Friday, February 16, 2018

Blind Items Revealed #3

January 9, 2018

Back in the day, she tried a last gasp vacation and that didn't work out. This A list mostly television actress seems to have finally thrown in the towel with her writer/actor husband. He spent more time texting one of his girlfriends than talking to the actress on a recent trip.

Jennifer Aniston/Justin Theroux


  1. Are you trying to tell me Aniston and Theroux aren’t working out?

  2. They never seemed to have much in common.

  3. so you're saying that they're consciously uncoupling?

  4. Anonymous9:55 AM

    Nobody throw in Brad Pitt either. He cheated also.

  5. She isn't currently married to Brad Pitt.

  6. Was it ever a real marriage?

  7. Like the saying goes, you lose them the same way you got him.

  8. Poor Jen can't catch a break. It's almost like she might be the problem...

    1. Yep. I have heard from someone in the industry that she is very rude and has no manners. I think that was a nice way of him saying that she was a bitch.

  9. Pfft, she was going for younger B/C list tv actors with hottie LT GF after Brad so they would be the ones dependent her, and look where that got her.

    1. WTF did you just say? Jeez, Need to lay off the booze b4 noon....

  10. Poor Jen. She didn't deserve the whole Brad-Jolie thing, or the backlash. I don't blame her for trying to control the gossip narrative, I'd fight back too if people treated me the way tabloids treat her.

    Justin never seemed like the right fit for her, this much is true, but that is not for any of us to decide. I mean Courtney COx with Arquette... that's insane too.

    It would be nice if she could just find a way to be happy and ignore the tabs.

  11. Jen, get yourself with that hunky dork Chris Pratt. No kids, no marriage. You both benefit from each other’s company. He gets what he wants 📽📸 and you get what you deserve 🍆! Get it girl! -LM

  12. JA has been 'mostly movie actress' since the end of Friends in 2004.

  13. Jen has to lay off The Leftovers.

  14. I hope he signed a prenup.

  15. This comment has been removed by the author.

  16. Jennifer Aniston looks high maintenance and Justin Theroux probably got tired fucking her. There is an old saying a woman can be beautiful and a man is just bored with her. Justin Theroux is younger than Aniston he can find someone younger and tighter. I am guessing Theroux got tired of Jennifer Aniston dry old pussy.

    1. Lube works wonders moron. I'm sure your not well endowed Orville Redebacher.

  17. I think her problem was she didn’t do enough cupping.

  18. I think she’s better off alone, with occasional boyfriends. She’s 49. Dial back the drama and live like you want to.

  19. Theroux is a lightweight; he will never amount to much of anything. No charisma, he'll never be able to carry any project. His ego got the best of him with his cheating. Twerp.

  20. Whatever. All over the news. They separated at the end of last year. They are dunzo!

  21. I think she and Brad should get back together, even if just for appearances. They both know that it would drive Angie insane. Well, more insane.

  22. Theroux has a big mandingo dick and Maniston's movie star pussy was too loose for him!

  23. Calling Maniston a movie actress is kind - most of her movie work has sucked. Now she and her agent/manager Huvane will be spinning the poor Jennifer narrative for how long this time? What poor single male celebrities will the tabloids be matching her with who will be consoling her boo hoo.

    She would be better off to just stay single and be a player like all the men she seems to be attracted to. Is Brad available Brad might enjoy an fling to piss ofd Saint Jolie. Nah.

  24. @mango and @Jen Ty - love both of your comments! Jen would be totally insane to get back with Brad after what he did to her. But I sure would love it and yes, the for the thrill of pissing off Maleficent.
