Friday, February 02, 2018

Blind Items Revealed #2

February 3, 2017

This band is royal sounding. They also paid a boat load of celebrities to come to their recent concert in Los Angeles. Their buzz has been lacking in recent years and they thought this would give the band a much needed boost. They paid the wrong celebrities to be there. Everyone in the music business is just laughing at them.

Kings Of Leon


  1. Who did they invite? The Kartrashians?

  2. Oh dear :/ Their sex is obviously no longer on fire.

  3. Miranda Kerr, Evan Spiegel, Kendull Jenner, Harry Styles,Kate Hudson, Lady Gaga and Patrick Scwartzeneggarall were there. But Kings of Leon suck and swallow almost as bad as Counting Crows and Fall Out Boy

  4. Anonymous9:27 AM

    NOBODY swallows as bad as FallOut Boy.

  5. Damn, I like some of their songs. Reminds me of when I lived in Korea.

  6. Nickelback??😗

  7. Hey i got the album and it's, okay a few good songs there.

  8. Can confirm, they're a laughing stock. They've had trash reputations forever. My favorite story is them getting their security to keep (read: lock) support bands in their dressing rooms as they make their way to stage, so they won't be interrupted. I know people in two different touring groups who related this story independent of each other. They've got colossal egos.

    1. And are terrible and boring as fuck live! Liked their songs til their live show ruined them for me. They were in the most beautiful backdrop, perfect weather, and still just managed to suck the life out of the audience...never again!

  9. I gave up on them when they became pissed that the people at they concerts were in their forties instead of hipsters like them. They complained about who made up their audience!!!!!

  10. My favorite KoL story is when they stopped a show because a pigeon pooped in their bass player's mouth. Everyone's a critic.

  11. KOL give us Nashvillians a bad name. Also, it caused a bunch more turds to move to our town thinking they were going to get their 'big break'.

    KOL can blow and blow hard.

  12. @unknown I literally lol'd at your comment. Ahh, that just turned my crap mood RIGHT AROUND!

  13. I remember that documentary they made. Talk about white trash with mama issues.

  14. They suuuuck! Total sellouts too... their earlier albums were actually quite unique-sounding. Now they sound like everyone else. What a joke

  15. I’m blown away by how bad they’ve blown their momentum over the last decade

  16. Isn't much of their downfall due to the alcoholic lead singer? Remember reading a blind about him several yrs ago.

  17. Hated their music...yuk

    1. And queens of the stone age...eww

    2. Ugh, was just at a show, and homme could barely stand...his band looked pissed, he was such a mess. Then a week later he kicked a photographer in the face, for no other reason than to be a douche. Used to love him, but not no more!

  18. They are actually a great live band. Saw them a few months ago.

    1. Qotsa? Used to be, not recently though.

    2. Noo..KOL. I've actually been to every tour. Minus the one cancelled due to Caleb going to rehab. They are actually nice guys. Met them a few times. Except Jared, he's an ass

  19. Their early stuffs was awsomea, pity they tried to sound like U2 after touring with them. It's a pity U2 sound like U2.

  20. I caught them a couple years back on PBS. must have been Austin city limits or American Masters, one of those shows and they sounded phenomenal. then this past weekend , late at night something live was piped in from West coast on radio station and it was absolutely terrible. if the radio wasn't so far I would have got up and shut that shit off, by the time I located long stick it was over

  21. Caleb Followill, the lead singer is married to VS Model, Lily Aldridge. She is friends with Taylor Swift & her clique. I remember reading something afterwards that listed all the “celebrities” at the show. BTW, Several places in their movie was instantly recognizable to me. When one of the guys was talking about growing up & living in a really poor area of OKC, I was praying “please don’t show my childhood neighborhood, please don’t show my childhood neighborhood...Whew! I’m so glad they didn’t show my old neighborhood!” “Oh, yeah, I know that area! That is a really bad neighborhood, they were really poor!” Bless their hearts!

  22. @Court B Caleb is drunk & f***ed again? SMH, though I’m not shocked. I follow them on SM, Nathan seems to be the most “real”, cousin Matthew seems quiet & private. Jared? My son insists that he’s gay. When I ask why he thinks that, even though he’s married, my son says “Dude is way to worried about how he looks to be straight”. I feel protective of them bc I see how their upbringing & religious beliefs parallel my own, somewhat. Their extended family is proud of them and yet suspicious that they may look down on them. Their God Fearing Momma still worrying about who they vote for, being more afraid of going to everlasting Hell, than, to really enjoy what the Lord has blessed them with, etc
    I’m going to pray for them right now

  23. Kings Of Leon made a fatal mistake. They "took a break" for a long period of time after their initial success. The most successful bands Never "take breaks". They always keep working, they always put themselves out there in some capacity to stay relevant/popular/successful. Taking a break is the death knell of a successful band. People lose interest, other bands take over, you can't simply bounce back. K.O.L. will never fully recover.

    1. Caleb went to rehab. They had toured for many years abroad, and Caleb was in bad shape. Watch "Talihina Sky", he has a total breakdown on screen. It's fine if you don't like them, it's actually a great documentary.
