Saturday, February 17, 2018

Blind Items Revealed #2

August 14, 2017

Teen Choice Awards

Even in family groups, someone is always unhappy. Arguably the most famous member of this group wants the fame and fortune for herself and not shared. She also thinks the group is holding back her craft. Yeah, she said craft.

Sydney Sierota/Echosmith


  1. I'm not sure anything good comes from Chino anyway.

  2. Is that why it's taken them 5 years for a second full album?

  3. What is up with Enty’s, almost obsessive, posts about Disney kids, Teen Choice, and so on?? They may very well be of legal age now, but to a person my age, they are still kids..
    Seems teetering on the pervy side, Enty..
    Just sayin...

    1. Yes, i do not care for bits on the children blinds myself.

    2. Yep, and a little desperate to seem relevant and "in the know"

  4. I'd never heard of her, so, of course, youtube was my next stop.

    And, to be honest, I'm not so sure she's wrong. Voice is good, she seems to be in tune (although they are auto-tuning her some). She's an attractive young lady.

    With more adult songs and a tight backing band, I'm not completely sure couldn't go places.

  5. I actually thought their song “Bright” was a Taylor Swift song.

    The Echosmith singer needs to get a vocal coach. She’s does this weird sort of breathless thing when she’s singing that I don’t think is intentional. At least I hope not, because it sounds gimmicky and dopey, like “This is my sound!”

  6. I remember seeing them perform on Ellen when their first album was out and the girl is SUCH a weak singer. Her brother had to back up her vocals because she was barely mumbling.

  7. I cannot imagine a day when I open up my browser and say "oh Yes! Another teen choice award blind! "

  8. Does anyone here care about the Teen blinds? I sure as hell don't, and there are 4 of them....

  9. Echosmith only released one album and they only have one hit song cool kids. She needs to establish herself first before going solo. Camilla Cabell from fifth harmony had released a few albums with the group before she split. I also find Sydney brothers are more talented than she is.
