Wednesday, February 28, 2018

Blind Items Revealed #2

February 2, 2018

Something a little out of the norm. The mayor of this southern city is about to resign because of an affair she had with a protective officer. Apparently before holding office she also had several affairs.

Megan Barry(apparently two guys she had affairs with before becoming mayor don't want to come forward because they were also married)


  1. If you're gonna be a ho, you may want to stay out of politics.

    1. Politics is ONLY hos. 😳

    2. @Cece: ESPECIALLY manhoes.

  2. Politics is nothing but hos. You just gotta be a male ho.

  3. Talk about a glass ceiling, affairs were supposed to help her career.

  4. You can be in politics and have an affair just don't be an idiot and let nude photos be taken of you. Career killer.

  5. So today video of her affair with her bodyguard showed up and she's a goner. So she maybe cheated on her hubby with 3 different guys and he's standing by the ho?

  6. They say politics is for people who aren't attractive enough for Hollywood.

  7. Meh, Hillary did, and Bill raped a woman.

  8. If Marion Barry can come back, surely she can

  9. she is still kicking. I just read news story on her couple days ago, showed up in my news feed. I would be ticked if that was my town. focus of article wasn't so much on her but her security chief/lover? hundred thousand+ of overtime billed to city. she should be gone

  10. Meanwhile Trump cheated on Melania with a porn star and a Playboy bunny and... crickets.

  11. Those are some loud crickets lol

  12. So waht? Trump is a rapist and cheats his wife with porn whores.

  13. tRump rapes and hires whores.

  14. Wow. That lady gets around! She is not hot at all...eww

  15. "Player set me up!"

  16. As the resident Nashvillian and native, she can be gone. She seems more concerned about her new constituents as opposed to residents who have consistently tried to make Nashville a great place to live. Affordable housing is non-existent, traffic is horrible, and how we treat our homeless as a city blows.

    I've seen her speak a ton and she seems truly fake. She says the same thing and it seems like a great idea but it doesn't turn out as such. Her transit plan is bs and I just don't believe the hype. Her Opportunity Now for Youth was a great idea but teenagers want different jobs besides Krogers and fast fod joints.

    I hope she is treated as fairly as her male counterparts. However, if she resigns, I'll be alright.

  17. Now we just wait for the women Hillary had affairs with to come forward! At least that's where her and her husband are different - she has affairs, Bill just rapes and she silences.

  18. @cc423 Did the pornstar or the playmate received public funds via OT pay for trips he they weren't supposed to go? Until then is a private issue. She is indefendible. Trump is also indefendible, but for other reasons than screwing a pornstar and a playmate. When he start paying his mistress with taxpayer's money we will talk about his sexual life while in office.

  19. She didn't just just have sex with a subordinate employee, that employee was paid many thousands of dollars in overtime that others didn't get and took vacations with her. This would be the end for a male politician.

  20. Ya right CJ just like a politician who pays off hookers and attacks dozens of women, rapes a 12yo, could never be president.

  21. Politics is about image having the perfect heterosexual or heteronormative family. Megan Barry wasted taxpayers money she should resign.
