Wednesday, February 21, 2018

Blind Items Revealed #3

August 25, 2017

It gets super quiet in the locker room when this foreign born A list tennis player enters. No one likes her and there is a rumor that she threw some perceived competition under the bus which is not allowing the competitor to play in a tournament.

Maria Sharapova


  1. Eh, metaphorical buses are overrated.

    1. The only bus that matters is the one Regina George got hit by.

  2. Anonymous9:32 AM

    It was a short bus. I love the way she grunts. It’s fueled many jackoff sessions.

  3. She's a tall, blonde, good looking Russian, of course they hate her. Apart from her the biggest name in tennis is a transexual who's just LARPED about how she 'almost died' when her surrogate pushed out her baby. Tennis fans should be grateful Maria is still playing, and I for one appreciate her grunting, I imagine it's the sound she makes when she's scissroring her gf, takes my mind off how fucking boring tennis is.

    1. Barstool. Maria is,a lesbian and cheats with performance enhancing drugs. Serena is the queen of tennis. Go back to your portal in hell.

    2. Wow, you're disgusting.

    3. I wouldn't be surprised if Serena is/was also on PEDs. Didn't she once lock herself in the panic room in her house to avoid drug testers when they came knocking on her door?

  4. Serena is not a transsexual, has been pregnant and had a life-threatening blood clot during labor, and, MOST IMPORTANTLY, is in a category by herself. No one even comes close to her level. Sharapova is just a better tennis version of Kournikova. I am starting to suspect you are a Russian troll

    1. Amen, Halleujah & Shalom. Read 'em sister ..

  5. Vessimede, what exactly do you get out of making comments like that? Fucking slug.

    1. Attention from people asking what they get out making comments like that. Ignore.

  6. "Sharapova is just a better tennis version of Kournikova."

    Well, it's not like Kournikova was an awful tennis player or anything. She got as high as 8 in the world. I'm guessing that is a considerably higher ranking than almost all of her critics.

    I always thought that her biggest problem was that she just tried to hit the ball too hard. Looked to me she was always playing just a little out of control.

    As for Sharapova, she HAS won majors and on a given day is probably as good as any female tennis player on the planet not named Williams. She's way too grunty for my tastes and she covers a relative lack of mobility with power, but she is big enough that she controls that power much better than Kournikova ever did. I can't say I enjoy her playing that much from an aesthetic standpoint. I find her playing to be a little awkward looking but her attitude is always so aggressive that this makes up for some of that.

    Serena at her best is the top female tennis player ever. There's really not that much question about it. It is impressive watching her play, but I don't find it aesthetically appealing either. There's just too much of her flying around the court. And I fear with the new child that she's going to have a very hard time getting back to playing weight. We'll just have to wait and see on that.

    In the meantime, Kournikova has always gotten a bad rap. At her best, she was a top 10 player, which is really nothing to sniff at.

    The problem was that she was right at the top in looks and that, unfortunately, created all kinds of issues for her. But she was still a hell of a tennis player. Especially for someone that looks like that!

  7. Sharapova is an ugly beast and she sucks at tennis.
    Talking about how Serena looks thick and big on the court - bitch you're like 6'4"! GTFO! Nice loss at the Australian too. Knocked out in what - second round?
    Just because she's blonde and blue eyed does not a pretty girl make @ Vessimede Girl BYE!

  8. Well, she's 6'2". Maria S is okay looking. Her personality cancels out her looks though.

  9. I saw Serena Williams play at an Open in Canada two years ago. I may be crazy but to me, it's not that she was so huge, it's that her opponents are super thin.
    I don't Yuck anyone else's Yum so I don't have an opinion on either body type but Serena's body appeared like an athlete and the others seemed to be more of a model.

  10. "Serena's body appeared like an athlete and the others seemed to be more of a model."

    Well, tennis is a slow twitch muscle sport. Large bulky muscles are fairly rare in tennis. And having to run for hours out in the hot sun tends to reward more of a "greyhound" body type. Tallish, lean, very light especially above the waist.

    In general, your best tennis players are on the thin side, and with the exception of Nadal for the men and Serena for the ladies, there just aren't many really muscular players.

    On the ladies side, most of the top players look more like Sharapova than Serena.

    But women athletes often come in a "thicker" form factor. Serena is an extreme version of this. I think of Kuznetsova as the classic example. She's very fit, she isn't fat, but she's just bulkier than that average "Ova".

    Still, as a general rule, the greyhound body type is much more prevalent at the top of tennis, but on the ladies side both body types can get to the top.

  11. Ohhhhh the russians again. They are evil. ooohhhhhhhh

    Dumb fat americans. lol

  12. Oh boy, here comes the tmz crowd...

    oh barstool? She can kick your ass and not break sweat

  13. @SD Auntie - LMAO!!!
    @Do Tell - my bad, i was off 2", she's still a beast and basic looking AF

    Serena is the goat of female tennis

  14. Williams may be the goat of female tennis, but she has a revolting personality and looks to match.

  15. Anonymous1:50 PM

    I didn’t see this one coming, an angry commenter brawl over tennis, but I guess why not.

    1. @one_eyed bob
      Comments have been awful lately. Just awful

    2. The comment lately bring me down way more than the pedo blinds. Horrifying, but there it is. And I’m a ten-year lurker.

  16. This comment section is the most exciting thing I've seen in tennis.

  17. @barstool, I had similar complications with my first child and nearly died in labor, so F-you.

    Sharpova is a good tennis player but has not done anything nearly as great for the sport as Serena. I once dated a guy who briefly played on the tour. He admitted that Serena beat him in a practice game. He was playing his best and she wasn't.

    @SD Auntie - you're awesome.

    1. @bayAreaGirl. Thank You! These trolls really get under my skin! I'll try not to be so cranky😉

  18. Very good defense of Anna Kournikova up above. To add to it, she was a GREAT doubles player, winning at least two majors and making it to the #1 ranking at least once. And for those who say Martina Hingis carried Anna to those titles, yes Martina was great, which is why the common strategy of their opponents was to direct most of their shots at Anna. And yet, the "overrated" Anna still came through often enough to win those titles.

    1. Anna is solo overrated and chop off the hair...blech

    2. Soo.overrated. without her hair...very ordinary

  19. Serena is the best female player of all time she is an amazing athlete why people have such an issue with strong women I don't know maybe you feel inadequate, Maria's a good player not a great player she doesn't have the same touch or variety as Serena, she's also a drugs cheat. The fact that she makes so much more money than Serena is unfortunately down to her being white, blonde and fitting more people's idea of beauty.

    I love Serena and thinks she's very beautiful inside and out no she's not perfect but who is.
    Can we leave the homophobic and transphobic comments out of it.
    Serena 18 Maria 2 says everything really.

  20. Good Lawd people!

    Just think if Count Jerkula was here to stir the pot.

  21. I can't blame rest of the WTA Sharapova has a real bad attitude.Sharapova comeback is not successful yet she is almost 31 years old. Be interesting to see if she can reach top form again.

  22. This comment has been removed by the author.

  23. It's always interested me that when something negative comes up about Dopapova trolls show up and turn the conversation away from her and towards bashing Serena Williams who pwns the doper.

    Getting back to the blind I'm not quite sure what is being alluded to here. The only player out for non tennis related (injury) reasons is Victoria Azarenka. the father of her child has her tied up in Family Court over custody of their son. If Dopapova is behind his hated of the mother of his child that would be enough to turn even those who didn't voice an opinion about her against her.

  24. Serena is sexy af!!!

  25. Some comical comments about sports on here. The pre-Serena GOAT Martina took 'roids to become more dominant than she was, but sure, muscle mass is not important to tennis. OK. Serena is dominant because of her strength and speed; her ground game had to catch up for her to be where she is now. Some players would kill to have Serena's fast-twitch muscle, or maybe even take some PED . . .

    But people get defensive about Sharapova. She is lovely, though.
