, but all are rich offspring, skinny and tall. A couple, one in particular, is so obviously anarexic she’s painful to look at. So sick of it all - “here kid, use your looks, most don’t even have those, I’ll make some calls and you’re a star. Sure. More like starfuckers which they ALL are. Sipping on pepsi looking for the stars.

  9. Vicky secret is the Target of underwear these days, although I reckon Target has better quality clothes. VS could shock us all and hire models that have a female shape (like I can remember from back in the day) instead of parading underwear on 12 year old boy bodies, but I doubt they will.

  10. @dumblesnore I agree... VS is roughly equal to Target.
    @Lola Sadly... It's not talent or what you know... It's who you know. Very frustrating. I have a daughter; we have no connections, and all we get is closed doors and "No" (She's not a model or actress, but in her chosen career, it works the same). Off topic, but it's something that 'average' families deal with every day and I get so sick of it.
