Thursday, February 15, 2018

Blind Items Revealed #3

February 8, 2018

Apparently this A list singer and this A list alliterate model are best friends now. That is really bad news for this A+ list singer for keeping things quiet because whatever the model tells the singer will end up in a tabloid, including the big secret.

Katy Perry/Karlie Kloss/Taylor Swift


  1. It's nice that Katy is making new friends.

  2. They are all so boring.

  3. Taylor will have an absolute meltdown when it's revealed and everybody yawns.

  4. What is "the big secret"?

  5. I'm waiting for Taylor to write one of her poor me songs about enty

  6. @Drama, "I kissed a girl" was really written by Swift.

  7. Drama it's a secret!😣 Anyhow I'm sure Karlie has a NDA too just like Tay's other "friends".

  8. "Chicken or fish?" The debate rages on...

  9. Enty is getting salty again about swift. How is tay's love of the ladies in anyway much of a secret these days?

  10. Basic bitches doing basic shit. Bleh

  11. I'm sure Katy knows. It's been in the tabloids before, however briefly. It just isn't that big of a secret anymore, especially after Tay's last album. Maybe if they could say "Karlie told Katy that she and Taylor are together", it would be big.

  12. ugh, this reminds me of a clip from a couple of years ago where Tay had to be surrounded by a phalanx and umbrellas to enter a building. Meh

  13. Like everyone doesn't know Tay is a lezzie in the closet and Let's face it Karlie used her, no one knew who she was b4 she became Taytay's bed buddy.

  14. Talentless bores, one and all.

  15. Big secret = abortion?

  16. Big secret= scissor sisters

  17. Oh, is taylor still around?
    Someone call Elon Musk, I know who his first human for the next rocket launch should be!

  18. who the hell thinks taylor isnt at least bisexual???? I mean, come on.

    oh wait, her clueless fans! lol love that she is making them hemorrhage money, the idiots deserve it.

  19. It all makes too much sense. All her blatant fake "relationships" I don't like swift at all. I dont think she stays closeted just because she feels that she must, I also firmly believe she LOVES the drama and the games of it all. She is not nice or genuine I am certain of that

  20. Lumberjack jaw Perry is a little long in the tooth to be spreading teen girl gossip.
