Saturday, February 10, 2018

Blind Items Revealed #2

February 3, 2018

Proving once again that money is thicker than friendship for this A list everything in her mind singer/actress (television and movie)/diva she is teaming up to make a lot of money with a mortal enemy of her actress supposed best friend. A lot of bad optics with this.

Jennifer Lopez/Skrillex/Leah Remini/Scientology


  1. JLo = complete sellout a la Beyonce.

  2. Skrillex is Leah’s mortal enemy? Or Scientology is? I’m confused.

  3. Skrillex comes from a Scio household.

  4. Okay.

    I just want to understand this:


    I know. Not much help!

  5. Or just maybe this is a sign that Skrillex (and their crappy "music") are out of the cult now.

    Which of these?

  6. +1 Cathy. I'm confused too

  7. Skrillex was raised (adopted by I believe) in a Scientologist family. He's said he prefers to concentrate on music not Scientology - I haven't seen where he clarified if he is still Scio or not, but he has stated he dislikes certain attacks on Scientologist because they are his "homeys".

    Thirstie Alley has been after him for years now, I assume they want him to be a full-time (paying) member.

    The scandal is JLO is friends with Leah Remini, who has been killing it in the what really happens in Scientology market. And Leah is one of their top SP. That's the bad optics - is JLO dissing Leah by working with a possible $cio? I think optics is the worst that will come of this. It's not like he's their posterboy. (I also learned Jason Lee, from My Name is Earl, left Scientology. However, Ethan Suplee (Randy from My Name is Earl) is still a member and less likely to leave being married to Brandy Lewis, Juliette Lewis' sister.

  8. not even remotely surprised. Hollywood 'friendships' are not real friendships

  9. Don't bet on this. I believe they are very good friends. I bet you this has been discussed between them. I thinking you're assuming and selling them short. Old close women friends don't do this.

  10. Do we know that Leah expects her friends to completely shun everyone who has anything to do with Scio? Wouldn't that be taking a page from how Scio itself operates?

  11. Annnd, Leah makes money via being friends/friendly with JLo. Not saying that's wrong. Just saying.
    Nothing is ever as it appears.

  12. I would think JLo is an SP too! I dpnt think Skillex cares and will donate double to make it up. Jlo cant sing anyways so she needs a hit. Desperate much?

  13. I don't think Leah would expect anyone to shun JLo, especially not over a song collaboration with Skrillex. I think the bad optics could be a hinted at or wanted Scientologist (Skrillex) associating with an SP or close friend of an SP.

  14. Cannot wait until nasty JLo

  15. JLo still looks good but I have NEVER seen an almost-50yo woman be So desperate to stay relevant with the young/lucrative demographic.

    I mean, she hasn't had a hit in a while, and now it's just glam-selfies and being a dancing show judge.

    1. Ahem....Madonna...and at nearly 60 her thirst is not yet slated.

  16. also skrillex makes HORRIBLE music and was relevant in what, 2012? seriously.

  17. JLo’s dad is still in Scientology. Scio playing it careful with JLo because she is so high profile. Leah recognizes the ones in Scio who are defending it are as brainwashed as she used to be. If nothing else, JLo working with Skrillex may open the door for eyes to be open to how Scio really is.

  18. Isn't Skrillex pretty passe by now? EDM's mainstream moment is way over, any project he does with JLo is going to be received as two musical has beens trying to make a buck, not as an actual moneymaker. She would have way better luck, and be a lot more current by pulling in some rapper like she did back in the days of Ja Rule and LL Cool J.

  19. How is Skrillex still a thing? what year is this?
