Wednesday, February 28, 2018

Blind Items Revealed #4 - Kindness

February 21, 2018

This foreign born A- list mostly television actress is on a very hit cable show and is still not old enough to drink. She met a family who was staying in her hotel and talked to them for about an hour. Later that day she presented them with $2000 in Disney gift cards so they could go to Disneyland and stay at hotel on the property for a couple of days.

Maisie Williams


  1. Good for her, she seems genuinely nice.

    Just don't drink the wine.

  2. A girl shows generosity.

  3. A girl is lovely❤❤❤

  4. A girl is lovely❤❤❤

  5. How did her credit card work with no name on it?

  6. Oh that's just wonderful!

  7. Lovely Maisie! Good for you ❤️

  8. don't know who she is but good on her.
    One young actress I am glad her parents are protective of and hope will stay that way is the little girl who played Laura in Logan. I read that Millie Bobbie chick was also up to the role and if the blinds are true about her, both her parents and those producers deserve a savage beating

  9. Maisie Williams is English and 20 years old. Drinking age here is 18 and we can also fuck at 16.

  10. That was a GoT reference and you don't have to advertise for KS, he knows.

  11. She's 20 years old. She's been of drinking age for over 2 years already.
